The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-30, Page 5• These girls were recently enrolled into the First Goderich Pathfinders: back row, left to right, Jennifer Culbert, Tracy Garrick and Taaia Cornish; middle row, left to right, Lisa Van Den Broeck, Anne Crocker and Ann Merrigan; and front, left to right, Mary Su MacLennan and Michelle Rotteau. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Township poultry farmer dies in General Hospital GERRIT JOHN VOSKAMP Gerrit John 'Voskamp of R.R. 2 Goderich died in Alexandra Marine. and General Hospital on Thur- sday, March 24 at the age of 60. t. He was born in Holland on October 20, 1922 to Gerrit ,John and Ilendrika (Diuts) Voskamp. He worked as a poultry farmer in Goderich Town- ship. Ile is survi'ied by his wife, .the former Getruda Plem- per; three sons, Gerrit of Ottawa, John of Goderich and Niel at •home; and two .sisters and five brothers 'all . in Holland. A funeral ser.vice was held • at McCallum Funeral Home in 'Goderich ' on Sunday, March 27 at 2 p.m. The Reverend Robert Q. Ball.of North Street United Church officiated. Interment was in the Maitland ('eMetery,. Goderich. JOHN CLAYTON . (BAM) WESTON .John Clayton (Barn) Weston of Goderich died in ' Alexandra Marine and General llospital on Tuesday. March 22 at the age • of 66: Ile was born in Goderich on September 5, 1916 to David and,Emma (John- ston i Westo. . 'He worked as a fisherman and served in the ,Merchant Marine during World War II. He is survived by an aunt, Mrs. Eva M. Harvey in Florida. He was predeceased by one brother. Robert. ^'• AJuneral service was held at McCallum Funeral Home in Goderich on Thursday, March 24 at 2 p.m. The Reverend (:.1.. Royal of Knox Presbyterian Church officiated. •Interment was in the Maitland Cemetery, Goderich ('01;(1NEL ('HALMERS Colonel Chalmers of Goderich died in Alexandra Marine and (;eneral Hospital' on Sunday. March 27 at the age of r43. • He w as born in Elmwood, Ontario on September 9, 1904 to William and Mary Ann + Campbell) Chalmers. He worked as a stone rnason. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus and of St. P'eter's Roman ('atholir Church. He is survived by his wife, ,the former Sarah Hihn; one daughter, Mrs: Richard 'Diane) Brenner of Goderich; twrrsisters, Mrs. .Jerome + Mabel) Beckberger of Hanover and Mrs. Clara Alexander of Listowel; two brothers. Walter of Hanover and Herb of Victoria, B.C.; and three grandsons, Paul, Michael and. David Brenner.., He was predeceased by one brother, George. A funeral mass was held at St. Peter's Church op Tuesday, March 29 at 11 a.m. The Reverend Father A.F. ? neba�1i rif "St:- Peter's of= ficiated. Pallbearers were Gerard I)enomme, Jim Alexander, Jerome Karl, Melvin Waechter, Bill Chalmers and John Beekberger. Prk'yers.. were said at McCallum Funeral Home in Goderich on Monday evening, March 28. Interment .was in Hanover Cemetery. A OBITUARIES 1. MRS. ROSE -ANNA TRAVIS Mrs. Rose -Anna Travis of R.R.. 6 Goderich died in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich on Saturday, March 26 at the age of 68. She was born in Blizzard Valley, Ontario on March 14, 1915 to Stephen and Margaret (Amyoit) Cut thaw. She was a member of Dungannon Women's " Institute. She is survived by her husband, Charles Travis and one sister, Mrs. Harold (Florence) Hall of Sudbury. A funeral service was held at McCallum Funeral Horne in Goderich on Tuesday, March .29 at 2 p.m. The Reverend Robert Crocker of St. George's Anglican Church officiated. Cremation followed. • ,;rTQDDIIiICIi $IGN Ta , WEDNESDAY )esk.r.cize program allows you to exercise •°BY S, Parma, 4nton Office, won Count! health Uuitr is Nliilhons of people spend most of their time sitting down..Office workers and business executives, in par- ticular, work many' long hours seated at desks, or in meetings and conferences. Sales people and commer- cial . drivers put in most of their working days sitting in automobiles. Others, faced with frequent and tedious ° long distance travel, long endless hours sitting in planes and trains. Most occupations today re- quire fiery little physical ef- fort and offer almost no op- portunity for exercise. In ad- dition, leisure hours are usually spent. passively: reading, dining, watching television, and attending the theatre or sporting events. In fact, study indicates that the average adult in North America spends 14 of every 16 waking hours sitting down! This is one of the chief reasons why so many of us suffer from frequent fatigue and low fitness levels. Also, long periods of physical Pnac- tivity not only sap your energy but can contribute to the onset of illness and even Serious disease. Research shows that those in sedentary jobs -are more vulnerable to stress disorders, suffer a high in- cidence of coronary heart disease,' and experience it. earlier in life, than those who are in physically active work. A recent study involv- ing Harvard University graduates, for example, showed that the incidence of heart attacks amongst those expending over 2,000 calories per week in exercise was only half as great as for those expending fewer, than 500! Prolonged sitting also con- tributes to creeping obesity - MARCH 30th. TO APRIL 2nd A beautiful basket...lust for .Easter. Featuring 2 Iris, 2 Tulips, and 2 Daffodils ac- cented' with Daisy Mums and Pussy Willows. Ail in a quality Wicker Basket. REG. *15.95 $9• 95 SPECIAL •. See us for other Easter Flowering Plants OPEN THIS THURSDAY TILL 9 P.M. , • 'Flower Fasbioi' 166 THE SQUARE, GODERICH Royal Bank Block . Beside Campbell's Ph: 524-8761 Evenings ph: S24.7243 S orirg intoSummor Footwear) I a slow, almost imperceptible pia of excess weight due �oo lowered calories expel). diture. Evers. email changes in your daily activity pat- i tern, over along term, can produce big changes in the figure on your bathroom scales! A stenographer swit- ching from a standard to an electric typewriter reduces' daily energy expenditure by about 15 calories per hour.. Irl, one year, provided no ad- justments were made in diet or other activities, five pounds would be gained. The Desk:r.cize program consists of a highly effective series of exercises, all specially devised to be done sitting down. They are suitable for everyone, regardless of age or.physical condition, and - provide a quick, easy, convenient way to incorporate refreshing ex- ercise into your daily routine. The program's primary purpose, is to keep you "fit" at your desk - able to work comfortably and efficiently, free from fatigue and ten- sion. It includes exercises' that will stimulate circula- tion, quicken breathing, ac- tivate all the major muscle •ggrroupp,.ss., promote greate flextbHity, i prose posture, and ease tiring muscle ten- Sion. Used frequently, they will help keep you alert and energetic, refresh your mind, improve your prbduc- tivity, help you stay relaxed p REMINDER •SPRING PROGRAMS• Sponsored by the Goderich Recreation •& Community Centre Board. BEGIN THE WEEK OF APRIL 11, 1983 Choose from: •Ballroom Dancing •Basketball *Advanced Calligraphy *Crafts •DanceFit •Guitar *Belly Dancing *Children's Gymnastics *Kinder Gym •Crafts •Tennis Pre Register For These Programs By FRIDAY, APRIL 8TH, 1983 at the Recreation Department 166 McDonald St. Goderich For More Information Call 524-2125 You ig Your carpelt •nough it may go away. Because it doesn't take long for hidden soil to become visible, and soon serious wear to take place. After that, its dovynhill all the way. Let Carpet Care remove soil to restore that deep -down fresh and colorful look that made you select your Carpets in the first place. CARPET CARE DEEP CLEAN WITH STEAM RUG AND FURNITURE CLEANING Dial 524-2440 co, J PAE5 . and .comfortable in spite of heavy pressure, and offset the harmful effects of long- term physical inactivity. With Desk r nines, you can stay at your best all throw the day, working with max- imum pleasure and en- e our uest THOMAS COOK OPEN HOUSE Wednesday April 13'83 59A Hamilton St. Goderich 524-8307 Join us any time between 10 am • 4 pm for refreshments and fun, and a chance to win a' fabulous holiday for two. Watch next week's edition for fur- ther details and a door prize entry f orm. In the meantime, please feel free to visit our office for assistance in your travel planning. thusiasm, - Toorder thisbooklet sines.. ly write to: * "Hew ToK Fit At, Your Pess", , 'J e 'itness. tTusiitute, Depart meat "H", 255 Yoriulatd Boulevard, WIILOWDAIZ, Ontario. N2J 183. Cost $1.95: DIOVOL 350m1. $2.89 LOWNEY FRUIT & NUT OR OH HENRY EASTER EGG 110: g. 97 ROWNTREE :EASTER.1GGS 100 g. $1.89 TIDE . x4.27 DISHWASHER ALL $3.79 1.8 kg LOWNEY, EASTER EGGS 1708. $2 . 4 9 CLOSED GOOD FRIDAY NAKAMURA PHARMACY SUNCOAST MALL, GODERICH, 524-2195 OPEN MON FRI. 10 12 12 30•b• • WEEKDAY EVENINGS 0:30 9, SATURDAYS 70 b:•.:;: ; N CC�. PRESENTS SUPER-SERVICE 4,„*lk Ur.T.Diltl • /' MOTORCYCLE MEDIC „..49 a• o OR0114..j -Monday - Mrs. Willa Wuerth 8, Marion -Plunkett ..we're pleased to announce our NEW MANAGER...Marion Plunkett She will be in the Clinton Store Saturday 9-6 p.m. for your shopping convenience. .4evieiea deteetaaojeadied. pa weevz ect Pee lona. & ei4te Vte g d aced & "d Ato7wulm Nn Ev change or , rh.nd on colo item. Wutrtt's '.....,,_. ,,,,,,?.. `Ill i,',Iuu11„„„„„,,,f 7, li-------„_ a. ii. ... 4,- e NO JOB DR. DON CAN TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL _PUT X,QU BACK ON_ _T IE- ROAD_AGAIN USED BIKE OF THE WEEK '79 Kawasaki KZ 1300 az,SHOES min.VISA Exeter - 235-0611 Clinton 482.9692 (Duality & Service Since 1438 fully dressed , excellent condition, low rnileage- - - • - regular price 53995. SUPER SALE 'PRICE ---- ------S3500. 524-9061 6