The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-02, Page 8:t tfi ,orshlg u' Ho1nies >Ile • Sundax RevIWO to the children, a tha scout movement a�. `! Brownies present gave. .till Brownie prolnise. A Vanishing .pail t t a held Jest Friday at the ho of Charlotte Norman will • eds' ll g4 •to the S. Auxiliary of the al i� , Prising Stitors ch 3 a e' ntre. 'l . We represent many True Co' palnt.s .Yfte bare. 'offilp able to arrange for. the highost irntore%t,;icing fered on Guaranteed Irivestnient Certlfca s, • *Subject to change :* Gai s.,.r n�ea E e Insurance "Brokers Inc... EXETER CLINTON GRAND BEND GODERICN'' 235-2420 482-9747 238-8484 524-218 Jeanette Lambermont,. one of five performers with the'Carousel }'layers, acts out her role : pis ` a frog for the students.,at Victoria Public School. The St. Catharines -based "group travelled toall the selmah in: Huron Equity recently as part of a theatre education tour. into oh Joanne Buehanan� ' • I year x•nn annual e,nup..uodmir. IK.ne..Owe' rue hang, FG VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST' Sine1844, t Goderich: 100 Kingston St. 524-7381; Member: Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation • MAITLAND COUNTRY: CLUB TOWN. OF GODERICH FAMILIES AND FRIENDS For Your Support 1 Cheers During Our Quest -For the Pepsi-Cola ., Provincial Curling Championship Last Weekend." Scott, Dan, Fraser, Mark, Doug. "Thanks For coming out" MEN'S, LADIES' Special Lot - Complete Set FLEECE JOGGING • BOYS', GIRLS' SETS ATHLETIC KNIT 3 STRIPE RUGBY PANT SALE PRICED Reg. 39.98 99 Rog. 29.98 13." 9 91 Reg. 27.98 1 8. BLOUSES 8,OiO DRESSES • M" ERRARD'S GODERICH 524 9552 Lochalsh residents express sympathy The community sends its 'very deepest sympathy to the MacDonald and the Sloetjes families on the sudden pas- sing of Mrs. HenrySloetjes, Tammy MacDonald, the be- loved daughter ,of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne MacDonald. Charles and Mayme Wilk- ins and, Larry and : Janet • Wilkins were in Burlington one day,;. on business, and . while in the city they visited with Janet's parents, Kevan , ami jJetptt; ( than { r. !' The ybuckflow;r fire • depart;' mentwere ealledto the home of George and Apdrea Mac- Donald recently, when there was a chimney fire. It was very fortunate there • wasn't any serious damage, but a lot of . smoke •in a couple of rooms. Mrs. lrlmer Culbert receiv- ed word the other day that her nephew in London had been rushed to hospital with a collapsed lung. We wish him a very speedy recovery. Wellington and Kae Web- ster visited - in Goderich the other day with Norma Young. .. Jackie and Jodi Pearson of Goderkh spent the weekend with . 'their .. grandparents,: Nels and Gloria Pearson. Betty and Fred Stirling; Darlene and Harold of Thamesville visited ; on the weekend wit Betty's moth . ed:Impcaved Wtit,ng awards' r .. �r:, :.. enary Terry Liv-. • ;- Jatnes •M ingston, Julie P'entland,. Marty Rivett, Jason Camer "on; Deanna Greene, Karen . Binder; Penny 'Holmes and" as. Richard S.mo�air.iris ' k d h B tty ., . e j g hockey er, Mrs Robert Irvin:' • 1liier�ie 1 erk, 529-7719 taeam from Brookside played Mt" and Mit. Ross 'Mac- against Ripley in Ripley. Donald of Ottawa Visited'on at_.th in keep food customs from thea Brookside wen 4 0. Scaring the weekend. with lis moth Nile Ladies Slow Pitch is ancestor's. country of origin? goals were Nancy' Hunter er, til:, MacDonald. On Sat- halving pa Garage and Bake The members »fade with a • hat. trick.. (3.) and urday evening, Bill and Cora Sale • on : March 5 in'Nile Breaded 'Fork Chops ' with : Cl ristina Parish scoring the Caesar of. Goderich also:. visit- church `basement, donations Cherry Saute. and Vegetable opening °goal ,Laurie Pent ed On Tuesday,, of�last;week are welcome: and Macaroni Casserole and ' land got her first shut out Lil's brother-in-law, Albert on U.C.W. Plum Dum�hng. The girls ever. Congratulations. girls! McLinchey of Ottawa visited The Dungannon. U.C.W. sampled.East European Mrs. Tebbutt's grade 3 with her. • held their February meeting food: Mon - and. 4 and Mrs. Carroll's Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thomas at the home of Helen Dawson Breokslde Broadcast class went to C•KNX on and Jennifer of Bolton visited kith 13•ladies present. By Nancy Hunter .. day morning They had a over the.weekend with HazelN Cidortp ; _Pearson '.*as In and Fish tour'.of the radio and'!T.V., ,Webster. : a arse, of- the devotional• On February . 8 Brookside studios• The children enjoy- Ken and Sandra Davidson',_ : which `included . readings, girls played .11"rst game of ed seeing themselves on 'Scot, Laura and Matthew of Prayer Brings Goodness, and Intramural ingette. Scoring, closed circuit T.V. Port Lambton, spent the .{ May,,the-;Christ Who Walks_ - for ' Smitty's, Smackers -wereFriday, February25 was a weekend with Jim and Marg- on The Feet. • Christina.<Farrish" and Sheri Professional Development' area Errington. Audrey Dale The roll call wa answered Smyth Scoring or' Donna's Day. The • teachers "has an of Seaforth'visited `:on Sun- by, What we do about the Dynamites were Heather agenda"of meetings; presen day. February Blues. The ladies Ohm and Heather Storey. talions and • lesson planning Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tides- .6%4°10.. ides- will attend the World Day of ; :A `few people inNthe school:time welland . Olive Baxter of. ,,. Prayeriln March. 4 . at Christ received good writing awards .":Some • students went nkat, .Goderich visited on Monday • Church, Port Albert. recently, The winners last ink on Thursday afternoon: with Mrs. Tom' Park Jeait Errington has pieced week ,' were Kevin.' !lifter,from 2.00 2:00 p n>j.� at. :Dungannon United Church. and. tied a quilt from pieces Cathy Selent, Heather, Stop Lucknow,erena .. {Rev. Roberts preached an ,.: at :,.ln Mr ; -and - rs a f ; # ff t.orey Ka�¢en Bak .,, s. T Lt ary as is nts;:;are. #e s°tin ' sermt:inf ':on , theF ° r 9n... .. y . th'� e' T r d ,,T se'lli > gbadg ,m order to -.al i1 obel�t >Ka 5vv#Dun ince r ern Jettl!'.a,� i A�►�!tyJo in ; I 3 .•. r .t a -rno • e#,i' ` story Jo flow' Jesus drove the ' IThis :guilt••° rs nn display at • Weaver Some people receiv a r- ey folr , r zonary evil i frits from the man .: Cora Sherwood's store and•is - ' ` " possessed. and sent them into .forsale. Plans' were 'discuss ' a herd Of swine. , sed concerning' catering to s., _ The choir sang, Four;, . two weddings. Nora Saund-e Books of the Bible. The chnl-r; ers w•r-eported an:interesting5•• dren's story was about St. and informative day at Sea- David of Wales. forth. Presbyterial.:; LUCKNOW 1" Canadian, :-Barb ACE* comp* in The' Wednesday evening Elsie .Irvin gave; a humor- tractorpullers.Aet and Barb the evening .session m• this . ous 'reading entitled, Helm of Luckriowand'Frank class, because "Second Friend. The meeting closed • and Mary Verheyen of, -.Choice" was Competing in with the --'repeating of the " Kerwood"have returnedfrom .the _ 12,000 class ink the benediction followed by . a an invitational tractor pull in evening: and there was. not delicious lunch and social Holland whet* they ' com= enough time to change the time. g peted against the ` top , weights and cool down the • Dnn anion 4-H European tractors, and the • tractor between"classes. Canadians won ita111 Mary Verheryen alt Art Day). Angela Glenn read the 4-H . The manse committee" re ort of last week. The roll a'Pullheld tnRotterdam .Helm made full •pulls hi the meets on Tuesday afternoon cal. wa's, Does - your family the V-12 Allison Aire aft, ternoon and evening .sesssions "Second Choice" in the 7,000and` Mary went into the pull 'class and placed second to off in 'the evening and won Frank Verheyen'S • -"Gold :. the class, Art, did not dem- Digger", in the afternoon pete in the;pull Off because session:, Frank went on to he was competing' in the Compete' in the evening, 12,000. ,class the same session -of the 7,000 class and evening. won the class, Discussion Group continues during Lent. ' .This week's topic is music. Everyone is welcome and bring a friend. Dungannon Willing Work- ers meet on Tuesday even- ing, March 1, (St. David's SHOP TRIANGLE FOR... oc.:171A/Ampot,E S00 mg NICE 'N EASY HAIR - COLOU-R IT'S NO BLARNEY C 120 TABLETS ONLY WAMPOLE For Children or Adults WINTER Fi ER ViTAMINSsm t.,5FABERG 4i73 FABERGE ONLY ORGANIC SHAMPOO800ml ONLY 99. $32.79 $2 .49 VITAMIN SHOWER SOAP 250 ml BAYER 9.. L CHILDREN' S ASPIRIN ��'$ ONLY N .. CRICKET DISPOSABLE LIGHTERS ONLY PLANTERS PE;NUTS750 29 ONLY , . 17 tt Wet*, Gadeirleq Main Cornet, Clinton Maim Cerieet, aatnrth YOu COULD NE NEXT! PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENTS WITH A CUSTOM:•DESIGNE•D SECURITY SYSTEM Our system protects you against Burglary. Fire and Medical Alert. •FOR HOME, BUSINESS •24 HOUR AND VEHICLE MONITORING LAWRENCE SECURITY SYSTEMS AUBURN 5261.7505 or 48 -7924 "IhNi I l I I,)`> 8 AillERT sT CLINTON 482 3801 /kill MAtNCORNt1 We''re et' your ser°rrike m m rfh r9: ior4 t WA` H R:EPA - Cer rrftea SaitMrwCr,efyr 06 suit WATCH BATTERY INSTALLATION. Supl[rt..ri tn+l ,„•• . . or.. • . coded% who,.. ,,,4,61.,u v,' e, each Alkd t ssialit frit, epi $$It.r fpr„,t,f , d1.g1'doif bofftyt, t S"r ,Yr,, h .+71) d 4ir r,Yirf! Pt, t Gtfls HC51105 'Mtyhr!'tt, fhtough rh„e,,H'tiv gil.flr d� yr rri $ f of ilq § 1 fin r+; tor 6