The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-02, Page 12-1.- 9. 19, 4 Ar. -4. :1! "AP i'911 1,1 .99 pali ' IMF caiUpS •ing 001 to'18.thecI„ holiday. 111 tu9sP4eF92. • the natun wondet,, ofFainhly 99 FR 4 t Lite in Bii, 0 •9' 1`^ ) i4 4 40; OF OUR Due to the overwhelming:0 ..., ... ick led week's ,Cisiarence Sale Ad .,. we wit0sWamped ainknnablii0;00i0 and answer questions as im, .der normal daft iisiniOnSintitlons. • • - Many of you were IncenWente000. and !cocain* of your timetables were unable to returnsinf I! .skpfygostoge of the many fine savings. We don't think you shOullEbo.:00001Sed. because we wore unprepared, to handle: the. unexpectedi00000 Therefore wn'viiii- continue our inihsene0xthm!Week. • •Theinkyou for your continuod.1040404,Undeistanding. , ,• , DON'T 114110 THESEOUTSTANDING 4,ALuit-sAiR.,.. - - , 41*: Ain! ' • • dre P047 Oka! tiv diNauk • (lc Sou ontreal .leePT.04? On1.1-a, ity, 0011-aW' Green Bay ank Being e',', ,t 00 frequent, .•-:. rsitor.40KG . erich,,4ttlotc,a n Oir';.t000f40,it *0 . ': . iriles iii'ili'past; 'maid* sill '.0,totTied..011::,..lotli9:04 yer�l. 77and 1080,, Algor712$7s built at 74:.01011,1.0001., 961 date.jeceinb She was Was Christened April 1, . 1968, and soon entered service in a variety of trades Algorail ,coal; andbentOni . te! 4 ietor the herregUlar runs 6; 1972, AlgOrattiria taking Water :but,"wfis batched and • tbe port bow. The vessel G disicit'ibridety, salt ate pumped out within a day,. ' In one incident, ittiodpctoher went to the bottom inshallOw, Plertpti , tta with salt. has carried • • • in i:e4Igistgueir.aeldi last-bLeei .. running ,/P- V i195.22 metrea, andis , . tat, self7unloader, ,qbe catTieeuP in:.'af 13P v.°#,, t:apality.Her Fair most H2el,900t9banits.h tons at ailermivit i Morse dies4 engine d6r#Pp,_. 'opt': '''' I • f • • • .nr naoiib _ SELBY, SHOES TAN • NAVY • BLACK • BROWN FITTINGS• AA • 0 Ask OFIr ‘IP REG. SAVE PRICES LACITIE: • PUMP . • • LOAFERSTY E . By JACKRIDDEI MPP A hilt Royal •Commission enquiry Intolhe 28 suspicious Want deaths at the Hospital for Sick Children is ab- solutely essential, and both Cippositiori,..Parties have:• demanded ."that such a • COmmissio0Lbe established. Hospital stagEparents ofthe dead children 'arid the public arel"ciliing out in anguish” for a fall disclosure f of the facts, said Deputy Liberal -world. c1as • iCis•ZOLed':0 govenknent to,,tgive tO the 1iospgal the insults' of the Apart Of the Atlanta Centre' 414:1e.Dii,eise .whictr--PA concluded at at least seven of Ole .daths were murder by Vs* c -„, • REG. IYHITE CROSS SHOES • BLACK • TAN *NAVY 0 Aik OFF REG. SAVE • PRICES FITTINGS EE *1 • D • • B • AA • Tie • .more -tinging • our Cededit criticism, the bigger apubliP:,-; •-Piji-•,. relations eftiort spend /64 PA< nmentipUts.lonand-theiess ds are suply: substance we see". He addedallocated to individual for rninistri. "Roads aren't - •'patting. itself on the 'back new, educatiOn isn't new" failt.tndisguise:thefaCt that 'Andes 'nB,Hpreport •'• 'Most-. of the expenditures "wittkfeweiceptions,.".BIMwould ..• • have gone ahead funded,,,„pragraius„..,are.,..ad- anyway. ..• . • • .. • .„.rainisterett,by4hunahilutrieU, It's believed that..;;Prhiate -.andagenCieStiiiiitedinth0C. enterprise autt.:.thei:-tederal sector of the economY,", government, which it had beeirhopedwoultumatekthe. . EducatfoiiBlll• pnvernment's own ii dingy: • .00 127, thecontroversial. $750 milion by 1986, areWI Hill wiuc wary aboit jriliring the become laW The yrogra because it s establishes 1.Metr�-wid • onsidered,, a politierit deliberate digoint overdose.', • 00i 00; due -pp , d1dr eutbacts: According dioxin which have -. been detected in Lake .Qnth$O waters . may - not en- vironmental. groups- ,1.:. 0 • et, 4r,'•," • -.'•.. ..• dtabIeaua ti caugAcause r lla Envl•ee • • Scheme,„ :ggent: figureX inditato,,ziiiix, -the -pin*hiee' •-1!)Ords'reatitOgibl0(0V0eit"" has been forced te,incirease budget deficits and; • Ontn. cOniihneit' $9961 SOrOluses, was debatedMoei',"-', cOMbensate; for the.. Shortfall government forced to et tribiltion0 Current Held. For legtOlOtiOn atiOlit eight 600: convention Centres for 14herii Eduentiely, • T d • OttaWa flredlev' (St. produced its -million oyer five years to than 100 hours and the in expected matching, con- -use closure' and tiine- th ligures are inflated; said Pat 0 parts: of.; the ash . The Conference. Board for Ontarbi. •• Canada has predicted lhat- • B1110.,• Ontario will lose 25,000 lobs •As goVernment's much by July, in the mining and, advertiked 13111) ,(Board z of r, manufacturing:, Sectors. Industrial Leadership_ arid • Liberal Leader .• David Development Program) Peterson called" upon the :moves into. its third year tif, government to make a. bperation; a number • stateof -theeconomy" critics are dismissing it as • Statement • on the Board's blatant political' sham, . . . pedictions, Treasurer nothing more than a slick 'grak Miller claimed that device for claiming credit" "the "gloomy" forecast had for government spending on •been overtaken by recent rotdine projecs. • "stunning" growth in the Liberal Finance Critic dfl de, e v Toronto n . nav *real although plans ere ,,PaPPage outUleit;',,the niderwaylong- beforetab' 1090:10.0i$Oethicatietii',': •• • he Bill!s been listed', as BILDlyen- cathatilesJ ,istddIeatb ,.' itself mine into exiatence. Metre, and argued that While BIM lists $30 million "' 1P4i te reduced in , federal funds, - and 424.2 frOm the cities, as weilas$75 million from die pnvate sector, and .:.:437A million from Otieens• ark„ 0 -41- s ebe •,• e se .099,9:99r,C99:P.. 7/9. Aft% • • •• • d that his Pat Held, who has dubbed • municipal and federal of- •• _• • planned April Budget will BILD , the • "BILGE" ficials don't consider this • economy • an reflect the -' - province's program, charges that "the spending to be BILD money, -economic health, adding that government's hoopla must but rather allocated to • drop in interest rides arida be seen as little more than a particular projects on their, "reawakening of broduc- cynical political posture, a , own merits. lion" in the U.S. augur Well marketing smokescreen ... At a press conference, Mr. • LEATHER MEN'S QUALITY SHOES •HARTSS • IPAcHALE • JARMEN • NUNN BUSH • NEB • NORTH STAR • *CLARK WALLABEES • GERONIMOS • STEP -ON -AIRS • BEEJAYS •• WRANGLERS • FLORSHIEM, ETC. % OUR REG. SAVE OFF LOW PRICES FITTINGS SE • 3E • 2E • E • O•SIZES 7-13 • ALL LADIES' HANDBAG BLACK • NAVY • RED • TAUPE • BROWN (LEATHER QUALITY RAGS) Oa OFF MIR REG. LOW PRICES 494.: .9.0`04:4•-•1% ..9% vni rig . ''' .., • ' '' ' ' ,Ikelf-lits '9' , �f ROst David and 'Lynda Bee " Brenda dud.** (nee ' are pleased:,- birth of a &sight tti Cooke) are pleased to an- nounce the safe arrival of Lynn, ,'.:',.,,boit t q ' .4 their daughter, Dana Leigh,.,.1983,, born February. 0.0;'-'1983;,.,At.-.;;;;'.' 9* i ..... ClintallYhitilitillOSpitaLL .../ ' . sister forKristA Bee. 'Proud GgrandparentsGeorge and, 1%4 aarebdKen n on d. parents are:Rit4 131,0enedoCnbjkSPee'.9taalint:anil'ks7:0 W°00bedel7tri'eb‘h,b: Geri Doctor Steed, •: Doctor parents areT;„ Brwine • nursing staff.-9ar and. Mrs, Salsbury, and second floor 000t nmebniiittrii;o'n, ••Anne malrh eanY4 lc arie- Ooderierand Peachey are very happy to Nurse' announce the safe arrival' of MeDADE their niece, Britton Jim Slieligh Elizabeth; horn: on Sunday,. to announce February 20, 1982; at iRoss daughter, Mi Memorial Hospital, LAndsay; born Friday; Febris BALANCE OF ALL FALL STOCK OOMPH'S • 9 WEST BY •LO ICVANDERBILT ETC ETC, ETC. 0/ EG. LO PRICES SHAMPOO CM CONDTkliall0,00M1..,.. FABIERGE::. ORGANIC: " • RQ 1,„ SONCOW, „ 11 -• 41,000k.t.AAON.,.:$111.,.14010i,1240 „ w�Aii 413043Attianat Ontario. She weighed in at 7 1983, weighing 7 14,01. lbs. 7 oz. Proud parents are Alexandra sLynn (nee Hardy) and Don General Hospital, GodArtc1? Mundy of Lindsay. Britton is A little sister for JaMeslau the long-awaited, first gam. New granddaughter grandchild of Audrey and Al for JIMand-*toilet Hardyuf Perth, Ontario, and McDade of Torentofifitlf Sixth grandchild for Jessie and May • Farquharson of and Frank Mundy, Lindsay. England. ; , . 99, . .... . ' •'ffirghilin and District Hospital is to etellad'" its emergency, .ettjtoatet ald radiology Health 4tItilster Grobsman aflflOuflClfl 0040ar.t� begin th said,.."111ei; fonitiot *It provide an Improved envirofli both !PatienkS,i itinittry Witt'stio towards the cos project The ho :••• tie sumer. `19