The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-02, Page 3_ _ AO Oeb our beautUi tomlisrp teks fur spring and onttonlerat,— ' THES!LHOUETTE OF '83 4 bags if par- ticipating nonprofit.- - organization's; _ etni#1014-40elfle#10 refer .Alle70000.1_,Oft.httatleX and WateitrOnt Committee. • Are41004-_,14"gonncil,:for ,Olineftih‘.11M.:*filitdu ',for cuti*PtiftOtetta•,,as well as ..,,,rPsOrtagtift :on .. Vietoria • Street ,-froW . to r. Gipacester-„Strehlkhax, been the: Ontario , 10thiStil"'42Trift0POitation Wants* 0itt act .4. • EbginSerw-,:' due to • . budget limitations funding . ,.31491110,44.104X#Ri10)Ctilik • Zavitaki sUggeStedAtiatthe work ahOuld, be. deferred since :the. Ministry will consider.funding theprOjebt • next' year, if requested by 7 At Mirth, Street United Church SorleriCh cOURTESVOr. THEP/0E11.0N SHOPPE • Wednesday, March 9,1983 TICKETS • AVAILABLE AT THEASHION SHOITE 00 CIRSIONE 5242078 • Feerdeerth:12 , Businessment la.ri'k19,e0vPilsl;p:„ i n • • • pi 01;opv01641;e0a.'n°{0tnaceens1310f.u4Var,°c,raljer:ncinio.-Ae°Ostf.1901-, fiVriaen. ce an rn';rase 111 your husiness equity.:Pros,0141-Y.,.. you may fiflol!IY:;:f-i)d 0efati• '• Business Investthent 'Grant andlhus;bc entitled • a 4"14 rebate on specified loan interest. We: offer a brain bank of experience, • Come talk..business with us:We'll tell you,abootitalederng'...,,:.2.:. • Counselling; management trairing and governmerit.a§Sistasca;',2.: • programs. phone -call can bring it.elt,iolppi For an appointment cafl FSPII.Stratiercti',1,. • -. arid est 'for Paul mcctioker or i• at • • Bob.,Bogdow ••• : • A.'•••• •.'' " 271-5650 (collect) •.*•, • •TheGodelich•and District • Optimiat Club . were - given p approval by ,,cotitidil to hold the 'club's Fourth Annual Music Festival. The festival will be held at "Riverside Park and will run from June 39 -July 2. Council was informed that the BIA will be applying to the Ministry of Municipal fe, Affairs and Housing for funding for staff assistance •under the Experience '83 program. For the past two years the • BIA has received funding • from Ahe Ministry. The money Oas been used lo hire Assat,,xtndgatk,t0Itunp,lhe, SquarOlean: • Seventy` per cent ,of the • funding/ts provided by the Provintial Government, 15 • ,per cent by the BIA! and 15 • per cent by the Parks Department. , • . :•..,.1.„!...:''''::,....._,:^,e;',:,.....:...,., , ,coFecly, e.ertacil:Parpilerillit74s^i;:..: ..d!":.11"5$4;;II41-'11F:1711:;;;:' ' ''''' '' ..';'-. .,,,,,.•..':: ,:;',,,..k.i.,,,„,,,t,, i 4.„ „.., .„. . :. ,.. -.,:.., ,, ... :. :. ,..1..; - • .:•;1.....; • : ..,:!,,, t',:4,, '''...''4).• kr.- ' : Y6t tr success is nor onlibusines,S;IT'-f.,': '"-:.:1-:;.:;'''. • , - •3•.,, ..; ,. •,. ' ,,,' 4 , „.•., .... • , . Canada' .,....._,,,...„ ,„,,,,f,,;::,',:,,...,....,.,: -.:.:*-11:::::,,,...,..,-..,,,.........„...„:„..„'....': .... .. ., ... .......i..,,,,,.....,.:• ..:,...:::!.. ,,,.. . . . --:,,,..--..-:-..„.-<-....‹._ -...-.....- .....,..-2..,----„--..„-.„---,:....,,,....„..-.„....,.„-....-..5-:-.,..._,....---„,;;,,,.„,... ---...--...-›„•-›-:-..,-....-;-:,,,,..., - ...----------,--, .., , . 4. ,.''' , Ir.' A- . ..,4 ••:,4, IN ..... .. . ' •.:-, , ///,% \ . '. '':•:•' , .. . -• , : ..1.1,.. .,..... .1 .. . . • :• • • • 3dik 41 "I'Ll1L0 UV multI,Celour UM% NVIon. dr& Loop. II Colours aintron Plyinii,Malikmoui atig too* tabsutt, MOST FILM