The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-09-15, Page 25BULLETIN BOARD AD DEADLINE...5 P.M. MONDAY BINGO every Tuesday even- ing at Vanastra Centre, R.R. 5, Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1.00; 15 regular $15 games, three share -the -wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over_-_25-52X,1_26X GODERICH TOWNSHIP Recreation "Harvest Dance.", Saturday, September 18th, 9:00 to 1:00 a.m. Band - "Mystery Train". $10.00 per couple. Lunch and door prize. Phone 524-7004 and 482-9524.-34- 36&37 DANCE at the MacKay Cen- tre Goderich, on Friday, September 17th at 8 p.m. Music by Gordon Harrison's group. Modern and old time dancing. Admission $2.00. Lunch provided. All welcome.-37ar A VARIETY PROGRAMME at MacKay Centre, Goderich, Wednesday, September 22nd at 7:30 p.m: Admission $1.00. All welcome. Taxi phone 524- 7305. -37ar FASHION SHOW: Fall '82 presented by "The Clothes Closet", Wednesday, Oc- tober 13, 1982 at Victoria Public School, 8 p.m. Spon- sored by Blue Water Chapter O.E.S. Tickets $4.00.- Phone 524-9447 or 524-6915. No - _ tickets-atthe door:'.=37'8-.~ LUCKNOW FALL FAIR - September '17th • 1$th. Fri- day, September 17', 8:00 p.m. Log Sawing, Arm Wrestling, Local Entertainment. Satur- day, September 18, 10:30 a -m. Horse Show; Poultry exhibits to be in place; 12:30 Parade. 1:30 Horseshoe 'Pit- ching tournament. 2:30 Baby Show. 8:00 .p.m: Concert, Dickie Dean Magician. p.m. Mid -Western Untarla Beauty Coniest. 10:30 p.m. Family Dance.-37nx HURON HISTORIC GAi$L' will be opened Saturdays and Sundays ,only, from 12 noon to 5 pm., until further notice. -37X ANYONE wishing to have an exhibit table for the Snowflake Bazaar, November 4, 1982 please phone 524-8449.-36-37Ar HOSPITAL AUXILIARY will meet in the auxiliary room in A.M. & G Hospital at 2 p.m:, Monday, September 20th. Mrs., Connie Osborne will speak on Palliative Care. Everyone welcome. -37 TO HONOR Barrie and Grace Walter on the occa- sion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary, their family in- vites relatives, friends and neighbours to an open house at Holmesville United Chur- ch, on Saturday, Sept. 25, 1982, 2 to 4:30 p.m. Best Wishes only please. -37-38. 3RD GODERICH Brownies Registration: Sept. 20, 1982, 4 to 5 o'clock at Knox Presbyterian Church. Assis- tant leader needed. Call Dawn Parker 524-8122.--37 LUXURY Cruising and St. Lawrence River. Fall Foliage .Splendour. Spend 3, 4 or 7 days on board the new steamboat Canadian Em- press. CaII now toll-free for your reservations, and free colour story 1-800-267- 0960.-0-37 SHAW FESTIVAL 82 On Tour - "The Desert Song". Sunday, October 17, 1982, at GDCI at 8:00 p.m. Tickets $6:00 pa -person:- Available' at Recreation Office, 524- 2125 or Bedford Hotel, Goderich.-37-40ar THE NEXT ROTARY CLUB of Goderich PAPER DRIVE is September 18th. Please have your papers securely bundled and at the curb before 10:00 a.m. If you will save your papers for the Rotary, your contribution to community projects will be much greater. Paper Drives will take place September 18th and November 6th, com- pleting the 1982 season. Plan now to' help next season, by continuing to save your papers. Ads will be placed in the Signal -Star with the dates - for next year, 1983.-36,37ar MAITLAND MANOR Residents' Tea & Bazaar, November 6th, 1982.-37 ANNUAL FOWL SUPPER St. George's Anglican Chur- ch, Wednesday, September 22, 6 p.m. Admission by ticket only, available at Campbell's of Goderich, or •phone 524-8866, 524-6014. Adults $5.75, under 12, $2.75.-37 Congratulations On Your 25th Wedding Anniversary Jtaznil & George Errington HAVE MUSIC WILL TRAVEL - Swing 'Sway With Music In Gold, the big band - organ presence in stereophonic sound, playing Octoberfest Dance. Favourites for your dancing and listening pleasure. The music with a difference by Bruno at 524-2832.-37X BENMILLER UNITED Church Fowl Supper, Wednesday, October 27th. Sittings 5:30 and 7:00 p'.m. Adults $6.00, children twelve and under $3.00. For tickets Mrs. John Wood, 524-2756, Mrs. Dan Willis, 524- 8078.-37 ATTENTION BROWNIES: 4th Goderich Brownie Registration, Thursday, September 16th, between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m., Victoria Public School Gym. Brownie must be accompanied by' parent. Fee $10.00. For infor- mation call 524-8870.-37X CLINTON LEGION BINGO every Thursday, 8:00 p.m. w -first -- regular- •-card, $1:00,. restricted to 16 -years or over. Fifteen regular games of $15.00, $5.00 least on split, Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must go each week. -1-52x Buck & Doe for Ray McNichol and Linda Matthews Blyth Community Centre Saturday September 25 Music. by: STEVEN'S DISC JOCKEY TICKETS:. $3.00 per person. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ALL STAR TOURS * PIONEERS OF ESCORTED * MOTOR COACH TOURS * "OUR BUSINESS 1S GOING PLACES" T FALL BROCHURE DAYS DESTINATION DEPARTURE DATES PRICE 6 Quebec and the Capitals Sept. 20 '299. 9 Saguenay and the Gaspe Sept. 25 '469. 9 Historic New England Sept. 25 '499. 23 California & Historical West Sept. 25 '1,199. 5 Penn Dutch & Pocono Mtns. Sept. 27, Oct. 18 '349. 7 Williamsburg, Busch Gardens Sept. 25, Oct. 16 '339. and the Capital 8 . Kentucky, Tennessee and World's Fair. Sept. 26, Oct. 17 . '499. FALL FOLIAGE TOURS 4 Agawo Canyon Fall Colour Sept. 26, 28 & Oct. 4 '219. Tour I 3 Haliburton Highlands Sept. 27, Oct. 6 '159. 3 1000 Islands ' Sept. 30, Oct. 3 '154, 3 The Gatineau Hilts Sept. 26, 30 & Oct. 4 '139. 4 ' Elgin House Sept. 25, Oct. 1, 41 • '249. THANKSGIVING WEEKEND 4 Washington D.C. Oct. 8 '199. 4 Wheeling, W.V. Oct. 8 4 Nashville, Tennessee Oct. 8 4 New York, N.Y. Oct. 8 , SUPER SAVER 3 Fronken,nuth & Ford Museum Nov, 5, Nov. 17 '169. 3 Outlet Shopping and More Oct. 26, Nov. 16 '139. 3 Wheeling, W.V. Oct. 29 '159. 3 Westgate Dinner Theatre - Nov. 16 '159. Toledo , '169. '199. '199. CHRISTMAS SEASON VACATIONS 9 Sunshine State - Florida Dec: 26 14 Florida Christmas Experience , Dec. 20 5 New York & Outlet Capital Dec.. 28 of America ' 5 New Year's Eve - Nashville Doc. 29 RATES BASED ON EACH OF FOUR FOR INFORMATION AND RESERVATIONS CONTACTYOUR TRAVEL AGENCY SOONI COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE ,59A HAMILTON To GODERICH, ONT. 514-2615_ '399, '599. x.2990 -_ '279. k * T * * * T * * * * T ********** ** ******** DRIVE-IN 'FIRMA TRE CLINTON i89 EiEECEE BT$EET 482-7030 NOW OPEN NIGHTLY EXCEPT MONDAY NIGHT BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M. -FIRST SHOW AT DUSK THIS IS OUR LAST WEEKEND FOR THE SEASON. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 17-18-19 At Ridgemont High Only the Rules get Busted! ©1962 UNIVERSAL Din STUDIOS iNC A NOW STORY WITH NOW MUSK! NOTICE TO MEMBERS Goderich Branch 109 LEGI.ON WEEK LEVEE Sunday, September 19th, 1982 3:00 p.m. and LOAN BURNING CEREMONY & DANCE Saturday, September 25th, 1982 9:00 p.m. "They served till Death! Why not we?" GODEMCTM SIG 4444 , WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER,1,5, i PAO ' 4~* * * * * Jo. 4.4. 4t- iia ... ?'1 WESTERN FAIR NEIL DIAMOND ELGIN HOUSE RESORT AGAWA CANYON * NASHVILLE WITH C-K-N.X. * NASHVILLE FLYER * WHEELING WEST VIRGINIA * GATINEAU LAURENTIANS STOWE-LAKE PLACID * * * SEPT. 18 * SEPT. 24, 25 * SEPT. 25-28 OCT. 2-6 * * * * * * * * * * * 524-7622 524-4540 * 'F 4- Jot. Jot. .4(.41(- -y- Ai- * -4. 4- 4F THANKSGIVING THANKSGIVING THANKSGIVING. THANKSGIVING THANKSGIVING FOR INFORMATION & DETAILS PHONE ` HE H','I)(i) 11.+ APi',F'OFiTATvir; tastes great! THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 ONLY Tastes So Good VEAL CORDON BLEU DINNER includes hot soup, crisp fresh: salad, coffee. tea, or milk, choice of potato, steaming vegetable and roll. 4.95 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 ONLY Great Food Perfectly Prepared CHICKEN FINGERS DINNER. Includes freshly made hot soup, tangy crisp salad, steaming vegetable, beverage. 95 SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 19 ONLY For The Hearty Eater ROAST BEEF DINNER Always delicious homemade. choice of potato, dinner roll 5.95 soup, fresh crisp salad/choice of dressing, hot vegetable, with butter and dessert. Begin The Day Right With Our Aiways Good Daily BREAKFAST SPECIAL 2.25 2 farm fresh eggs prepared to your liking, bacon. ham or sausage, toast and coffee. Daily 1 LUNCHEON SPECIALS from 3.25 CLUB RESTAURANT STEAK HOUSE 33 Kingston St., Goderich Please Dial 524-8168 • • • • •. • • • • • • • • • • • •b• • '•. • • • • •. • • • • I•• 6PREMIER THEATRES THEATR 9PREMIER THEATRES DRIVE-IN • • PARK IT'S AIR CONDITIONED 30 THE SOUARt HWY. 8 GODERICH AT 21 • CARLOW GODERICH CONCESSION RD. 4 • 00°""c" •PHONE 524.9981 • 524-7811 HOLMES INT- 1 7I 419O14"CUVOILN 115774419 • • • • • • es WED.-THURS. LAST 2 DAYS FOR - 2ND FEATURE ...the mostHARRISON FORD killing machine AS ever built... ^r his job... Meal id BLADE RUNNER CLINT FRI.-SAT.-SUN., SEPT. 17-18-19 BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:30 SHOW AT DUSK i An alien . •; aeeslu S p p• • • • • • • • ElasrwooD �- • AOULI - _', Now it is free to • �'� � :WE?: AT9:15ONLY'KURT AT 7:00 ONLY z become one of US, a ;.r. ' RUSSELL • • • STARTS FRIDAY, SEPT. 17 2 VERY FUNNY MOVIES i ' a a M ` '. THE 1-• • • Warning This Movie May Be Dangerous To Your Health, You May Never Stop Laughing. s t-/: IIIING• • • • • • • • • ; IBI/'�1/I, i',/7 � i . rgrAill NW r innnaL lltilllI J1 STARRING MICHAEL McKEAN:, SEAN YOUNG 2olrt CEpYr11iV cox FlceRs SHOWING IE 1' IU rT re AT 7185 PiIL 4 Aaallrlllrn r I r,■■oi 4I •• ' r 7:00 ONLY '!• r, l' `� , / 18•„ .` `� m <; �, 74 8Back? N a an m 1It' Ii O Gl • 2ND FRATURE Guess LABRIPOORT4 AMIWAI The Most Popular Movie Cordy Of All Time' • • • • • ® i�ARV11,AN N(N1 �- (, NCC O. � . ADDED BONUS FRI,-SAT, • 0 2ND RIG FEATURE AT 9:00 -. AS SCARY AS `JAWS' WITH PAWS. 46 • • • 411 cp COCKEYED I 4 FIRST MASTERPIECE!"THE --losept' Morgenstern. Newsweek ORIGINAL ' ' 2 MOVIE SEE„.e• I IT , CAST AGAIN 1'►, A CLASSIC HORROR I ♦a'r yty " sr T��Y b ....... Pew,. 4 • • • • " Pf.,ONs 1 YENS 0. AG! OR OVER • 41 • •:® • • • 41 41 • • 41 • • ® ® * . ® • • • • ® • • • • • 9 • 7! Juin us in The Court Lounge for Con,. Early H3 4:00 P.M• -1:30 A.M. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 THRU SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 Bavarian Food and German Polka Bands Thurs. & Fri MASTERS Saturday PEARL Friday Night, October 1 Is BAVARIAN NIGHT IN THE. DINING ROOM A Selection of Rotarian Food Sp.clols Xotd Ntifoits 92 THE SQUARE, GODERICH ph: 524-7337 i Everyone Welcome BRING YOUR FRIENDS To Our All New Annual ROTARY CLUB BALL & DANCE Saturday, October 16'82 8 pm VIBRANT NEW FORMATAtThe Holmesvllle Hall With Dinner After an Evening of DANCING - GOOD BAND - GOOD FOOD GOOD FELLOWSHIP Donation of ' 45 00 • per couple. Contact your Rotary Club. Member For Tickets. . 4 WHO ELSE WOULD GIBE YOU Nine pieces of chicken, DINNER FOR 4 FOR LESS THAN 52.00 A PERSON? .11 A loaf of Grecian bread INTRODUCING THE KENTUCKY I CKY FRIED CHICKEN "THRIFT VALUE PACK' i [Mai faIIQII)J urll'ur ,ratan .:Thrift Value lack -1 A LOT OF FINGER LICKIN' GOODNESS FOR THE MONEY! TA" Kentucky Fried 1dcken 1,1 IT'S FINGER LICKIN' GOOD. 94 Elgin Ave., E. GODEuICI