The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-23, Page 12FO $ g TAB "SPRITE GINGERALE PLUS DREP 750 ML. PLUS DEP 2 FOR$ 9 •� FACIAL TISSUE 894 DESSERT 85 �iRAM ROBIN HOOD IJLOPURPOSE5.•�..49• 3w1.00oUROWDERS BETTY CROCKER • • $2 MIxEs9 9 • GOLD SEAL FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON $1• 89: Ak 111, r t e $hock.to receive all - ow vt en we bad 010 4,11410 Winter. But It may be welcome, esuec lly IIQW that school is closed for the winter break WA Many families take the opportunity • to go south for holidays. If you're Staying at 'home, . i *ill be perfect wejLther for swung Or snowmobiling- or attending the Young Canada Week hockey tournament in Goderich. Nave a good time - while the snow lasts. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Crawford of Colborne Township, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Straughan of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. Nel Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. -Gordon Marshall, of Stratford and Huron Haven Village have returned home from a two - week holiday in Hawaii. They report good weather and a wonderful holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan King of Sunset Beach have returned home from a winter in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brindley of Goderich have returned home from a two month holiday in Florida. Congratulations to Michael and Karen Red- mond of R.R. 5 Goderich on the birth of a baby boy, q. Oeratruele: Kel&ttln•, 1124-P07B Matthew John) Michael in The roll call was "Name Alexandra .Marine and one type of pasta." Some General' Hospital,. Goderich,, answers • were spaghetti, on March 7. macaroni:, . lasagna and: Tiger Dunlop ' Women'schicken noodles. Institute meeting will be' held Cooking was done and this Thursday, March 24. members made Eastern Guests will be members of stuffed vegetables and Dungannon, Auburn and Greek style apple pie: Goderich Township WI. Tony A motion was carried that McQuail will be the guest meeting five and six would speaker and Mrs. Linda be combined and held at Liz Bisset will explain the course Schoemaker's. "Dollars and Cents". Come Party preparations were and bring a friend. discussed. There was also A euchre card party will be discussion on flavors from held in Colborne Township Italy, Italiancheeses, pasta Hall this Thursday, March 24 and anti. pasto,, Greek at 8 p,m. restaurants and food of the Balkins and the Middle East. Answers were taken up from the last meeting and home activities were discussed. Food was eaten and the meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 30. —by JudyWalter. 4-H News The fourth regular meeting of the Tiger Dunlop 4-H group was held on March• 16 at the home of Linda Bisset. The meeting opened with the4-H pledge and minutes of the last meeting. • • • • QUEEN'S SEAFORTH This Thurs. to Sat. Inds OSI DAI ONLY! FRIDAY MARCH 25 9=9 USED SEWING MACHINES Fully recon- ditioned econ-dtttnsd from Mark Leitch (at the controls) discusses his science fair project on airplanes with fellow students at Holmesville Public School. The Grade 7 and 8 science fair projects were "ON THE AIR" 60's Rock & Roll Beach Boys Rolling Stones -Blues Bros. NEXT THU.RS. and SAT. HELP YOU. GIVE US A CALL AT WINDJAMMER No Cover DAILY • • LUNCHEON SPECIALS "Delicious Home C ookin " • • • • • 528-3946 Repairs to all major appliances backed by 15 years experience. Beat Inflation Repair the old• don't 'buy. new. Reduced rates for senior citizens. CALL NOW FOR FAST COURTEOUS SERVICE Adams Appliance, Service m • R. R. ll 1, LUCKNOW set up at the school last week in preparation for the regional science fair to be held at Victoria Public School in Goderich at the end of the month. (Photo by Joanne Buchanan) MOM VISA 17 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 482-7036 'Your authorised White -Etna Deafer" w •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • ' • • LIMITEDJ.M. CUTT RED & WHITE FOODMASTER 91 VICTORIA ST. GODERICH v WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • n a 4: 4o w, • PHILIPS UTILITY LIGHT BULBS goo w,bold z BULBS - • HOSTESS 200 SUNLIGHT POWDERED• OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 8 AM -9 PM Prices hi effect till closing time Saturday. March 26, of 9 p.m. or while quantities last. J f�X • MITCHELL'S 48 FL, O :'. PURE GRAM DETERGENT . 3.69* • POTATO CHIPS 99a .• APPLE JUICE 99 • 1.39• ROYALE 2 ROLL PKG. • • TETLEY ORANGE PEKOE 72'5 ' SUNLIGHT PAPER • TOWELS • 9LIQUID:. . 211.991 TEA BAGS .�.6 • - - -- • - MAXWELL HOUSP • ..--.�e..�, ra_ ROASTED • INSTANT FRIES49,:GRAM $2.49: $ FRENCH COFFEES 29 • • COfFEE • BICK'S x E'srgiiitii :y$ 1.5 9 SAUC 99411 STOMA Q • ROYALE 100'5 Cfr SCHWEPPES 750 ML. CATELU 28 FL. GREEN GIANT PEAS-CORN-MIXEDVEG. • 4 COCA COLA ,DIET COKE • • • PATIO GRADE WESTERN RED CEDAR CLEAR APPEARAN('I', ANI) REASONABLE PRICE. ARE COMBINED IN A SPECIAL PA'T'IO I)F(•KING GRAI)1.. DURABILITY IS ALSO ASSURED WITH WESTERN RED ('EI)AR...GROWN. MANUFACTURED'. S'OI,I) ANI)- DISTRIBU.TF:I) BY .MACMILLAN BLOEDEL Available at: JOHN JEFFERY &SON BUILDING SUPPLIES 163 Elgin Ave, E. GODERICH 524-8171 510 GRAM SUPER MOIST CAKE • 74/4 OZ. • • McCAIN • YORK FROZEN SMOKED HAM • APPLE LB• ORANGE • • • JUICE. • 12.5 FL. OZ. • 894 COOL WHIP PIZZA 389 AM • DESSERT • • ROASTING PKa � MAPLE LEAF SHANK PORTION RINDLESS BACON :AM VALU PLUS SKINLESS WIENERS 4GRAM CANADA GRADED CHIC ;1.39 $2.29 994 $1.19L. MAPLE LEAF , MEATS .GRAM 994 FROZEN JUICE • • 12.5 FL. OZ. 9,9.• • McCAIN • • • MAPLE LEAF S.P. COTTAGE ROLLS • 1 U 9 KENS $239* 500 ML. 4 • • • 89 • KRAFT LUNCH 1.r MARGARINE • TOPPING COUNTRY GOLD BONELESS SMOKED DINNER HAM � Z • $9 �a• BLUE BONNET . • CHEESE FOOD • • • SLICES • :.$2 9 • • 9 • OCEAN SPRAY • CRANBERRY ;111. SAUCE 14 FL. OZ. 99 • • MCNAIR DA.ANCHED • PEANUTS • :::::! SUNKISNADA• 1 ®%9 NAVEL ORANGES CAULOWER• 19' DOZ. 1 „99. CW. LETTUCE 594 • BEANS PRODUCE' OF U.S.A. PRODUCE O ONTARIO ® ,LEMONS 5 FOR 8 9 4COOKIN2LB. DAG 384 WITH • PORK CE OF ONTARIO EA 494 MAPLE LEAF 175 GRAM $ 1 69 MAPLE LEAF 500 GRAM 4 COOKED HAM . SAUSAGE MEAT 99 SHOPSY 3 VARIETIES COOKED HAM 2•19 LB POTATO SALAD illINOWDEHAM POLISH'$$3.99 LB. SAUSAGE 1.4 9 L $1.29.. PIES TURKEY, CHICKEN 994 TURKEYS STORE SLICED 500 GRAM $ 1 29 COUNTRY GOLD CANADA GRADE A FROZEN BASTED SHOPSY DELI BAKE PRODUCE OF U.S.A. PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE ®` STEWED • TOMATOES • 19 FL. OZ. 8 9 • PRODUCT OF CANADA MACINTOY SH APPLES 9 PRODUCE OF ONTARIO NO.2 GRADE DAVID'S DUTCH SETS_ • O BISCU ITS TARIO NO. GRADE Si. . 9 9 ...p.c. OONTARIO 1 GRADE �94 tGURT • o00 WHITE ON MUSHROOMS ® MAPLE 'GRAM .- ® $1 45: CHOC. M.M,-CHOC. CHIP HUMPTY DUMPTY ' �r POTATO CHIPS 209 GRAM 5 VAR. • • •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••elp 0.040 9.04104110 • G ONIONS 31.5. _` s2.69' • GOO MO OR IN NG • MARMALADE • 24 FL. OZ. • i99: RED & WHITE •. BREAD • 675 GRAM 494;: NEILSON • • VENETIAN VANILLA ICE CREAM �n". $2 99s 19 FL. OZ. PRODU • PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA NO.1 GRADE • DEL M®NTE AVOCADO CARROTS MAPLE LANE • MAPLE PRODUCE OF ONT. i;jt!;o4M5 YRUP $2 39 MAPLE LANE 3 LOS. FOR . 1111 • • FRUIT BOTTOM •