The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-16, Page 37ODEa I SICi NA11 TAN,WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1G, 1100.3,PAGEOA ' Prices etteCtiVelltru Saturday, March 1901, 1903. A&P reserves the right to limit quantities to I 'mal family requirements! REGULAR OR SUGAR FREE SPRITE, TAB COLA, REGULAR OR DIET We redeem all food Store coupons! MADE FROM 100% VEG OIL, ELMGROVE SAVE 1.10/kg s with supermarket prices CUT FROM CANADA'S FINEST GRADE 'A' BEEF BLADE, CHUCK SHORT RIB OR SHOULDER Boneless Roasts OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.491kg-2.49 Ib SAVE 1.10/kg-.50 Ib SAVE .50 Ib SAVE .88/kg-.40 Ib 9 Ib SAVE .89/kg-.40 Ib UTILITY GRADE, EVISCERATED Or SEMI BONELESS 2 TO 3 kg AVERAGE SHANKLESS PICNIC SHOULDER, Blade short Rib Roasts Frozen Chickens Fresh Pork Roasts 9!8/9995/179 06 39 !kg Ib ./kg Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.060kg-1.79 Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 3.951kg-1.79 Ib !kg / - Ib OUR REGULAR PRICE 5.051kg-2.29 Ib EXCELLENT FOR BRAISING Blade Steaks 395 /1719 FRESH 9 Medium Ground Beef 3 k5g /17! SHOULDER CUTS, STRIP OR CUBED Stewing Beef BONELESS BEEF Brisket Point 51)k!, /229 505 /229 Ikg Ib PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, SKINLESS & DEVEINED Sliced Beef Liver . 17' /.79 lb CANADIAN QUEEN. BOLOGNA, MAC & CHEESE, CHICK. LOAF ea Sliced Cooked Meats vacpac 129 CANADIAN QUEEN, HOT OR SWEET, VAC PAC Italian Style Sausage 3g/169 MARY MILES, VAC PAC Bologna Chunks 31 /149 BREAKFAST, STORE PACK Burns Sausage 3 !kg /1 ib SCHNEIDER'S 2 VARIETIES Sliced Side Bacon MAPLE LEAF REGULAR AND ALL BEEF Wieners vac pac 259 500 g• vac pac 142 1 Ib MAPLE LEAF ALL BEEF, PURE PORK, SKINLESS OR Golden Fry Sausage "NKr 2a9 MAPLE LEAF, VAC PAC Corned Beef Brisket 505 /229 PICNIC SHOULDER OR SHOULDER BUTT Pork Chops 31 /16s PICNIC SHOULDER Boneless Pork Roast 3e /1' SHOULDER BUT Boneless Pork Roast 3 kg/1s9 PREVIOUSLY FROZEN, NEW ZEALAND, SHOULDER Lamb Chops 139 /199 139 /199 !kg Ib 14!!/19! MAPLE LEAF PREVIOUSLY FROZEN PORK SIDE Smoked Picnic Shoulder 34 /169 Spar&Ribs SHOPSY'S PASTRAMI OR MAPLE LEAF, SWEET PICKLED, VAC PAC Corned Beefpackof4 259 50 g bags Cottage Rolls SHOPSY'S OLD VIENNA OR All Beef Salami SHOPSY'S vac pac 500 g 299 Sliced Cooked Ham "t75gc 1" FRESH, SHOULDER BUTT Pork Roast PURINA DOG FOOD Butchers Blend 911®59 STRAWBERRY OR RASPBERRY, WITH PECTIN 'Aylmer Jams - 500gjar 1 s 49 FLAKED WHITE, IN OIL Star-Kist Tuna 6.5 1 69 tin ■ LIPTON, ASSORTED VARIETIES Cup -A -Soup Mixes penvs4 199 MAPLE LEAF Tenderflake Lard _ OUR REGULAR PRICE 119 ASSORTED VARIETIES Rice -A -Boni HUNT'S Tomato Paste BRIGHT'S Tomato Juice 3 VARIETIES INCL. CONSOMME Heinz Soups 351 /159 /kg Ib IMINIONMINNOMMINNINIMI 6 oz pkg ■ 99 oz tin 13f1 .99 48 oz .99 tin 2 m79 z . 79 IMPORTED FANCY Assorted Biscuits 700 gr. tin BEV'S DELI COUNTER MILD GOUDA CHEESE PRODUCT OF HOLLAND WHOLE WHEEL CUT UP ,b 3.19 lb 3.49 DELI FRESH Pizza PREPARED DAILY 10" 499 2.99 12" 3.99 14" 4.99 417 BATHROOM TISSUE, ASSORTED COLOURS Royale Tissue 69 pkgof8 rolls FACIAL TISSUEyAS._SQ.RTEI/COLOURB----- oyale Tissue box of 100 sheets OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.23 IN TOMATO SAUCE, WITH PORK OR WITH PORK & MOLASSES Heim Beans REGULAR OR DIET Coca-Cola IcE 00 750 mL btls Plus btl deposit OUR REGULAR PRICE .75 EACH HEINZ, 10 02 TIN Tomato Soup 31.99 OUR REGULAR PRICE .41 EACH youth wins Natalie Sully Natalie Sully, 17 -year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Sully of Goderich, is this year's winner of the United Nations Pilgrimage of Youth Speak -Off spon- sored by the Rebekahs and Oddfellows of Huron County. Linda McInnes of Wingham was runner-up. The speak -off was held in Clinton on Friday, March 4. It was open to all Huron County students 16-17 years of age. Natalie gave a. prepared speech on Fitness and was also required to give an impromptu speech. Her prize is a 10 -day trip to New York this summer where she will tour the UN and other points of interest. Last year's Huron County trip -winner was Debbie Josephson of Exeter. Huron Lodge officially __ _visited District Deputy, Grand Master Bro. John Moffatt of ' Brucefield and District Warden Bro. Gordon Papple of $eaforth made their of- ficial visit to Huron Lodge No. ' 62 on Monday evening, March 7. District Deputy Bro. John Broadfoot of Brucefield was also in attendance along with other representatives from Brucefield-and -Seaforth: ~ - ' - ` Following the regular meeting, a social half hour was enjoyed and a delicious lunch was provided by Bro. Joseph Thompson and his committee. Heating up... •frompage4A prevented them from setting a team record of two vic- tories in one night. A trip to the "farm" club for the Lady Foresters resulted in a new addition to that honourable organiza- tion. Wilma Kurran filled in for regular skip Bernice Moore and curled a mansize game against the Champion Office "Silver Brooms". This game was very close until an ugly four points ap- peared in the seventh end for the ladies. Hugh Oliver and Paul Mulligan, curled well in the early going but it was ob- vious to all that Wilma's charms were affecting their game plan. Ed Brissette's last shot of the evening gave the Super Shell foursome a two point Shell foursome a two point final end and a one point vic- tory over the Goderich Legion. In a 'contest of few mistakes, there was little doubt that Ed would not come through, nevertheless, it was a heart -breaker for the Legion foursome who had staged a come back to take the ead going in to the last end. Tom Profit and Jim Bell provided a solid one-two punch for the losers but the better half of the Brissette clan also had a great game and when Ardithe is hot, Ed is too! The Industrial League's other SS team found both personal happiness and suc- cess on this seventeenth night of 'eoanpetition. The teal suceess was 'an im- Eressive 5 to 3 win over the lementary Teachers while individually Peggy Young saw the size of her wallet in- crease greatly during the usual Ninth End celebra- tions. Fine efforts by Young, Ginn and Pincher together with a pressure -packed final shot by skip Tim Colwell ended the Elementary Teacher's winning streak at one.