The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-02, Page 40,1 „N•?..•••••• ••• P•:•1 ti 0 `•• • t.,194 ee 4., .starsa urea .. goals in the .Secon 9 tie thV,t. victory over„v.„.. *dine in the and ,vach,tkeem, scored,gfice. • .., the , . . , tournament -0 „ Stilii: was •sweet 4' period. Jack Me : ” .,, Me revenge for„. °den having lostto Kin, Goderich goal. , . , . , . carding : in, ,o0oot-out'in• the previous . • In its first, game, of the toutneMe* game, It a different Story in the final Goderich disposed of Mimmay 8-9, WeYro_ as Weelehto ,Ir 'control of game from Doak led the offence with two goals while ofr the'etal:Pintit g up a 2-0 lead after the ,,, - Don Masse, Draper, Don Freeman, and first perk4,„ , -play and coasting to a 5-2 . Eric Kirk added one goal apiece. win to capture the gold medal, . In its second game Saturday, Goderich Hary Livingston opened the scoring. K.,. scored four Owls in second period to • '.. ' Goderich inl e first periad and Ken .Lee rip Ripley 7-3. Livingston' paced the .,..' 'scored on an unassisted effort to boost the Deckhands; Into a tvvo'-gbal lead. Each team scored once in the second period P. Draper scoring for Goderich and Goderich clinched the win with two goals in the final period by Lee and Ken,Daer. In a previous matchup,*, Kincardine t.€ •1! foundedin It hs em 5flOO, ' • 'Itnint:40.; • TO 'a itgiOSio Deckhands attack with two goals while MacDonald Deer Masse, Doak and Draper added, one goakapiece. The Goderich Old Deckhands will be defending its gold Medal win in the Zurich ' old timers tournament March 11,12 and 13. Juveniles face Petrolia, in OMHA playoffs Friday The Goderich.. : Signal -Star Juveniles finally have an opponent in the next round of OMHA playoffs. • That opponent is Petrone; a team coach Doug Cruickshank called "big and tough” after he watched them win the A division of the juvenile Silver Stick Totonament in Mooretown. The best -of -five Series beens in Petrolia this Friday and the second of the series will be played in Goderich, Sunday, March 6 at 2.30 p.m. On the weekend the Stars dropped a 5-1 decision to Strathroy in the Shamrock League championship in Mount Brydges. join us for OUR ANNUAL STEWARDSHIP OUTREACH on aim with host David Maim AND REYNOLD RUTLEDGE SATURDAY, MARCH 5,1983 8:00 AM -1:00 PM WATCH FOR IT TO BE PART OF THE LIVE -STUDIO AUDIENCE CALL. (519) 357-1083 • ,To • iiQ (e„ of vehi- Deputy -Governor - 84. Goderich club wil „the date set • , 4"*arch,19:dagrtIF'i;'1°4°411::':* 1 0.7a4hoti for .1 ilitiOn;40..the 1983 Zone po i member•Tournament to be hOlit late, this PAMMOA ca• .• eOO,,New the Mate011111 McIi Are TOO Irate Aboute High Coot of keeping Your bge.. no???, YOU • i WIth .chgau fioirrup you receive a ticket niakin We Have Th. Solution... • you , eligible to win our weekly draw. /thirty 11140,014y, " GAS VOUCHER INNIElt MOP N(L 1009572 Feihruary 23 . ' • "5;.• ' . • ill? . 4 fr.i., • - :‘,‘ • The 3rd Goderich Girl Guide company and the 3r,d Goddrich Brownie pack celebrated Lord and 1dy Baden-PoweIrs birthday (or Thinking Day) on Tuesday, February 22. The girls dressed up in international costumes in order to demonstrate that guiding is..a world wide activity. Pictured are (front row left to right) Marie Burbine representing Bolivia and Becky Harrison and Jodi Pearson, both representing Scotland. (Back row) Kim Linidater dressed as a Mexican, Tressa Rodges dressed as a Hawaiian and Stephanie Bush also dressed as a Mexican.( photo by T.Marr) -MeK11.1,0P MUTUAL INSURANCE COMP AN 1871) l'h. 527-0400 91 Nlain St. South. Seaforth FULL COVERAGE Farm & Urban Properties DI R ECTORS & ADJUSTERS Iven 4:a •Iian • 182-.3351 L527-1877000•rot1;o0lhiso teonharill. , :115-2231 John ,MI hog 323-93911 521-71151 Uonahl'41anle, Ilehoreelocr 527-1837 John t. Too loor • • 182-7527 • j. '16,•notel ha 182-7593 327-11687 '41nart V1 il•oni • • AGENTS "Hill- Mind • 527,1 155 • • IlOolo 527-1371 in. Lripo•r . 5234237 CALL AGENTOR THE ()FFICE • , 4 INC E, TAX Speoialittiat H&R Block are specially trained to provide you an 'accurate and cbrnplete and to check for all deductions-, credits and ex#mptions so you pay the lowest legitimate tax..Our work is -NTEED and if your' return is questioned we will represent you to the tax department at noextra cost. • S TO -BE PREPARED . so tee us soon. This year, haveyout tax return done by Writ BLOCK THE ;INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS 19 Victoria St. N. • Goderich Open 9 A.M.-8 P.M. Weekdays, 9-4 Sat. Phone 524-8658 OPEN TODAY -NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY 236 Huron Road - Hwy. No. 8 Goderich • • Our Prices Are Lower Than Most Others. ARIOur Customers Are Members. It's Free. NO CARDS. NO UP'FRONT MONEY ***************,#t****** * *** * • * WEDNESDAY ONLY *• • * A FOR I DAY 11 VIDEO MOVIES * ********;V******************** ADVANCE RESERVATIONS WELCOME • Our Prices Are Membership Prices Your Membership Is Free. RS BULK FOOD • SPECIAL PRICES AVAILABLE IN STORES AS SHOWN MARCH 2 THRU MARCH 8 SPECIAL TORTILLA CHIPS 3.15 liu7lIb.1 SPECIALS AVAILABLE ONLY IN: sp_siaL TEA BISCUIT MIX 1.74,4 rs ze fine markets_of title foals SPECIAL ION SA 2.118 /Kg. 990 lb. SPECIAL BLANCHED PEANUTS 2.118,(g 990,b VIDEO PLAYER MONDAY • ZEHRS NO. 8 HIGHWA GODERICH, ONTARIO • • • Goderich Hanover , Walkerton Stratford Woodstock 112SHOPPERS SQUARE OODERKII 044924, sobOOOOl000m n ha sm -------, .