The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-30, Page 121?'A' E 12 cf?!'?E#t:TCEtagANA ATA.R,. WBVIiESDA' a, A 19,1 Sunday school entertains Ou NIP .. Sunday morning the Hoim1esv'Llle United Church was decorated ap• plfoprtatlely with pussy Mows and spring flowers Lor the 'Easter season ,Rev. Bechtel reminded the congregation of the Good Friday service on April 1:, at 10 aJrn.. The Sunday school children went to Huronview where they entertained the residents, the lower class dressed as Angels and adap- tation of Jesus Loves Me. The other children sang and gave the residents book marks they had made. Mrs. Verna Lobb, organist and Mrs. Charlotte Norman at . the piano played selec- tions that were enjoyed. Wayne Tebbutt and Gordon Lobb received the offering. April 3 Sunrise Service will be held at the top of Holmesville Hill. Everyone is welcome. April 5 at 8 p.m. the U.C.W. Thank Offering meeting will be held. Slides off the Holy Land will be shown. Come and bring a friend. Parents invited to PD day BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE Exploring the roads that lead to creativity and self ex- pression in language arts is the theme of the April 29 Huron County elementary school professional develop- ment day at Howick Central Public School. A noted authority in this field, Dr. Mary Bigler of the University of Eastern Michigan, will start the day's program off at 9 a.m. Sixteen workshops will be held throughout the day with Huron County teachers, and co-ordinators and 'represen- tatives of other school boards and faculties of education leading the pro- gram. Some of the workshops are geared toward both teacher and parent involvement. The, board's media co-ordinator' Dave Bieman will conduct a workshop on 'critical viewing of television at home. A workshop on assisting a child to learn to read will be conducted by the board's junior co-ordinator Carol Simons and primary co- , ordinator Louise Wilson. Parents are.:• -being' ----en= couraged- to attend any workshop during the PD day through a newsletter from • the Huron County. Board of Education. A babysitting service will be available at the school during the day. Otherworkshops include the child as a journalist, uses of language, meeting in- dividual needs in reading, turning kids on to reading and other 1anquage related topics: Amos speaks at meeting Janet ' Amos, Artistic Director of the B1yih Summer Festival, in- troduced Rotary members to the summer season at their weekly meeting Tuesday. The vivacious, dynamic actress and director said that 50,000 people a year now come to Blyth's year-ro nd program selling out 90 er cent of the 500 avails le seats. She noted with pleasure, the dramatic development of theatre in the ,region, in- cluding Walkerton, Paisley, Southampton, Dundalk and Goderich, sparked by the Blyth theatre's success. Amos described the success of the 80 -voice choir in Blyth and the children's theatre which • encourages the development of young talent in play writing and performing. This has led to CBC auditions for several young players. Amos surprised the Rotary members by becoming Mrs. Mervyn Lobb of "Farm Show" fame as she described the upcoming Blyth summer season. Amos closed with a reminder that vouchers are now on sale at four for $20 and tickets will be available Apri117. Norm Pickell reminded members that the last % Orchestra London concert in the 1982-83 series will be Saturday, April 16 at 8:15 p.m'. at North Street United Church an I'that tickets are available from Rotary members or at the door. HOLMESVILLE NEWS • 'EEllalncha Oe®+ells 40e- a3 The Goderich Township WI held their last card party last week. They wish to thank everyone who par- ticipated in corning out for the evenings of cards. Win- ners at the last party were: ladies' high, Irene Cudmore; ladies' low, Elva Cox; men's high, Bob McNeil; men's low, Gerald Orr; lone hands, Frank Thompson; most zeros, Mrs. Broadfoot; lucky cup, Boe McNeil. Weekend guest at the Barb and Alvin Betties was Mrs. Et,hel Bettles of Toron- to. Last weekend a Clinton couple and former Goderich Township residents celebrated 65 years of mar- ried life. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Betties at the home cf their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Betties, where a family dinner was served anti a • few close friends. Receiving the 60 guests were Alvin and Barbara Betties. Four grand -daughters poured the tea and helped serve. Beryl Betties, Peggy Ann MacLeod, Marie Fitzsimons, Mary Jane Baer and assisting. were two great- granddaughters, Beverly Betties' and Becky Betties. Mrs. Isobel Harris and Mrs. Terry Ducharme were kept busy in the kitchen. Mr. Bruce Betties read the ad- dress to his grandparents. Mr. Alvin Betties presented a gift to his parents. Two great grandsons Mark MacLeod and Vincent Fit - 'PURINA' CHOWS 43111101W Areae rated their great-grandparents with corsages Also atteading the reception were Emilie Jaittle aad E'lma You11g who were present .at the wedding 05 years ago. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.. Betties on their 65th Wedding Anniversary. Sympathy to Donna Wet- tlaufer on the loss of her another. Goofy Gourmets HolmesvWe I We met after school at Nina Potter's house for meeting four. We made antipasto, apple pie, Greek style, and middle Eastern stuffed vegetables. We opened our meeting with the 4-H pledge. Afterwards we went to the kitchen to start cooking. While the food was in the oven, we sat down to finish our meeting. All five were present. When the food was finished, we sat down and tried everything. We all gave our opinions and left Nina's at 6:45. --by Lori Forbes. April is Animal Health Product month at urst Farm Centre Two Specials WORM YOUR COWS FOR Purchase tone of any airyy Concentrate (Bags or Bulk) and get a 5 kg. pail of Banmith II Dairy Wormer for ➢/r price> 1 FREE MILKING BOTTLE WITH HANGER & NIPPLE for every 4 bags purchased a Coif StortenA___---- -- Calf erov niiii 1 FREE BAG OF MINERAL with every 1/2 tonne! purchase (bags or bulk) of Purina Beef Concentrate. 2 Free Bags with every tonne. Two Specials DE -LOUSE YOUR HOGS FOR 1/2 PRICE! Purchase 1/2 tonne H.O. Pig Starter or Farm Blend (Bag or Bulk) and get 4 litres of LINDANE 11% for '/, price. FREE 1,00 C.C. BOTTLES OF PIGEMIA INJECTABLE IRON with every 5 bags of H.O. Baby Pig feed. HORSE RELATED. HEALTH PRODUCTS - ALL 15'off WITH ANY PURCHASE OF PURINA HORSE FEEDS 1 FREE,MILKING BOTTLE, HANGER AND NIPPLE with every 4 bags of Lambena (Lamb Creep Feed) purchased. SPECIALS ON NOW FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL AT DURST FARM CENTRE HIGHWAY No, 8 WEST CLINTON 482-TT06 FORMER LOCATI N OF CLINTON F TRACTOR i 00000000000 40000 0 • 0 0 0.•••y••-••• •••••••! ° 0 it4, • LIMP RED & WHITE FOODMASER 91 VICTORIA ST'.. GODERIChi li r ebb OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 8 AM -9 PM Prices in elect 4111 closing time Saturday. April 2, 1003 at 9 p.m. or while quantities last. WE MEERV,ETIIE RIGHT • ANEI.TIES CLOSED GO 'D FRIDAY, APRIL 1st o RRA ip ®.•.•••'•..•••••••••••.•'••.•••.••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MUSHROOMS MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT CO ANT COFFEE 100z. $4..99 SCHWARTZ PEANUT •`. a . &:-BUTTER mg, GRIM • • • • • • • 1 • • • • • • FROZEN UTILITY GRADE • 1 • 0 • • PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CAN. P40. 1 GRADE e m m t:ALIFORNIA° ° ••s ® NAVEL • e ORANGES • 1.29. • e°e DOLL m .emm°® EXTRA CANNED TOMATOES CHOICE 28 FL. OZ. 79; GOLD SEAL FANCY RED SALMONSOCKEYE ON. % OZ. HUMPTY DUMPTY POTATO CHIPS ALLEN'SPUR_ E APPLE JUICE4SFL.AZ. i 1 89: 200 GRAM 5 VARIETIES DARE'S- CHOCOATE MIXEDCL EAMHIP COOKIES DEL MONTE IN ITS OWN JUICE PINEAPPLE,..,.. EXTRA CANNED HAMS1LB.TIN McCONNELL ORANGE PEKOE CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP 10 FL. OZ. 354 700 GRAM PKG. 944: $d)'19 X44• L.O..4• $2.99: • SOLO SOFT VEGETABLE 01L MARGARINE TEA BAGS 60'S 9 9 GARDEN COCKT E.D. SMITH 28 FL. OZ. NESTLE'S 10 x 25 GRAMS AIL 9 9 4 C OCOLATE $1 •.4 9 STOKELY FANCY PEAS FL^ O4Z. 2 FOR 9 9 4 CLARK'S. 14 FL. OZ. BEANS WITH PORK ROBIN HOOD 260 GRAM POUCH PACK CAKE MIXES 2 FOR 9 9 AYLMER FANCY 48 FL. OZ. 9 9 TOMATO JUICE 694 `PUMPKIN. 1.29 E.D..DSMI FL. 19 FTH 19 L. OZ APPLELLER_1 2 9 __ PIEFI._.. .OLGATE 100 ML. $ 1 TOOTHPASTE DEL, MONTEA14L FL. OZ. TROPIC FRUIT SALAD 8 9 4 REYNOLD'S FOIL 18" x 25' 99 MCLAREN'S_KENT-JAR-375 ML. 12.5 FL. OZ. OLD SOUTH FROZEN PURE;CONC. • ORANGE JUICE .. 994 • MIDGET GHERKIN, SWEET ONIONS 1.8.9 • -COCA-COLAGI1i. 99: NGERAL M. 99 PLUS DEP. SCHWEPPES E sF�R� BICK'S MARASCHINO CHERRIES, $ MIDGET GHERKINS PARTY PACK OLIVES 375 ML. $ CHERRY STUFFED 9 E.D. SMITH 19 FL. OZ . R 1.4 MCLAREN'S MANZANILLA 1.99 PIE FILLS • • .y MRS. SMITH'S FROZEN 700 GRAM GREEN GIANT FANCY 14 FL.OZ. ^ MINCE PIE 1 99 CATELLI 225 GRAM MACARONI & CNEESE3 94 DINNER 500 GRAM COFFEEMATE $1 .9 WHITE SWAN 2 ROLLPKG. PAPER TOWELS $1 1 9 AYLMER CHOICE PEARS OZ . . 994 DEL MONTE FANCY 14 APRICOTS 89 COUNTRY GOLD ll COUNTRY STYLE SMOKED HAM 3.9 9 VALUPLUS WIENERS PKG. 99, BREAKFAST LINK SAUSAGE B.1 •49 NO NAME 375 GRAM 2.99 COKED HAM BY THE PC.$ MAPLE LEAF 175 GRAM BOLOGNA .1.19 LUNCH MEATS 994 GRADE FRESH ROASTING CHICKENS $1.29.. BRIGHT'S UNSWEETENED' _ORANGE OR GRAPEFRUIT JUICES ROBIN H0009 OZ. • PIE CRUST MIX$1 •29 JAVEX 3.. 9 1 .39 ROYALE 8 ROLLS TISSUE OOM $2.99 AYLMER 14 FL. OZ. FRUIT COCKTAIL _ 994 PHILIPS 40-60-100 WATT PKG. OF 2 LIGHT BULBS 89' DEVON foo GRAM BACON 11.99 COTTAGEED 1.1.89 ROLLS FROZEN GRADE A TURKEYS 1 •2 9 HAMS R L 2 . 8 9 • CELERY STALKS 79 PRO CUE® OF ONTARIO FANCY •• McINTOSH APPLES 99 4 • PRODUCE OF ONT. NO. 1 GRADE TABLE POTATOES T" MIXED PANS $6 ,. .69A. • BROWN SUGAR FLORIKDA PIN WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 4. 994 • MITCHELL'S PURE HAM STEAKS X1.99, • .CANADA NO. 2 DUTCH SET ONIONS 3:: 1 . 00 ee...eem• .. 3 LBS. FOR PRODUCE OF U.S.A. 3 FOR FRESH GREEN ONIONS 99! A , SUNKIsT LARGE NAVEL 6FOR 1, 49 ORANGES • • PRODUCE OF CHILE NO, 1 GRADE • GREEN 111 IEDLESSGRAPES .99 PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 1 GRADE • HEAD LETTUCE 4• lOLEL BAG 99 FRESH 250 ML. JARS MAPLE SYR .4' PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CAN. FANCY tt F�R RED DELICIOUS APPLES 1.99: p$2.39 FRUIT BASKETS MAOI IFOR EASTER T11°"" 2 KG. PKG. f 0 4110410.10•00400•041140•111,00•1100•••111**41140 4110•4114040411m01104/ 411 li4