The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-30, Page 3.goad for :council is good for the Public tiesCommission, PVC members seem to believe, tC manager Al Lawson, in a letter to council, (requested : that the commission's annual remuneration be adjusted• upward by the same 'Ventage of increase recently granted council. At i e March budget session, council granted itself a .,five- per cent increase and the appropriate bylaw passed Monday by a 5-4 margin with mayor Eileen Paltrier casting the. deciding vote in favor. Reeve Harry Worsell, Bill Clifford, Ed Giesbrecht and deputy. -reeve Jim Britnell also voted in favor of the five per .cent increase. Don Wheeler, Jim Searls, John Doherty and Glen Carey voted against a raise in With respect to the PUC request, Clifford asked administrator Larry McCabe how much commission members now earn annually. McCabe said that he has difficulty obtaining such information but suggested commission members earn in the area of $1,200 annually. Council endorsed a motion tabling the request until the commission supplies figures in writing. Board will require fewer teachers . in 1983 BY STEPHANIE LEVESQUE The number of secondary school teachingpositions in Huron County will decline for the 1983-84. school year, but by how much depends on the Board of Education's budget deliberations. The Huron County Board of Education, at its March meeting, approved 239 secondary school teaching positions 'which includes 6.5 special education posi- tions. The total for the coming school year represents a decline from the present 243.1 teaching positions in Huron secondary schools. , The board learned the total for the' coming school year may increase if the cost of two additional teachers, one for student services and the other for Central Huron Secondary School m Clinton, are ap- proved during budget deliberations. Ifapproved, the total teaching positions for secondary school's would be241. There will be a few teaching positions eliminated this coming year, as 2.16 teaching positions were made on a temporary basis last year to enable students to finish programs in Spanish and Latin. Any surplus teachers are expected to be taken care of through attrition. Jobs created. in Huron bounty The Ministry of Employment and Immigration :v announced that 17 • new jobs, would be created in /Huron County; under New Employment Expansion Development program. The announcement was made by Eugene Whelan, Minister of Agriculture on behalf of Lloyd Axworthy, Minister of Employment and Immigration. • The projects, which will provide 17 jobs, are designed to make permanent inprovements to the villages of Bayfield and Hensall and Huronview home. . for the aged. The village of Bayfield received $11,086 to create three jobs over 36 weeks for landscape and environmental improvements. The Township of Ashfield has been allocated $14,400 to create three jobs over 36`work weeks for sidewalk construction, fence erection, cemetery im- provements and environmental enhancement. The. village of Hensall was granted $14,800 for three jobs over 37 work weeks for landscape and arena. im- provements. The County of Huron received the largest grant, $86,240 for improvements at Huronview home for the aged. near Clinton. The .grant will create eight jobs over 277 work weeks. A`gsistant administrator Bill Alcock, said that five people will be hired by the county to complete general repair work at the facility including upgrading in- sulation, fencing, painting and wallpapering. A file clerk will be hired as well as a dietary and nursing assistant. The projects are expected to:begin April 11 and local people will be hired through the Canada Manpower office. The NEED program's main objective is to provide work for unemployment insurance benefit exhaustees for a.minimum 12 -week period. t"11-ALW\.1\ NOW'S THE TIME for your Spring and Summer WEDDING RENTALS ...we are taking orders now for up -coming Weddings. See us for the New 1983 FREEMAN FORMAL STYLE BOOKLET Coritpbell's MAIN CORNER CLINTON it 482-9732 The sheriff questions these children in the musical play 'Pig Tales' performed by the Two Plus Players with a little help from the audience at the Goderich library last Thursday. About 40 children on their spring break turned out to enjoy the play which was sponsored by the Huron County Library and funded by Outreach Ontario. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) Boat firm is back in operation EXETER - There was good news for the area economy on two fronts this week with the announcements that Hughes Columbia Inc. in Huron Park and Custom Trailers in Exeter would be back in operation. Ten employees have already been recalled at the Exeter mobile housing plant and another 15 will be back on the job in the immediate future. Production at the Huron Park yacht firm is not ex- pected to resume until late summer or early fall and it is anticipatedthat about 35 hourly rated employees are to be rehired at that time, to be followed by as many as 30 in months following as sales dictate. Custom Trailers em- ployees have been idle since mid-December and the recall stems from m SAVE ON HOMEOWNERS - INSURANCE In Goderich • If your home Is under 25 years old you could save on your Homeowners Insurance. Example Coverage: DWELLING BUILDING OUT BUILDINGS PERSONAL. CONTENTS ADDITIONAL LIVING EXPENSE COMPREHENSIVE PERSONAL LIABILITY MEDICAL PAYMENTS VOLUNTARY PROPERTY DAMAGE STANDARD •100 DEDUCTIBLE '50,000"° 5,000.°° 25,000.00 10,000.°0 200.000.°0 500.00 250.°° ANNUAL PREMIUM x100.00 SUBJECT TO POLICY WORDINGS & CONDITIONS CONTACT US NOW FOR AN INSURANCE CHECK-UP AND SEE IF YOUR HOME QUALIFIES. BANTER & MacEWAN INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 12 Victoria Street South - Goderich, Ont. 524-8376 • IF YOU ARE A FARMER NOTA' TRUCKER. READ THIS • • restructuring of the firm with area automotive dealer and horseman Bob Hamather • Ca„l PEHICH $iGNA14 T i, W PN SPAY'. MA H D,1 P*G .'.T. Council to J a coat m The official town of Goderich coat of arms will finally be displayed and used by the town following. clarification at the .regular meeting of council Monday. At the request of the mayor, administrator Larry . Mccabe researched and reported that the town can legally Use the coat of arms as of 1980. That was on the advice of John Young, legal -counsel to the Country Playhouse receives X12,000 grant Heather Redick, General Manager of Huron Country Playhouse, has announced that the Playhouse has been awarded a $12,000 grant by The Canada -Council. This grant is intended to encourage and support the Canadian content of the 1983 Huron Country Playhouse - PLAYHOUSE II season. Three superb Canadian musicals have been schedul- ed for performance in PLAYHOUSE II. Each of these musicals promises its own very special treats for the audience. John Gray's phenomenally successful truckin' musical 18 Wheels will kick off the season on July 1. A week later, ' on July 8, James Saar's new rock musical The Return of the Curse of the Mummy's Revenge will make its debut. Finally, on July 22, Stephen Witkin's hilarious cabaret Eight to the Bar will round off the season's offerings. All three of these musicals will run alternate nights un- til September 3. To hire funding firm WINGHAM - The Wingham and District Hospital has hired a firm of fund raising consultants to do a feasibility. study and plan a campaign to raise money for a new wing. The committee hired the Gorden L. Goldie Co. Ltd., fund raising specialists, of *RINGS •NECKLACES *BRACELETS •BEADS oEei ra cem 3 51 ST. DAVID, GODERICH 524-0971 Drainage pays off in soil aeration Good drainage aerates the soil, providing.. several benefits. Release of nitrogen from organic matter is accelerated and soil warms up faster since heat is not required for surface evaporation. A test in Ohio once showed a 12 degree difference between drained and undrained land on bne'April day. Aqd when a warm rain fell, there was a 20slegree.,.. 'tdifference between the tbmperoture of the rain and the tile discharge!. Soil temperatures make a vast difference to planting schedules. r"• troth drainage. LIMITED FARM DRAINAGE. SYSTEMS ' Ripley, Ontario NOG 2R0 'ft (519) 395.5838 I PICK ATYORK HEAT PUMP Toronto. Norman Hayes, hospital executive director, ex- plained that the company will not be running the actual campaign, "They will come in and do an initial survey and set up thecampaign for us." • Thanks to a special agreement with Shell Canada Limited, we are pleased to announ- ce that our Regular and unleaded Gas Prices will remain competitively priced et all times. This means that regardless of the price they drop to during a, 'Gas Price War' our prices will drop as well to remain com- ptititive. Remember...WE DELIVER regardless of what the price Is. No more truckinUlarge, heavy and dangerous containers to vo money on gas. At Shell...you're guaranteed delivery and COMPETITIVE PRICES at all limos. P.S. -You-don't 1have 10. be a regular cu. -It -Omer to COM IF YOU LIKE SAVING YOUR TIME AND MONEY, CALL: EDWARD FUELS GODERICH TIIESWATER 524-8386. 392-6100 AND -PICK A BONUS Buy any YORK Heat Pump by April 30th and take your pick of • YORK Micro -Electronic Fuel -Saver Thermostat - saves up to 31,3/4) more on heating bills • YORK Electronic Air Cleaner ^ • YORK 5 -year "Protection Plus Service Plan" (Minimum retail value of bonus - $350.) Oil users can pick up $800. extra with a Federal Government "off -oil" grant. • ,.: GREAT PICKINGS RIGHT NOW FROM YOUR YORK DEALER ENERGY CENTRE -Harold Wise Limited - 242 hayfield Rd. CLINTON 482-7062 Heraldry Society of Canada. McCabe told council that tide Goderleh Police Commission already displays the coat of ar»na on its letterhead. The administrator was hoping to dioultly the coat of auris ors town brochures, lelttetrhea►ds, vehicles and buildings, Council endorsed a motion calling for the coat of arms to be used by the town. Earn while you learn... It's easy with OCAP -- the Ontario Career Action Program. OCAP-works this way: If you're bet- ween 16 and 24, out of school and unemployed, we may be able to get you up to 16 weeks of training in business or industry. We'll pay you a training allowance, too. OCAP works for you -- most of our trainees successfully find permanent employment. To find out more, call Ellen Frost today. OCAP/(519) 653-2511, Ext. 327. 44 ,.i, i 4i r11 ve on thise Food values PRIDE OF CANADA READY" TO SERVE 10.12 LB. AVG. Country Style Hams 2.09 LB. GRADE A BEEF, ROUND, RUMP OR VINTAGE SIRLOIN TIP Black Forest Ham 3:99 LB. Roasts 2.59 LB. U.S. FANCY GRADE U.S.A. NO. 1 Red Delicious Apples 41.79 Celery Stalks .59 us..lo.1 PRIDE OF CANADA BONELESS Green Onions 31.69 Dinner Hams 2.49 LB. WHITE SWAN PRIDE OF CANADA Toilet Tissue 4 1.39 Breakfast Bacon 50o gr. 2.39 ' s U.S.A. N0.1 E.D. SMITH Fresh Yams .25 is. Garden Cocktail .99 ONTARIO NO. 1 r c MAXWELL HODS fee Rutabagas 13 SLB.- Ground Cof369 gr. 2.49 WHITE SWAN 2 PLY HOSTESS � I Paper Towels. , : �. .99 .. ;Potato Chips.200gr, ... .99.1 GRADE A FROZEN TEND -R -FRESH Turkeys 8.12 LBS. .99 LB. WESTON'S Soft n' Crusty Rolls 12's 750 ML. BOTTLE Coke, Sprite, Tab or Diet Coke 21.79 plus deposit .79 - We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prices in effect III closing - Saturday, April 2, '83 or while quantities last. SU PERMARKET 104 SHOPPERS SQUARE-GODERICH 524-9411 FREE DELIVERY ON WEDNESDAY WIT(. ORDERS '25.00 AND OVER FREE DELIVERY FOR SENIOR CITIZENS MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 0114 SUNWORTHY dr YES YOU CAN WALLCOVERINGS WHEN: WHERE: WHO: WHAT: WHY: HOW-TO HANO WALLCOVERINOS CLINIC Fun -useful -and Froe! MONDAY,' APRIL 4 Starting at 1:00 p.m. I Complete Demonstrations at 1:OO,p.m.,.,3:00 p.m., 4:30 p.m. Norholme Decorating Centre Just across from Post Office -54 King St., Clinton Gary Mair of Sunworthy Wallcoverings will conduct the clinic Tips and techniques for you Tools and materials you'll need Free 20 -page "How -To -Hang" booklet Refreshments Because if you learn to hang from us, you'll always hang with us! SIGN UP NOWT WALLCOVERING CLINIC -SIZE-IS-LIMITED.A-VOID DISAPPOINTMENT- COME ISAPPOINTMENTC- OME IN, OR PHONE NOW, TO REGISTER A rmstrong floor fashion()• 1111111 14) NORHOLME DECORATING CENTRE 54 Kir 9 Street, Clinton (Just opposlte the Post Office) 482-3528