The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-30, Page 611 lk SNOWY .Ms Here is just a small sampling of the great selection for Easter at Fincher's 1. tn1 471,001 LITTLE GIRL'S PURSE PETS WITH ANIMAL FACE f , .!d LARGE SELECTION OF DAKIN SOFT AND- CUDDLY PLUSH TOYS Featuring colourful Easter Bunnies, ducks. bears, dogs. pandas, etc. A NEW COLLECTION OF BEAUTIFUL BRADLEY DOLLS HAVE JUST ARRIVED IN TIME FOR EASTER QUALITY FIGURINES o.,, X5.99 PRICED FROM $5.95 TO $34.95 A Number Of New Ones In Sock Now! WOODLANDER BUNNIES 11.98 EA. A Few Suggestions: •WALL PLAQUES See the newlook in our finishes. Suitable for any room In a home. $4.95 TO $29 •95 ALSO - Many Inspirational Plaques to choose from. •TILLEY Purses and Billfolds •COFFEE ` MUGS For Mother, Dad., Grandma or Grandpa FROM $4.99 •GIFTWARE Many Easter related gifts and a volialellot more. EASTER EGG COLOURING KIT •6 packets of egg colours 04 egg holders •2 Kastle signs •4 write -on signs....plus more. $1.9 SHAKE AN EGG Easter colour magic In a bag. Hours of fun for the Kids! $3 59 CHILDREN'S BOOKS •Story Books as low as $1.99 •Little Shape Books - only $2.50 •What's Inside Books $2 95 with pop-up doors..,...... 4 9s EASTER NOVELTIES Tiger Dunlop Won4en's Institute March meeting proved. to be a very en- joyabie afternoon on Thursday, Marek; 24. The President, Mrs. R. Buchanan, Opened the meeting by welcoming aU, with a Very special welcome to the 15 visitors who were Institute members from Dungannon,' Auburn and Goderich Township, and the guest speakers. After the opening exer- cises of the Opening Ode, 0 Canada and Mary Stewart Collect with Mrs. G. Kaitting at the piano, the members answered the roll call, "Bring a dairy reciFe", with answers off rice pudding, butterscotch pie, broccoli soup, creamed vegetables, etc. The secretary, Mrs. A. Stoll, read the minutes of the last meeting and the correspondence was at- tended to. It included a letter from the president of F.W.I.O, with suggestions for preparing programs for branch conveners in the coming year; a letter from the. Ontario Ministry of Agriculture _ and Food regarding a course on simple home repairs; an invitation to the banquet and annual meeting of the Town, and Country Homemakers; a letter fro the Cancer Society re arding working personnel ' charge and the cancer drive i pril; a West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance report; a thank you from Helen Stoll for • expression of syrnpathy; and a notice of an executive meeting 'for Huron West In St. 'Helen's fnatttute Hall Monday,.A riX4. planning. Taw is Tiger Dunlop . tion Colborne Ta wnsbip ntiaon for Wednesday, Aprill3 from 24. p.m. to .Mark their 35th anniversary. This will be a special. day. Former and present members as well as members from the branches in the district are invited to enjoy the program of the afternoon .which will include the unveiling of _a plaque in the memory of the Mrs. Tait (Jean) Clark, Tiger Dunlop founder, followed by light refreshelnents. Mrs. E.- Bogie read two suitable poems for the motto, "My Neighbour and I" and "Old Time. Politics". Mrs. Sherwood Introduced Mrs. Linda Bisset, 4-11 leader, who acquainted members with the course, "More Cents than Dollars" and handed out books and pamphlets on this which were very much ap- preciated. The present course the 4-H members are taking is "Ontario Heritage" and achievement day for this will be at Brookside School May 5. Mrs. Sherwood then in- troduced the guest speaker, Tony McQuail, President of the Huron County Federation of Agriculture, who very interestingly talked of conditions in far- ming past, present and future. In his talk, he said we have to stand back and take a long look at agriculture. He - also said we have to build a systema of agriculture that Vw N - 3f HAMILTON ST. 524-71111 PET SITTING -SERVICE The convenience of someone looking after your pet, in your own home. and that means any pet. Gee: i DOG CLIPPING. AND GROOMING HANDMADE LOCALLY SOLID CHOCOLATE $1409, $2.15. EASTER CANDY $3.59, $5.49 BOX � s CHOCOLATES EASTER BASKETS ROWNTREE'S BLACK MAGIC DAIRY BOX AFTER EIGHTS TURTLES Easter Special NUTCHO'S Includes colourful basket chock 4 . 4 9 Full with $ Easter Eggs 499 300 g. GOOD SELECTION OF ALLAN'S TMILK CHOCOLATE FBUNNIES PRICED FROM 30` :e f3.98 CARLTON EASTER CARDS, WRAP, BOWS SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH ps4 CLEDt CORNER. Ger brude ken tUIIriy®15114. RO713 will be good for the, land longer than today. "We look at the problems we face in agricutlure and we have to have a critical eye and figure out how we can profit. In agriculture we are going to have to look more and more on the energy we have on the farm," he said. Another problem for farmers in past years, he stated is the amount of money they have had to borrow. After the interesting and practical talk, members joined in a few minutes of questions and answers. Mrs. E. Bogie thanked Mr. McQuail and presented him with a thankyou. The next meeting will be the annual meeting Thur- sday, April 28 at. 12:30noon commencing with a pot luck luncheon with the district president as guest. She will install the officers for 1983- 84. The meeting closed with The Queen and the. Women's, Institute Grace and mem- bers enjoyed Manch served by the committee of Mrs. A. Young, Mrs. G. Dorothy Feagan, Mrs. G. McBride and Mrs. A. Stoll. During the lunch hour, joined a<draw wiithvibnierabeing. Mrs Ahna Black, Mrs Mariorie Emerson and Mrs. Ann Montgomery. •;CardPartfes The euchre Bard Party Itl Colborne Township Hall lit Thursday drew a crowd of eight tables of players with winners being: ladies -Nancy Cunningham and, Ethel Goddard; and gents - Clarence Aliin and Harold Stanbury. The Canadian Foresters held a card party at the Forester's Hall in Benmiller on Wednesday, March 16. There were eight tables of players with winners being: ladies -Yvonne Dougherty and Deb Sowerby; and gents -Dan Curran and Jim Drehmann. Social News Colborne Township Recreation meeting will be held next Monday, April 4 at • ii Pakin Colborne Township Halt. Your assistance is needed for spring. and summer recreation. The committee- would appreciate your interest in this Work for the young boys and girls. There will be baseball with boys' 'and girls' teams s (and of course coaches. are needed) and swimming lessons for boys and girls, all to be planned as soon as possible. Mark your calendar for Colborne Central School spring concert April 28. Mr., and Mrs. Barry Bogie, and family of Saltford have returned from a holiday, at Myrtle . Beach, South Carolina, during the school break. Mr. and Mrs. John Buchanan • of Colborne Township. • and Mrs. Buchanan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vanderburgh of Goderich, have returned from a two-week holiday in Florida. ouncil awards gravel contract Gravel tenders submitted by George Radford Con- struction of Blyth, Jennison Construction Ltd. of Grand Bend, and Wesley Riley Contracting of Teeswater, were opened when Colborne Township Council met for their regular meeting March 15. Council awarded the 1983 gravel contract to Jennison Construction Ltd. on the basis of their low tender in the total amount of $51,580. Their tender was broken down as follows:. 16,000 cubic yards crushed and spread on township roads at $1.94 per cubic yard, in total$31,040; 8,000 cubic yards crushed and spread on the boundary road at $2.14 per cubic yeard in total $17,120 and 3,000 cubic yards crushed and stockpiled in the township pit at $1.14 per cubic yard, in total $3,420. Depending on weather - conditions, the gravelling of the township roads will commence on May 2 and should be completed not later than June 10. Thomas E:, Day, Pollard Bros. (Calcium) Ltd., gave a slide presentation to council on the merits of the use of calcium chloride as a dust .control and gravel com- paction agent. At the current cost of $171 per flake ton, the road superintendent estimated an approximate cost of $55,000 for the recommended systematic application to all of the township roads. Gordon F.J. Sheehan, representative for Frank Cowan Company, and Mrs. Beth Feagan, representative for Peter S. MacEwan Insurance Broker, appeared, before council and reviewed the township's municipal insurance package. Some minor changes in coverage were recommended and are to be considered by council at subsequent meeting. It is not expected that any major change in premium cost, compared with 1982, will result. Reginald Riehl, chairman, and Mrs. Helen Riehl, secretary, -Colborne Township Recreation Conunittee, spoke to council with regard to the annual conference of the Lake Huron Zone of Ontario Municipal Recreation Association in Goderich.. on April 9, and the attendance of township representatives at the conference. Council authorized Mr. and Mrs. Riehl and Councillor Doug Stoll to attend the conference and to pay the registration fees of $15 each. Leonard Fisher, cemetery manager, asked council to consider the replacement of the - self -Propelled push mower at the .cerhetery The • mower is a special Tnulcher- type and will cost about $480. The matter of the lawn mower purchase will be considered later when the budget receives final con- sideration. Approval was given to a request that fertilizer and weed killer be - purchased for .use on the cemetery grounds. The road supertintendent reported- that a section of road west of the gully on Sunset Beach Road had required extensive repair work due to frost damage. He also, reported that the Champion 740 grader was ANSTETT ., .. 4,i3WELIgR?. . '8 'ALBERT ST., C1.INTON482-3901 AT THE MAIN CORNER Were at your service... With in-store WATCH REPAIRS Certified Watchmaker ori staff WATCH BATTERY INSTALLATION Supplied and in- $ stalled while you waif 4. each Also: Installation of electronic calculator batteries. We stock 20 different Power Cells. HOURS: Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Fridays 9 a.m. till 9 p.m.i Saturdays 9 a.rn.-5:30 p.m. HEAD & SHOULDERS SHAMPOO 350 ml. ' WAMPOLE ONLY 3 VITAMIN E 40QIU's 100 CAPSULES $ ONLY Get hoppin' and save now! ' ALLAN'S SOLID CHOCOLATE EASTER BUNNIES ONLY 200 g. SMILES 'n CH � EASTER $1 19 • EGGS 120 g, EASTER EGG 49 COLOURING • KIT CL -OSE -UP ONLY 9 9 , $ 99 ONLY • • TOOTHPASTE 3 9 ._.T 4 50 ml. PLUS 50 mi. FREE l ,— — NEW...KLEENEX /SUAVE CLASSIQUE SKIN TISSUES 89* LOTION 100's 2 PLY ONLY 340 ml, Shop the Triangle nearest youl • ONLY $ 69 oily I • TRIANGLE 0156r0UNT.s, 172 The Square Goolerlch/Melee Corner, CIInt+ f/Main Corner, Seafarth again out of service with a break -down of one side of the final drive. At the time of the report, the exact nature of the trouble had not been determined. A letter from the Honourable Reuben Baetz, Minister of Tourism and Recreation, announced the approval of a Winatrio Capital Grant in the amount of $2,885 for construction of a ball diamond at the town- ship -owned park at Ben - miller. Application for the Wintario grant and a similar amount in the form of " a Community Recreation Centre's Act 'grant was applied for in September, 1982. ' A tile drain loan ap- plication by James Fielder for . tile drainage of ap- proximately eight hectares in the west half of the south half of Lot 8, Concession 8 W.D., was approved, subject ' to the availability of funds. A grant of $25 was made to the Dungannon Agricultural Society for use towards their '1983 fair, and a grant of $300 was made to the Goderich Minor Hockey Association. *1 1 3/4% 3 ears- Annual We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest interest being of- fered an Guaranteed Investment Certificates. *Subject to change OWF Gaiser-Kneale Insurane Brokers • Inc. EXETER CLINTON GRAND BEND GODERICH 235-2420 482-9747 238-8484 524-2118 524-242.4 THE WEED MAN'S FULL PROGRAMME CONSISTS OF SPRING -& FALL WEED CONTROL (GUARANTEED) SPRING, SUMMER & FALL FERTILIZER 25-4-5'plus 1% IRON FOR DARK GREEN COLOUR RESULTS OF OUR FULL PROGRAMME ARE: 1 STIMULATES DENSE GROWTH OF TURF 2 PROVIDES RICH DARK GREEN COLOUR ALL SUMMER 3 RIDS LAWN OF UGLY BROADLEAF WEEDS 4 DRASTICALLY IMPROVES LOOK OF YOUR HOME 5 MAKES YOUR NEIGHBOURS ENVIOUS 1 % DISCOUNT IF PREPAID BEFORE APRIL 30th We Guarantee Results The BOX 455 ea 'NUM OADERICH, ONTARIO NTA 4Ci d d