The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-02, Page 197 114 ar 4 E A04: -i14 1 ,s0ZW.A0,1rN,4-N\\WAVN\ \\VANN-VOft\NWS,,\MAX'''X'.'4,\‘>\VANW•a\`*,A'N tc; O.° ro' VP/ 1' .15TATT, aW...A4SR 1` en di Hinour' r rSapadii fsucbh rs as such �HOwt'Spefit.Ny 44' '• r 'seller within ngths of tin 1981 • publication :One of Canada7s most prolific writers, he is di1&4110d as a1aUthor,„ raconteur and htimorist. ANNE',LANOAggiftE 'Preseatg ,SlialtesPeare and d�h�is $10 a' 'Of ,e ,,t7etryrlak PMA ' I „ • RAY.' shikaaaeate'a. ;011iyk 11 chiding the firat two.,. dons, pesQteI StratfordEeliV014a 10H N , OAIABIWTH. diSCIPS *cc ly 24: A `man Who -,ha dose to the -great e*On More funds avada , • •. At a time when many peo- ple are facing difficult tran- sitions.in their careers and lives, they ' need to know more about how. other people in similar circumstances are able to manage. The Social Planning and Research Exchange System (SPARX) being developed by the Social Planning Coun- cil of Metropolitan Toronto to make such information more available is receiving a $3,035 contribution, Health and Welfare Minister Moni- que Begin announced recent- , MAURICE 099 TZ8 - PriZ ional .Book i4ence 4fl Mass. His10002, of 1.049 Hy Os n prod* , Broadway and by thar companies thrQ48.11911949}71 .Arnerica. His tranSkiti n',0 • fin 44 14 hawr 4. NUOW ,RLN* :1 V2 Stn B4U1 ! n1: 00401g°1rgk1 4!":asu:h &eon of the play his ret'00004*(141t*.t rmto ILnsights1 o 1a'i.1.1T- tit4*fio''i'''l 'ihdeisbegtdedNiie fkatfOrd Festival in its MARTIN ESSLINaIks on nd shop elainauageifDrisitinaskt'!, BL . YTH - 1 'Oci 7 - 7 •, -, Auburn - ly, - • . The Metro. giouPPlitaisilies .papers and liamPhlets loI topics stich asfamily budgeting, day dare, the social impact of layoff; pp - tions forsingle mothers, tflt control and ethnic-ra iat discrimination in emp ment. Many of these g relevant for use by ot er communities across Can da and even abroad but have not been marketed effective - 137- dev lop .With the National Wel;are Grant, SPARX will GARDINER RE 34 STANLEY STREET 524-2%6 • roject a , life1011 &qui with the -• brick home; • grea wo of dramatic financing circanged a better systeid for the proT. • duction and'diisemination of the Comactl.s.. studies and 2 reports. It wilt also promote a greater exchange between social agencies across Canada and •redeye the •chances of ',duplicating research and:other effOrts. ' The National Welfare Grants program offers con- sultation and financial Hassisthnce to:: public and .private organizations' atakto • individuals in the Canadian 'social welfare. field, 9 • 44 R wili. apartment b'Oif POO . t• the, 1983 10 tion in C1 ilfo Or • Ce1ebrityLctufts August finance. ,.01t,P 2800116 acelaim-- liotmEsvitCti5 n• s -ot ,ed hon9v4aY,ITIBIl farrowing born , ar, our ''Ce `;Arthur bun:galow, win:14:41”. cnidoeath . . - an, Y which itown age. 'Death' of s • Sal-esntaiiwilii" be seen at Stratford this seasen. This play and such other notable works as "The, Crucible", "All My. Sons", "A View • From. The., Bridge', "The Price''''.aficfl#.01phe0 Misfits" have gre40,101601Ced the L ESTAT GODER1CH 524-2 CALL US—TO WELCOME. YO 66 69 ACRES - H440:8•,;farrcrtl'.: InetoorinornadIzetr4horAt P - • el' 2 MILES .FR9M150191041 'HO acres- 91 workable ''' fl� baildings. 1. . ' • , 5 ACRES with 40"lif CainfOrtile home near Dungannon . price reduced .. owflerwiII#inance. 8 ACRES 11,4(70011, • .no 68 ACRES - fig4:41,9blettfo !line Mullett Two:. ; • , •ACRES near Bentriller • boiliiings - 6 atres-of irwcief-'01* ale orchard: -bearing !tfe!1 • years - REDUCEDA., 100 ACRAiltk locknow. „ • rbo ?.,;tifirss.i,W10:troirviieOtiodbodbaf$.7 BRN good e4aSria rti rUi PCED f011,CMICK 944. 91 ACRES BELGRAVE 1.9r4 houseOd rn realisttaApri k ' • IIKANMAXM \\\\VONIMAUMVAVA\ VNANNONNI4MAtk\ %%NAM A\\\\A\,\XZNVKON..\\\VXVZ ANAVANAVXM\VWX*41 ? -,Pg! ..... ' .'.• :4,',',4,..', , . , . ,, ; ,'..i OK OK OK K OK GiK OK OK GKOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK GiCK OK OK OK O GK OK GK GK GK GK 0 'At ,,,,1• --'4-44'.. -7F'"'':': :.'':: s''''''qV,':4. : 7: ',7'.:I;P:,e1,',;' ';';;:. ):'...-. ".*--: ?-!,'4''.''.4; Fw. .i.•'. .• .',.i:f:!''.''':: ,.4.. ":?: ';;.,;•*::';:h 4,? 144 44 1 - - -• ,. ,,,..... ,."'. 'i-• .' .i.',' ..;.,; 1.., 444 133 BRUCE ST. E. - "Power of Sale". Mortgagee says present any offer - must be sold. 93 PICTON ST. E. - Solid 2 storey brick - natural woodwork - new gas heat' - asking *43,000. 154 picirott:. st E. - 2 storey. ,4 bedrooms Iias now vinyl siding, suiation - new priced in 30's. • . • 176 BAYFIELD RD. - Owner transferred. Modern solid oak cupboards- finished family room. 162 RICH ST. - Well maintained bungalow. Inground pool, rec room and fireplace. • /4, 203 LIGHTHOUSE ST. - Stately 2 storey brick on premium 88 x 2011' west end lot. • . • ; •' ,•• • •••'' ' 40 WELLESLEY ST. - West End brick on 104' x 104lot. Fireplace & hot tub room. f- • CUM I TOWNit tThintey whet ien. are after;liciu meet . take° leek at thirDOO acre property, featuring 1 '`/2, steno en/Toitilhiit • . henna, now aluminum aiding and Morel. toiplately Insuleited0New • wiring and water 'vomit, Viewed brappititntiffit. , • • OPEN FOR OFFERS Aitrattive 3 boiramite raked ranch i ketiutlfolly distended with kitchen, dining room, living. rearei recreation roorn doinchodgarage. teutliViest *lea itiWit,110104 rediiiced. 643 4.4 ta.lafgalie,ar 3. 11 ACRES COUNTRYI horigueolotbadroom illoY, been. flPFIDO 4F410‘90049449ht224099199010rOtaily.911401. Off NEW LISTING Elegant Elgin Stkeine. nevi refurkishod, fickle ninny ; PIKE call today fOr complete Otani, GO comment* steeeltedirt1 97 NAPIER ST. - Brick 4 unit apartment unt. Vendor will assist financing, for qualified purchser. 167 BROCK ST. - 2 storey home in quiet ara. Many renovations - priced In 30's. 211 At4GLESEA SI.- Affordable income Property. Live in ono wolf and rent the scond. Maurice Gardiner Peter Banger Bruce Ryan Steve Gardiner Ken Thompson Jim Thompson Ls* Willoms 524-6031 524-2165 524-7762 524-9985 524-7514 524-0672 524-8451 44 33 BRITANNIA R15.- 1. - 3 brkdroinii bungalow with new addition. Pr's In the Ws. MEMBER OF THE HURON REAL ESTATE IIOARG MULTIPLE LISTING ;MM. WHEN BUYING Ott SELLING REAL ESTATE MLS. IS YOUR OM OM 0 0 •g, OK OK OK Gk u"1/4!..!". OK OK GOOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK a OWN F tiromitdosm, lisloefroonto liltdienenedliniie:osst, recreatinevoMik ,. ...;,. * founstry toms. most be sea, 6.4404110 0,444:40. : '.. . , ;,... : ;'• .,0,,,,71 it SAYS SELL 414 $.bardeoncntothisoicinte***610Me. 'WHY In • ffillc01(i. wood end beautifully dueoreffUlk .04ltUrOP W,ItaglrourOx: up anet,.,.t. . - - 1 COUNTRY HAVEN ot—i... tilliont kers* barn wit& INV kik tede Moine sod Stable iiifirii terileitari . s'. Ale bilauttfed 3 iteill Catintry ProPerty. Et- eltocy I% St0rey a bedron liMisib close to :Osidertell. Midtinut an ' NA Hal* .....,.. .. '"'' • '''''. itAtiitt Nivi 11311140 4 hodritienti 2 itoirevillirkik, *Mkt* loli2taiiljaate With . ,,,,,,..,„,, .,_„,,,,,„ ,,.,,...,,,,.._, pit, -11014 Mature trie", lintste itiatureiii larks* front earCkb thitufftudin. :;..?1"11 ' ''''''*ir:.0:^riv'f'' ammo 000M. kitchen, fnly, roam, eun Main, hill hatettnititk Otteillited , : ' ilt0404i irefmv MOWS teitiiithinth;‘.2 bibIlli,i.Iy downtowns, cifil dare , NOM Qtl 1$E IVI ';'Iibbi 00. „ ' 2:': : ''''' ::.:: ;: '`...: • .. • . • . : ., '' ... ,. „,.;,,,..:' - • , .„ Oki 't..',13ii% ..filort' .., ''. ,, 019- ii toliik, 40' to* kRJnw um .000* '0,4-, '' fieoikoildiiiei . ' ' '0 ' .104t4Ii 'r K OK OK OK OK OK OK OK GK OK OK C