Exeter Times, 1912-3-14, Page 5TA.11iou ztit lel 2
T fl
Making Records at. Horne
a great feature of the
n Phonogr
iso ap
The ability to make -end reproduce your own records
in your own home -the songs and stories of every
member of your family and all. your friends -in
tionto ot of thegreatest entertahinient of every kind
Thiek what that means I . The Edison
Phonograph -a -the idstrument that
you would1chocne anyway, because of
the purity tind Sweetness of Ellison
tone; because its volume of sound is
exactly suited to your home; because
it plays both Edison Standard and
the Long-playing' Edison Amberol
Records; because it has tlae sapphire
reproducingepoint that does net
scratch or wear the records, and lasts
forever--aives' yob. this greatinnenni
recording feature besiclest And this
feature &ratites the pleasure of oweing
a sound -reproducing instrument.
Most Edison styles- are regularly
equipped tomake records at home.
Recording equipment for styles not
so equipped can be purchased at
aligheadditional cost.
'When yOu got° ybur Edison dealer
to leek out your Edison Phonograph,
be•sure to ask 'about this home-
recordieg feature, andno get record-
ing equipment with the instrument
• you buy.
. . .
There are Edison dealers everywhere. Go to the nearest and
Edison Amberol Records, Get complete catalogs from year •
hear the Edison Phonograph play both .Edison Standard and
dealer or from us. "Edison Phonographs, $16.50 to $2.40.00.
Edison Standard Records, 40c., Edison Amberol Records(play 100 Lakeside Avenue,
twipe as long),65c. EdisouGrand Opera Reeords,4115c.to$2.50'. ' Orange, 14: .1,, U. S. A.
A complete line of Edison Phonographs' and Records be found at
and a two -cent stamp is all it will cost you
to get our big, beautiful Catalogue of every-
thing that is good in Seeds, Plants, Fruits,
Implements, Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies,
It contains so much that is good we cannot tell
you here, send Reit, and judge for yourself.
We have twelve big • pages of the latest and best
introductions, the Cream of the Whole World, and
every variety is well worth twice the price we ask.
Valuable Premiums also given.
You cannot afford to miss the opportunity of seeing
Giants of California what we have to offer you for 1912.
Nasturtinnt Dareh & Hunter Seed Co. Limited,
' Tee. Finest Strain in the World. Dept. 34 London, Ont. 12
Miss Clara Palmer spent a rely
days in 'London, with fricend,s.
. •
Bees are the order of. the day.
Mrs. D. Link returned home aftee.
spending a few weeks ,attendine
Spring. •lVfillinery openings in Toronto
Mr. and Mrs. Robinson- retarned to
their home in 'Toronto after spend-
ingea feet days with friends here. .
..We are glad to report that Merle
Clark is improving after a long it -
Miss Ella Link, left for Zurich on
Elonday where she will look after
the millinery 'department for Mr. J
• Our -young people are leaving their
--abeitre- of skating this winter.
A number from here attended the
concert on Tuesday evening,
Miss Nora Siebert of Dashevood.
tepent a few days the guest of Dlr.
land Mrs. S. Brown.
Last Monday evening the lady Mac
eabees with their husbands drove to
the home of Mr. and +Mrs. G. Hertzel
•and ,spent a very _enjoyable time to-
A pretty wedding took place on
Wednesday afternoon March 6th at
o'cleck at the home of Mr. and.
- Mrs. Mathew Finkbeiner, when their
daughter POS2 was • tnarried to Mr.
Edward Feltner. The ceremony was
•nerform.ed by Rev/ E. Earn' in the
• vresence of nearly 100 guests. The
bride was given away by her fath,er
tend looked charmingly dressed in a
gown of cream silk. Mandy. a gister
of the bride assisted the bridesmaid
and was die:seed in evhite naull. Mr.
• Albert Feiner a brether • 6i. the
groom was 4roomsnag,n,' The. wed&
keg march was playedeby Miss Mild
• red Ittlunapp. The bride was recipient
many beautiful gifts. They will
srtake tegir home ton Der. Fahner's.
farm just north • of the village. The
-Times" joins with tbeir many
friends" are wishing them a happy
and prosperous esti'dded life.
-taUr. Frazer Brown and Erma spent
ree a few clays in Berlin and Petersburg
visiting friends.
hdr. Wm. Wenzel is spending this
0. eileek Dashwood.
Miss 'Della Schevartz has returnee
home titter spending a couple rtef
mouths in London.
Mr. Ira, Brown sport t &indite- in Zur-
ich visiting with friends
Mee Lir Heist "he' Mice spent
tew clays visiting •with his father
Auguee Heist who is on the eick-
list. '
A eitchen Shower was given eor
Mr. mild etre .itahner lest Friday
ev. /deg.' Alt repoet zoo!) tune
lee re,A, ELD(1,,
tit/SINE t and- Xr,1...k Nit St113JWCTS.
iteeteterecte feet ottaaten, upwahle of 001)
etterentaafiet preeroll teethe graduate. Sevea
epthittilet reheler teacher. (toe
erteetted ant' gag fines t mpkey
e t 'teased it te,' ree itr:see,etati tram
,e, time,
"." 05.1:4)-
tenteend fr,:t 4101044:- 1. ri..4.{,s1
Miss Beetrice Oliver has returned
to Stratterd. •
Master Robert Agnew, of St:
Tboraas is visiting.:with his aunte
Mee. 3. E. Elliott'. •
Mr. S. Garnet is helping Mr. Stew-
art in the blacksmith shop fer meow
. .
On Tuesday evening of.: last week
the -Ladies" Aid of Salem appointmene.
togethter Avid); Una husbands .and
triends spent the evening. at • the
parsonage." After lunch was eerved'
interesting-proeraue was rendered
followed by games and socket, inter.,
courser. All 'departed feeling thet a
very, pleasant and "enjoyable evening:
had 'ben spent with Lho, pastor and
Lis family.
Miss Gertrude Brown , spent last
week in St. Marys.
3Ylists Slice Patel returaed on Mon-
day from visiting Miss Zella Walks.
Loss of Appetite or Diatrese Adlter
Bitting 'a Syraptoul That Should
not be Disreetteded
Appetite is just natural desire
eor food. Lose ofttepetite or stove:fen
distress rafter eating indicate india-
igestion or dyspepsia. Over-eatiog is
a habit very dangerous to a persons
good ,gereeral health.
It is not evitat you eat buIt whati
you digest ond assimilate that does
you 400d. Some of the strongest,
heeviest and healthiest persons aro
=deflate eaters.
There is nothing that will eause
:Pere trouble then a disordered
storaech, and mealy people daily con-
tract se violas. maladies siraply Chrough
disregard or abusci of the. stomaoh,
We urge all in Exeter who suffer
from any stomach derangenaent, in
digestion, or dyspepsia, whether' iteb-
ute or chronic, to try Reetall Dyapep
sia Tablets with the distinee under
standing that; we will „refund your
money ,withoiet cpeestion or formilite
if rafter reasonable use of this med-
icine, they are aot perfectly salisfied
aith the results, We recommend
them to oar oustomereeyery dee and
luthe yet he hear from( tveyote ;who;
has not been been benefited by ahem
We honestly believe them to be with.
out equal. They give very prompt
relief, eadieg to. r ' vane : the gas-
tric) jaices, strength •.., 1. 4 digestive
organs, to regulate the bowels, and
thus 'promote perfect netxition and
eradicate all unhealthy symptoms.
'We 'urge you no try a 25c. box of
Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, which
gives 15 days treatment. Alt itthe
end of that time, eeour money will
be returned to you if you are not
satisfied. Of courae in chronic eases
length of treatraeati varies. For
such cases we have two larger sizes
which sell for 50c and $1.00 R.eme
ember you can obtain Bexall Rem-
edies lit this commnnity only at, oar
store -The Rexell Store -WS. Cole,
Word has been received pf the
death of Mr. Frank Diann Wey-
burn 1Sask., and it calls forth the.
sympathy of ..his many friends in this
part. Mr. Divan became a vicitm to
esthnea "which proved too strong' for
him to conquer and after 2 weeks in
the 'hospital p.assed away an 'the 1st
east and was laid to rest on Saturday
the 24th. The deceased came to Can-
ada 6 years ago, andedairing his re-
sidence in Hibbert and Logan Town-
ships, previous to .his going etest last
March, wen nee himself the respect
of those who knew him The heart-
felt sympathy of friends here is ex
tended to Mrs Divell in her hour of
grief. Mrs. Myatt is a sister. of a/frs
T. French of Logan.
The following is from the 'Herniate
Man.,"Echo", "Although it hos been
knot=i1 for some weeks that Mrs,
Walter Whyte was passing throug.h
the valley ot the shadow, and the
end was daily expected, the aianoun
.eernent of the death last Sunday
morning was a great shoek to her
many friends here. Aleut a year :ago
Mrs. 'Whyte beg -an to feel unwell.
but it was not for some time after
wards it was learned she was sut-
fering from a cancer in the stomach
and day. by day grew weaker until on
Sunday morning last the suramons
mine. Mrs Whyte was 62 a quiet
disposition' but her many kindly acts
her help and :advice in .many a sick
chamber, and her cheerful'encourage
meat in times Of trouble have endear
ed to the hearts of all who knew her
and. her passing- away -leaves not only
a vacancy in her own home hut in
tke town, that will bee sorely 'fele
Deoeased whose maiden name was
nearg,aret Sellery was born 'near
Staffa 51 ye -ars ago. Eight years ago
she was marrled to Mr. Waltee
'Whyte and has since resided in Ham -
iota. To, the husband and e members
of the family the sysapathy of the
'entire community goes out in .their
sad bereveraent
'Cbildren are mach more likely to
ontract the contagious diseases
L hen they have coldei whooping
ough; diptheria, scarlet fever and
onsumption are diseases that are ot-
en contracted when the cline' has 1.
cold That is leafy ell medical a,uthoe-
aties say betve Of colds. For the
quick cure. of *colds you will find no-
thing better than Obantbeetlain's
Oough rem.edy, It can always be de- ;
needed upon and is safe and pleasant
to take. For sale by alt ?eaters:
' Mr. Tom Crews wears a vary .eerac- e
bus smite these days .oecasioned e
the itrrival of a young son. c
It is reported that Mr. Reuben c
Shier has the new mail route on the t
12th and lith b2 Daborne.
Bread from St. Marys is being de-
livered twice a weak now.
'Master Orville Taylor met with an
accident Monday afternoon While
(wasting. His sleigh ran into the
learbwite fence, causing cats on, bis
face and loosening three teeth.'
Sttbject .the IVIethodist Church. .
uext Sunday a. m. will be 'Heaven, '
Miss Lizzie Switzer is recovering.
Mr. Wra. Stewart leas returned to
' Mr. Ilecliney lost -4 horse the oth-
er der.
-Mr. ;John Moore,. Staffer, nnternedt t
te einsmithing here on Tuesday of 6
last yeertin His, many friends will d
gaati, hen .back at his 91d Jon
• hers. Netheroote, St. Marys. spent t
Sunday with tear pareets, Mr. and d
Mrs. Elliott.
,our money Peck if you are not Sat -
fled with the Medicine tr6 Recom-
'We are so positiee that cur remedy
-ill permanently relieve constipation
o matter how chronic „it may bet,
hat we offer bo furnish the xnedieine
t our expense should it tail to pra-
nce satisfactory results.
It is worse th,an useless to attempt
o cure oonstipation with cathartic
pigs. Laxatives or catbartics do
Arm. They cause a reaction, irrit
to .and weaken the bowels rand. tend
a make constipation more chronic
'sides their use it becomes a .habit
bat is • dangerous.
•Canstipation en nsed by the weak
t es ot the nervee one mitsclts of the
Argo int:ethic or decending colon,
• expeet permenent relief you muet
ht rt fere tone up and . strengthen
h organs and restore tbem to
erdtbier activity.
W't; want you to try Reran Order -
on. our recommendation.. They
rs xceeditigly pleasant to take, be -
nee entre) eand,y and ore ideal
Must not be confounded evith corn- 13,
enon cathartics or purgative pills,
Carter's Little Liver 'Pills are unlike
tbeta. every respect: One trial n
will, preve their superierity,
Mr. and Mr. George Matson. J.
Itlillson and I. Wright spent Sat- 1
urday London. • a
t Mr, ene .Mrs. .eetti Brown of Can- I
tra,ia. visited at Dlr. lebiltip oven s 2
au Sunday.
Or eitiedren, delicate persons, end old
elts as wctli as for the robust. Thee'
et direct:1Y on the nerves and mese-
• ot the bowies. They apparently
eve e nentrei ectien on other 'CIS+
palate 'organs or glands. They do
et entree daI1SP ti"CCOgSiVe looseness
or ereate tiny ineenveneece what -
ver, They nifty .be taken tarty time
ayt or night, They will positively re -
feet: :chronic or habitue' constipatioa
2 not :ot sargical variety, and the
netaids of lassoed:ate or dependent
heortie :fitments it token with reg
le.rity for a reasonable length of -
Inc. 12 tit:blots 10 ereete 36 tabieits,
5e, 80 tablets 50ce Sold in Exeter
nle at our store -The Beexall Stare
W Cele,'
Children: .Orr
.• a
elees Ida Heti] gave a party to all
etr. young peop:e of: this church -and h
needless ed say teverybody spent- an s
err -loyal -net evetieg, .
Mrs. Enraest Parkinsart, •whe is it
abeot to hove for her' hette in the e
"%Vast visittd friencle in e,endori last : d
Cele -env,: steeted Moridayie
six-monthe taint et the Stratford t
Ilusinese We Iy1S11 stt0,f
Mr. fetid ittrs..A.Ibe,et:Guriningesehee , t
Inlay to ell the frieeds oTra oe-
e.eeletts of their son, Walter, it be- a
redebratirm of his 21st birth- -
11 ,is Ster supper was serve
1jde vetting $ entertainment
and a choice, preeent was given- by
:eating :IA 61)1 e to Welber aft a,
.04491P$4/1 silt :welch, Int. is bola
IL 1ng. who tbila linen re/l-
enity itegent here tor the past '0,00
eears, and who has proved 'himself
very eapable, Obliging anti worthy
Official has reeeived word oe his ap.
pointraent end hitt advancement to
the Lngersoll station, While Mr. and
Mrs. Ring will be greatty clitesed
from our village aud social. circles
W( ueite With their man,y friende let
wishing them healte and all sueoess
in their new home. Mr. Mega suc-
cessor wel be hfr. A. L. Case, e .leat
son Jot Uri Geo. Case svho has been`
acting at Depfleid es agent for 1 he
Past seve.aa years Mr. Case has Leen
well and favorably known in ibis
section from boyhood and is well,
qualified to diecharge the duties as
agent here.
Mr. W. Slone has purchased from,
Mr, W. E. Peat/ the dwelling pro-
perty receetly occupied. by Mr.
Shaarts and ittends moving into it
We 'regret to state that, Mis Amy
Letratste was obliged to retarn home
from Brantford last week on account
of ill health
tete 5folsons hank looks very to.uch
improved in the interior ,having 'been
nicely papered with burlap aroutcl
the walls and will have no linoleum:
cm the floors.
Mr. Walter Holakirk is tome from
the west. .
Mr. W. C. Davis :merchant, eves in
hylmer and St, Thomas last week at
. -
tending the funeral of his father who
had attained the good age of 82 yes,
The Rev, Mr Grant, who leas receet-
tly •receiv.ed a call to thePresbyter
ian °beret] at Clintop, en Sabbath ot
last week exchanged duties with Rev
Mr. Stealth of Carmel church deliver
ing good, thoughtful discourses at
oth morning and eveeing.
Mr. Austin Dining and sister Miss
Laura, reeentee returned from a vis-
it with relatives tlitid friends in .and
around Brantford.
Mrs. Gilbert Dick and little tiaugta,
ters were visiting at -their old home
jn Kippen the first of lest week.
Miss Smith. of Stanley met with an
accident in cur village on Wednesdhy
afternoon It appears that weep
starting for home and driving to-
wards the railroad track her horse
became frightened from, the sound
of escaping sbeara from an engine
near by, and turning round end run-
ning, in the Oanainercial hotel yards
Miss Smith was thrown out receiving
Miss Emma johnston is in Wood -
'stock visiting her sister Mrs, Simla
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gibson left last
week for their new home in Goderich
ifollowed by goad wishes of their
'many friends.
Mr. Benj. Kaiser, o. pioneer p2
`Wieldy York" mow Toronto, and a
vetere of the Fenian Raid died at his
Lome in Hens -all after a brief illness
in his '84th year. -He was a native of
the county of 'York, his birthplace
being within twelve miles of Tors
onto Be came to Huron County in
1858 and carried on a blacksmithing
business in Brucefield for many years
In the early days of Hensall he came
to the village and as a contractor
and builder constructed many of the
residences of this lei cc. Besides his
widow he is survived ey four sons
and _four daghters and eighteen
graudehildren .
The best remedy on, Earth -1°r Ca-
tarrh dud cold in the head. Gesetnella
Catarrh Cream.
; Mr. Thomas Hot3gins and wife w,ho
tave been spending the winter with
their relatives here., returned to their
florae in Wilkie Sask., recently. For
a number of eears Mr. Hoderins -con-
ducted a blacksmith shop in Leman.
Mr. G. M. Case who has been spend
ing a few days with friends. here„
Las eeturned • to Toronto. •
Mrs. Thomas Hennessy has . been
confined to bee bed tor a few days
with la -grippe.
eir. E. Hariton left for e e west,
recently where he has see. te.: e Pos-
ition with a wholesale eataatie.,., eet
Some of the local young men ie. ..
eootal gathering paesented. tau witu
a club bag.
Mr. 3. G-. Seale of London. is spe.nd
ing a few days with tri -ends here.
Mr. Jos. Casey is spending a few+
does with his emote PatrickelCasey.
The great Ataerican Catarrh Rem-
edy. Gunnell' Catarrh Cream, get
it at Hoevey's Dr an Store.
The sawinill of William Mustard
is olosed down this week owing •to
the engine. heirig completely destroy-
ed on Monday while running et full
speed. Mr. Mustard was Toronto
last week to purchase a nees, engine
This is the busy season and he has
some large orders to- fill. It • will
mean a Leavy loss to him.
'Messrs Ben Spencer and ja.mes
son left on Tuesday for the west aft
cr spending- the winter at their home
The Misses -Terms of Tweed Ont.
re conducting evangelistic services
in the Methodist church during the
past two weeks.
Mr. ad Mrs. Edward Weston, of
Godericb, spent the past week the
gaest of the fortners parents. •
Mr. 'Wilbert MeLlenten left last
ivevet for Nethereill Sask., where he
is homesteading,
Miss Edna Grant visited her friend
Mrs James Young • in London last
Mr. 'Thomas Beatson ot, Provost.
Alta. is here owing to the illness of
bis wife who is staying with her bro-
ther Mr. Geo. Rathurn.
A number 02. friends from the town
Line spent a very pleasant evening
Cal WW1 Cla 3* jest at the home of Mrs.
Campbell on the 8th con. l3lancharch
The made it the occasion pre-
sent Airs „Capt Shaw with a hand
t some clockancl acconipanital by on ad-
tlress expressive et their good wishon
ancleincere rev ta for one en much a s-
seeiated with them it thank work
and social li'fe ef the Cornmanity.
Electric Rostoret tor Men
phosphorite! reeteres every nerve the betty
to ha ,proper tension., testetee
vim and vitality. Pretuaturo decay end all sexual
weakness aarrted at once, ir hosphono, ton
make von new leen, Price MI a belt or tWo for
315• "Ablied to :tee Wiese. vbo seobell rug
Coe flt,40nthrkin04. Onto • •
�Xrry uoad has purchased the Ave
ere farra On the I0t.b. ef Ushorne.
A new Mail delivery ,roete is to
be le,stablished out oe Wooelham.
through Suziablee, rtorth anti back
by Winebelsea end as far south its
the end of the 10th of Blansittaeti, re.
tureing to 'Woodhare by the town
line. Ween brouleht about tbe Be-
eter mail will be discontinued; being
pieced on another route via Elitnvi is
A new aLiiiner, efiss Ross, bean
work in the store twee on Monday.
Woodiment eew dresainakine
establisbinent has been opened by
the Misa
Tedear 111111.s' infant son has beep.
seriously ill (hiring' the past tevo
a LI Pira laV4R
am WOirt;i0,
knOW 11,4»z,,ALAT Ouffering%
3r. taro tt.,u,A4 the euro.
4 Will tree of evey, charge: mr
nt with eel instrument to auy Sidfar r0
basn's ailments. event to Led eel
thh ouge- y on, tny reader, fOr„ 7404$0)4
eau:liner, your meteor, or e our weer. 1 we..14
tei, you how to eure Yoursolf at lunno withoUl"
the help Of a doctor. Men cannot ensurnena wenn
exessulterings. Whet we women Aenow Crone experience. we enowbotterthan any Qi,. toy,. 14 eaten
th, a my bome treatment ie a safe anti mire hare foe
Leg • rrliceaor inbitioll discharge, ulceration: la so
pisscementor of the Womb', Prolate, SetMt3r
or V -.41n1 Periods, Vterine or Ovarian Tuition! or
also mins in the head, hack and bows's,
bea r•-tudowrifeelings,pervensness,creephigfeebs
Ing Ira the spine, melancholy, desire to 4ty• hot
nast..h. weariness", kidney end No40 tnonh/e0
where caused by wealmee$ Poenlist "D
1 want to Send you a complete 1() daysEtrestnienn
weeks. atuvelf at bome easter ten 111,t7 lir
trove to you that yen gm cure
Bert Rundle .had the misfortune of
being thrown flora his delete on
returnints home last week wife a
elle wagon, Though badly snelent up
ao serious iiajury was suffered,
Manlike Harness and brother terve
etented their mother's farm at eht.
corner .of the 8th con. of Blanshard.
Wesley adills has rented e hoes
in London and will move there nex
Jelen Sawyee expects to racer,. 1
a few days to his new farm. in Val
lartont. He 'has secured a man from
Tiperarry (Irelaucl) for the summer
' Jerry Hoskins has hired with Clar-
ence. Mills foe the seminer.
On Feb. '26th a son was born to
elr. and Mrs. George Parkinsone.
Frank Parkinson is recovering
eery slowly. Ile le not yet able to
„leave :the house.
A 'brother and sister of John Sbev-
enson from Wyton visited him on
Thursday and Friday of last week,
Mr, and Mrs. Jaraes lioutley vis-
ited a 'number of friends on the
10th of Thartshard last Thursday.
Mrs. Nairn, of Outlook, Sastre, sis-
ter of errs, Hiram Cope,land is slow-
ly 'recovering and is now consider-
ed out of danger.
Miss J'ennitt. 'Vance o f Bimetal, is
visiting at the personify.
A death occurred in WoOdham lest
week :in the person or an old horse
that come here as a winter resident
but wasn't able to stared Nee board.
The young people of Zietn Leaeue
visited the parsonage last Friday ev-
ening to the number of about 'twenty
five. Among them was 'Miss Mary
Switzer lately returned from China
A very pleasant evening was spent.
S. Tuft of Kirkton, took. charge:
of the service here on Sunday in the
absenee of tha pastor, who was sup-
plying for the Rev. Jas. Livingstone.
in his illness. Mr. Tuft's service was
teach appreciated.
the treetment a cOmpleeetrlalt and if you should wish to Canaan°, i4wi11cost you teer Aloe 1
:gel yandsurely. mem er,t a It wet cost you nothingte grt,est
.clligssliiiTatf, 7 leussathr twoeat far. 11 will not Internee wine. your venerk,er ooceem. .
me now gen sutrer, aryou wee, ilea A
treatmeetforYyZca,:, =dee, in poem yernemeneergeturn rude wettest) seadyou. free
etintrAt,ymwyobp2ofokn-sueWOMAN'S N 1111111.11PAL A P vvithexplanatoeyillustratkm
Mr, and how they CAR CaSiljr ouretheneselveeat bout°, Every evoment
have It Tad ,otblnk tor herself. Thenwhenthedootor Yearonsthalreanonotta.%
eton," yo an f r yoarkle f. Thousands of wOulgu haYeelkreil teenteelvesweelemearen.
remedy. It cures all, old -or young, To Mothers ot Patt'uters 1 ill 4 '
nerraea G;eolliairgn atingle).
trittribithich speedily and offcustually cures Y.,et
ar enstruaPlone Young Ladies, Plumpness and be_altiLalwa_Es /vault from its use.
, weereyer yo.g. live can refer you to ladies or your own locality' w o know and wiligladly
t ten any sufferer that this tlosneTreattnent really cores an women's diseases and realms women
well, strong, plump and robust. Just send me your address, And the fres ton days' ereenuent its
Fours, alai the book. Write to -day, as you may nob see this offer again. addrese :
MRS. M. SUMMERS. lAox U 811
The illustrated lecture given by
Rev. J. E. 3. Millyard, of Hensall
was a highly interesting and suc-
oessful Mir.
Mr. Wm. Francis visited his broth-
er Francis for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright spent
Sunday at Mr. John Cann s.
A number of youtag people attend-
ed the Hand Bell Ringers concert itt
Exeter on , Tnesda.y evening.
Mrs. (Rev.) Harrison, of London
will preach A.nniversary Services in
the Bethany 'Church next Sunday af-
ternoon and tevening.
. A Delicious Dessert.
Wash and serape three or tour car-
rots, then grate enough pulp to weigb
ona pouud, says the Boston Cooking
School Magazine. Chop one pound of
eget; mix through it half a Pound each
of raisins and currants mid one cupful
of sugar, then mix the whole with the
grated carrot. Sift together onetcip-
ful and a half of pastry &nut one teat
spoonful th salt two ten:pool:fills of
baking powder, one teitspoonfut 'twee
Of ground eineamon and nutmeg Auld
. half is tetiepoonfin of ground Hoven
Then mix itorette. stile end filet mix-
ture and. preee..inne it teetered Heed.
no not add any HO id. tiles ol re 0
mold three boars anti a ball. :have
with, wipe �r hard settee.
eisit with ber brother Lewis in Al- year Mr. Harold Steep, of Clieton one
Mies Irene lippbard left for , After an illness extending' OVer
Ly son of Mr. James Steep passedl
awity at the parental home on Fri-
day last at the age oi el years. De..
ceased vilest lived in thee west for the
past 18 years and returned tiorae last
April and for many months has not
been able to get Irora his bed. Har-
old .was in a Gents burnishingStorrs
at Indian Head and was a great Lave
orite oat there as he was in his home
town. He took an active part 'in all
sports and was good company in.
crowd, He was a meraber of the
1.0.1h.F. in the Western town, Thiel
faxieral was held on Monday after*
noon of this week and the servicel
was conducted by Rev. T. W. Cosens
Besides his parents only pm sister
survives Mrs, A, 'Collyer
A mares wife sbould always be thei
same, especially to laer husband, but •
but it she is weak and nervous amd
u.ses Carter's iron tells, shce. oannote
iel Messner aged 24 years '4, months
and three days died very suddenly he. eor they melher teal
te Elea a dies
terent person,"so they ell say, and
Deceased bad not been in very good their husband's say so. too.
health for some weeks, but was not
thought to be isa a serious condition
on Saturday was in Dasherood. Oe ARE YOU GOING WEST THIS
He was about as uusal lest week and!
Tuesday afternoon lite tomplained taf If so take:a' n
tta,ge of the re -
not fettling as well as usual and grad
markably low one-way .second °lags
welly grew worse, and ab'ut' six in coloniel rates to Nelson, Vancouver;
the leveeing passed peacefully away Victoria 13. C.; Seattle, Tacoma,
Blood poisanirg is thought to be the Wasb; Portland Ore. etc', in effeet
eause of his death His father Mr. March lst to April 15th; or if Wee -
raid Messner and a brother are ye tern Canada in your deetination the
present in the west, eaving 'recently oneetvay second class, settlers' trains
left Edmonton for Pigeon 'River to Western Canada will leave Terme
some 500 miles west pf that piece, to 10.20 p. xn. each Tuesday during
end it is impossible to get any word March and April. Bear in mind that
to them. The funeral took place the most scenite in the world. Theis
last Thursday afternoon to Gosben train service. The route is sne ef
Line oemetery.
the Canadian Pacific Railway offers
the finest :equipment and dasteeb
the only line operating throuel stale,
Otaldren dard and. tourist sleepers, also dine
FOR FLETCHER'S Crying cars to Winnipeg and Vancouven
C A S 7.c ?, A with the most raodera compartment
ment o es erva tion Ibrary "gars
through the mountains and acroes
Canada on transcontinental trains.
Mr. Peter Koehler has purchased
purcbaaed Mr, S. Witmer's forty acre
farm on the Goshen Line for $2900;
Iter. James Jarrett .laras nue-
chased Mr. A. Harvey's 50 acre farm
cm the town line .near Kippen.
Messrs 3. J. Meraer .3. Preeter
and C. Hartlieb loaded tbree cars of
dutch sets at 'Hansen, last Friday
They were 'billed for Weanipeg.
hir. Henry Brenner has taken pos-
'session of his farra recently_ parches
ed from. Mr. Henry Zapfe and the
latter has moved to the farm he
perchased frora Thomas Sherritt.
;meeting of the ratepayers tof
5 S No 7 was held hi the school
Louse here Satuday to consider the
question of remodeling the present
building or the erectiaon of it new
A very sad deatn °mired on thee
Bronson Line on Tuesday, wben Dan -
By travelling C. P. R, you avoid
The following isthe report al LT. necessity of changin depot's. Alt
S. S. No. 15; Hay and 'Stephen for equipment is operated and owned by
the month of February 412 Name e the C. p. R. affording the higheat
are given in order of merit. form Of efficiency. If such a trip be
Sr. IV -Gladys Turnbull Belle Over i under consideration` apply to any Q.
holt Tr. IV-Beatriee Turnbull Sr ' P. R. agent for full particulars., To
IIT -Willie 'Schatz, Otto Schatz Ros- f City Office. 16 King Street East. t
abella Phaff Jr. IK -Adolf Keeler '
Norman Fischer Agnes Turnbull Per 1
Willie Fischer, Charies Green Sr. II BU
gas Turnbul Jr. II -Florence Turn- The seed show held in Walker's
bull Eddie Keller, Wesley (..4reen, Hall last Friday was a successful onee
Itlanford Luther, Jr, I -Eddie Turn There was it large crowd present and%
bull Robert Green' Primary Lewis a good supply of seeds andt graine
Fischer No. on roll31. Average at- The judge was it good one and gell
tendanee 14. M. Jonesteacher. were satistied with the judging' Arta*
• , .410 the judging he deraonstratecl ate
ferent qualities of the aeed. His
Teere are many forms of nervous speech was appreciated by the whole
debility in men that yield to the use audience.
of Carter's Iron Pills. VIOS5 who are Miss Agnes Beatty is visiting
troubled with nervous weakness friends in London and Westminster..
night sweats etc., should try ithem: Dan Ross is laid up with a slight
attack of typhozd fever.
T. Bathwell of Stanley, has sold
The following is the report et hte farm to his nephew Mr. Johrt
Kiva t. -not for the month of Febru- Rathwell of Goderich Township. It
ary.• er. IV -Ella 'Wilhelm, '6031; is a good farm of 100 acres on tb.ei .
Gladys Mawhinney, 675; <Threes Maw- 2nd concession, They will be miae
hinneY 637; Roy Jahns 590; Sr IN sed in the neighborhood wed. in thei
Irene illawhinney 558; Wilburt Her- Methodist church of our villiget-
tman, .539; Veronica Hanover. 452; where he ancldhis family have beat'
I?eter Regier 356. Jr. ill -Arthur helpful members., 4
Hanover; 532; Herbert Willert 863 Miss E. Moody has returned how
Sr. II -Bertha Hartman, 550; Edger Clinton Hospital.
Mawhinney 410; Catherine. h1cDona1d Miss Grace Murdock has resigned '
539. Pie 1 -John Hanover 515; Tillie the Stanley school near our 'village!
•Ratnaoher 272; Priraer-Alphon where she bee taught school sinettee
Hernatan 1340; Edward Hartman 273. the summer vacations. She leenee hit
leo 'on roil 19 average lattendahce 13 a week. Miss Ann -a Bell Petrie wilit.
M. E. Parsans teacher. take her place.
Like the invincible, thoroughbred British Bulldog, never Ids
go. Its locks, stays and strands are of the hardest, strongest)
toughest, best galvanized open hearth steel wire ever used in.
fencing. They embody in zinc -clad, rust -proof steel, the
invincible qualities of that fallICPUS breed of dog which never
relaxes its hold.
Tel nein
Frt-n first to last, from ore to finished product, iNVINCTIlLt
FEND NG is Canadian made and Canadian quality, intended fox.
Canadina tni. Te Steel Company ot Canada wants the
patronage of Canadian fence buyers and intends to get it by
supplying a product which in quality and value cannot besm.-
PassIldvi. liable, not pr.ocess GalvanizedGates, galvanized after
made,,absolutely lead the world in -quality. They are the final
word '‘Irt of gate making.
A, J. CLATWORTHY, Granton, Ont.
;x.te Steel Company of Canada, Limited,
The Fence Department, Box MOIVTBEAL, CANADA.