The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-23, Page 51+5° Wiliaam F`rane`Saundern of Goderac diedin Maitland Manor oin Tuesday, March 15 at the Seel 98. He was bol in Goderich on Februai y 25, 1885 to Alexander and Geraldine (Cressman). Saunders. He was the former president and owner of the Godeerich. Qrgan Company. He, also ;served as ad- ministrator of Alexandra. Marine and General Hospital from 1951 through 1957. He was a member of Knox Presbyterian Church, ser- ving as treasurer of its board for many years. He was also a member of Maitland. Lodge no. 33 A.F. & A.M.; a.charter member . of the Goderich Lions Club and belonged to the Menesetung Canoe Club and Goderich Bridge Club. He was predeceased by his wife,. the former Abigail Glen; three sisters, Mrs. Frederick (Agnes) Chap- man, Mrs. George (Alix.) Downey and Miss. Josie Saunders; and two brothers, Charles and Walter Saun- ders. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Clive Browning ( Gail) Caswell of Grand Bend; three grand- children, Robin, Mark and Michael Sully; and five 1.., S great grandchildren, Tustin,. David, Jay and late Sully and Simon Francis Kubski. A funeral service was held at McCallum Funeral Home ion' Thursday, March 17 at 2 p.m. The Reverend G.L. Royal of Knox Presbyterian Church.officiated. Maitland Lodge no. 33 A.F.&A.M. held a Memorial service at the funeral home Wednesday evening, March 16. Interment was in the Maitland Cemetery. MRS. FLORENCE M. GOODWIN Mrs. Florence M. Goodwin of Huronview, formerly of Goderich Township, died Friday, March 18 in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital at the age of 101. She was born in Perth County on December 3, 1881 to Mr. and Mrs. James Porterfield. . She was a member of The Order of the Eastern Star and Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich. She was predeceased by her husband, W.J. Goodwin and one daughter, Mrs.. Florence Schmelke, both in 1943. She is survived by two children, Mrs. Sally Lam- bert of Watford and R.H. Goodwin of Goderich Township. A funeral service was held at McCallum Funeral Home in Goderich on Monday, March 21 , at 2 p.m. The Reverend G.L. Royal of Knox Presbyte ''Church officiated. Pallbearerswere C.R. Goodwin, Don Lambert, John Lambert, Joe Harrington, John Harrington and Joe Goodwin. Interment was in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. MISS MARY AGNES LACEY Miss Mary Agnes Lacey of Goderich died in Maitland Manor on Monday, March 14 at the age of 95. She was born' in Goderich on October .14, 1887 to Thomas and Catherine 1 Cline) Lacey. She worked as a dressmaker. She was a member of St. 4 Nine year-old Danny Groen of Goderich was a happy young man Friday after learning he was the winner of _a;,10 speed bicycle in a draw sponsored by several merchants. Don Corriveau of Don's Shoe Place, Man's First Step and Athlete's Foot, Gus Balkouras of the Candlelight Restaurant, Gord Wright of The Met and Bert Squire of Squire's Gifts presented the bike to Danny Friday. ( photo by Dave Sykes). .. SPECIAL SMORGASBORD EASTER WEEKEND AT THE WHITE CARNATION Holmesville ROAST BEEF AND ROAST TURKEY Bring the whole family and enjoy a meal fit for a king...These mouth watering treats include all you can eat salad bar, hot buffet, dessert, coffee or tea. 6.95 12 and under Pre-schoolers 53.50 51.50 DINE OUT WITH US You are invited to feast on the finest foods available with the kind of service and atmosphere you can truly enjoy this Easter holiday! A magnificent dining experien- ce awaits you. Join us with friends, it will be a fine time! GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 1---5.7:30 pm SATURDAY, APRIL 2-,.6.8:30 pm EASTER SUNDAY April 3 1-2:30 pm & 54:30 pm FRIDAY LUNCHEON BUFFET SPECIAL 12.2 Dm...3.95 OPEN WEEKENDS Friday -Saturday 11-8 pm Sunday 1,8 pm RESERVATIONS REQUESTED WHITE CARNATION Hoimesv'iile M61 4824228 After Hours 524.4133 fur Peter's Roman Catholic !hurch, Gtderlch and a charter member. of St. Peter's Catholic Wopien's League (CWL) She served as the first, treasurer and was the first member of St. Peter's to• receive a then new Maple Leaf Service Pin and Award of Merit at the 50th anniversary of the League in 1961. The presentation was made by Bishop T.J. McCarthy, former National Director of the CWL. For years, the late Miss Lacey was also a faithful member of St. Peter's Altar Society. She was the oldest living member of the parish and a member of the League of the Sacred Heart. She was predeceased by three brothers, Charles, Edward and William. A funeral mass was held at St. Peter's Church on Thursday, March 17 at 10:30 a.m. The Reverend Father A,F. Loebach was celebrant. The CWL formed a guard of honor at the church. Pallbearers were George Bedard, Jim Fellows, Wilf Denomme, Terry Crowley, Peter McCauley and Jim "Sherratt. Prayers were held at the McCallum Funeral Home on Wednesday evening, March 16. Interment was in St. Peter's Cemetery., MRS. BERTHA MAY HOLLAND 4, n =pally les Mrs. Bertha May Holland of Maitland Manor. Nursing Home, Goderich, died in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital on Mon- day, March 21 at the age of 75. She,waa born in Ashfield Township Qn December 24, 1507 to Peter and Mary Elizabeth (Webster) Cook, Sr. and attended school in Ashfield Township. She was married to SAM Henry Holland in Luglmow. on June 7, 1925 and lived in Clinton most off her married life: She was a member of Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton.. She was predeceased -by her husband in 1973;. two sisters, Mrs. Jack (Susan) McGee of Goderich and Mrs. George (Sadie) Hackett of Cochrane; and one brother, Thomas Cook of Goderich. She is survived by one Son, Wesley Holland of North Delta, British ` Columbia; three grandchildren and two great-granddaughters. A funeral service and committal were held at Stiles Funeral Home in Goderich today, Wednesday, March 23 at 2 p.m. The Reverend James A. Bechtel officiated. Interment was in Clinton Cemetery. MRS. ALICE JONES Mrs. Alice Jones of 465 Nelson Street, Petrolia, died at the C.E.E. Hospital in Petrolia on Monday, March 14 at the age of 96. Born in South Wales, she came to Western Canada in August 1911 along with her husband and young family. In 1937, they moved to Ontario from Saskatchewan, where they settled in the Forest - area from19W- to -- 1953. From 1957 to 1973, they lived in the Goderich area, -44,414.40 1 all day Friday. March 25 WE'LL BE OPEN 9 AM -5:30 P.M. FOR CLINTON'S SURPRISE SALE ¶&iibiant «tintre "Huron County's only complete Christian Bookstore" 57 ALBERT STREET CLINTON 482-3128 The late Mrs. Jones. had Thed is the Petrol* area since 1973, and was a member ,of the Malted HolinessL'Illiteltl: Dawn, Township. She iii survived by three sons, Reginald of Saskatoon, Gronwy of Pangman, Saskatchewan and Elwyn of Petrolia; • a daughter, s Louise Jones of Petrolia; 18. grandchildren and. awe*: grandchildren.. She was predeceased by her husband, Edward Jones in 1948, as well as two sons, Lloyd of Forest and Ken of Goderich and an infant daughter, Letitia in Wales. Funeral services were held at the Needhain-Jay Funeral Home, Petrolia, on Thursday, March 17 at 2:30 p.m. with the Reverend Hubert Hotchkiss officiating, assisted by the Reverend C.K. Carlisle. Burial was in Lakeview Cemetery, Sarnia. During the funeral service, Blake, Maureen, Brenda and Mark Jones sang the hymns, "The Eastern Gate" and "The Purly Gate", ac- companied by Saundy Jones on the piano. The pallbearers were Pat McCormick, Ed Jones, Russ Jones, Ron Moore, ' Wayne Jones and Ken Jones. John Sturdy acted as flower bearer. Expressions of sympathy are being made through donations to the C.E.E. Hospital (Petrolia) Building Fund. . NEW SEWING CLASSES MONDAY, MARCH 28 2 Weeks - "Rugger Pants" Afternoon or Evenings TUESDAY, APRIL 5 4 weeks -afternoon only "Tailored Jacket or Coat" MONDAY, APRIL 11 1 week - afternoon or evening "Rugger Shirt" APRIL 25 4 weeks - evenings. "Colours's Colours to wear - your silhouette . wardrobe planning. makeup and accessories. $15• fee APRIL 25 2 weeks - afternoons "Rugger Pants" Call Mary's Sewing Centre for more information 482-7036 Look for the Hwy. No. 21 South GODERICH Receive jewels Worshipful Brother Ebner Graham and -Brother Carmen Hayden who joined Morning Star Lodge Carlow No. 309 on September 14,.1932, were recently awarded their 50 year jewels by Grand Lodge at curlew. Pictured left to right are Rt, Wor. Bro. Allan Stoll, Wer. lira. Ebner Graham, Bro. Carmen Hayden and Master of Morning Star Lodge Wor. Bro. Avard Miller. (Photo by Bob Henry) THIS IS IT...ABSOLUTELY, DEFINITELY! The weather is unbelievable, incredible, almost laughable, ha! ha! ha! Who would have thought we'd have one last shot at winter recreation, especially Tike this, and only 2 days into spring. Well what can we say, we're not laughing, but you could be, when you come In and see how many dollars you can save if you take advantage of this our Final, Final, Final Clearance Sale. Our prices are the lowest they've been this season, and for you that means super savings on our remaining stock. Hurry in, see them today, before the snow's gone. Believe us, we're not kidding this time, it's definitely our final snowmobile clearance sale this season...honest! OUR FINAL FINAL FINAL SN WM CLEARANCE SALE--H- 1 Dan Clark, Owner LE OW DISCOUNT PRICES SUPER END OF SEASON SPECIAL! Our best price this season on our top of the line units. See it today at this super savings sale pribe, 1983 BRAVO 250 cc plus freight, P.D.I. and Tax 524:.106 ry� AUTH!ORIZE,D DEALER FOR 211 BAYFIELD YAMAHA-KAWASAK. 1 GODERICH CREDIT UNIONS NEW LOW RATE ■ * Completely Open for prepayment. * Simple Interest. * Interest Calculated on the unpaid balance. * Life Insured. If you -have a good reason to borrow... a new car, a used car, home renovations, refurnishing, holidays, paying off your charge cards or even consolidating bills...turn to the Credit Union: We've got -the good rate! SPECIAL DEPOSITS $500. ONE YEAR 5 O x10,000 & OVER el 501® ONE YEAR • ■ People Helpiflg People OODEUPCH COMMUNITY DST UNION 39 ST. DAVID ST. GODER$CH PHONE 524.8366