The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-02, Page 511 lIklaf.Aufv." AlexandMar..._.ra 001fera :ictn.FebritarY*Ktheiie ' Olt,* ..' 2 • : 2 .::- : --1, • '`.1 He , was horn in. Colborne mg,,: - H. , and. Elsie townshi on'February 16 1-' , nerand ' 9 trine ember of r Lodge no. 309, Bluewater Order dike Eastern r'N,, and Huron Thapter • Royal Arch CI" was valso a i ofBenmiller United 4v, irried'E yqbn Lorena lili in Binnigletth April of Or She surViyeahhn. surviving are two Donald and John, both of 'Colborne r Township; two • daughters, . Mrs. James (Dorene) Radford of 1:4n1-• deshoro and Mrs. Larry (Jane) )rBoyd.of Saltford; one 4 sister, - Mrs: Bill (Gladys) McKenna of • Toronto; and • seven grandchildren. He was predeceased by one sister, Mrs.. William fLaurel) Clayton in 1949. A funeral service was held at Stiles Funeral Home in Goderich. - on Saturday, February 26 at 2 p.m. The Reverend John D.M. Wood •!! 14041144. ue' 1 ••••••,,-; • .,„ officiated.. Intement wasin Colborne, CeJntery • Pa)Thearers were Gordon Fowler, Len Boyce, Percy Warble; Doug 'Feagan, Verne Bean, Mik Rogers, Jack Clayton a d Tom Bowers'. Members of• Morningstar Lodge no. 309 A.F.& A.M. and Huron Chapter no. 30, Royal Arch Masons, were in attendance at the funeral and formed a guard of honor. • MRS. SOPHIE ELIZABETHBOWRA • Mrs, Sophie Elizabeth Bo*reof Goderich died in Alexandra Marine and Gerieral Hospital on Wed- nesday, February 23 at the age of 81, She was born in London, Englandon. February 231, 1902 to William J. and Margaret (Gilby) Ruddoelt. She was. a member of St. George's Anglicah Church in Goderich and was.also a 50 - year pin member of Rebekah Lodgeno. 894 • She was predeceased by her husband, George Henry Bowra; a son, William; an infant son, Clarence; a sister; Mrs. Alice Barrie; and a grandson, Larry Fisher. A 7 - te, 9. 9 wLtiO ke place in Thvery o r-..,1)4sp'14441.,''4. GodericiflbaSelen the. travelling exhibitl� ;: the:, Science Centre She is .survived by three daughters, Mr. Arnold (Rose) Fisher, Vino, (Margaret) and.Jenkifls Mrs. Sonny (BOW Chisholm,all Of GO,cierteinz, daughter-inrteMrs: .R04 • Bowra of Stratford; ;I!** sister, Mrs. Harold 'WO Johnstone of Goderiek brothers, Wilutam Ruddock of Goderich and ' James Ruddock,of Huronyiew; fiVe grandchildren, • Mrs. Graham (Deidre) Taylor, 'Garry Fisher, Mrs. Leonard (Patricia) Thompson and Deborah and Britt Bowra; and four " great- grandchildren. t• • A funeral service Was held at McCallum Fnperal• Home in Goderich on Friday, February 25 at 1 AO p.a. The Reverend Rober0. Crocker of St. George's • Anglican Church officiated. • Interment was in Maitland Cemetery, entire area and will 4 place IrOm Aprtl 29 to.' • We are uite olkeited:tnati this ambitioiisundertaking willbethe practical opening of.The Livery, whilst the Official; and ceremonial opening -1's planned for June 25. So yousee-we are well on the way: Pallbearers were sons-in- law Arnold Fistier, Elmer Jenkins and Soiuw Chishohn and grandsons Garry'Fisher, Britt Bowra and Leonar ThoMpson. Rebekah Lodge no. 8 eld a memorial service at the funeral home Thursday evening. WOT No YEARLY MEMBERSHIP FEE: IT'S FREE • Our Prices Are Lower Than Most Others. All Our Customers Are Members. It's Free. NO CARDS. NO UP FRONT MONEY *************************** * * * WEDNESDAY ONLY 50 : * * . $3 . * 2 FOR 1 DAY • * * 2 VIDEO MOVIES * * *********** **************** ADVANCE RESERVATIONS WELCOME • Our Prices Are Membership Prices Your Membership Is Free Video Movie Rentals And Sales ! : ... . ;.„ ..... :.• IOW M. • WWWWT. MOVIES MONDAY TUESDAY $3.5° O. $3.50 ea. WED. THURSDAY $3.50 FRIDAY 4.00 FRII./MON. SAT./MON. $6." $7." Gode rich Hanover Walkerton Stratford ' Woodstock 4. . VIDEO PLAYER MONDAY TUESDAY WED. THURSDAY FRIDAY FRI/MON. SAT./MON. 56.50- $6.so $5.so s6. so $8.50 51 5,00 $12." 112 SHOPPERS SQUARE GODERICH 524-7924 •ji is II iiIiI....m.iI UiI elitieNeee ti CARMAN CAMERAS SeSt:: Rentals is it I • si I o I „ . „„,., - • • • 14. 4.0 23yeIirs as and the -• . .... „.P:an !......,..„,emel$,,:„..mrse..-.. 'ney tree and the carefully .-asso(0#1: . .,,:,,..,,..: „..:,‘„,..,:!dbMSi„1015$:'.:°"0113t:-:.,..,-., ,."'„--..... • :,;;;‘'..7,,....".:,.k.'....'.". -:,...•;..i.. -,t, , ,...,:-:-/....';?,:,f-....,......,...,,,,,,,,,,,, ki,i‘Sen*. 4094 ArPt • • O519439-0136 • ONTARIO • 4. Keith Moffatt., presidenilif Maffciefa takosereat pleolure hi assioionclOg the appointment* tothe position of MonagOrat '!! MOFFATT,iirOWEL14 Doug brings with him overrb years experience In the building •trade, all with Moffatt &Powell. He is well versed in all aspects of the Industry having been involved:in farming, -residential and ,k1t7 chen cabinetestimates at the Mitchell yard, Doug recently moved .` his- family to Goderich and he is looking forward t� 1 serving the lumber a building supply needs Of Huron.CountY rsidete.:• , • • FEEL FREE TO CONTACTDOUG ANYTIME AT • 52468321 OR DROP .IN TO OUR •GODERIC • YARD. HIGHWAY 21, SOUTH (BAVF1ELD ROAD) 7 TAROS TO SERVE T011--000ERICH, EXETER, MITCHELL, LONDOli, STRATHROT (2), WATFORD id'. • haverteard • • v - - f'•!*:,;?•;r4 Of oroportjaner than all o • . • • Fre5h, consistent reed every day,'. • • :,you know what's going in,y0pr,fect • Improved feed-efficircy • Reduced, labor costs .r$ • Lower Overall, feed costs,. • • KEITH •Farm Systenis RR. 4, Walton 345234 • Estimates and Planning FREE.. LOOK FOR OUR DISPLAY THIS WEEK ONLY IN KINCARDINE AT SUTTON PARK MALL • LIST NOW LIST . NOW ---- 5500. KZ 750 Fl LTD Shaft 3899 i3349. 3799 5399. 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