The Goderich Signal-Star, 1982-07-21, Page 44
„ •tereit.
•Theme wee .4 Oka loakieg faces
Wag the armies tit Iowa ht week asant-
hotrithe alter areitialasce and pace cams
Tee -rtent, 4, while sematinhat
meattured satiate, ,se Mr" IOW
pat their
ablides•t, the test fen a wank dlisather. The
mock disaster loathe Tem a plane oath
ire the yaad Rettertsen Ptittlic Sabel aed
peepte hone Ithell"ef Heath eartagiab
MEW tearAWS th, realthm and
andletatiety to the stem -
Owe the seemetaiti been etablitheal ta the
, "tire tt the inriatetey gemesentalthee,
emetmeitre immolates woe gitien a full
erte. "The —
e ete--ztre vaigre ;Waameasa avy- Pre&Z,Z,,
MWJ,wtralsicaT6,, xuatcatuk,
IMM MC crews and a mune of carilins
Nett math white a replier disaster scene,
I marmot_
And, COVES4 WW1 ettab eit that
erayeatteete, the mess fagots Nee Mei.
Wide the scene
l eras men* staged. thee
was locariewspatier e..nd television
One that stolid be petaled * this
case, • et, in may case for thait matter. isthalt
the press does net eajay awe -
than anyone etre. Mee we have a job to
petternie in repeat* the meals talkie*
Oahe, we bold no special stabs arid utast
diretece as rewired sod cheated
bar Wide
The Whitson— repeaters mod I talked
abet eor sitiatien at the scene and we were
wet .;41144 4 1"4:.", VI teat peke and dam
finials' wished tatecied tie treater
10 EaffliEllgainaa dis—suguice frown tie sceoe. Trie
mated* espected but- nese alloto
wander Agit up to mete victims and snap
and Elm away in their tares.
When etre. • heap the lateen cameo
mea were trained on the tee ef int/Maim
Nulle last year. an
Wad" teem the Fire Narstairs Office,
asked metoepecthcalty get in the mead the
exemises to see if firemen weldfftetehte the
from the scene. Corte localirateman, chage,'
et that poetics/au crash. did so„ promeitly.
Another amused himself proftesety even
time he had to step &rand roe to meow a
victim bream wreck.
Both the televiraen arew and myself4,
decided to panne the stray at the hospitsi
whete meek victims vete rushed% receiree
irontedialte method and surtgical attention.
1 met the television boys abide the
hos** alter they had wandered shout the
emergency *ea gen* tomage ot the
precedents theide. A pelicoman at the
emergency whew rehoed to, allow me
access to the Wang-
Uniausted I sup ly wallied meted te the
-heel doer which eras &aided by a woman
en staff• I pressitne. a this. time 1 Me
sierety avian Ito sae if snaccoott would Lt
me ia after the teion meet was allowed
The lady at the heat door said sire would
have to check with hospital officials before
ltt* me he While she was gene I could
have easily =ambled in the door bit
decided to play by the nies
The doer woe again closed in my fate and ,
attic* that the side door was also guided
by staff„ I called it quits and wet back to
The anweer to my problms, may be to
simply carry around an old, worthless
telex's* cantera„ they seem to attract mare
respect than ttot beak uphi vont.
That seggestion was °amnia jest »ytue
tv boys who . street* suspectare still
gigging aboot the matter; I c ea home
and not get way respect se why do I need that
aggravation &elate:tn.
• 4'
• SeCr"'46444 ja11 ESS
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1111 wawa, iiiiedwaeilea mit illediwatic Cladwalia. wsaair ea efaie OSIOA wadi adwase-
%Nig MEM 011111•10Mit, alaawatadarms ~Saw as ediadema Vila 611 01/111111111i. fob °WM suede saw emus.
eagle mail& indawalr-aiiiidlawesandaddeaweas wawanddeadieudgeset. Mem sea Sairalealia Lewd No. Till ealledidas 0e-
Sawamill dim adiadmadlia Masmalawr aidwareldiew erompliaie glee camilladas diwit aw
mime ea ampeipmeadedi iseimsa. diwo adeediliddig Jews esarapled ley einewaide lawsw, eamodawar wade eenwarwaNderp
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mdwommeaspaolademeameeeleivesseedialowilerarredwaselliamilowadeenrsanabwewitia wows maw wok eareanotawie
maw awia widet." adaa: 6.e..e..,,tt tee
ROBERT G.. SHIBER-Presidentt and Publisher
DONALD P,A_ HILIBIOC-Athiertliisime Manager
AV = sms-E01. 'wow
P.o. sox220.-
IL• tl;
• S
GOIDER1101 WI A 41116--d—
FOR BMWS 01t16110111111. OEMS please Owe (Si) S24-11331
saster plan reassuring
Nob* likeS to thMk AWOL toaster -id it can and does—
m small cammenilies like Goderide You
need only small the eaplosion at the Heron Day Centre far
the Iloomelacend at Thwontiew last Mont to teethe bow
closet° hometroaster orpotentialdiliastercan hit.
Glided& and area residents can take some measure of
_____treassinevoreeitt..the _fact _dot diatomite Iliatine and
GILTd1 Is a !loather plan in place and L.
ta-iii‘4wenit*wiedwkwii-der-reaa- -
•, cireilmstaimes.- The first test came dining a mock
_disaster hekl here last Wednesday thee front page dory).
MEOW administrator Elmer Taylor considered the test
to be "a startiog pointand 'a leaning egieritncet And he
felt the ttest went very we:110mM erilig it was thefiret. He
•hopes to have many mitre •
Of course some mistakes Imre made bit makg
mbtakes is a method of learning.
"The hospital Otto be comenended on its disadter plan aad
the way eeerything was handled thaing the mock
disaster- Even if one life is saved in the future because
such preparedness„ then ft was all worthwhile.
- Residents can also be reassured by the fact that each
town m Berea County is equipped with a mobile fold
eitteital• which rtt -Whet,* meee_ hetA
disaster. Goderichli is localbed at the Bluewater Centre.
- -Mafia also has a fire plan and an internal disaster tibia
• case disasterthould stray the hospital itself_
What about you? Do you bane a disaster plan? That
sounds hie a silly question but think about it. Do you have
• the phone numbers of the pollice.„- fire department and
ambulance memorized? Do yea know any first aid? What
would you do tint at the seem of a disaster?,
If you can't help, at least stay out of the way of the
people who can. AB
-Homemakers are to be commended
We are living int an age Idea the proportion of alder,
people in ear society is increasing rapidly, particularly in
rural are such as Huron County. Sadly enough, most of
us have failed, to tee Ibis phenomenon as a blessing;
rather we view it as a burden added to the preitlems of the
soungen wage-earnbag generatioa
That particular Viewpoina is justified, to some degree,
as long as a large percentage of our elderly are conimed to
catty beds in hospitale and nand* homes. Fortunately„
however„ not everyone is resigned% a policy of putting all
the aged and ailing into: —mstitutions where they can be out
of sight and, latgely, out of mint' 1.
It is true that for some of our older pee there is little
alternative_ Some stroke victims, for main*, are so
helpless that they must have constant care„ but ever -
bulimia* fitness programs and broader knottledge of
mdrition are reducing the risk factor created for those in
mddlneemert&rality is no 1=ger. haarttett—A th
inevitable price of agilig, but rather a treatable dysfun-
ction which will iptobably yield to the advances of
sdientilic knowledge
Forhmately we already have grants of dedicated people
who are devoting their energies to practical methods of
relieving both society and the victims of the aging process
of some of these latter-day miseries. We think, par-
ticularly, .d the the Town and Country Htmemakers, an
organization which recognizes the vrisdom of providing
help for people who are no longer capable of living alone,
but Who, with .organized assistance, can remain' in their
own homes rather than being confined to institutional
Often the aging in their own homes need, little more than
supervision, of meats and medication. Perhaps some
housekeeping assistance is required, but the cost of such
assistance is minimal compared with the high ericelif
Nor is the cost to the taxpayer the only factor involved.
Removal to -hospital' or riursin' g home is a trauthatic ex-
perience fee most older folks. Often it appeared in the
tatienet iiiiiittat the weitiiiimg-7intaiiiiii firia ' Chatter
their lives Home, with its familiarsurroundbge is really
where the heart is, and despite the .kindest of personal
r are in any institution, the elderly often feel, with eitin-
siderable truth, that they will simply be leaving hometa
Removal of an older generation to the impersonal
surroundings of a group home or hospital denies younger
people. the wealth of experience which those who. have
lived longer are able to impart to those who Mast follow in
their footsteps. We have lived tam long in tittles where only
the young and brilliant are listened to -and heaven knows
they haven't really done a very good job of handling oer
Ontario Health Minister Larry Grossman was strong in
his approval ofan institution which is attempting to set ail),
programs to redere the ueed for expem.ive ittsikviU1 eare
In that respect, the Town and Country Homemakers are
an important factor in the more intelligent application of
U e healing arts. (W"mgham Advance "Times) -
Too spoiled
and selfish?
The average Canadian has been severely attacked and
branded as "too spoiled" to sacrifice their personal
desires and join the government's voluntary wage
restraint crusade_
Them- are sides to every --titoli'or. bit Tat
Minister Jean -Luc Pepin pozbabb7 speaks a bit of truth.
Pepin has some history backing his statements as the
former minister who ran. the coimtry's wage and price
control program for a three-year period beginning in 195.
He was also the chairman of the, Anti Inflation Board,
which Canadians must now feel was some sort of cruel
Sib Pepin is obviously convinced the Canadian people
will not follow the plea by Finance Minister Allan
MacEachen to accept wage increases of only six per cent
Such a ceiling has been imposed on federal employees and
all Canadians are supposed to follow suit willingly.
Pepin is convinced they won't claiming the government
is enable to generate a .unified enthusiasm across the
country. We are ,too spoiled for etch sacrifices, Pepin
• There is a bit of truth in hisstaternent and it would be a
definite sacrifice for Canadians to accept wage set-
tlements well ,belovethe rate of MlationsOne never does
catch up.
To look at the other side of the picture, people facing
layoffs .and unemployment would undoubtedly welcome
the opportunity to accept a six per cent wage package..
They would not be able to fathom a reluctance to comply
With such a program.
Pepin isn't convinced a voluntary program will work
and tines MacEacherts budget will not substahtially aid
the economy. If a fellow cabinet minister is skeptical of
the budget measures, then government policies are ob-
viously not backed by the hill team.
Let's face it, voluntary measures are always for the
other guy to follow. Who's going to volunteer when it af-
fects the weekly paycheque. There is not likely to be a
stampede to comply with the voluntary wishes of
Perhaps some Canadians, are too spoiled and selfish.
. .
,4! 4 4 •. .
, -•
vv en
George Sideris received a
fake back burn and lan Scott
fake hand burns from Fred
Skeleton of the Emergency
Services Branch for AM& G's
mock disaster last Wed- "
nesday • hi the middle pic-
ture, Dr. James Rourke tags
the airplane pilot dead and,
at right, one of the
'casualties° has his wounds
AI 1
. • -
Pho tosiiir Dave Sykes
and Joanne Buchanan)