The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-16, Page 6J -4* xalsF XLm?f8nm i6,, 1983:: Motorists who were out for a drive on Sunday may have thought they would see some ex- citement when a fire truck pulled up to Olde .Goderich Service and firemen proceeded to spray water on the surrounding pavement. Actually the firemen were only taking partin a fire drill. (photo by T.Marr.) _ HARBOUR EVENT UNITED STATES COASTGUARD CUTTER BISCAYN.EBAY 'returns to GODERICH HARBOUR fora good will 'visit on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23,1983 1* The cutter will hold an Open House for public viewing on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23RD FROM 7:00 P.M. TO 9:00 P.M. '0:.,t:• **„•:•. t+ COME AND HELP US WELCOME THE VISITORS Goderich Waterfront & Parks Committee Billets Needed For YOUNG CANADA WEEK (Bed and Breakfast For Two Boys) PHONE Bernie Taseit 524-7297 Bill Chisholm 524-2467 Qne of Knox The Auburn Village • Trustee, 13 bird ;tet on Saturday, March.' t2 in the Auburn •Commtlnjty Centre with Trustee Board Chair- man, Walter Andrews in charge.. A discussion took place about the insurance coverage on the 1,200. books owned by Auburn' 'Pub is library. It was decided o add this to the policy and to see what the insurance cost would be:.. • Replacing some sidewalks was discussed for the summer work project and a new. roof will have to be put on the Centre as. it shows signs of leaking. This will be done as soon as possible. If anyone wishes to rent the Community Centre they should contact any of the Trustees. People report . There were 10 tables in play at the weekly euchre party held by the Silver Tops • in the Community Memorial Hall. The winners were: novelty, Gordon Gross; high lady, Mrs. Tom Hallam; low lady, Mrs. Pete Jefferson; high man, Ben Hamilton; and low man, John Hallam. The Auburn Silver Tops entertained the Blyth Swinging Sodom to an of, terna►il of eucfire and shuffle board on Wednesday, Mir 9 Ross Robinson and Tom Jardin were in charge of the games. Winners of the draw were Norman Garrett, Mrs: It. Thalen, Major YQungblut, Mrs. Lenore Davidson, John Hesslewood and Mrs. Clara Rinn. Lunch was served by the comi>ifttee, Mrs. Tom Jardin, Mrs. Donald Haines, Mrs. Tota Haggitt and Mrs. Dorothy arrange. There was over 65 present and a good afternoon was enjoyed by all. The president of the Blyth Swinging Seniors, Jim McCall thanked the Auburn Silver Tops for the afternoon of entertainment and Silver Tops' President, Tom Jardin replied. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger returned last Friday from a four week trip to New Orleans for the Mardi Gras. They also visited Port Aransas, Texas, San Antonio, Texas and Mexico. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Goffin, Mr., and Mrs. J.G. McIntosh and Christopher and Mr. and Mrs. J.A. McIntosh, all of London, visited with Mrs. Best Interest Cy 5 years o Annual We represent many Trust Companies. We are often able to arrange for the highest interest being of- fered on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. *Subject to change $4Gaiser-KneaIe Insurance Brokers Inc. EXETER CLINTON GRAND BEND GODERICH 235-2420 482-9747 238-8484 524-2118 38 HAMILTON ST. 524-7181 DOG CLIPPING AND, GROOMING IN STOCK AT ALL TIMES BUDGIES, CANARIES, TROPICAL FISH, ALL PET SUPPLIES. DUBLIN AUTOMOTIVE Mobile 011 Spraying •FARMS *RESIDENTIAL *COMMERCIAL •New oil based fluid applied, won't harm rubber •-•Oil creeps into the smallest areas, doesn't hold moisture •Doors, sills and rocker panels drilled and plugged •Gives your vehicle a higher resale value *Prompt, courteous, .friendly service •No mess to your driveway WE RECOMMEND TWO TREATMENTS PER YEAR (SPRING & FALL) as For further information call collect 519-345-2862 OR VISIT US AT OUR SEAFORTH LOCATION ON BIRCH STREET THE FARM WITH THE STATUES t r EST. 1932 OPEN 11:30 TO 4:30 MON. TO FRI. 9:00 TO 6:00 SAT. & SUN. 2 - APPLE PARI( PRODUCTS One Mile East of Goderich on Highway No. 8 SPRING SPECIAL! GOOD QUALITY APPLES Spys-Mac's-Delicious 3 Ibs....11.00 5 lbs....9.50 1/2 bu....•5.00 bushel....•9.00 'C' Grade Spies For Cooking 154 Ib. Bushel $5.00 POTATOES 104 Ib. Fresh Apple Butter & Maple Syrup AUBURN NEWS Ei.arror i r®drl.ok, 45140,.715015. Frances Clark on the weekend. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Rodger on the weekend were Mrs. Joyce Gunter of Shining Tree, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hallam, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Helesic and Mr. and Mrs. Clare Rodgers and family, all of Goderich. Unit Two The March meeting of Unit Two of Knox United Church Women was held on Tuesday, March 8 at the home of Mrs. Kenneth McDougall. The theme for the worship service was "Hands." Mrs. McDougall opened the meeting and welcomed all that were present. The hymn, Take my life and let it be, was sung and then Mrs. McDougall read the scripture lesson. This was followed by the meditation on "Hands of Christ." Mrs. Tom Jardin read the legend of the Praying Hands and she also read a poem about the same topic. Mrs. Orval McPhee then read a poem, "A Child's Hand in Yours." Mrs. Jardin read a paper on Random Thoughts on Hands and this was followed by a duet which was sung by Mrs. Torn McPheeand Mrs. 'Donald Haines. t The offering was received and dedicated with prayer by Mrs. Donald Haines. After the offering was taken a hymn was sung and then Mrs. Orval McPhee closed the worship service with a prayer. . Group leader,.Mrs. Donald Haines opened the business portion of the meeting. with a prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were then read by the secretary, Mrs. Olive Anderson and approved. The minutes were followed bythe reading of the correspon- dence. Plans were made for the Easter Thankoffering meeting to be held on Wednesday, March 23. when Mrs. Dorothy Potter of Goderich will be guest speaker` The roll call was answered with a Bible verse containing the word, hand and then Mrs. Haines read a paper on World Christian Fellowship. Articles were received for the layette and then Mrs. Haines closed the. meeting with a . prayer. After the meeting the women enjoyed a lunch. Missionary Society The Auburn Presbyterian Women's Missionary Society met last Thursday_afternoon at the home of Mrs. Frank Raithby. Mrs. Elenor Bradnock gave the call to worship which was followed by a hymn. The devotional period was then taken by Mrs. Roy Daer. The meditation, "Rock, ,tones alltl Newer' .which was wr tten by the World Council ' of Churches, was followed by prayer, After the meditation., the offering was received by • Mrs, .Frances: Clark and dedicated with. prayer by Mrs. Menai- Bradnock. The rolls call was taken and; each woman answered with a Bible verse which con- tainea the woad,. precious.The minutes were then approved as read by the secretary, Mrs. Lillian Letherland. Mrs. Frances Clarlt gave the 'financial statement and an invitation to attend the Easter Thankoffering of Knox United Church Women, to be held on Wednesday, March 23, was:accepted. A donation was receivedto be sent to the Goderich WMS to assist in buying a blanket and ,Mrs. Roy D'aer volun- teered to visit with Miss Minnie Wagner at Huron - view this month. Mrs. Bradnock gave the mission study which was about Miss Agnes Hislop and her wok in India since she went there in 1950. Mrs. Bradnock also spoke on "How Shall I Keep Lent?" The meeting was closed with the mizpeth benediction and then lunch was served by Mrs. Raithby. Unit One Unit One of Knox United Church Women met on Wednesday, March 9 in the Sunday school room of the church. The members gathered an hour earlier in .order to visit some of the sick shut-ins in the village and surrounding area, returning to the church afterwards for the remainder of the meeting. Mrs. Ross Andrews was in charge of the devotions XIS Which pertained to the Easter m+eissage, "Comae to me, the SaviourSakl,". Mrs, William Empey (Jr) and: 1. rs. Terry ittledge assisted with the .devotions, "Jesus and the Simple Tho," A hyiitn wasaaung andngsthen Mrs. Rutledge .closed the meeting with prayer. Mrs. Dorothy Grange took over the business portion of thel meeting dile to the alp- settee irseance of the president, -Mrs. Maurice Bean, Mrs Grange ,opened the meeting with a short reading, "A Minute for Missions-" The minutes of the, last meeting were accepted as read by secretary, Mrs. Tina E The United Church Women President, Mrs. Jack Armstrong announced the special events night for the Huron Presbyterial will take place on Saturday, At:wa ll. The March general meeting will be held' on Wednesday, March 23 at 8 p.m. with Mrs. Dorothy Potter of Goderich as the guest speaker. The men and women from all of the village churchesand groups are invited to attend. It was announced that the annual pancake supper will be held on Wednesday, April 6 in the church Sunday school room. The Auburn UCW has agreed to cater to the Blyth Theatre of the Arts on June 30, July 21 and September 9. Mrs. Gordon Gross gave a report on the Layette and it was announced that Unit One will be in charge of cleaning the church in April. The meeting was closed Ad then Mrs. Ross ndrews, Mrs. William Empey and Mrs. Terry Rutledge served lunch. Students learn about hazards of drugs By Nancy Hunter and Christina Simpson The grades 7 and 8 classes at Brookside Public School were interested in the slide presentation on drugs pres- ented by constable Gosse of the Goderich O.P.P. He, ex- plained what the different drugs look like and the danger and side effects in using the :,drugs.. He showed the different kinds of pipes used, also a little container of marijuana, and a glass case ' of all the drugs people use and their forms. He advised the students that taking drugs can be fatal. A ping pong tournament including participants from Ripley, Blyth, East Wawa - nosh and Brookside was held last week. Walter Martin of Brookside placed .first in the grade 7 boys. He is from Brookside. Jean McWhinney of Brookside tied with Mon- ique Harvey . from Ripley. Cathy Dow of Brookside won second in the grade 8 divi- sion. Congratulations to all who competed. - , Winter' intramural sports are drawing to a close. Ping pong champions are Leroy Dougherty, Cathy Dow, Jean McWhinney, Walter Martin, Karen Binder, Craig Jeffer- son, Tanya Turner., Michael Millian,,Jackie. Culbert and Jeffrey Storey. These win- nersare now playing a tour- nament of the Champions. The junior floor hockey championship was won by Bob's Bunker and the crab soccer champions are Tuck- ers' Tarantulas. in basketball the senior champs are the Hotshots. The senior floor- hockey champs are the Oilers.• . Mrs. Cameron's grade 2 class has ' welcomed a new student, Ryan Middelkamp. Miss Bode -attended a French conference on March 5 in London'at the Sheraton Centre. Miss Bode also help- ed grade 3 make a zoo. The zoo consisted of names of animals in French and pic- tures. Mrs. " Blanchette's and Mrs. Cameron's class went to. Robinson's sugar bush: .They were shown how to ex- tract the sap and also how to tap trees using the vacuum, process: They were then al- lowed to taste maple candy, maple syrup, maple taffy and maple butter.• Mrs. °Young's class is making booklets about their trip to the, Sugar Bush. They are also planning for St. Patrick's Day. Mr Liddle's class received letters from their penpals and their penpals 'sent them gingerbreak cookies along with a book on their trip to Birds Hill. Grade 6 is paint- ing Pirate pictures and they are good. Mrs. Tebbutt's room has been studying newspapers as part of their communications unit in environmental stud- ies. The children have also been given task cards where they • get the information • about the questions they were given. The information is put in a small booklet. -The class has also been writing and illustrating their :: own books. Mrs. Tebbutt's class wel- comed a new student, Nicole Middelkamp this week. Mr. McQuail, Brookside's trustee .on the Huron Board of Education arranged for Serge Paron of Quebec City who is working on the Katimavick program to come to the school to speak to the students. The school's French teacher, Miss Bode, assisted the students in ask- ing questions in French. Parents view science projects at open :house This past Tuesday an Open House was held at Robertson Memorial School for parents and guardians to view the science projects. The calibre of the projects is great. All the -students should be proud of their work. Last Friday the basketball tournament was held. The boys stayed at Robertson while the girls went to Colborne. The boys went undefeated while the girls. showed good sportsmanship. The boys' team consisted of Ron Todghatn, Tim Gedcke, Mark Burbine, Richard Boddy, Roger Ward, Colin Robertson Round -up Ism Shand, Scott Garrow, Shawn Larder, Billy Trebish, Ian MacKinnon and Steve Hutinson. The girls' team consisted of Debbie Doak, Jennifer Huyck, ,Denise MacDonald, Becky Martin, Lori McCartney, Susan Murphy, Stacey Rean, Denise Riehl, Birgit Schulz, Julie Scott and Laurie White. Dear Readers, Regarding my article on Double -Dutch, rROSSSHOESHOP 142 THE SQUARE, GODERICH Clearance Sale _Hurry lnNow— 'Your Naturalizer Shoe Store' NATURALIZERS ALL FALL AND WINTER STOCK REG. UP TO $5 997 ASST. STYLES & SIZES I WHITE CROSS BROKEN STYLES & SIZES REG. UP TO $1997 LIMITED PAIRS' ROSS SHOE SH P� you .might wonder what Dish, Double, Irish, Inside- Outsies, Spanish, • Single, Hippsies or T opsies mean. Well, . Double is short for Double -Dutch which is two ropes swinging inward at the same time. Irish is holding on to one rope and jumping over the second rope. Ind- FORSALE side-Outsies is the same as Double -Dutch except in the other direction. Spanish is one rope on the ground and jumping over the _other rope without jumping on the rope on the ground. Single, well. you MUST knoW what that is! Hippsies is Double -Dutch with your hands on; your hips. Hopsies is the. one dreaded by ali skipperp. Hopsies is Double -Dutch NI one foot. Well, so long... –By Heather Larsen. .©,,O COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT" & INCOME PROPERTIES KINCARDINE Main business section, 5,000 sq. ft. commercial outlet, plus good rental income from 5 upstairs apartments. Excellent investment property for owner occupant. Large low rated assumable mortgage. S135,000.00. Golf Course - 18 hole, with LLBO lounge and dining facility for 140, plus other recreational features. Large, nearly new home. Owner will hold investment rated mortgage. 5425,000.00. (2) Kincardine Townhouse Developments. (1) MLIRB, (1) reg'd. condo. Both rented at 100% occupancy. Contact broker for details. PART ELGIN Self -serve gas bar, 2 convenience store outlets and go-kart operation, on Hwy. 21. This very viable operation also Includes income from (4) upstairs 2 - bedroom apartments. Building is approximately 2 years old and is situated on a large lot which will allow for further development. $350,000.00. Baso mess r Ea al l ty I i uni t @ d tommaam KINCARDINE (519)-396-7521 i7 r.: