The Goderich Signal-Star, 1983-01-12, Page 3Announcement I Former members of the ;Bluewater 'I Playboys In troduce uncil imposes gOidelines County will restrict budgets to five per cent increase By Stephanie Levesque Huron County Council, in A recorded 17-13 vote, narrowly approved having 1983 budgets prepared us- ing a five percent increase as a maximum guideline. Approval was given to a recommendation from council's executive committee at council's January 6 session. The recommendation was made in anticipa- tion nticipation of provincial legislation being passed stating all employees earning less than $15,000 a year must receive a minimum increase of $750 and if employees earnmore than $15,000, they must receive a five per cent increase: "I feel that we're somewhat undoing what we did a few months ago," commented Stanley Township Reeve Paul Steckle. Reeve Steckle was referring to a decision made by the 1982 county council that employees' salaries not be increased in 1983. "The private sector is trying to maintain these goals ... it's difficult to say well 'pay everyone five per cent. Back home (Stanley Township), they (employees) say they'll stay where they are if the county does," added Mr. Steckle. The Stanley reeve suggested council maintain its position of not increasing salaries. Tuckersmith Township Reeve Robert Bell, who spoke on behalf of the executive committee, said he personally agrees with Reeve Steckle, but the ex- ecutive committee was advised by clerk -treasurer William Hanly that a five per cent increase is man - d. atoryMr. Hannoted that all employee salary schedules goa• throughly •council for final approval -and decisions may be made at that time to hold the salaries. He ad- ded that under the legislation, all union employees " ° must receive five per cent, but county council has authority over non-union employees. "That's ' where the problem lies," stated Reeve Sell. "If the unions get five per cent and non -unions don't, we'll have everyone in the county unionized." Morris Township Reeve William Elston pointed out that the employees earning $15,000 or less will actual- ly be receiving more than a five per cent increase. Reeve Steckle added— that employees earning between $15,000• and $20,000 may" receive a $1000 in- crease and increment or merit increases for those earning less than $30,000 are excluded from"legisla- tion. "The guy making $15,000 may receive five per cent but he is falling way behind. That's where h,c, legisla- tion is wrong. We should treat everyone th are told what we must pay and that goes agai what I believe is democratic," stated Reeve Steckle. Exeter Reeve William Mickle questioned the need for negotiations in 1983. "Why do we have to spend money in negotiations? There will be no benefit increase, salary increases are legislated at five per cent, our hands are tied. We should forget about negotiations in 1983," suggested Reeiie Mickle. Mr. Hanly said some negotiation meetings have been scheduled and if there were no guidelines, there would be no negotiations. The recorded vote, to authorize the clerk -treasurer to have 1983 budgets prepared using the five per cent .,as a maximum guideline, was as follows: Yeas - Grey Township Reeve Leona . Armstrong, Ashfield Township Reeve John Austin, Reeve Bell, Goderich Deputy Reeve Jim Britnell, Clinton Reeve Earnest Brown, Seaforth Reeve William Campbell, Blyth Reeve Tom Cronin, Hullett Township Reeve Tom Cunningham, Reeve Elston, Colborne Township Reeve Russell Kernighan, Brussels Reeve Calvin Krauter; Howick Township Reeve William Newton, Usborne Township Reeve Gerry Prout, Warden Grant Stirling of Goderich "Township, Hay Township Reeve Lionel Wilder and Goderich Reeve Harry Worsell with two votes; Nays - West Wawanosh Township Reeve James Aitchison, Hay Township Deputy Reeve Tony Bedard, Exeter Deputy Reeve Lossy Fuller, McKillop Township Reeve Marie Hicknell, Bayfield Reeve David Johnston, Hensall Reeve Harry Klungel, Turnberry Township Reeve Brian McBurney, Exeter Reeve William Mickle, Reeve Steckle, Zurich Reeve Don Van Patter, East Wawanosh Township Reeve Neil Vincent, Stephen Township Reeve Alan Walper, and Stephen Township Deputy Reeve Ralph Weber. Wingham Reeve Joe Kerr was absent. Road..empioyees receive 1983 increase By Stephanie Levesque At its January 6 meeting, Huron County Council ap- proved a five per cent increase for the road employees salary grid. Road committee chairnan Tom Cunningham said, "In light of the recommendation from the executive committee and in light of provincial legislation, what the employees are asking for is not out of the way. Hullett Reeve Cunningham was referring to a ,. recommendation from the executive committee that five per cent increases be used as guidelines for preparing 1983 budgets. This was passed by a vote of 17 to 13. The province has stated five per cent in- creases shall be awarded to employees. The hourly salary ranges are as follows, with 1982 salaries in brackets: labor ranges from a start of $6.76 ($6A4) to level three at $7.74 ($7.37); skilled labor ranges from a start of $7.44($7.09) to level three at $8.48 ($8.08), truck driver, light equipment operator and stockkeeper have the same hourly salary ranges starting at $7.33 ($6.98) to level three at $8.35 ($7.95); grader operator and heavy equipment operator start at $7.85 ($7.48) to level three $9.08 ($8.65); foreman's assistant starts at $7.96 ($7.58) to level three $9.19 ($8.75) ; and a mechanic starts at $8.40 ($8) to level three $9.64 ($9.18) . The yearly salary ranges are as follows, with 1982 salaries in brackets: shop foreman starts at $21,502 ($20,488) too level three $24,570 ($23,400); maintenance, road construction and bridge con- struction foremen start 'at $22,594 ($21,528) to level three at $25,324 ($24,128); survey party chiefs starts at $21,814 ($20,774) to level three $24,570 ($23,400); and the engineering technologist start at $26,078• ($24,830) to level three $27,196 ($25,896). Reeve Cunningham noted all the road employees are non -unionized. HODERIC4GI SICNALLSTAR, WEDNESDAY,JANIJ IRY 12,1,93-PAGiP3 One-third of town's sidewalks need repair Hunter tells_ council At Monday night's council meeting .. Works and Engineering Commissioner, Ken Hunter presented his year end report. In his summary, Hunter requested that council in- crease the budget, for sidewalk repairs. Hunter says the increase is necessary because, "one third of all sidewalks in the town of Goderich are in need of repair or replacement." Hunter pointed out that it would cost approximately $3000,000 to repair or replace all of the sidewalks which are ib poor shape. In summarizing past budgets Hunter explained that the 1981 budget for repairs was $10,000, the 1982 budget was $17,400 of which $10,000 was allocated to ONIP areas, and hp recommended that $25,000 be budgeted for 1983. ONIP progress The South East Side Neighbourhood Improvement Plan has been completed and Hunter told council, "the program was very successful." Describing the im- provements which were complete reconstruction of Cambridge, Maple and Walnut Sts., a new water - main was to be installed on Cambridge St., sanitary sewers and new asphalt were to 'be added on Walnut and Regent Sts.; and sidewalks were to be installed on Walnut, Cambridge and Regent Sts. Hunter said, "all the work. was done except thecon- struction ofMaple St. bet- ween Cambridge and Regent Sts. and the sidewalk work." But "he pointed out, "extra work was done on street lighting on Cambridge St. due to there 'being no lights on one block and we ex- tended the storm sewer on Cambridge St. to the new community centre in otder to relieve a flooding problem." Other improvements which were made. were better Fire protection and water pressure in the area, storm sewers installed to relieve flooding problems, homes which had previously been, on septic tanks were put on the sewer system and the missing link on Cam- bridge St. was filled in so that the street is new con - suppose to- have been- made, tinuQus: Hunter said there was to be-a.__._._Hunter._-.told council ,that The Royal Canadian Legion GODERIGH (ONT NO 1091 BRANCH • THANK YOU The Poppy Committee of Goderich Legion Branch 109 wishes to thank the citizens and organizations of Goderich and District for their generous support of The 1982 Poppy Campaign. We also wish to thank the mem- bers of the Branch and the Ladies' Auxiliary who in any way assisted In the campaign. A special thanks to the Laketown Band, Harbour Light Travel for the win. dow display space, Sherwood Transportation for the bus for the use of the World War I Vets and the Signal Star for their coverage of our Poppy Campaign. The final statement of the 1982 campaign indicated a total o-evenue of '4778.35 which consisted of wreath sales '778.35, donations' 1136.90, car poppy safes '178.75, lapel poppy sales '2378.35 and the draw '106.00. Cam- paign expenses totalled '1761.35 and consisted of cost of wreaths '660.00, cost afHftapel poppies '4f 0.00, cost of tar poppies °180.00 and promotion material '261.35. The profit for the 1982 poppy campaign was '3017.00 Which was deposited In the Branch 109 Poppy Trust Fund. In 1952 the Branch 109 Poppy Fund donated '1728.82 to the Alexandra and Marine Hospital for equipment and a total of '2200. was presented In varying amounts to six students as Branch Bursaries. HOWARD CARROLL Br. 109 Poppy Chairman the improvements have resulted, "in a street system which is second to none." new purchase Council gave approval to the Works and Engineering Committee to purchase a new sidewalk sand spreader. The new machine, "which will be aquired from Craig Construction ..Equipment Limited, Ottawa, will cost $2,800. When asking council to approve the purchase, Commissioner Hunter pointed out that a new machine is needed since the present one was bought in 1954 and is in poor shape. The new spreader is hydraulic ' and can be operated by one person rather than two, as is now the case. INSURANCE AGENTS... your small-business clients (3 pluswill benefit from the convenience of'a Blue C:H.I.P Plan benefit package. For details contact: Lori Senay 120 York Street London. 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QUEBEC WINTER CARNIVAL 4 Days Departs Feb 7 • From $179 `TEXAS AND NEW ORLEANS IFeb. 1.2, 26, Mar. 19, Apr. 16 Days 4 Departures Featuring .0000...Grand ole Opry *Son Antonio •Nashv,lle •Pedro Island *Houston , From $779 GRAND FLORIDA CIRCLE Now In Florida Disney's New EPCOT CENTRE 4 Days 3 Departures Fob. 19, Mar. 5, Apr. 2 •7 Days Epcot Centre From *Cypress Gardens •Black Hills Passion Play 11659 •Steak B.B.O. and Rodeo GRAND FLORIDA CIRCLE 16 Days 4 Departures Jan. 29, Feb. 19, Mar. S. Apr. 2 ---FROM •699 FLORIDA EVERY SAT. BY COACH 14 Days from °349 21 Days from °469 28 Days from '559 All with FH. oncepl Orlando MID TERM SCHOOL BREAK 9 Days Mor 19-27 Disneywbrld from, 4'399 Daytona Beach from:.. *439 St Augustine Beach from 4419 Myrtle Beach '349(10 Days from TEXAS AND NEW ORLEANS PRICES REDUCED For more information call ALLY 'STAR TOURS 1-800465-9810 • UWLE PEOPLE Infants to 14 "W KATER TO KIDS 397 Main S. E Ont. 4331'113 Winter Clearance Sale Savings 1/3-1f2 Off excluding handmade articles Snow suits',' 25% Off Exeter 235-1113 Huron County Health Unit Presents - 'TIPS ON HOW TO QUIT SMOKING' during NATIONAL NON-SMOKING WEEK on "WEEDLESS WEDNESDAY" January 26r 1903 - 7:30 poem. ASSESSMENT OFFICE 46 Gloucester Terrace Goderich For More Information: Contact the Health Unit 524-8301 Witeellin! -11 Music for , . ny occasion For information contact: Bob Oesch Zurich 236-4896 I Dan 'Overholt Exeter 235-2450 I Stew Irvine Parkhill 38 244-62 Huron County Council toured the. Pioneer Museum in Goderich as part of its,iawtary ses- sion. In the photo, Reeves Tom Cronin of Blyth, Bill Mickle of Exeter.,HarryWoi'sell of Goderich, Calvin Krauter of Brussels and Paul Steekle of Stanle,"''ownship--watch 'fvlth curator Ray Scotchmer the working of a water wheel (out of picture). FIAIR AFFAIR • Hair 'Styling for Ladies and Gentlemen 53 Sau#h St., Goderich, Ont. 524-4279__ g �. c,. I n w --� ove'race • ft. �. in the interest of utilizing space to the maximum, SIGNAL -STAR will introduce a. change in wedding policy effective JANUARY 1, 1983 While we appreciate the news value of„weddings, it will be necessary to abbreviate them as much as possible. A photograph and brief description for each wedding will be used. The description is to include -on ly. the..main'-det.ail.s4•Gee...ou.r...n.e.w..we.dl.l.tlg.... forms): Also please note. if the wedding picture and story are handed in more than eight weeks after the event, there is a $15.charge. I'f you would like a more detailed write-up, you arem.'- required to provide your ilown story and photograph and.pay $2'5. for, indertion in the paper. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation in -this matter. the Goderich Editorial Department Goderich 1, SIGNAL STAR