The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-02, Page 34GINGER ALE, C -PLUS ORANGE, SODA, TONIC, WINK OR SUGAR FREE 6 pack of 300 mL returnable bels: available at our regular price. CANADA NO. '1 GRADE, PROD. OF FLORIDA Fresh Cele Hearts bunch 1 •e: EXCELLENT IN SALADS & DIPS PROD. OF CALIFORNIA PROD. OF CALIFORNIA, SWEET, SEEDLESS PROD. OF ONTARIO Navel Oran'gesFresh Avocados 00 . Fresh SIONAPOANWEDNFASPAYe MARCH 'i 19 . airGEOW4Eatnivfol4 after 15 weep s of Godlerieh hnd.rda1 ticague curling, the champion Offiec "fiver Brooms' fina1Iy slid" tt, Phil Walton,. John, Crawford, Lerry Brown and. Paul Mulligan finally got `'animal' and tore into an opponent. The result was their first taste of triumph in this very trying season. Their victim was the generous and kind Victoria and Grey foursome and the historic score was 8 to 5. V & G skip Cathy Hamilton put sttong pressure on skip Mulligan on many occasions but the Silver 'Broom skip had had enough of losing and refused to break under the weight of leadership. Although they had to buy it, the first drink of the ninth end must have had an especially sweet taste to it! Equally happy with their upset victory were the Sifto Salt "Maniacs" as they sank the Super Shell reps ,6 to 3. Although Lynn Edward felt her team was "cruising" for a victory, the going got rough early with fine efforts from Jerry Risebourough and Ralph Brown. Skipper Brissette often found his target well guarded by many obstacles and was forced to navigate the uncharted and difficult section of Ice I known as the "Maitland Triangle ! " "Maitland Buoyed by their win, the Maniacs are now riding the crest of a one game winning streak while the Super Shell unit plummetted to new depths of despair. The Legion team was also upset and not just in the usual sense of the word. They were upset. by the presence of two ringers brought in by the Huron County Health Unit. "Neither Cheryl Gilbert nor Clare Harman, have lost a match all year," com- plained Legion skip Jim Bell. This is true, but it was once again the combined skill of Jack MacKinnon and Laurie "Roll Up Your Sleeve" Paquette that resulted in still another victory for the surprisingly successful Health Unit. It took two points in the final end to do it but MacKinnon & Co. met the challenge. It was unusually quiet on the ice where the first place Foresters were trying to make it "rough" on the Maiitland Golfers. At first glance, the lack of noise might be attributed to the demure attitude of the Lady Golfers but anyone who has curled against these ladies knows better than that. Perhaps the closeness of the contest crippled con- versation. Maybe ef- fervescent Jamieson Ribey had laryngitis. But suddenly the cause was clear and this question rebounded throughout the arena. "Where is Bogie?" The fearless leader of the Foresters, rumour records, was dining with a Lion on this night but replacement Bill Kuran upheld the honour of his organization with a 4 to 3 win. The Lady Foresters matched their accumulated years of knowledge against a talented and youthful GDCI Viking foursome and although they ; were puffing at its conclusion the ex- perienced Foresters conquered the enthusiastic students 7 to 4. Bernice Moore showed why she has the respect of all opponents as she came through time and time again with the "big shot. In the 1 trenches, Karen MacKinnon and Vicki Culbert showed the power of married life and motherhood as they con- tinually helped to set up the "big shot" for their skip. Vikings Anne Duncan, Paul Bogie, Lori Dykstra and Sandy have had their chances to win but the Lady Foresters refused to "give a kid a break". A team that received absolutely no breaks at all' was the Sifto Salt Evaporator unit. They also received no points at all as the A.M. & G Hospital foursome snowballed them throughout the match. Roti "Zero" Klages 'found new meaning for his nickname as he skipped the vengeful hospital employees to this one-sided triumph. There .are many people involved when a shutout occurs but. Ron has agreed to take both the credit and the blame for this outcome. The Elementary Teachers are threatening! Unfor- tunately, nobody is paying any attention. The latest Turn to page 5 A AAA T . MAPLE LEAF HOCKEY CONTEST GOAL RUSH CONTEST You Could W1n.0 $50.UO Gift Certificate each time a Maple Leaf player scores a goal Name: Address: Phone: . Leave this ballot with the A&P Food Store cashier I Er mail to A&P Goal. Rush,PO. Box 249, Stat W. Toronto Nr yi F'. 4 , A SUPERB BLEND, RICH IN BRAZILIAN COFFEES. CUSTOM GROUND -1 LB BAG 3 Ib bag 7.99 Our regular price 10.99 SAVE 2.10 500 g jar OUR REGULAR PRICE 2.69 FROZEN, FANCY; PEAS OR NIBLETS CORN Green Giant Vegetables 350 g poly bag OUR REGULAR PRICE 1:09 FROZEN CHOCOLATE, VANILLA OR LEMON Sara Lee Cakes FINE, GRANULATED White Sugar BALE= OF 10 8.89 -SAVE 9.01 2 kg bag ■ OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.79 13 oz pkg OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.99 ALL PURPOSE •7;7-1 Areb Green Fertilizer lit20 kg (44 lb) . ..- bag 1 each CANADA EX. FANCY; PROD. OF B.C., RED OR GOLDEN Delicious Apples 130Ikg /1:59 CANADA FANCY. PROD. OF ONTARIO 5 Ib 199 Ida Red Apples bag PRC+D. OF CALIFORNIA, - Fresh Broccoli bufh .99 CANADA NO.1 GRADE, PROD. OF ONTARIO Green Cabbage • X2/.99. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PROD. OF ONTARIO Gar.rots . 29.99 Frozen Foods! FROZEN, BEEF, CHICKEN OR TURKEY Swanson Meat Pies OUR REGULAR PRICE .95 SAVE .26 8 OZ PKG .69 SWANSON• FROZEN (CHIC , 9 - MEN STICKS 340 PKG OF 12 2 2.99) g Chicken Burgers 014pkg 2.89 SUN PAC. FROZEN. CONCENTRATED. 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DELICIOUS Fresh KiWi Fruit A TOUCH OF SPRING Tulips or Daffodils tb•49 Ikg/ 11b 199 pkg 6 itich 349 pbt Baked Goods! A&P, WHITE OR YELLOW Facial Tissue OUR REGULAR PRICE 1.09 on old Fashioned 1115U Bread Made with esortn OUR REGULAR PRICE UP TO 1.09 REGULAR OR MINT TOOTHPASTE Aqua Fresh 100 mL 1 29 tube ■ FLEX CONDITIONER OR ASST TYPES • WITH 'FREE" TRIAL SIZE 50 Flex Shampoo 3plstmbtLl 2.99 REGULAR, SUPER OR SUPER PLUS 4ag bt Tampax Tampons Phr3.99 JERGENS - REFILL Cream Soap 700co:-. 2.99 90 g bars ■ ■ WHITE Woodbury Soap banoedpack ALUMINUM FOIL Reynolds Wrap 12 Pa115O' 1.99 POWDERED ;)1 k9 1 a / Y OId Dutch Bleach POWDERED Old Dutch Cleanser Cons .59 SUN SQUEEZE AppleSFROM CONCENTRATE) 8 Juice48 OZ. TIN SAVE .50 JANE PARKER. SLICED (MADE WITH 100°0 PURE VEG SHORT) Cheese Bread halR■89 JANE PARKER (PKG "OF,121..49) Hot Cross Buns pk8of .99 JANE PARKER . Gold Pound Cake 510 g Sake .99 JANE PARKER Macaroon Cup Cakes pkg of ■ 99 JANOARKER (RASPBERRY PIE 6240,99- OUR REG PRIC c2Ze 1.29 pkg 6 of me79 JANEPARKER Efl fish Muffins JANE PARKER - Wiener Rolls JANE PARKER, PLAIN, SUGAR OR Cake Donuts PIECES & STEMS Ann Page Mushrooms OUR REGULAR PRICE .85 pkg of 8■5 CINNAMON g . cm pkg. of 10FLO2TIN