The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-23, Page 42benefit BY JACK RIDDELL, MPP In past columns I have given you some background on the issue of the govern- ment's plan to closedown six centres for the developmen- tally handicapped in this province. Today, I would like • to give you some further in- formation on this govern- ment plan which has generated such concern and anxiety. As David Peterson recent- ly pointed out, economic con- siderations are being placed ahead of human concerns in the Ontario Government's decisions to close six centres for the developmentally han- dicapped. Several members of the Liberal Caucus have spent considerable time in recent weeks touring the centres and conferring with residents, parents and staff. To date, There is not one single shred of evidence that the residents stand to benefit from the closings which were announced last October by Frank Miller, the Minister of Community and Social Services. In the name of justice and humanity, the government should, immediately suspend its 'plans and launch a thorough process of analysis and • consultation to deter- mine what is best for the almost 1,000 residents af- fected ,by the proposed move. It should reconsider the decision to abandon the 1981 plan to increase spen- ding on community-based services before even •con- templating closure. of the six regional centres. Liberal first-hand studies have demonstrated all too clearly that the three groups directly affected by the Minister's announced closures - residents, parents' and staff - are firmly con- vinced that the facilities serve an invaluable purpose in assisting residents in the transition- fromlarger in- stitutions to : community- based group homes. For many people they constitute a bridge, from in- stitutionalization to the com- munity life we all desire for those capable of achieving it. Remove that bridge and - in- evitably - a great void in the rehabilitation process is created. Ontarians are not prepared to stand by and watch government callously disregard the plight of disad- vantaged members of our society. Parents' groups, staff and community leaders are to be applauded for the, efforts which they have mde to in- fluence. the government, to prevail upon those in authority to reject the Minister's, plan which has an immense potential for human misery - even tragedy. The Ontario Liberal Party is totally in support of the move to persuade the overnment to reverse this unconscionable and unfeel- ing decision befol e a point of no return is reached. We believe that the government should lose no time in taking action to: + Initiate assessment of needs of mentally retarded now in the community which are not being met by existing programs. + Assess the effect of . closures on people already in the community. + Increase the amount of new funds in financing com- munity based services. + Reduce population of larger institutions while maintaining six smaller facilities as alternative to closure. • + Give priority to com- munity involvement and education. + Assess needs of chronic care for the mentally retard- - ed and commit appropriate funds to provide the services needed: David Peterson, in an open letter to the Premier, said, "It is impossible to deal in abstracts in this matter. The Turn to page !IA,* .R®gwtll.4WMtarl�rw®�®�®®�r®�r.�.gp4!!!���w.n,®ww�.�r®gyp■r�® . MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY BROADCAST • > GOAL. 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