The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-03-02, Page 1,+••4•:,:ri::.•,,01.: • +"+"'+'1. • Althopgh Cannqa* bird les,140§.11144flill ceiebrating 'and knjane;c03,0ci1-nuenihers. ar for allifolintillfifinhOeiresig ThO. ,uProl 'Occurred at st VoiMitit w 6 lcouncil • of iti in Jun 30, 1, nd 23, wil ..,,t0-1.ecrii'louni';'..ii4'4T0'ul'.,... , -iiivl:0':':;'oi-...-.;i:1'.'..e'b'n'4'7ii'.°':6a;',0'41°I'lit:'°'11"t1 ;4tt" cide'":al 4 , 04, it ... ..' its.:6 February 0.0*, dates...,.., ,.. mpl tii,a.smade btcause oftheloctthot..thot,..4,r‘., 00,ii.,-wider ch • -' 0:•ccitYr :,literles were 400)WlllelUl:'°Ur from that . oth a Councillor marls saiciii,.:17feet.:Atatteant t'... : ' :: ,.,f rAhteh.7inat matter ' Original Ce .;Jilles planned \forthe•JUly liveek - d." _ ,,... "wise ''..'1* schediile re _,...„,..._ • ,.• • _,soning:,-;,fori., . the . changei,"•e!.'al -`'.4"-i, Pali' 4u1Y1:. . ,. . • . •. surprised•• , " ,...,.. • .,....,,, amazed that: the committee *Oiddi',..inggest such aybr• Eileen , chatige.'!,:Searliii; pointed out that -4Bay -CitY officials have not invited Goderikh':dignitatieSiI0-1ttendit '''•?•'' ,_2„._-_,.,. .4llnitile!' ' "the 11101iadi - • •-• ',- ' . , - . ',.--i4 - i•41f, ', +.• •'' .6ki'"i•k•k,;- • ,*7. 11,10:*le!! . • ••• . . i;,',N:::• ...,,,-.0_2+ ,e'os: year's Bay City MarekpaOndeitinctinfireViOnky0001. .04nnrMdntiOn,..anni, • . t. ctiai ,,:1 -:. • , •,z ...., ,•,,, ,, , . ' z el: ., ''' o ' •Ur ;'1".i ''.1 ' ' l't Reeve HarrY.WOriell questitining.,Whethertli4fa , After thee,O0Oil meeting, -. - eould. be changed said, "I don't think you -can change' ,,.010ined`Abift 41e, yo4',',ii. , k - triiiit,iblie tile .date of \the tieininion Holill4; jitst :as ymre ' ' . .gelebrattoiti#40?. . . li -- ,,.- Councillor Glen -Carey said that he unders, , ,, -• aisbAce . - l' ,7 b'+'".• Alt .4.4, . ,Thieves, got awa ' ani.!Istereo equiPrinits,, r1094atsoifletme Iff ent and ti ep.,,f' s. a ad , c t ie' the -Touiist d .to 1 fIag3l ,:'• ,•••••-• ower GMferiehli Valley Cons ervationA At• e elr 'iroxeter. With In the chairman's reviewed the gran 198241nd cnil Pr9 '4 t+.• • authority's annuai meetng on anrn.l messag�,: Mr. Gower itioed"graSsrolitelpput • • 4. • . . . With the,strarii .2-4hesemainiog 41 contestatits who' competed for' cash his face 'obvious thitt' the • "t,rises Inthreedivisions the three division winners'. wrestliOng-toUrnanient at the Duke of Bedford Betel were all from oat -of -town and well versed on the art Saturday took the whole thing Seriously. 'And so did_ • ()f arm tvrestling. (photo by Dave Sykes) • • • ..1't.',••• ' If• the Ontario Municipal -Board (OMB) gives its permission,, the circular area of the Square in Goderich, will be designated • as aL_klsritp_ge_Cont. servatioirDistrict:-7---• Initally, the OMB. was asked to approve by4a* ,n0.2-1982 which designated the whole area bordered by Nelson, Victoria and Waterloo Streets and Elgin • Avenue. But at an OMB hearing in Goderich on November 10, 1982 approximately 50 residents who lived in the area which was under consideration, objected to the proposal. Since there were objections, council asked for the hearing to be adjourned in order to see if the objections could be resolved. At Monday night's council meetine council members discussed the possibility of designating the circular area of the Square and alloWing any property owners who objecteilto beexcluded. Town Solicitor, Dan Murphy explained that he felt „Change thedate Of.phris traps oryew Years. - A , 'Of Americans., •. 1• 444 of- baving, pahuieL • thing .0 "the intention. was na*.to changethe actual iday 'a one sided love a air date 4fittead it was just a moveto aceottin, A•e, a they Virilthe de" American on the' Pruen:dsf ifie portion of the festivities." Cthe ouncillor nr. ,needs • ' • • .. • ,4, .„ / "41 2. .:' ':0:.1., : 1 : :-/ kNilf',112'•kli',4°4ipa ir'a•, rt:rTratiltDreadittiot‘rof r. -a il centres for the develliiin :., : 1,6066Allat six 1 , ,• , ., ooking • remain open, Goderich nil: de' enPalmer said a ,antlicapped would 4fo'r•Raailshnweeristkfoihr'cloroiLthicSotuirioru,wbreiciaiiishio1/4, meeting with the minister ,.' esday Was productive impact of th6 closures on the municipalities; 2. )the this proposal might not satisfy the OMB. I can't see and fruitful.''''future of the residents, follow-up care in the tom.; the OMB designating one part of the Square and not _ a er,, P lin along with the mayorsItnif Brockville,... munities and the. long-term financial liability of the DO Aurfira'.i.Whitb St. ThmaielldArlijodstoclmunicipality and .3.)the proposed use of the closed another. I would_expect_thelloardmouldconsiderthe_,1%t-tgt%„..:2,...___Tt , _- whole area," Murphy said. last week o tliscuag-t ant, `prateit lirs -facilities7--------:-------------- ----'--------- , Deputy -Reeve Jim Britnell suggested that council ministry's proposed closure of the regional facilities While Drea made no firm promises, pekoe!' said , :developmentally an icappe inthose communities.. ort,, of theministry'sminister and the nature of those discussions will be h d* ' - . . ,, she was granted a 45 -minute private meeting with the examine three different proposals. The first proposal forthe' five-year plan to deinstitutionalize residents and divulged at a later date. Palmer said she will provide community -like settings In group homes. impetz tne confidentiality of the meeting but said Drea has insisted that cominunity siMport services statements made by Drea will "allay some fears". cl • • 1 11:513: 444 emphasize that you, as tion and the member ?veryone of You. if our Atitha are- to keep pace withthe iity," said Mr. exowaeoil - el was renamed as vice- rv. the presented was to ask for only the circular area of the Square to designated, The .second proposal called.for West Street to be included in the designation while the Third proposal included the Square, West Street and the eight vista properties. Since some of the commercial property owners on West Street and some of the vista property • owners had objected to the plan in November, council decided to ask the OMB to designate only the circular portion Of the Square. However, it was also decided to allow any commercial property owner on West Street to be included if they wished. f4, would be in place before one,resident was moved out Aslide program was presented to the mayors of a government facility. The ministry expects to outlining the ministry's five-year program and long - save over $23 million through the closures but has range plans. That slide presentation will be made promised to pump $33 million back into the com- available to the municipality along with the • munities to • provide support services for affected . ministry's guidelines and plans. institution residents.• , . The ministry's five-vear plan implicitly states that In a written report to council, Palmer said the residents of regional facilities for . the develop - mayors expressed concern about the lick of corn- mentally handicapped will not be, moved into the munication between the ministry and officials in the community until the support services are in place. affected municipalities. The mayors suggested that Palmer said support services includes proper workshop facilites, group homes . and recreation e, opportunities. The minister also told the mayors that services required by ' local associations for the mentally retarded will be funded by the ministry and only ••, residents from each respective county would be placed in that county. Paltrier said'20i,residents at '‘ ••••••••Bluewater Centre are from Huron County. e 4, "••''' l• ,5 r With the elosiire of the regional centres and the establishment of group homes, municipalities must • -,/ •have the proper Zoning in place so licences can be issued. To that end, Goderich council has requested • planning board to immediately begin working on a 004 ', 10170xtrer' A0 zoning bylaw and to formulate guidelines for council concerning group homes. 1 • Pahner instructed members of council to per- -•• sonally visit the two proposed sit s, 16 Elgin Avenue West arid 79 Wellington Street, fo group homes. . Goderich planning board lis called a public meeting for Tuesday, MarcJi 8 to look into the establishment of the two igroup homes in the municipality. ommittee must fend for itself *4W 44;j: er• „ • 0+% )..•`••• • •••• ,,`• Goderich Little Theatre will present the Noel COWard play Blithe Spirit for four days only beginning March 3 at Maellay Hall for dodo's. Directed by Juke Hill, Blithe Spirit is a comedy about the two ghostly wives T''',V;;;4•'11; • ." ,000,00,r,r4" .•• .000•••••-•••-•.•1;4,72yity, ' H4,4", Arr#44 r,19. ' • 0Y0 • A fr, toXe, of a goitlemon and his atterapts to rid the Mused the bingos voung, Maureeu Peuu sod Cathy spirits. Members 4if the east Eadade Pat Kiago Gary Theca alit perform one she* nightly and egithild Monter, Allison liallhlgvvarth, Ev MeDotiagho thiie is 810 t.*. (photo by Dave Sykes) Unless the Huron County Industrial Training Committee makes its voice heard potential gover- nment funding for training programs will be 164, That from Pat Newington the retiring chairman of the Huron Training Committee who was largely repsonsible for the group's success in enticing ' government funding for local training programs. But before a meagre representation of Huron County business and industry in Goderich Thursday, Newington admitted that the six-year old committee had reached a turningpoint, "The purpose of the committee is to tulvise of training and funding for Skills development and the government has decided that committees can meet the needs of industry," he said, "We need a wider representation of industry need in Huron but if we don't support the committee it will be allowed to die." The former general manager of Ex -C6114 Cor- poration Ltd. leaves the committee to pursue a fie* Career in London, but hi* departing words urged business and Waldo * itil leadersIn the interest of nurturing a stable economic climate in the county, "Mdustry in Huron has trained its own people in the Torn to page 2 • • •' - ""'. e Carnival time The Goderich Figure Skating Club held its Ice Nicks '83 show on Saturday, February 26. Members of the club presented a two ,hour show which not only entertained the audience, but also demonstrated what the various club members had learned during the past year. Growing sport Windsurfing is one. of Canada's fastest growing Sports and Goderich residents may be able to learn all about it, thts sultan& if all goes according to plan, Tory McDonald of Goderich will be opening a windsurfing school. This week, Signal -Star reporter* Joanne Boohooed talkedto McDonald about the sport and her plena for the.sehool. The story appears on page 6 of the Recriatiounage. Powelis hormirecl Last week the brattiiies, Girl Guid •, Heavers, Cubs and Scouts Celebrated Lord and Lady Baden. Powell's birthdays. Mogi Of theweek's Celebration the cubs held a *tub Kar tally at the Sitticoatt Mall and the BrOwnies and Guides dressed up in In. ternational costumes. Natant at the various ac- tivities appear throughout the pipet. .5,44 . • An . •