The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-02, Page 114„. ty -i• ei. At e.7 -and. studeh topl d the .`h►Petttien: v Olgteklug eonterdd The :.wlnne ltl�ul e oda.'Smith, third,- (I) to' HAve, 10 By Stephanie sq Ste a Levesque The . k feonservntionconservation movement across the province ' is in jeopardy, VIVO , Thames River C( n Rotation Authority chair- man JohnStephen said Mr. Stephhen, who was returned,. as , UTRCA chairman for the coming Aear, was .speaking at the uthority's annual meeting in St. Marys on Feb. 25. "I have come to this conclusion partly as a result of my involvement as chairman of the Association of Conservation Authorities of Ontario," said Mr. 'Stephen. As chairman of ACAO, Mr. Stephen said he constantly faced issues and problems that rose because of the lack of knowledge of Authorities' role in watershed management. "This conclusion is reinforced " within our own Atithority,:where; from time • to time, and in contrast to the support and dedication of the vast majority of., our members, there is evidence that disenchantment with the Authority is growing within some member municipalities," stated Mr. Stephen, •., He wondered .aloud that df the observation authorities' movement was attempting to start now instead of . in the 40s, if it would in fact get started. 1 "Fortu;nately, N .these. remain today many friends of lthe Conservation Authorities and these people are well ;represented in our watershed," ;said the chairman. He ?ailed for a rallying of .conservation friends to ensure the survival of. the authorities and to continue iinple tinting necessary progms. Mr. Stephen ' suggested municipalities appoint members to the Authority "who will fight to ensure that our financial base, both locally and provincially, will not be eroded further." The chairman noted that the UTRCA's general levy Was at. $1.14 pJ 1982 41.21 for 19 provincial avera P. ` "Yet our program is looked at by :many .oar. . ; Authorities throughout the province as oner the most : progressive. OuHoney in spent carefully and will continue to be sent" wisely. We must be realistic and face restraint 'lite everyone else," commented ,Mr. Stephen. Mr. Stephen teas been on the authority for 30 .years and has served, as chairman for the past sever: years. A six-year member of the Authority, Hugh, Munro of RR 1 Lakeside Was named as vice-chairman of UTRCA. while the his ahnest sOilie • S' doe ,Biuewoter T . Coffee Ahoy Phone 524-4331 355 BAYFIELD RD. GODERICII faw'ergf Go .the executive e es, r,,iiut he stat e linttiIOf plroje , we' t.; a 7cent ,in ' a i' per s. �cis . e. . le isw e� '3 ' pR e� t �I� li. o x h:' P .e d �. `e iit �� o, .. v t� .. � � 4 fi! � ,. r .,a g �a`1su rioted tha the municipaltties,acepaying l5 per ; entof, the total budget , " ,il'I<1in eipallties are getting a great dollar`tor `15 cents," , ;curunented MVCA vice-chai rma n;-Vince Judgeof Lstowel. , ,palmcxston's .representative Catherine Keleher rsaid she oodn;tsuort the budget , a SY ea u▪ el�I n • t i st i►eaac Morestttd as the fM 41*. 11y10f w;one Qn y 'lvel • �i} h r e si .e�d .i0ci 7ety, aii )n�dga'�d� �tA'opo 1 � , he�� a in , .; and"wl11 li�,iidct ..,;,ase, ssmle t Qf indlividual•proper= ties, over and',atdjacent to the cond:"t to consider the . ,✓fj.3 •. 1 .R . � �d .NDN :, etention, 9r removal of ;ea :h stt0090, tions and ,wz ,, o �ce d ire 3 sts Yt r; recti n,. o co f tiie .. W . _ons .. , plrogcam u►ill`be` • town dereloother l�xn,ls� An;major authorit ► is silgirehne, contour sig,e '&;° Os oreline on Lake: Huron t e ateh had eOO rative venture,= tttis t " ya„ ands tee port from.'oth, t li i✓ y p ment tie Win h office' of the Qf a Natert 94n49::99iii"frteS, e. ;,b . .1.$ 44... � a f�. Pd e� �I'e e h., u� class st iiliiat� P. $223,204 fora traton (this includes ea' ries an exPenie4; ,of both stat a ithgi�tty. members), 1 y, $ 14,800fOr �na��e�' ,�Rrei a�idr��1°<itloXis Pf tl+Qr �'Q11" ' ., servation: areas, $283,901.: for program adm�iiiistration of water and related land inanagemeat, $122,000 for surve sand des4 102,5CF.le ;a pital pi{o'ects:$9,709 forconservatonand recreation land manage-' • went and'$158,677 forspecial err ployxr ent:programs. Smart buyers set out to find the facts about the trucks they're considering,ut stho quickest wayto•_, -zeraliftWMiPidS, the:one pickup that offers more value than any other. 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