The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-16, Page 13GODl WWCH SIGNALrSTARt WEDNESDAY, : H: i0, i,s18 PA 13 26. Help wanted. 26. Help wanted care Corporation of the TOWN OF GODERICH ,•0 fa U Go o-gw:+co i TOWN OF GODERICH MAITLAND CEMETERY BOARD Requires a Full Time SEXTON For the MaitlaniCemetery Successful applicant will be required to reside at Cerrnnetent% Written applications forwarded to the un- dersigned by March 18, 1.9e3. Larry J. McCabe Secretary Maitland Cemetery Board 57 West Street G.ODERICH, ONTARIO NTA 2K5 SOMEONE WITH 'trailer to operate trailer camp. Phone 524-7560.-11 SALESPERSONS and supervisors required in Goderich - Clinton area for expanding health food and nutrition company. Full time or part time, no ex- perience, full training provided. quick advancement. 1-227.4306, 10a.rn.-2p.m.--•llx • SEAFORTH BUSINESS requires a full time bookkeeper to do daily bookkeeping without supervi• sion and must be able to main- tain Subsidiary and genera! ledger. Successful applicant will be able to prepare accrual bas- ed financial statements. Knowledge of payroll and .in- come taxes would be an asset. Please enclose o resume stating experience and salary expecta• tions to Box 3695,•c/o The Huron Expositor, Seaforth, Ont. Not( 1W0.--11 27. Wanted (general) WANTED Hobby shop equipment in good working order. Table, jig,. skill saw, grinder, planer pier various hand tools. Cal", between 5 and 6 p.m. weekdays. Saturcdnw morning only. 524-8754 CASH FOR GOLD All Gold and Si k -e - items. rings, watcher, eorrI, t chains. rnedeis and dent! gold. Ocmog d' or broken items acceptable. Special prices for Caneadion and American silver coins, any con- dition. Also buying rnny foreign silver coins. ELGIN STUDIO & FRAME SHOP 106 The Square Goderich Exclusive Agent in Goderich for Northland Sold A Silver Inc. 23. Business opportunity a,y FRANCHISE AVAILABLE for Video Movie Rentals. We offer turnkey operation. Minimum in- vestment required. Phone 519- 438-0682 London. --11.:13x • MEN'S' CLOTHIER needed, com• munity of 25,000. Wide open market, several excellent loca- tions available: Contact: Norm Leigh, Manager, Chamber of Commerce, Box 1098, Station 8, Fort Erie, Ontario, L2A 5N9. Tel. c4,6)871-3803.-0-11 29. Tenders i TOWNSHIP WEST WAWANOSH of SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked, will be received by either of the undersigned until, 5:00 p.m., MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1983, for the crushing and hauling of approximately 25,000 cu. yds. of 5/8" granular material on Township roads, and ap- proximately 500 cu. yds. to stockpile. Ap- proximately 10,000 cu. yds. will be required on roads by June 15th, the remainder when road construction is complete (Date September). Ten- ders must be submitted on Township tender forms. available at the Municipal Office, and be accompanied by cer- tified cheque for '2,000.00. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. George Humphrey, Road Superintendent Joan Armstrong, Clerk R.R. No. 2, Lucknow. 27 Wanted (general) BUSHES WANTED Buying bush lots or selected trees. Free Eaticn' *es. Top Cash Prices. CRAIG HARDWOODS LTD. Auburn BM Craig AI Craig 526.7220 , 526-7512 28. Business opportunity BEAT INFLATION. Raise large bait worms at home for ex.ra income. Neat, odorless opera- tion. l, -.ow investment. Terra Worm Farms (since 1975), R Stratford, Ontario, N5A 6S2. (519)625-8140. --.-i1 tf BE YOUR AREA'S first repre`sen• tative with a new opportunity offering extremely high finan- cial rewards. Minimum invest• ment of under $500.00. Call col- lect today. twinaCounty Pure Water 1.51063.2189' No Sun• day calls, --0.11 26 Business opportunity 29. 'Tenders- BAI.UFF'S SALE BY TENDER. Sub- ject to reseJve bid and under in- structions received and by vir- tue of q seizure, 1 will sell by tender the following: Equip- menttof Woodward Wood Supp- ly Ltd., Carnarvon, Ontario. One portable automatic wood splitter, made by North American Sawmill Machinery Ltd., .complete with infeed log trough, cut off sow, hydraulic splitter. Trough takes wood from splitter and loads truck - electric motors and hydraulics. To be 'removed from property by buyer. Inspection by appoint- ment. 1-1975 Trailmobile, 26 ft. tandem aluininum dump trailer,' ser. go. 575-1306-3765.004:, 1- 1974 Trailmobile 24 ft. tandem. - aluminum dump trailer, ser. no. 1303-231-3004; 1 - forklift truck. Inspection of trailers and forklift truck at anytime at Haliburton Truck Service, Hwy. 121, 1 mile south of Haliburton. Terms; cash .or .certified cheque. Sealed tenders will be accepted until 12 noon on March 29th. 1983. €d Fujar - Bailiff Box 278. Haliburton, Ontario, KOM iSO. 705.457-2617.-0-11 TEN UNIT MOTEL with full kit• chens. Rent by day, week or month. Plus, three bedroom house. For more information •..rite Box 1281, •Kincardine. On- tario. NOG 2G0.-0.11 31. Service directory CUSTOM SEWING AND ALTERA- TIONS, 24 to 48 hour service for rninor and major sewing. Dianne Mali'ough, phone 524- 2492.— 6.32 HORSESHOEING: Kevin Camp- bell, Graduate of the Michigan School of Horseshoeing. Specializing in corrective shoe- ing and trimming. Call 524- 9673.-=8-11 WILL DO babysitting 'all hours, in my Benmiller area home. Ex- cellent references end rates. Phone 524-2884 or 524- 2494.-11,12 DOES YOUR organization need o raise funds? Sell spices or fresh fudge. We supply all forms and information. Call Mr. `ayior (416)767.2341 or write 75 South K.ngsway Toronto, M6S 314 0 1 ' SPRING Carpet Cleaning SPECIAL Living Room. Dining Room and Hall regardless of size X39.95 CALL; r •` , • r., A & H CARPET CLEANING 524-7795 CARPET & VINYL INSTALLATION RESTRETCHING and SEAM REPAIRS Call Paul Brown 524-2848 After 6 pm SPRING WINDOW CLEANING Professionally Done Phone 524-4250 • SEPTIC TANKS • SEWERS *BULLDOZING •BACKHOE WORK *GRAVEL • TOPSOIL For a complete job ca)1: SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LTD. 524-8668 31 Service directory 31. Service 31. Service directory directory maxesabiaarmseastersearonrionceenararare FOR YOUR •Aluminum & Vinyl Siding *Replacement Windows •Insulation Needs Contact-- GODERICH INSULATION 524-6844 HOUSES BUILT BEFORE 1971 ARE MOW IN I CLUDED IN THE CHIP PROGRAM. air. *FLATROOFING *SHINGLES *MAINTENANCE *FREE ESTIMATE HENSALL RQOHNG COMMERCiAI.-RESIDENTIAL RICHARD REG!ER EXETER 235-0911 BOX 1852 EXETER, ONTARIO NOM ISO HIGHEST QUALI'T'Y SPRUCE LUMBER & TIMBERS Contact Us Today For DIRECT MILL SHIPMENTS OF LIFT LOT Contractor 'inquiriesForm Cpinlauned C CO T WWI elco CALL FOR PRICE & DELIVERY SCHEDULES NCrt kilt 524.7316 ©IBJA DD©I!®, LUMBER COMPANY H.T. DALE Septic Tank Seat ice Serving Goderich and area for 13 years PHONE Clinton 482-3320 Seaforth 527-0284 Or FREE ESTIMATES ii,orge or Stnoii WORK AROUND THE HOME Call Vernon Glenn 526-7238 ART'S Landscaping -Nursery and Garden Centre ' 6 Bennett, Goderich NOW IN STOCK FLOWER VEGETABLE SEEDS Complete line of Everything neededfor INDOOR 8 OUTDOOR GARDENING 524-2645 ,j\�� "CUSTOM (:)%0 BUILDING' O (OP *RENOVATIONS *ADDITIONS A p..,. „ m,.m NUDA(. NE W LION{ Y,ARRANIY PR( ',RAM FRANK GRAHAM " CONTRACTO*S LTD. 524-6866 WHY WAITI I l Sprin"j is,luse 07roepnid the corner ®li'.E �iR'IPF'�151 E� Call now to have''yectr" decorating donne by STAN/ INTERIORS Phone -John Stanley 524-64141 Reasonable Rater Free Es2lmate.s GARDINER'S DELIVERY 4JSED FURNt URE & AP- PLIANCES - Fnc:noetf.. d% sold,. We "deliver and 311t2TP alt1Ttlling large or small 'free estimate; 524-242'8 CHIMNEY SWEE10110 Burning wood . have it done. HAROLD LEDDY ' 524-7237 CONCRETE FORMING Wallis Floorm Fcir o complete jab eat^ SID BRUINSMA EXCAVATING LV i. 524-8668 CARPENTRY AND PAINTING 12npoirs, renovations. Pet roOrns, etc, PHONE BID HARVEY AT 524-7974 CLINTON COMPUTER SERVICE LTD. 'Data Processing A/R, A/P, G/L, payroll and statements 'Record Preparation "Income Tex `Cash Flow preparation "Esiot's Planning Phone 482.9260 tat aa-+ CHARLES C<CULRERT BACK HOEING Septic Tanks Weeper Beds Open Ditches Farm Drainage 529-7571 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Servii:e Centre for all *WHIRLPOOL -INGLIS *SPEED QUEEN `ADMIRAL '`SIMPLICITY *HOTPOINT Appliances HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 55 Ktngston St., Goderich PELLOW CUSTOM CARPENTRY *Renovations Horne Repairs 'Free estimates LICiENSEII? CARPENTER Phone: Fred Pellow 524-2406 BICYCLE REPAIRS at the BICYCLE STAND 524fi'4(434 'icor cue. 32. Custom*work . WANTED - Someone to custom plow, cultivate, apply anhydrous spray, and plant corn for 70 acres near Port Albert or will rent. Phone • 529- 7761.--10,11 PIANO TUNING AND PiANO LESSONS CALL DAVE McKEE 524-7774 POANO TUNING "Repairs ^Rebuildirng "Key Recovered 'Keys Recovered •Denspp-Cher ars BRUCE PULS!>-ER 348-9223 Mitchell CHROMATROPE UPHOLSTERY AND VINYL SERVICE 48 EAST ST. Goderich *FREE ESTIMATES* MURRAY F. TAYLOR 482-7928 33. Farm services - YOU CAN COUNT ON THESE PIONEER PERFORMANCE LEADERS 3925 3925 rs an excellent yielding 'lybrld offering fast drydovvr and excellent standability 3906 3906 is an outstanding , hybrid having excellent stalks and roots aryl is excellent for grain or silage 3950 3950 is a consistent dependable hybrid 'planted on more acres in Canada than any other variety Your Pioneer Sales Representatives, Ara: BILL STEENSTRA RR TAO F CLINTON 482-3145 RAY BROWN nn leo s 000cnlce 529-7280 PIONEER. OMAN* Saab COfN 07o116e, ,e a brand neuro; numbare ide41114y varlallaeP50qIIIarae irademarh Ile'Lnaad Ib Planner Hhpnnd LImFIad Chatham, OFAarla 34. Personal PREGNANT, DISTRESSED? Mar- ried, single, free positive con- fidential support, Help .is as close as your telephone. BIR- THRIGHT - London (collect) 432- 7197: 527.0115, or 524-2023 (after 6 p.m.). -2.52x, l ,2x 35, Notice to 'creditors effinalb All persons having claims against the Estate of .JOSEPH WINNIPEG MOORE, Welder, late of the Township of Coi- borne, in the County of Heron, who died on or about the 25th day of December. 1982, are' re- • quired to fife the same with full particulars with the undersign- ed by the 9th day of April, 1982, as after that date the assets of the estate will be distributed. DATED at Goderich, Ontario, this 8th dcy of March, 1983. PREST and EGENER, Barristers, etc., 33 Montreal Street, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. --11.13oror 36. Announcements, notices: ileimeseee LORNE REID SHOE REPAIR, LUCK.NOW will not accept any repairs until May 3.-11,12x NOTICE EFFECTIVE MARCH -14, 1983 The first and eighth Small Claims Court, County of Huron, will be located at 61 Hamilton St., Goderich, Ont., Phone 524-77. 12. Mailing address: Box 512, Goderich, Ont., PITA 4C7. After March 31st, a no charge number Zen. 89,000 will be available for your convenience. Mrs. Shirley G. Foxier Clerk & Bailiff arebreareawereestrallisele 30. Announcements, 341 Announcements, notices notices FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES OF MON COUNTY (op®rated by the Children's Aid Society) v INVITES YOU TO THE 72nd ANNUAL MEETING March 30, 1983 2:00 P.M. 46 Gloucester Terrace Goderich, Ontario Memberships available at the door '1.00 Refreshments rva.siecr. 38. Auction sale 38. Auction sale AnNIIIIIIMIMMOMMIellioloarmecoa AUCTION SALE FARM MACHINERY & HOUSEHOLD ITEMS WiII Be Held For Arnold Campbell Lott 8, Conc. 10, Ashfield Twp. Two corners south of Lucknow, then 11/2 mile west SATURDAY, MARCH 26 12:30 P.M. John Deere 14T baler, hay stooker, hay prong, 40 ft - bale elevator on wheels, John Deere 7 ft. 3 pt. H mower, wagon with rack, 2 Elmira 8 ton wagons, GMC 1963 truck with 250 bu, Helm gravity bin. Turnco 150 bu. gravity bin. J.M. 150 bu. gravity bin (like new), J.M.. 12 ft. fertilizer auger, Pony 171/2 ft. harrow (good), 2 Int. 15 run seed drills, grass seeder, 200 gal. weed sprayer, int. 434 tractor with 1501 loader, 500 gal. tank on wagon, Glencoe 171/2 ft. cultivator, Triple K 3 pt. H, 11 ft. cultivator, Int. 36 plate wheel disc, Allis Chalmers No. 500, 4 row corn planter for dry or liquid fertilizer and insecticide box, Int. 10 ft. double roll packer, Graham 9 ft. chisel plow, Oliver semi -mount 4- 16 plow, J.D. 3 pt. H, 3-14 plow, 3 pt. H scraper. 14 ft. flat bed trailer, M.H. 22 tractor not running. 15 - 38 set of duals, 5 drum liquid fertilizer, A.C. 295 amp Weider like new, Dodge 1977 4 wheel drive 1/2 ton truck (as is), ,barb wire, straw, scrap iron, chains, forks. shovels, some household items include piano and numerous items. TERMS: CASH For information phone 844-2968 Owner or auctioneer not responsible for accidents. BRIAN RINTOUL - Auctioneer BARRIEVIEW,LIVESTOCK SALES - 30 4H calves, steers, few heifers. Angus, Hereford, Sim - mental, Maine. Hwy. 27 south Barrie. Manager Cyril Cook. 705-737-2747. Saturday, April 9 at 1 p.n. , V oo in TOWN OF GODERICH BOULEVARD TREES The Works and Engineering Department, in conjunction with the Parks Department, are taking orders for trees to be planted on Town boulevards this spring. Due to location and tree diseases,, the type of trees to be planted shalt be at the discretion of the Town, however, owner preference wilt be accommodated when posslbie. RE, you wish a tree(s) to be planted In front of your residence or business, please contact the office of the Convr!nissioner of Works, Mr. Kenneth C. Hunter at 524- 9492 before April 5, 1983. There are a limited number of trees available, so please call early, • __- _ ____._. __._.C®uneilroi d Gliesbyeckt• Chairman Works Committee 57 West Street Goderich, Ontario NIA 2KS 519-524-9492 HURON PERTH COUNTY ROMAN CATHOLIC Separate School Board -KINDERGARTEN' REGISTRATION St. Mary's SchOOI Mr. Jim Me cede, Principal • .A 70 Bennett Street, E. GODERiCH, Ontario Telephone No. 524-9901 DATE, APRIL 12, 1983 TIME: 1 PMR5 PM Kindergarten children nerd to be 5 years of age en or before 3151 December, 14$3. Please bring preef of aga (Birth Certificate and Reptlsmal Certificate). r Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR FRI., MARCH 18 -10 A.M. Tractors. machinery. ,etc., consigned by local farmers at Lobb Machinery yard, Bayfield Road, Clinton.' SAT., MARCH 26 - 1:00 P.M. Tractor, machinery, grain bins, for Harold Wettlaufer. 6 miles west of Clinton on Hwy. No. 8. .pm—men 39. Educational HOW TO PLAY POPULAR PIANO! New • ho study ' course. Fast, easy method. Guaranteed!. For FR informa- tion, write:. Studio C0314, Russell 8 Associates, 10060-102 Ave., Ft. St. John, B.C. V1J 2E2,.-0;11_ 40. Lost & Found LOST: Chrysler Corporotionl wheel disc lost in Goderich. Finder please phone 524-8101. Reward! --11 • 41. To give away , kke THREE six -week-old kittens give away. Phone 524-6498 after 6 p.m. .11 46. In memoriam 01111001, JOHNSTON In loving memory of Thos. S. JohnMon, who passed away suddenly March 19, 1982. His wife, Ellen Johnston. -11x • TIGERT In loving memory of a deur wife, mother and grandmother, Ihla Tigert, who passed owny March 21, 1982. And Him evermore I behold Walking in Galilee, Through the cornfield's wnving gold, In hamlet, in wood, and in weld, By the. shores of the Beautiful Sea. He toucheth the sightless eyes:, Before Him the demons Hee: To the deed He sayeth: Arise! To the living: Follow mea And that voice still soundeth an From the centuries that are gone, To the centuries that shall be! —Lovingly remembered by hus- band Walter, Isabel, Ed. and grandchildren.--• 11 x