The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-23, Page 33Wh' ryM • 1' • • 135 YEAR, --12 GODERICJJl, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23,1983 SECOND:SECTION The opening ceremonies for Young Canada Week Friday evening marked a milestone in tournament hist ry as the third generation of the Whetstone family participated in the event.. Nip�Whetstone, one of the founders of the tournament in 1949. dropped the opening puck between grandson Bill Whetstone of the Goderich " .• "- 1.. a:::k h� Ha-t;y✓• ue- .,y*;y ° .. -;ice».; . sry••• 4s.•:•d :q„ .1 yo; ..a.... Lion Peewees and "Petrolia's captain, ,�•Reeb. Vic Whetstone, who also par- ticipated in the peewee hockey tournament, assisted with the opening faceoff. (photo by T. Marr) Petrolia beats locals 5-3 Captain Mike Reeb's three goal perfor- , mance Friday night lifted Petrolia to a 5-3 victory over a stubborn Goderich team in Young Canada Week hockey action at the Goderich Arena. The host city team opened the scoring at 5:40 of the first period on a goal by Jordan Grasby. He banged in a loose puck after Petrolia goalie Kevin Luckhurst mishandl= ed a highshot from the blueline. Reeb tied the score shortly treafter with a beautiful wrist shot that Goderich netminder Tom Durnin had no chance on. He then tallied his second goal of the game and the first period ended with Petrolia holding a slim 2-1 lead. There was no scoring in the second period between the two division "B" teams although Goderich had a number of good chances. Their powerplay looked especial- ly effective but, while they controlled the puck, they could not capitalize around the Petrolia net. But 32 seconds into the final period, Scott Garrow scored to knot the contest at 2-2. He then put the home team ahead at 3:58 with a powerplay marker. At that point; it looked as though Goderich was on its way to a victory. Goderich's lead was short lived however, as Petrolia's Rick Fleming scored less than a minute later. Petrolia then went ahead to stay on a fluke goal by Chris Sutherland. His long shot deflected m off Goderich defenseman Byron Bowman's glove and went in the net past a surprised Durnin. Reeb completed his hat -trick late in the game to secure the win. n opener. A%/0'y//^`yii%/F Goderich Lions Pee Wee goalie Tom Durnin looks in the net for the puck in a YCW game against Petrolia Friday. (Photo by T. Marr Goderich eliminates Delhi 7-6 in quarter final What would the score have been without Scott Garrow? Goderich eliminated Delhi in quarter final play "B" division play Saturday night, by a 7-6 score. Scott Gar - row had six goals. Eight seconds into the first period Gar - row scored his first goal when he broke down the wing, cut across the crease and fired it in. Delhi carried the play throughout most of the first period with many chances that did not yield any goals. With less than a minute left, Garrow had a break away, deked around the goalie but ran out of room to put the puck in. The period ended with Goderich up a goal. Once again the period started out with Garrow breaking down the wing cutting across and putting the puck in the net. Minutes later Darrow missed a similar chance when the Delhi goalie made a good stop. ' Greg Townsend had to make some great saves when Delhi put up some unbelievable pressure during the middle of •the period. Finally Delhi got on the board when Mitche Van Wynsberghe worked it out from behind the net onto Jason Hare's stick and he put it in the net. Goderich put their lead back up to two when Bill Trebish scored after a fight for the puck in front of the net. Darren Stan - bury and Bill Whetstone assisted on the play. The third period started off just like the other two. Scott Garrow scored with less than a minute gone in the period when he picked the corner on a shot from above the circle. Delhi retaliated with another goal set up from behind the net when Garin Smith scored on a pass out from Trevor Hare. Delhi came right back with another goal mouth scramble, Mitch Van Wynsberghe scored with assists going to Jeff Clapp, and Trevor Hare. Delhi almost tied the game up a few secbnds later and were still trail- ing by one when. Scott Garrow went in on a breakaway and took'the goalie out for cof- fee and donuts, scoring his fourth of the night. Delhi scored again to bring the margin back to one, when Jason Hare scored after the teams had fought back and forth in front of Goierich's net. Jeff Clapp got the assist. Garrow put Goderich up by two again When he took a good pass from Whetstone and slammed it home. Delhi tried to come back scoring with a quick goal two minutes later. Roger Geysens scoredafter he pick- ed up the puck when his teammate Van Wynsberghe collided with the defenseman. With less than two minutes left in the game, Garrow scored his sixth goal as he wove in and out of the defensemen and put the puck into the empty net. Delhi did get one last goal. Hare scored his third of the night with an assist by Clapp, but there just wasn't enough time left. The annual Axon vs. Perth boys' basketball:all-star games will be held this year atNorihweatersSconda ''Schoolin Stratfor� on 'T'hursday, h 3.1, with the lwiior game -at 7:30 p.rriu and the senior game at For purposes of these g es, theHuron- Perth Conference is divided into Huron and Perth divisions, da atm' team is selectedby the coaches coaq o ,each division. Last year's games were +eyed at GDGI and saw Huron win 'the juipor game and Perth the senior, both by small wiarginS of kris victory Admission charge for the. games nest Adnatsa la$1 Scott Pell and Don McCallum' will represent the GDCI Vikings Inthe senior gape. They will join with players from Exeter, Norwell, .Clinton, Seaforth and Wingham to oppose the Perth squad composed of players from , Listowel, St. Marys, Mitchell and the two Stratford schools, Central and Northwestern. John. Thompson and Peter Conlon• were chosen as members of the Huron junior all- star squad. Midget li3s advance to Championship series Goderich Midget Bs have advancell to the WOAA championship series after outlasting Port Elgin in a close best -of -five semi-final series. In the fifth game of the series here Sunday, Goderich got an overtime goal from Lee Frisby to defeat fort Elgin 4-3 and earn a berth in the league cham- pionship against Kincardine, The dates for the best -of -five final series have not been announced. The win here Sunday was the third in five games for Goderich. After winning the first game of the series 9-3 they dropped a 3-1 decision. to Port Elgin. Goderich then took a 2-1 lead in the arenas with an 11-3 win in the third game be they failed to wrap the series in the fourthgame as the teams played to a 4-4 tie.. In the fifth game of the best -of -five series here Sunday, Goderich needed ,only a tie to advance while Port Elgin needed a win. The game here Sunday -was a wild affair as Goderich tied the game in the third period and then escaped with a 4-3 win on Frisby's overtime goal. Goderich took a 1- 'O lead as Dave Almasi, scored the only goal of the first period. Port Elgin roared back with two straight goals in the secondperiod to.take a 2-1 lead but Scott Midden tied the game late in the second period. Just one minute after Middel's goal, Port Elgin scored to carry a 3-2 lead into the final period. Goderich tied the game with the only goal of the third period and Frisby scored at 6.29 of over- time to send Goderich into the best -of -five final. While Goderich won, the series in dramatic fashion, they extendedihe_series to a fifth game with a rather dramatic come -from -behind tie in game• four of the series Saturday in Port Elgin. Port Elgin score twice in the first period to hold a 2-0 lead .but Goderich got second period goals from Trev Martin: and Doug Ryan to tie the game after two periods. Goderich took the leadfor the first time in the game in the opening minutes of the final period as Frisby scored after con- verting a pass from team-mates Alinasi and Ron Carrick. Port Elgin tied the game a few minutes later to force the 10 -minute overtime period and in ,the overtime they took the lead after just four minutes of play. They held the lead until the final minute of play whe Goderich tied the game on a goal by Roger Ward with just 14 seconds remaining. Bantam teams play one another in Exeter tourney Two Goderich bantam house league that game. Goderich tied the game with teams participating in i tournament. in the only goal of the third period and scored Exeter on the weekend may have proved a three goals in overtime to _rip 'South point. London 5-2 and earn a berth in the tour - The point being they are among the best nament championship. bantam house league teams in the area. Garb and . Gear and ScotiaBank both - . London scored the only goal.of the first reached theCh pionsh p { mCn of ;the , riod..., but R n, zp a score in Eete''f1d lsye a weekend beforeScotia Bank decided t1e with Stokes .assistiiig on the' -play►. championship with a '5-2 victory over its London scored midway through the second league rival. period to again take the lead, a lead that ScotiaBank : opened the scoring in the held going into the final period. game with Dave Duncan scoring after just-- Mark Cauchi tied the gamefor Goderich two minutes of play. However, Garb and and forced the overtime scoring at 2.12 of Gear roared back and tied the game just the third period on an unassisted effort. over a minute later on a goal by Shawn In the overtime, Goderich got two goals Larder. from Chapman and a single. from Stokes to Garb and -Gear took the lead for the first win 5-2. Chapman was selected as the time in the game early in the second period game's MVP. on an unassisted goal by Tom Bean. But Garb and Gear had things a little easier. ScotiaBank took over from there. as they wononly three games in reaching John Stokes scored midway through the the tournament final. I'n its opening game, period to tie the .game 2-2 and Duncan Garb and Gear scored three goals in the scored his second goal of the game to lift f inal period to edge Ilderton 4-2. ScotiaBank into a 3-2 lead after two Aderton led l-0 after the first period but periods. They clinched the win with two Goderich tied the game midway through goals in the final period by Ryan Kelly and the second period on a goal by Shane Ron Chapman. Worsell. John Crawford scored early in the Thegames two goaltenders, Jeff Scott of third period to boost Goderich into a 2-1 ScotiaBank and Jeff Strickland of Garb lead and Worsell's second goal of the game and Gear, were selected as most valuable 30 seconds later increased the lead to two players for their respective teams. goals. Ilderton scored to narrow the • For ScotiaBank, the championship win Goderich- lead to a single goal 3-2 : but marked the team's fifth straight victory. Worsell's third goal of the game clinched In its opening game ScotiaBank defeated the win. Worsell was selected as the Lucan 5-1 scoring fear goals in the final genie's MVP. period. John Stokes and Mark Cauchi In the second game, Worsell again scored two goals each for Goderich while provided the offence -scoring three goals to Mike Crane chipped in with the other goal. lead Goderich to a 54 victory over Goderich found tough opposition in Strathroy. Worsell-scored the openinggoal Parkhill in the second game, but managed ' of the game but Strathroy tied the game to score a single goal in the second period late inthe period. Shawn Larder scored in and one in the third to record a 2-0 win.. the final minute of the first period to give David Duncan scored both goals, • in the Garb andGear. a 2-1 lead and he scored the victory and Matt Wilkinson was selected only goal of the second period to increase as the most valuable player in the game. the margin to two goals. Worsell scored In the third game,. Goderich spootted twice in the final period to produce the 5-1 Mitchell a 2-0 lead after the first period but final. Tom Beam was selected as the most , roared back with four goal, in the second valuable player. period and one in the. third to win 5-2. Ian In semi-final action, Goderich scored MacKinnon sparked the comeback with three goals in the final period to shade two goals and was selected as the game's Dinh* 4-2 and earn a berth in the tour - MVP. Ryan Kelly, Matt Wilkinson and nament final. Duncan scored one goal each for Goderich. Shawn Larder provided most of the Garb The win over Mitchell boosted Goderich and Gear offence scoring three goals. Rod into the tournament semi-final and South Nurse scored the fourth Goderich goal late London provided formidable opposition in in the third period. SPORTS SHORTS 1111.1111.111111111.11.6101.11100101.11111. The Goderich Major Atoms have taken a 2-1 lead in their best -of -five semi final series against Mooretown and thefourth game of that series •will be played in Mooretown Thursday evening. +++ The 34th edition of the Goderich Lions Young Canada Week Peewee Hockey Tournament is at the halfway mark Wednesday and games in all five divisions have provided entertaining hockey. Tonight, Wednesday, March 23, the A Division championships will be decided with the consolation final set for 7.50 p.m. while the championship will be decided at 9 p.m. +=f-+ The championships of the remaining four divisions in they tournament will be decided Friday and Saturday. The AA consolation consolation final is scheduled for 5.30 p.m. Friday and the championship game will go at 6.40 p.m. Later that evening the D Division finals will be played. The B and C Division championship games will be played Saturday with the B title going in the early afternoon, begin- ning at 1.30 p.m. The C Division finals will wrap the 1983.tournament at 4 and 5.20 p.m. +++ ,The hockey and ringette season is slowly coming to an end however, several local teams are still battling for championships. The junior and senior girls ringette teams are both engaged in championship series and the atom and midget B teams are also still alive in their hunt for a league title. +++ The Goderich GeeGees men's basketball team will be hosting a tournament at ODCI this weekend. Play begins Friday evening at 7 p.rn. in the main gymnasium and continues all day Saturday with the first game scheduled for 9 a.m.