Exeter Times, 1912-1-18, Page 7un
di witih
Snow Drift flour half She
es already dbne. With eunt
ery care and akin twIra 'atis
znsults are assured.
000k Sons and Co.
• Hensan Ont.
• ahvsys been tbe motto of
illoswess Coaza
niX yearn ifreuabv pti*
hasinesn training. Sher hand
r and Businesas Subjeats.
!pus,* intavicamf Tisatractrea,
folly students placed in poise
this fall. Ask for Catalegue
r Term from 'Jan. 2ria '
sliding, Principal.
n A live representative
LP for Exeter and suits
district to sell high class
thin Nurseries
'mit trees will be planted in
1911 and Spring of 1912 than
re in the history of Ontario,
...hard of the future Will he
paying part of the farm.
each our men Salesmanship,.
illture, and how big profits in
viing can be made.
eekly, permanent • employ-
isive territory.
or particulars.
& Wellington
++++++++++++• +++++:
romptnesseNeatness and .1.
ate Work We Take the t
• BILLS, Done on the 4..t.
t PC:tad:131e Notice. • 4
a Call & Be Convinced ++
Exeter Times
lifting Co.
IrtbbS the dust,
brighten the
flpor 'and, .0 e
• Youre. for hea1t4,
Did, you ever make' a
Phonograph Record?,
Did you ever hear 3rour-
self talk, sing or play?
• Talk about entettaitiment-
theTe is nothing that approaches
the flin and fascination of
,• making records at home on the
EDISON will record what you or your friends say, or
sing, or play, and then instantly =produce it just as clearly
and. faithfully as the RecOrds you bnytare reprodaced. This
is a feature of the Edison Phonograph you should not ovtrlook.
You can send your voice to a friend, preserve the sayings of
children, record your progress as a speaker; a singer or a musician.
Anyone can. make records on an Edison. It requires no special .
'machine, The blank records can be used Over and over.
GotoanyFelison.dealer today andlathira catalogs front your dealer or from us,
demonstratethisgreatfeatureoftheEdison Edison Phonographs, $16.50 to $240.00.
Phonograph andwhen you buymaliesure Edison Standard
r-you'get an Edison, the instrument that Records, 40c.
gives you not only the best renditions Edison Amberol ,
of the world,s best entertainers, but also Records (play
-42. elites.
the OPPOrtunity for home recprd making. twice as long),
There are Edison dealers evarywhere. Go 5 5c. Edison
to the nearest and bear the Edison rho- Grand Opera, INCORPOIUTSD
nograph play both Edison.Standard and Records, 1356. to 100 Lakeside
A venno.
Edison Amberol Records. Get Complete $2.50. Orange, N. J.. U.S. A.,
A complete line of Edison Phonograph and Rer,ords will be found at
and a tvro-cent stamp is all it will cost you
to get our big, beautiful Catalogue of every-
• thing that is good in Seeds, Plants, Fruits,
Implements, Bee Supplies, Poultry Supplies,
It contains so much that is good we cannot ten
you here, send for it, and judge for yourself.
We have twelve big pages of the latest and best
introductions, the Cream of the Whole World, and
every variety is well worth twice the prick we ask.
Valuable Premiums also given.
You cannot afford to miss the opportunity of seeing
Glints of California what we have to offer you for 1912.
Dargh & Hunter Seed Co. Limited,
Tlui Finest Strain in the World. Dept. 34 -London, Ont. 12
A number from here attended the
oyster supper at Mr. Wm. Morgan's
at McGillivray last Friday evening.
• Mr. Wesley LewLa left for Manito-
ba on Monday afterdepending a
couple. 0.. moriths with .his father,
Mr, 'Win Lewis.
Mrs, R. Dinner spent Monday in
Exeter with friends. •
Mr. and Mrs.. Andrew Wenzel and
dringhter and Mr. Ben Kausher of
North Dakota spent a few clays with
the fornaer's brother, Mr. W. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Barney Brown at-
tended the wedding. of Mr. Brown's
neice in Zurich on Tuesday.
Mr. Wm. Wenzel Net for 1)ashwool
where he has securei wark with Mr
John Hof (mann.
Mr. Samuel Brown is spending a -
few days visitingfriends in Peterke
burg and 13erlin.
Revival Me,etines are being held in
the Evangelical cthurch.
The young people are enjoying ecoi
skating on the rink. Mr. Snell de,
serves the credit for this work.
Rev. 1)r. Steebier. of Cleveland,
Ohio. will preach morning and evu-
ng the Evangelical church nexiti
Sunday. Rev. Staebler is well known
around here. Everybody ought 'to
come out to hear him. On Monday
evening he will give a lecture, for
particulars 'see bill.
Mr. George Finkbeiner spent a,
few dayin 'Berlin last week on bus-
The Crediton Hockey team drove
out to Exeter last Thursday evening
and played a, friendly garae
their team. Although tha boys are
still green at the game they didisome
fine playing The !score atood 5-1 Lr
favor of Exeter. H....ep ihe good: work
agoin boys.
we ere aorta' to reeo.rt that Mess
Merle. Clark is seriously ill but We
hope for a speedy. recovery;
Mr. and Mrs. Chat., Fahrieraad Mrs,
Rogers returned to •atair homes in
after visiting Watt thcir mother
“Iaaiaa Palmer. '
Miss Clara Kienzle of Kaiser spent
Sunday with her father,
tha annixal eresentation of Drip
gas Which took place on Friday Jan -
',tory' 12th at the Collegfiate Insititute
London. Miss Elsie Geiser. daughter
London. Miss Elsie,. Geiser. (laugh ter
of Mr. and Mrs. W.13 Gaiiser won the
Mayor 13eatie Prize. Mias' Geiser is
to be congraiulated on her euccees.
The Trustee Board or the 1Verthodtet
eirerch lie/d tboir arnmal meeting on
Tuesday oysters fs e I hs. tra enaction
of basinees and till lection of offieers
• for the eneetng year. Thomas Tree
vethiek wee .cbed secretory and E.
W. Clatk treasurer. The fintumial
undertakings .of the. .eburch for Ihe
Vag "yotir ave, been 'liberally =support-
tect eed the treasury an Over le
better condi tion thisetibee ,O,f the, year,
'The matte' ote etlee-a'n, . he menaber-
ship of the Boardwas connidered and
,Probably'. in aluexieer Caere the board
will inerease front. 11),to.15 ramberist
• 5/a. 'Walter' Mark ewes, thatiked for
his Work es, janiter of thilfehdrela eird
'was re.'engttged.
T1,10 work 'of 1 rri el el 6:
alderied litid alidllicr$1+Alh141,1iCititYliike'
Vtike de 1 berike 'eiete 'levee -id for. The ir
threCilltiht ftn 1 fel t It ti doe eMiees
sr? 'Gerstein liertee and ',re W. Mark
were aleseeneecietevel'oreedleWs rano etell
'ere' Art 'Ably and CheelaselfetWhinaer
i Tee h etas MetterS, TeSe Sfe eft, (3.
hita mr.,,mitirtOtt ad s
Woodall were appointed' 'stewardst
In view, of the approaohing scarcity
of wood the trustees decided to use
a little coal as an experiment.
Miss Theo Hartliele wae home over
Mrs. Rattinburyc of Brucefield vis-
ited her daughte.r. Mrs. R.% Dunlop,.
Miss Annie and Lizzie Golas,men left
'Thursday for Ibrt Huron where itirey
have secured positions. '
Miss Bertha Brenner left Thursday
;horning for Parkhill where she wilt
work in the Schaefer House.
Messrs Joe Wambold, Jack Eidt,
and William Zimmer. are getting
their ice bauled this week.
Miss Clara Alueger ha.s aecepbed a
position al the Biasett Boarding
House. Exeter.
Ministers Lawyers, Teaehere, _and
others whose occupation gives but lit-
tle exercise. should. atse Carter's Lilt-
tle Liver. Pills for 'torpid' Liver and
biliousness. One a dose: Try them.'
• 'Mrs. R. Rabinisen contemplate
veine to Toronto ita 'the near fue
Mr. EVIS Driven Ls again at hie poab
in •the Maisons Bank. •
Mrs. Snell and . daughter tila'nehet
mspaernyts.Saburdayf and Sunday in St',
Miss Jennie Robinson has naoved.
her household leff,seedeo her bra/larva'
Mr, and Mra, E. N. Shier spent ilutat-
day in St. Marys.
Miss Mary Leigh left for Lipton
Sask.. last Salturday. She will keep
house for hor brother until spring.
'The iseriera of sernaona on inunortal-
ity are attracting a good deal of ate
tention, • in. the 'Methodist !church.
Next Sunday morning, ithe 'sacrament
wjJj bo acemitistered
Mr. S. D, Whaley waa in the village
on Monday. '• •
51re. Rees who; has been ependersg
some LIMO WW1 11 -or daughter, Mrs.
8. Tufts. returned Ito Brucefield on
A number of .delegates ,from here
titter -idea the District E. II, and S. S.
rOanvention i.11 Centralia 'melt iTlanna-
day. :Rev. 13. 'Sell igialAci an laddrosla
• in the afternoate Mildred
Copeland. Linda Gunning end Sarah
iKenap represented it'he "8. S. anr
Meeikle, 1:1!7•1111111)1 tuis. an:1 Garrance
Jon the. le L.
8kating iPi the. popular eport theists
days. 'Strong objection has been (bake
en for the forst:Stull/apse of Borne whsl
indulge in this ,.sporLon the Sabbath
Word was reeeived by Mr. Acaph
leave Ile .e.S . the death a his brother
TheonlaalilS. of, Dak.otae, Mr. Battelle
•tvaa Well- known .here having spent
the forepart of his life le and around
Grand Bend.
ft Still tonnt/0 eery ' oold which
'odakea frequatt ipstto'th6 coal bin
heceesary : • •1
Ilree.rne, Baird ie elowiy improving I
under the oare, of, Dr. fleecy: , •
eboet all „elm tee 13$1011% goe
their eupegy pis t, na tor the summer.,
Med. visited
618" 0,1 Merle' tie etre Satible`tine
Messrs, 13rorethe n ased Dryedale
'are now settled in their the itew pre -
rains in Itanniees Block.
1 The vote on cleaz'oe,. union in. both,
the Methodist. and Preebyterian eon-
greeations of the vithege are very
largely In favoloof the union, pareteul
arty iso ' in the Presbyterian church,
the ballots cast being 250 odd for and
50. odd egaiest. and the letter coin-
Prieett many votes of non-membere
so that the vote for the full member-
ship MIA VerYt• large.
That honesty Is a good premium
Ln our villages Is from time to teme
emehasized lay the fact that when
purses are lost tisey are invariably
;advertised es foand by the finder.
and only last week oine of our citizens
Jot her pecket book containing a
nine own and in a very short time
notice. was left•at the post office
that ;such a purse had been found,
and Chet „the owner could. have the
same by calling,
Mr. A. Ge Sraillie the very efficient
secretary of the Huron Weather I/2.*
suranee Mutual Co„ has be,en keep
trig the portenaelterts busy during the
past week sending out annual report
up in th& thousands. t
Mrs. Sirrion Hunter and her little.
son. who has, been her for the pat
;two months owing lo tbe innees of
Mrs. Laing. Mrs, Hunter's mother,
intend returning very shortly to
Saskatoon. ,
Mrs. George 1Todd Ls in 1GoderIch
visiting 'hoe aletel• e
We are pleasedto learn that our
new Reeve dIr. G. C. Fetty, intend.%
making a sternoue effort to obtain
a new railway sta.tioni here. the pre-
sent one, being a disgrace to our Vil-
lage. A isecond crossing. is also a
much need,ad matter, and should be
On Thursday evening Dec. 18th the
Opera hall was the scene of a large
receptioneathering in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. F. Treble, nee bliss Belle
Chesney, wisen between one hundred
and one hendred and fifty persons
were prevent to do honor to the new -
le married couple and many were the
congratulations eXtended to , Mr.
and Mrs. Treble, who will soon leave.
for their new home in the wog.
We had our January thaw on Thurs
day of last week.
Miss% Ida Webb of Gillford Michigan
is yisitine friends in this neighbor --
hood at present,
On Monday night two young men
enroute from Hensall to. 0,elcutralia4
last their way in the darkness; and,
not being acquainted with the roads
upset in one of the drifts, one of
them losing a rubber overshoe and
their whip They called at Harpley
poet office about 5 o'clock •a. in. and
Postmaster Love gave them their
bearings and stared 'them off in the
right direction. for their destination
Afr, George Shamed and Wally
moved into their t sw houee tent week
from wialch they will no doubt exper-
ience solid comtoi Itwse cold days.
There oassedeaway r the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Cherie.= Mason their
little daughter Margaret; eke had
been ill for some time but seemed. bet
ter and then took a relapse and noon
passed aivay. Much, eyrapathy ie ex-
press,ed for the faihily.
Real estate is booming here Mee=
ars George and 'Ed. &anode have
bought Mr. Dave Foster's farm near
Parkhill Mr A, Golin has bought
the house and lot in the town owned
bv lt/Lr. B.,Hodgins,.. What s the mat-
ter with Green way.
Doctors Condemn
Oily Liniments
The Public are Warnec 7.0
Careful of These E;;;rong-
Smelling Oily Liniments
Containing Harmful
Acids Ammonia, Etc.
Many people have clung to the old-
- fashioned idea that a think, greasy
liniment is the 'best kind. Doctors
say not -and they know.
Recently a number of these white,
oily liniments were analyzed, anclthey
were found to contain an enormously
high percentage of harmful acids, and
such irritating chemicals as ammonia,
etc. Por the moment they may cause
a warm sensation when'first applied,
but their continued use, never cures
rheumatism, and only deteriorates the
skin, sets up inflammation and causes
endless trouble.
When a doctor warns you to quit
using a white, oily liniment -do so. He
knows that a thick liniment can't pen-
etrate, can't :sink through the pores
and reach the seat of the pain.
When asked his opinion. a few days
ago, Dr. Roberts stated that he weskit-
ered a strong, penetrating, pain -sub-
duing liniment such ELS "Nerviline," to
be superior to any of the white, am-
monia liniments. In his twenty-five
years of practice he, had witnessed
errees of rheumatism, sciatiett, and
lumbago that sitnply would not 're-
epond to ordinary treatment-bailer-
viiine cured them. The same physi-
cian also spoke of the great advant-
ages of keeping a preparation like
Nerviline in the house always, be-
cause of cramps, diarrhoea, stomach
disoreers, earache, toothache, head-
ache, and such minor aliments. Net-
Viline is a first-class cure. , There is
=lately an ache or a pain, internal
externee that leerviline vvoiSt cure.
in tbousands, of borrses no other pain -
relieving medicine is used, Fifty
years,' continued success- and the en-
dorsement of the profeselon are proof
at N*rVUin 15 tho liniment for the
CORNS ouRert
can painlessly remove any cern,.
efthor hard, soft, or bleeding, by
toopryieg Putuain's Core Extraetor. It
neer MVOs, leaves no sear, corstains no
swift,' Is harmless because coinposed
Atty'prior to. hs reitatria 'hetrie. only "or hea1ing arid beans. Nifty'
: ;
reu- ny druggiSts, 25e bottles. etertree •
yearn Inuse. Cure guaranteed. Sold
011, etibstithtes.
Wesley ikethour of Hanatete, Mart,
has been spending a few weeke with
friends in this community. His bro-
ther Miebael, and he were in Michigan
lost week calling ola friends there. It
is over thirty years since Mr. Brethour
lirst went to the west. He hag seen
sonae pioneer life, but has prospered
by continuing his efforts,
114188 Carrie Sweitzer has been car-
ing for her father for the past two
months and as he is now recovered
she returned to her work in New
York on Tuesday of this week.
Samuel Hogg, had the neisferbune
to injure his hand in the root pulper.
The doctor found. it necessary to re-
move part ot one finger.
Miss Lizzie Hogg, is quite smart
again after her recent operation in the
Hospital at Landon.
The village people are busy putt ;tag
up ice. It Is of a fine quality i his
Mrs Johnston of Outlook Sask., has
Visited friends about Woodhana for
the past month, left last week for
• Avonbank the home of her sister Mrs.
Proudlone. This week .Mrs. James
Routly and Mrs. Thomas Johnston
joined them to visit in Brantford for
a couple of days. Mrs. Johnston will
return to her home in the west in the
course of ten days or so.
•Mrs. A. Fuller of St. Marys is spend-
ing a few days with her parents, Mr,
• and Mrs. S. Ford,
The Sawmill is running some days
doing custom work. Some •very
large logs are being brought in. One
measured over eleven hundred feet.
'There is an agitateon on foot to
secure the, Brown and Co'se Planing
mill property for a public park se
the planing mill was burned down a
shortetime .ega sand is no yet rebuilt
It was thought'. ageod time ta buy
it for a parlo on the river side,
an old and highly reepected pioneer
in the person of Mr. Williani Yule.
passed away on Tuesday January 23rd
and hie residenee aot 17, concelesion
14. Township of Downie, at the age
of 12(.2 .yars. One son and five daugh-
ters survive, James, on the homestead
Mrs. Thomas Rogers, and Mrs- Geo
Hunt, Mrs. John Beetle Toronto, and,
Lizzie and Aggie at home. Deceased
was born in the same year ats the late
Queen Victoria and was a native- of
On Tuesday. evening. Jan 28rd Bro.
Alex Wilson of Stratford. D. DeG M
Perth district No 16 L O., 9 5', drove
over from Stratford to St. Marys ac-
companied by Bros. 6. Vanetone Wil
Liam Stewart K. White, De Etittler.
and F. Gillieland for the purpose of
installing the raenebers of St. Marys
Lodge No 36e After the ceremony ef
ietstallation was over refreshmeal's
were served. The ,following offeers
were installed 3. P. G. Bro R, Hen.-
derson, N. G., Re 3 Tesky; V', G. F,
E. Maclean; 21. F, Cardwell;
financival 'secretary, .W. R Carr;
treasurer William Andrews. sr,; chap
lain D. G. Anderson. -
This Offer Should Be a Warning to
Every Man and Woman
The newspapers. and medical jour-
nals recently have had much to say
relative to a faraoue millionaire's of-
fer of a minion dollars for a new
stomacb. • • -
This great multi-raillionaLre was to
busy to worry about the condition. of
his stomach. Ile, allowed his dyspep
sia to run from bad to worse until in
the and It became uncurable.
His misfortune iserCes as a warning
to others.
Every one who suffeee from dysoepe
sia for a`few years will give every-
thing he owns for a new sttomach
Dyspepsia is zommonly caused hy
abnormal state of ebe gestic juice's,
or by lack of tone in ,the walls of the
stomach. The result is ' that the,
stomach loses as power to digest bad
We are now able to supply certain:
missing element,s-to help to restore
to the gaStrie juices their digestive
power, and to aid in making the
stomach strong' a.ndewelle • i
We know that Reran Dyspepsia,
Tablets ere a masa dependable rem
edy for disordered stomach's, indigos -
tion and dyspepsia.
We want you to try them and we
will return your money if you are not
more than ,satisfied with the ressule
Three sizes 25 cents., 50 cents and
$L00 Remember you can Awn
Itexall Renee lies in this community
Only at our, store-- The Resell Store.
W. a, Coles.
Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Millson are visit-
ing tbis week with relatives in. Grand
Rapids Mich. '
Miss Ida Hero is visiting with her
aunt itIrs. 13rinacombe in London.
A number frona around here attend-
ed the convention at Centralie last
Tbursday. -
Miss Bessie Morley the -delegate
gave a very satisfactory and interest-
ieport on Sunday.
Considerable trouble has been ex-
perienced by those who have svater
pipes owing to the severe frost of
Mr, O. Squire gave a party • to a
number of his friends and needless to
sae, all enjoyed a good time.
Mr.J, Kenny is bank in our town
a,g in.
NIP. and Mrs. .A, Gunning epent
Serially the guests of Mr. George
Bern of Metropolitan.
Mr. John Doweie of Manitoba vis-
ited in this neighborhood last week.
Mr. Andrew Campbell's little son,
Ericehed the misfortune to fall fecen
his chair and dislocate his shofilder,
last Pridav,
Mr. and Mrs. John Allison were
visitors at Mr. and Mr, Robt. ITydcl's
last Sabble h.
Mrs. W. Penson and children, of
Manitoba, ere vielflue frieride in this
The ballot papers on the great
church union question have been die.
tributed amongst the membere of both
congregations, and the prospects are
In favor of union.
Quite a number of the young people
enjoyed tberoselyes at the social at
Farquhar last Priday, Mies Mary
box brought the highest prieta
'Mr. eild.lVre, Ws nOteler were 'tt,110
guests et Advs. Obits, Cann tact
The family of Mr, Alfred Sutiore
have surely had trouble enough
ex Seae difi.iniv,craiertheir
the ialt youriv
hV elv4et
Child. Ernest, was ill for months with
the eitecis of ecarlet fever. It sett- Piles, send me y�ur address,
I will tell you iow to We yoU
self at home by the absorptio
treatment.; and will also se
some of this borne treatment)
free for trial, with reference
from your Own locality if rde
.quested.. Immediate relief ani
permanent cure assured. Sena
no money, but tell otheio'
this offer.. Write to -day to X*
M. Summers, Box P 84Windsogit
by Now Absorption Method.'
If you suffer froM- edi
itching, blind or pot
led in hie lenee and he was sent to
Toronto to the. ehildrens Hospital In
July, returning the,. 'Saturday before
Obrietaias maeb Improved. On New
Year's day the ;florae was filled with
ley on the arrival of baby boy but
in a few days the o her 'children
were stricken with •diptheria and and
the •leuse woe quarantined. The
quarantine is Mill in force. All are
nicely improving in health how,
Last fall the eldset boy was afflieted
with 'typhoid fever Ler same weeks
Word has been received announcing
the marriage ox Mies (3race, ,second
daughter, of -Mr. Thomas Gemmel], of
Tuxford Sask., a Omer 'resident of
Kippen to Mr, Jones o n San 1711*,
They are away to California on their
Wedding tour. Her many friends
her wish her bon voyage The ell -
est son, John Cemmell, who is now an
M, 1) was married recently also.
Commercial' Hotel the following offt
ears were 'elected for the year. Sire%
ident. 3. F. Daly; first vice -preside
eat. John McDowell; seco.ad vicq
president D. Fotheringhare, aC
eab,sequent meeting of the directons.
Mr. Broderick was appointed secret
ary and A. E. Calsop treasurer. The
A Statement 01 Peas Backed By a latter's ,Metement showed a balanoci
A Stateneeialt of Facts Backed By a au hand of $1204..17 after a premiunr.
list of J600 had been paid. The dire
Strong Guarantee
ectors decided lo hold a seed shovia
in conneotion with the spring fear
ttive relief to all suffererfrom con • -
We guarantee immediate -and pos.-
stipation. In every case where our and also to hold a field crop compete
remedy fails to do this we will return
the money paid us for It. That's a
frank statement- of facts, and we
want you to eubertantiate theta at our
risk. mmrn
Resell Orderlies are eaten jaetlike
candy, are particularly prompt and
agreeable in aotien, may be taken at
Won. The presid-ent and ,secretary '
were appointed &legates to attend
the Provincial Fairs Aosochetion eme
vention, to bo _tell in Toronto in
February. The datt,s of the fall fair
were set far 'Thursday and Friday
Setpember 19 and 20.
any time slay or night; do not cause • :MITCHELL.
diarrhoea. nausea. ,griping, excessive The officers of the Hibbert, Logan
looseness, or other undesirable effects, and Fullerton egxecultutal Society for
ihey have a .very mild but poeftive
action upon the organs weth whicla d year 1012 are as follows: Presie
they come in contact, appatentlynete dent, john SkinnerDe
e 1st vice D. .
CourseY; nd vi
ing as a regulative tonic upon the , 2m. W. Wanton; seeey-:
relaxed muscular ,oat of the bowel. treas.. A. D. Cameron; euditors
thus overcomiagweaknesea
s e rid aid- )3abb end C. Woodyers; Director,
ing to res./ore the bowels to -more vig- Mitchell T, Vivian and T. Roney%
;nous and healthy activity Fullerton; Gs Elenee and Vee Jacobs,
Leg,an; G. Hillerbrecht and W. At
Rexall Orderlies ftre unsurpassablJ McICenzie. alibbert. Je Summer R.
and ideal for the uss of children, old liceigson and R. Norris. delegatea to
folks and, delicate persons. We can- the provincial convention, ,Whichi
not too highly recommend them to naeets in Toronto on February 7 an
all sufferers from, any forta.of area- na 'The membership of the society,
e' age_
iwiieetion and its attendant ;evils.
That's why We back our faith in them for thyelell-was107.
with our premise of m.oney back if The skating carnival on tretinasdaY,
evening. was a great succeas, drawing
they -de not give entire satisfactiou the largeet erawd of 'the arab.sone
Three sizes (Scent's 25e. and 50cents The galleries_ were crowded within.
Remember you can obtain ftexall terested spectators who greatly C314
Remedies in Exeter only at our acme joyed the animated scenes on tire ice,.
The Rexall Store -W. S. Cele. About one Imndred skaters took -part
in the carnival and the make -ups
were endlees in variety.
At the regular meetin.g of the Elliot
Chapter. Royal Arch Masons the fol.;
lowing officers were installed by Re
E. Companion Eliot. P. S. S, of sthe
district; First prineipal R. P. Nichle
ole; isecond principal Dr. A. D. Smith:
third principal, A. T. Blowe.s; scribe,
E. W. Babb; scribe N, W. Schaefer
treasurer. E. Eliot; prin. S., De Arms.
strong; S. Se G. G "Xidd; 3 5 De
Shaw and T. Wesley Kerr. >1 Clinton NU% Janitor R. Smith.
and M. G. Cameron of Goderich ,were. Mrs. 11. D. Davis, and daughter,
in ,town on Tuesday evening to at. Ailien, are visiting her former home
tend the leoture•given by Dr., 3. in. Acton..
IVIa.oDonald, of Toronto. • Wesley Robinsat. of Fullerton
Mrs. ,Currie of Yonne. sask, IS es visiting his rendes, Mr. and. Mrse
here visitins, 'her brother. 'Thomas John Robinson, Fullerton.
Richardson., , • Mr. John Cook, of the second can-
s Mr. and Mre. James Richmond of cession of Logan; has sold his one
Blenheim Township. visaore at the tandred acre farm to Mr. Reheat
_home of Mrs. A. Young this week. Mutton, of the same township efox
W. J. Duncan who is an extensive '816,400, eec '0 •
manufacturer of leggines, intends Mr. Wns. "sew, Of Craig, Sask,
kranching out into a new industrj is visiting hie tester. Mrs. James!'
Mr. Duncan has recently alletalled Hodge. He intends 0 remove :to
inaclainery for, the making of canvas Vancouver in lie spring,
and sheepskin gloves. Miss E. Andrew's of Fordwich, is
At the annual meetieg of the Sea- the guest ot her sister, Mrs, 3. Ww
forth -Agricultural Society. held is the Boyce, t I ' al
Owing to some differences betweeti
himself and tho board of Trustees
Mr. X. -E. Curtis. principal of the.
public school, has tendered his rese
ignation to take place on Mar. lst.
• Melvin McRay of the union Bank
Winnipeg. is here on a 'vilset to his
parents, Mr. and Mos. Adam McKay.
Mayor Spotten. of Wingharn; John
Here is one of the many cases in which'
eeveral membere of r "a family have
benefited from the homeholdbox of Zant.
Buk. Col. -Sgt. Louis Elliott, 3rd Co., 46th
Battalion, Peterboro, Out., says: "The
lower part of my face, cheek and chin.
broke out in. small red pimples, which
later festered and broke, forming nasty
sores and, dry' scabs. The itching set up
by these eruptions and sorest Was terrible,
and seemed far worse during the night.
ALlkiuds of soaps, washes sad ointments
'Were tried in the vain ttempt to get
relief, even to bathing with carbolic acid
and water. Finally 1 thought le Zam-Buk
and Straightway procured a bor at the
drug store. One night's applicatiert
brought great relief from the intense
itching, and as r kept on applying this baba daily, the inilamination*
was soon drawn out, and in less than tt vireeklA time the sores were
thoroughly healed and every scab banished.".
Mr& Elliott, 139 Sherbrooke St., Eeterbore, telling of Zamattles
effect on her younger son Walter, says: "e Slipped and caused a wound
Old his right hip, Which developed into it running 80110. From this
smaller sores spread until hirlower limbs were covered with uleera.
These proved very alarming and rfeared bloodpoleoning i I began the
Sate-Iluk treatment, end it really. seemed to aid like magic!, In it
remarkably short Space of time the raw running sores woe ail healed.
/ AM 'very gratefttl indeed for his euro,and strongly recommend all
Mothers to keep Zainnuk alreaYS Nad.°
vrnAr.e ZA11143VIC WILL
ZatiaBak win be found acmes for cold/lords, chapped hands,
frOsb bite. ulcers, blood:048On, Itaricato sores, ;filet, teal
gotta, ringworM, inflamed patoilles, bableS" eruptions an
chapped teaces, cute, miens, brute% and k1 iniurtee gentle,
any. All druggists and State bon ab 69e,bot Or pest frO6
trete Zato.13uk 00., Toeoutoorpou reeeest of nr100. Yon are
Warned against hermtnilitittetithe maa substitutes. see the
tignstiaddeeme"ZooxeStik "oboyallAckapbotorotoyho
Send Ws (letrpoe
Z 8 "'