The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-30, Page 810,N414,8TAR, VVE;DNESDAV, MAR,aft 30, 19133 Cammtuilty eongrattliates winner Congratulations to Immo Hayden, daughter of Jim and Donna IlaydOn, whnreCeived. both her bronze and silver medals in Highland dancing in tests recently performed in Goderich. The judges were ladies directly from Scotland... Lisa Frayne is Laurie's dance teacher. On Sunday, Graham and Bessie ,McNee, Donna Hay- den and ,daughters. Laurie and Linda, attended a family DUNGANNON DOINGS Marie Perk, 5128-771151 dinner and Corners for be married shower at 'Reids a cousin who is to on April 9. FOURTH GODERICH 1301( SCOUTS BOTTLE. DRIVE Saturday, April 9 - Please Help -Thank you Major and Mrs. Bob Ma- har, Kathy and Mike of Petawawa, called on Mrs. Mahar's parents', Mr. and Mrs. Don Shejler on Satur- day while on their way to London and then to Florida. Nicole Sherwood of God- erich, daughter of Robert and Claudette Sherwood, vis- ited with her 'grandparents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Al Sherwood for four days last week. Sympathy is extended to Charlie Travis on the death of his wife, Rose on Satur- day. March 26 in Goderich Hospital. Rose was in her 69th year. McCallum Funeral Home, Goderich was in charge of the services on Tuesday afternoon. Crema- tion followed. Holly Park of Goderich spent a few days Iasi week with her grandparents, Bill and Marie Park, Patti, Todd and Brad, On Saturday Joel Bendig visited with grandma and grandpa Park while his parents, Mike and Val visited with great grandma, Gertie Park in Wingham Hospital. Andrew and Matthew Ott of Kitchener visited over the holidays with their grand- parents, Irvine and Colleen Eedy. Steve and Deb Waller of Belleville . returned from Mexico on Sunday following a week's vacation. Amanda stayed _with her grandpar- ents, Lloyd and Doris Hod- ges. Benson and Florence Shackleton celebrated their 41st wedding anniversary at Turnberry Tavern on Satur- day, March 26 with their family, Carol and Alvin Beck- er, Heather and Larry of Dashwood, Valerie of Han- over and friend, George Mc- Phail and Gerald and friend, Sheila Malloy. Dinner includ- ed a special anniversary cake decorated with sparklers. If it's from Anstett's it says, 'you're special' , ANSTETT „v.! E RS , 8 Albert Street Clinton • 26 Main Street South Seaforth 284 Main Street Exeter 201 Durham Street East Walkerton 111 ()wen Street Fat St. Marv% "It p a . o‘o." The Easter Legend illustrated abovet-qleft to right: 10 karat gold crosses, in two sizes; 20.50 and 31.50; 10 karat gold cross set with'diamond 23.25; diamond earrings 33.50. Shown slightly larger than actual size to show detail. 'up resen WOMPin ' Dumpy and Dorinda Piggums were the stars of Pig Tales' performed by the Two Plus Players for about 40 children at the Goderich library last Thursday. The play was sponsored by the Huron County Library and funded by Outreach Ontario. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) •NOTICE• GARBAGE PICKUP TOWN OF GODERICH Garbage normally picked up on FRIDAY, APRIL 1st will be picked up Thursday, March 31 McLELLAN DISPOSAL SERVICES LTD. Kee Webister, atEttS.51207 Elizabeth Wilkins, daugh- ter of Charles and Mayme Wilkins, visited on Wednes- day in Strathroy with Carol Dortmans. Lesley Moncrief of Aylmer along with her mother and father, 'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clift of Mississauga, visited .on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. George Moncreif. Rhetta MacLennan and her daughter, Florence Mac- Lennan of Kincardine were in Palmerston recently visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Millar and boys. George and Betty Mon- crief had their three grand- daughters, Laura. Jennifer and Rebecca Ullrich of Lon- don with them for a few days during the March break. Betty Moncrief and Marj MacLean visited with Flor- ence MacKenzie of Lucknow and presented her with fare- well gifts from her former friends and neighbours at Lochalsh. Linda Wylds of London visited on Wednesay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wylds. RATES ARE DOWN. Visiting the other evening with Ross and Jean MacKen- zie were Fraser and Doris MacKinnon, Orville and Grace Elliott, John Mac- Kinnon and, Mildred Mc- Clenaghan of Whitechurch. Dorothy Finlayson has re- turned to her home after spending the winter months in Toronto. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robb and son, Glenn Robb of Ashfield township were in Lions Head on Sunday visit- ing with Edwin and Janice McCutcheon and family. BP becomes Petro -Can Following its recent ac- quisition by Petro -Canada, BP Refining and Marketing Canada Limited has become an important addition to a dynamic, rapidly growing national oil company, one which belongs to all Cana- dians. For the next few months, business activities will con- tinue under the BP Refining and Marketing Canada Limited name, the transition to a Petro -Canada identifica- tion being made gradually. AB. I iicat setm-annual t ompounding Kates mthiect ToLhanys VG VICIDRIA.AND. GREY TRUST Since 1844 Goderich: 100 Kingston St. 524-7381 Member Canada Deposit insurance Corporation CREDIT UNIONS NEW LOW RATE for 1sT MORTGAGES * Completely Open for prepayment * Simple Interest * Interest calculated on the unpaid balance * Life Insured If you have a good reason to borrow... a new or used car, home renovations or repairs, insulating, refurnishing, holidays, paying off your charge cards or even consolidating bills... turn to the Credit Union. We have a good rate to borrow on. EPOSIT * Completely Open * Weekly Payment Plan for our Renewal • Mortgages. • (Reduces lifetime.of TTfjein half. See example below.) EXAM P L E: (Based on 12.25%) WEEKLY PAYMENTS vs MONTHLY PAYMEII US S30,000 MORTGAGE AMORTIZED OVER 25 YEARS •MONTHLY PAYMENT PLAN MONTHLY PAYMENT '314.83 TOTAL COST OF MORTGAGE • RELAID IN 25 YEARS 39 ST. DAVID STREET, GODERICH PHONE 52408366 • MEMBER ONTARIO SHARE AND DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 94449.00 WEEKLY PAYMENT PLAN WEEKLY PAYMENT TOTAL COST OF MORTGAGE '70,908.00 SAVINGS '23,541.00 REPAID IN 17.33 YEARS GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION - OFFICE HOURS:, Mon. to Thurs. 9:30 am to 5:15 p.m. ,Fridays 9:30 a,en. to 6:30 0,rn. Tewborn news • HENRY Bill and Myra are thrilled to ,. announce the arrival of Jana and Michael's new sister, Jodie Marie, on Friday, March 25, 1983, at Alexandra Hospital, Goderich. A new granddaughter for Ross and Bernice Henry and Eluned McNair, and great grand- daughter for Howard and Ruth Johnston. " SULLY Mark and Nicky are. happy to announce the birth of their ', daughter, Katherine Nicole (Katie), on March 5,,1983, at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich. IT'S WORTH THE DRIVE! 'Free belivery Service' CLOSED MONDAYS OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY NIGHT ...TILL 9P.M. Main St., Dublin 345-2250 GG G ET TLER ()Iill(im Fine ,wii,FurnIture . 71 STATE FARM CON) INSURANCE FOR INSURANCE CALL BILL BARWICK AGENT 38B KINGSTON ST. GODERICH, ONTARIO 524-7551 Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there. • Slate Farm Insurance Corivanies Canadian Head Offices Scarborough, OM W.J. Denomme FLOWER SHOP Phone 524,8132 DAY OR NIGHT Agent for 24 hr. FILM DEVELOPING