Exeter Times, 1912-1-18, Page 1Sally AREig TIk(1.L7'r eget Catarrh in ig, $1.00 25c. a for complete tail moot $1,25 bout the Rileranhee,'t WS DRUG STORE h 'reli0 uwatio PrOVen 5pecl it uta ,ot'ool,; relief but complete Money hack lt'';it fulls, Cole's Drug Store uroneia1Vi SEAR No 1990 e-• • a'Huary Bargains h our Annual. Stocktakingand are anxious to maker clean are na'�.,busy with ,Il• our Will -ter Goods. We have Bargains all along the line. Ladies And Childrens Coats Coats' `rt tic . A few good ones for $ 7.00 8,00 cc Ic.o0 cc II.00 They mut go 3.00 Coats for 5,00 7 00 $.00. tt 2,00 3.00 4.50 5 co .CENT OFF.ALL FURS 2 r in ti stere i-5 off the 'Price o ant to sell every %� '� , Mffs. Throws, Scarfs Collars andu everyone bigFur Sale note miss this Do and��Oe Over Coats .i ...:; its v ;' Suits Mack. Talon 'Sale of Y -Taking ,. bighole inour Clothing"Stock and ttomakea lines we are clearingright ht out, have several g Come and see them Co Jones 8c May,. Exeter Complete Stock to select from Garland, Art Car. Art Souvenir, ArtLaurel ... Heaters e $45 from $4e' to t rsrfrom �Ieae: $15 to 17.50 i Manges of the Best • Ma es ,the $2 to $50 Stove and Furnace Pipes, Elbows t Stove Dant � ere, p Boards, Etc. FurnaceWork ork and Plumbing a • y.e S cialt p �' N`COA •� . NTS �,. HARDWARE A E• 1 jThreei3xeteriteI nde A °len oeiet sage Phi„ annual' mt.ki,it+'+ f the '11 Perilous Pis rieultnral SaGit ty was lay 8 Stephen Council The newly . elected coattail of the Township of Stephen convened in the Town Hall. Crediton, the 8th day of January 1912 at 11 a. m. All mem- bers subscribed to their, declarations: of 'office and property qualifications. rhe minutes of the previous meet- ing. were read and adopted. Yearley and Kellerman that Joseph Guainan be appointed Ass&'ssor•for'the year 19.12 at hie former salary Car- ried. c Elliott; beiner that James andFink t Hodgins be appointel caretaker of the Town Hall for the present year at -.leis former salary. Carried. Yearley arid Finkbeiner that by-law No. 174. heing_ a by-law ; to limit . the number of tavern licenses in the Township of Stephen. , be repealed. Carried: Yearley and Elliott' that Henry Sweitzer and Silas Brokenshire ba,. add are hereby appointed auditors. Carried. ` Kellerman and Finkbeiner that by- laws Nos. 184 andl J.85 being by law. to appoint municipal of.fieers, having been read the'third ` ime be passed and 'signed by'a Riede and Clerk ands the seal Of the corporation at- tached thereto. ""Carried. Y.eaxley and Finkbainer that by-law No. 195 being a by-law to repeal by- law 'No. 17e having . been read the. third, time be passed and signed' by the ''Reeve and Clerk an'a the ,seal,oC the Corporation attached thereto. Carzied. The followirig orders w+ar paid; Theo. Dietrich •gr avzl 1152; Wm. Robinson. do 9, B. 7,6S; Chester rrouty gratuity 25.00; '-Alonzo Rod - gees Colieetor's salary 70,00; Central- ia. !Police Village grant for 1911 10,00 Dickson Se' Carling Soliaiaore account 25.00; Charles Morish gravel 25.40;. Sundry !persons township election ex nensest 95,53; Munieipal World Elec- tion supplies 5.63; Sick Claildrents. Hospital eh,ari'tv 5.00; Bell Telephone T t 1911 4150 Rev, A. E. and Nr. 1Vtra. johns, Re's Jwaray, and Mrs. Wcstatya9 go Through • Hail of B'ailets. i Advertiser� of,Sa,turdae 1heLondn contains" the following cable from Shag dated, January:lath. After an excitang drip from;Ottentu in the tar western a seohwun Province that took, us right eorasrsChina at its widest point. ,and throiigl>• the•hotta,xt'. centre of tile; revoin'tionary activity, our party of twenty-five Canadittne arrived eafeiy' here to -da '. At nearly every stage of Ith'e longi journey we had visible evidences of the.teanguinary strug5le between the Manchus and .Chiiiese.,Frequently we, saw. ruins of Chinese cities, ane name exaus bodies floating me rivers, tellraa only, Loo plainly of hloody.battlea for. snpr'emacy. ' , a There tVds; a tiTrlbly. scene elation at °Hankou, the great ,of des- olation port of China.. Our partyhad to 'run the gauntlet of 'peril from both Government ane rebel forces.: At Ilankow. we were fired upon repeatedly by ' { Imperial troops. Time and brae again our house boats were cttritek, put by screening our-eelva,s and thrall -eh the merciful dispensation of 'I'rovidencer we .escaped unharmed , ()no "ofoar native boatmen wasiserioussly wound- ed. The Canadians .had.• • narrow escapes when bullets and shells whiz- zed around, i We started from Cheetu' in various parties, about one hundred and fifty inall, under orders from the British consul and am escort 'Of imperial troops, on. f)ec. '12. We journeyed; overland altogether at first, then split up when We -got 'to the deeper water and houseboats. Two miles south of Hokiang we reached the British gun- boat. Widgeon. e xperie,ncing: 'creast sense of reliref. - ' "We are safe: now." we thought- To ' in command our ur ri, e he officer n. of s p sa.t of Itis Majesty're s,hiperefused to ford us any protection. , Re 'turned a deaf ear to our appeals, and sent us on down the river, through a, district that for, haindred_s of miles was in- ;fested. with ;:irregular soldiers of both sides and ail kinds of marauders. 'Th•en` our boats ,slanted to run the worst gauntlet_ of that disordered' country. They were terrible days. -rortunately however thoughour frail fleet was fired an from both• sidth of the river and some ofthe beats were riddled with bullets; there., were. no casualties except !the wounding of the native boatman. On arriving here the negligence. on British gunboat officer was reported. to the proper • author ties and Hear •Admiral Winslow is investigating. As fdr as 'we can di co "er ntcs t; of • tee Canadians are ea.fe;' tither here or within 'telegrap'h communication. Our contingent 'did not leave Chen- to until ordered to -'do so by lair. Wil- kinson. the British Consul -general. For four months we were besieged in this great city. which was.held dur- ing our occupancy by e imperialist. Frequently they sallied forth from behind• great sheltering • �i walls 're 9.f feet 'througli at base. but tach victory they won weakened the .viceroy s•pow er of resistance Robber bande and looters worked without molestation within the oily and without. When ,nhall be .able' to return to the rni,ssian field is unknown. We fear oar elaborate plant and buildings tit Chentu were looted, perhaps burn, - cc' after ;ea left there. However, with the advent of a ,re- public and Christian civilization we took for great' progress here in the future. In the Canadian nasty of "mission, aries which went through so• terrify- ing an experience were Rev. A. E. and: Mrs. Johns, ('lee Miss Myrtle badge) of LT,sborne; Rev. and .Mrs Iare! Westatvay,,thc: farmer of Exeter and the latter of London. Among others in the S ar ty were. Mise Ethel bLc- Eherson of West( ;oadon Rev. J. . Stewart. who remains at Chueg Ki- ang; Rev. and Mrs., 11. Robertson; Mr, and Mrs, A, E. Crutcher, Dr,. and Mrs. A, T. Barter, itr. and Mrs F Abrey; Mr..and Mrs, Ilewman Rev. and Mrs. Walter Small, Rev, F M.- Bayne, Rev. G. R. Jones and Miss B. 1cNaughton of the general board of missions and the Misses Thompson Estabrook aac Shutitleworth, of • the Women's Iyi:issionary. ;Society, Dr. I1ilborn and. Rev. J„'L Stewart ora remaining in Chun,; Mann Co el phon> 'nessagee or Municipal World subseriptuonls 5,00; P. Ii'lamertgan rep. culvert+ 1,50 The cauncitadjourned to meetegaiti in the Town ttala Crediton on Mo'.n�- day th'e t ith day of February X0'12 alt 1 tip --one; HENRY Elxil3Elt Tp. Clerk r' � adttlslio. Will poaitiviill` ,uf'a slick ki,, and pi event its i'iduxn. Carter a Lit AND STOVE STORE ale Laver t its to i ' , tl'serfien;t • SMALL, vial" •.. tealdtt,s..•, well Sol by all dealers. This its not. talk 6,it truth. One pill a• dose,l Seri tidver- , Meeting: o 't a Exeiter Aad inthe iz Town Ball on Tuesday of titin week. There was aa;.,geod attendanc•s, Re- ports of the pant year were ginert and shelved the ,sooiety : to be in geed condition.. TIi' direotorn were: Pleas- ed with ' the exbibibioe given in the fall, Atter eourc di,sculssion in ref- erenee to' agriouitltral business, and eeverel 'adds uses. the Coliowing of- facers were elected or the coming year. Freeld'ent, 'Ed. Christie, list ED. •CHRISTIE , Again Elected President. Vine Eresident. John Moir; "2nd Vice W. D. Sanders; Directors., John Dal bridge, Jas. J'eck,.11, W. '11. Elliott, John Taylor, Wm. Russell, Wm. Dearing, Geo. I?lenhale, John Allison and hula Coates; Secy. A. G, Dyer; Treasurer N. DS Ilurdon Jas. Bier and Chas. Sanders were appointed auditors. Mr. E. Christie e tias ap- pointed - pointed delegate "to attend the an- nual eonventioa of Ontario Asaocia= tion of Fairs, to be held in Toronto an, Feby. 7th and 8,th. Apology r In our issue' of January 4th we gave space to a letter received by' uv from e correspondent in which the com- plaint eras made that .at n concert given.., shortly before in the Opera .i•Ionse. the writer had found the place dirty, end ill ventilated, so much so that at lirasconsidered dangerouis to /health. We have been asked to re- tract these statements. We are as- sured they ;are not; true. We are glad to learn i,t and apologize fee al- lowing it to beete.f<gd athx eev x.l.' in our ;:columns; The Opera . Roane we, are now told is clean, well ventilated• and generally in a high state of sanitation and 'ts'e :fell a are the I ub'= lic of Exeter will be pleased with this re -assurance. It would be a .pity if the only en'tertainmrnt house in town rould be described as unsanitory by reason of the accumi]ation of dirt. an Cloor;% and. walls and of iv:tenopi r ven tila,ti'aa-The Editor. T 1UBLI0 --GUARANTEE: y Y That masts beaultifut picture. `en: - titled "Home Again" has brought such an enormous amount of new iiulescrip- times to the Family Herald end Weekly Star, that the publishers ere finding it impossible to keep up with' the fillinpi of • orders. bu't in the coi- umn's of that paper farithis week, we notice a public guarantee from the '3Z'�ublisher.s that every isuhs,criber :to that great weekly for 1012 will ra- ceive a eopy of thee picture "(Roane Again" Their guarante'ci is sufficenf and subseriberla should not fe,'l arty - Woe although 'the picture may be dee tayled for a few weeks. Those, who have not. yet subscribed to the Fame ily Herald and Weekly Stir should do so abs &nee;>and make sure of having a copy,ot' the picture "(Rome Again" We learn that rt•ha,publishers are cone templatin,g.sornething for next ,en - son that will make `t this picture even more valuable than at pre nit On,, dollar pays for a fall year's sin's 4arip•- -'tion Ito the paper, and the picture. An Ancient Prayer ie t I emplore thee to bless aII mankind to keep us from all evil and take us to dwell with' thee eternally. This prayer la being sent all over the world, -.copy et and see what, will happen. It is said In Jesus' time, all who wrote it would be delivered from all calamity and all who would not write it would happen with some mis- fortune. is- fr .. o tun. s. it npass it 'These �vho write andp't i before nine days to nine friends, would an the. znin3lh 'day receive corn : ,great joy. • (-lease do not break ;114,a,.;� x svx chain. Sion no name. Dated this • Deo: 27th 1911. Farquhar. Jan. 3. 1912 Dear Editor. -'-Will yon publish the rnclased card and a few comments I want the person who sent it 'to ane to please take notice that, anono- inyous contrib'itions are not in my, line and also "that I am not credulous nor superstitious enough :to take it at face value nor callous and um ym- oathctic enough to denounoa it as a fake. and 'all corioern'ed in the circu- lating thereof insincere. I' can and do pray that Petition with all my heart neverthe'le'ss, I do not think it an improvement on the one, whioh the Lord J'e'sus taught his disciples, viz; "Thy Kingdom come.. Thy will be, done on earth as it is in "leaven," and I have faith enough in Jehovah to believe that He will an- swer it .in; Rau own Mime and manner, Search the Word if you would learn when and haw. I believe in the Millennium, es foretold, by the Revelator, Daniel. Lake (Acts 3; 16). arid all ether holy prophets who have been singe the world began as well as the Lord Jesus Himself, because I see it to he the only way in which the worle. will ever.' regain th,a perfection last in Adan and redeemed by Christ. 1 want to say how much I like tbe S. 9.. lesson comments of D el.. Stearns, text to, those of the author of `Millennium Dawn,' they are my favorites. Yours truly.Eva Roeeh. I 'T I T.ATFOIEM CA DA.' NA S GREAT F EAIE13 Mr. A. f . Tabor of Crider Mo, had been troubled with sick -headache for about `five yeas s when she bean tick ing :Chamberlain'e tablets. She has taken: two bottles, of them and the have;: 'cured her Sick headache,. is' cauatd by 'a 'disordered stomach, for *Melt these tablets are especially in- tended. 're :hem ger well and stay tlsborte Cenci. 'The Cotancil' elect • for 1012. met a c, the''1'otvzlchip Hall January 3lpur- suant to 'statute. All . the m'embee4 were 1ir,zaent made' ,aired subscribed •' to the nee oessarY dec"laretiona of office and qualifications and ,proceeded to bus- iness. The salaries for :1.812 vrVre flVA ai: follows, Cleric 170.00 ' and °,19,00. , for postage Treasurer 85.00 Aissasser 970.00 Collector 65,00 Auditors each ' Lon Caretaker of Hall 7,00; ;Councillors; each 50.00 and Reeve 80 .99, As there were .no applications for office 'the,old oelioars werereappoint-• ed. 1' ]Morley. clerk; pee -oaten Treas. urer T_'kSunkin,' e.eee-sor W. Brock Coileetoi: H. 'S'trat'g and'B N�, shier Auditors, G. Kellett, caretaker;. 23oaed ot Health, A. iSfiitchell, 9, Letter from China 01ae0tgu; Nov. 5t i. 19111 Dear l:''riends of Exeter and vicin ity' Sone menthe ago we 'Nitrate, a -letter.: to The. Exat~r'rr.T'r+ ile,,.and le ,vita our t4tegtion to 0.oa.1folleflar this by am other: but thas rebcllio' inSze `Chaul);. because of the •feeling against .the' Foreign ..Loan has rather disturbed; our plans, I' an writing this letter! tinder 'peculiar circumstances which may be . of interost..F!raatioally all foreigners in and near Chengtu. baVe • been gathered together on one street in the Property of tire Canadian: Vieth acTiat Mission in order tha;0 they may kio d'ore. easily ,protected.'- Allow gether thaXci dire a.'botit one hundred and twenty+ -five of whom some ssev- enty-five of , is, are .in the hospital' nw nearing completion. All the hien have been: scheduled to act as e;a TYm and, W' h 11'aaamre witth the wards 'tern about net that w p r Reeve iint�° Clerk 0] kine r '1•iynd)xian .titularly. fees x'tttaald but' iazo,i,al�v be- IyI, 0. and Thomas Smote Sanitary cause 'tbera ae ere ie ,danger' of fixe Inspector. fi': r • ;, r , ��vith sq many' etude ,kitchens';+ Via, d , . S. rxiore idange;o, of Oxeyes > 0 " fetiv> loo 5,; are yet. -provid'e'd ,iwith „Iocks, Tb - night I stn. resliozsibte-for.,'.tlie safely K af'.�Il frdmi 3 to t]n ni.; and I 'lvanttc• take advantage, of this quiet to write ri you a lifter "I have • 'just mnda a tour of `inspedtion and . find all safe The night; is beatltiftil, %b t moonlight superb blit .nearly; over for to -night A._,;teliiple ball; eat far away is being struck• as aacampaninient to the chan- ting of the priest's. A flour mill out- side the city wall, running ni,aht and day by water power, adds a thump - lag sound._ Apart from these sounds end the coughing ,of tthe+peop7•a_in the, building and the dripping of water from somebody's kitchen, roof,,therat is nothing eat disturb the calm and (solemnity of (be nigh{t. *My isubjeot' of this leteter is to be fiA Summer eat: Mt. Omeiui Tbia mountain lies about one hundred and twenty-five miles a little west of south from Chengtu. The,ivainpeak is about two miles high but the sur- rounding 'hills vary in height from three 'thousand feet up Consequently almost any kind of ciima'te can be obtained by choosing the correct an; titadeand .the mountains is much m nt ns u used by the missionari'e's in the neigh- borhood 'as a summer resort. W hart I say ",slimmer resort" I see some. of eon carrying up ideas of a "snot like Grand Bend, where peopia. do little but play. We all did have a god time at Mt.' Omei, but we tried to do good; work_ as well as putting in. our six hours daily at Language study Ct was our" summer home where 'we could .escape from the sultry dayls, and powerful sun of the plain. Per- ched on, the mountain side at about three thousand two hundred feet above the sea level in the Great!: Gose Temple we felt the heat of sum leer no more than at home ,Of course the cases were scarcely parailel for I did not try to pitch hay in the 'middle of The day as I name -times did at home, We usually •Dept indoors tion til about: 4. p. m. Our• jee ey to Omei• was •net .r1thou.`t•.,iti (sped is te,a- tures Mitis Ker 'Vit. Bayneand.' e two chartered two sruall row boet4 from ;� Chengtu',to J iating; and •havIng Ieaded the goods rneese�ary for heads keeping our servants and teachers we floated down to plating. Daring the o ] TAR •IED t first night it. rained. very heave{yrs Mete neee-e YWIEet ne Sithe . manse Tie bamboo cover of the boat leakaal • Varnb ,on; J£n. 3 -'by Rev"'D. John We putt' up our umbrellas over our stone Matilda Witmer to James heads and oil sheets over our bochias: and se' slept' well. The boat .find no compartments so that privacy was unknown except snch as could be obtained by suspending sheets from the .boat coyer. 'However crowding and lack of privacy are: two necassaryi conditions when, one travels in China The waterer are 'high and ,the cur: rent swift so, that one and a heif days landed as at le,aiting. :During I the that was deli fitful weather d, h _ a the days g y and the scenery • one ever changing panorama nf'open country high banks and luxuriant vegetation. At Kia tang we found most of the missionaries already gone • to the mountains, but they had left their houses behind so rasa took possession. at once. On. 'the hoard verandahs of the Women's Missionary 3ociety',e..._ house we spent our days. and in a.. Chinese house • abed as a school room we spent our nights. The trains do not run on schedule time in China especially in Sze Chuan. Our men to ,take us to- Omen had not coma down from 'the, hills, so we could do nothing but watt after we had des- patched a messeug to 'tu hasten thein down. It was 'the first weak in July 'Continued on page four. Fenee~Vieweee J Manna Glean C. Harvey 'Fred Delbridge " A,thas. Doupe, SamsEarl. • ioundkeepers, 3 Luxton; S. Hunter R. Keddy; J.x Westlake. ri 1+4 Taylor W..Hazlewo,od 0? Cameron and John Shute' By-law No. 1. 1012. confirming above appointments and" ea!ariele was peas- sed :signed `and healed A grant' "qt 10.O0Y •was : "giver to the Hospital for (Mete children Toronitct' The tender, of the Exeter Times to do 'the ordinary Zsrin{ting for the Manieipality for 55.00 was :accepted The dealt" was instracted to order nine copies of'the Manicipal World for the members; of the Council and Manieipal officers. Coancil then "adjourned; to meet on Saturday Feb. 3rd at one o'clock, F. MORLEY Clerk EL'IlIVILLE Mr. Bryant Bowcliffe, of Brucefield spent a couple of daps with' Mr. Wm.' Brock. [ 4, Irl4i• „t ' t d' - kinso is attending xn Mr. . Wesley r � z u .sly Y> 't Guelph the Agricul oral .Calle,,, at Gu•e1p for a coupler of wields. Mr. Frank Liiigard npent Sunday St. Marys., Francis is a frequent vis- itor at (the_ Old Stone Town. What •migh't have been a' eeriouis accident 'occured n t Granton white several mien were at work helping 'to move the Temperance House Barn of Mr. Guest.' Owing to ,the cold and slippery condition of the trncke, while making a short turn the barn slips ped off part of the 'trucks, crushing two men isever•ely. One corner 'struck on a frozen', pile of clay er the Cull weight; of the barn would have come on the workmen. -' --V-•- IBORN McLAUGHLIN-In Brantford. on Friday Jan.:12th. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLaughlin:ea. daughter. SUTTON -In Btauley orr: `Seri -nary 1st. to Mr. and Mrs. AIfred Saeton a son. IteGRE'GOR Ir, Parkhill Wednesday Jan. 10th' toe Mr. and Mrs. Don ei McGregor. a son. Dr. J. A. Maetloneld. 'one ot tib foremost public lain of• Ithe: Dominion and 'editor of the. "Toron{to Glebe" a*ill ,s•pealif iri; Cardno''s Opera I1onIse. Seafarth on Tciesda.y .Tanuary 23r' Subject of Lecture.; :- "Canada's ('lace Amanalt,,h'f:'lvit'tions." } This the first' orf a ise'of lia.tiraa un- der 'the aus' spie ofl& 'the.' c'Settforth Canadiut ClubP,. ;:A short- xn t + 0,iW'ro grain twillbe ifurtniahed aha' -is on 25 cents : •:goers openat 7'3'0 r?: 'tet S.''M. Dasa,, s . G� 9l, Pagers; Sea '2roas ,, „ , r,0001t. Allan. EDWARDS--TORNEY-At the Meth- odist k arsonage. Parkhill, Jan. 10 1912 , b'y Rev: W. Godwin, Richard Edwards of London. to Mian Maude Torney of Parkhill. ' BAKER-NETTNAY- In Tort Heron on Taneary llth Constance Eliza- beth daagirter of Mr. and bars. Thomas Bakerr formerly of Exeter ' to Mr. Chariest G. Net;tnay both of that place. D1RD HOLLAND -In Exeter on Friday, Ja.i 12th Jane McConnell. beloved wife of Mr. Anthony Holland,, aged 71 years 10 months and 20 days. BROCK-At• Woodham on Sunday Jan- uary r 11th.Jahn• Brock, in his 85th y year. ROBINSON-In the London Hospital. ore Saturday January: 12th, Mr. John Robinson, of Kirktcln. DOUFE-At Kirkton-on. Friday Jan. 12th. Mr. Wm. Doupe, aged 02 years. COUCH -In Parkhill. on Sunday. Jan 7th. Mrs. Wm; Couch, aged 47 years a months and 1 day. OR 0,000 AC •OF C ar.CE W.11AT D •In the Proviiice •of Se'. lk0chewan t' z .Acre According to Location). *3 Annual Payments t.u%int,ei'F'l t, I tt�*e personally in'pected ail 11 any guru ter of it land arty Prsorr hnyitiic s. the report caterer% ar. oleo Money Verus+ r r, , it differs r the report 'I' and finds ciiilrjr from p advanced .92 per acre err the dist d'iy to invest barite motley its the, west wc'uld This lands i i 'A11 be vt tI i less than three vii Also b" orrl;0,..•V! (r'St. Class 1,4,i Sale W11i ,f,'l%lrfi Mol't-' makers., E AAMP D11ILFREI) J. C i t .,;:1, 1 tt,1ttnce in 0. b M1'10 y on a report am t 't. `.i r' Gu+sr'aiitee het. ren'n l'he bttd .ed ta going f(1 be i• he would like ibat date. r St) xe' .� D ,, acre e "lit 0 Epgintt for ,xc ter! ()tit-:.