The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-12-22, Page 43ta off Yifeediaggiae. OiremerningOdan Cratm =rev dieCz tree going tn steep) with is, codifies andi nuk Vie reindeer were itisi& !Awaking, adios tweet% for andi lie lint anent limpet& dironglt dierthif-Tantitwlidt- otiere tieing pIl guess ti see di dim& t1 Via ave oar reiiideer dieing in die adder- They' nut have same how VT gat dim Wolf die Wigs caff atligt gon4tiye. GOMA* rertitaismlial., *tool's, &Misfire ilikethiggainta th was die itinlit lWii Th 1irom was ffie sipiiitinr Mere was, Itititi 1 snow anitt trees. nearilsornetlifi_tv1twMOilie this toflu lin lacer (Carle- Inast titigge• tttlalltaterr arimtv our -hese V grimitre&thiwintii see turn &din* Claus Ele gave the * thaiir set and11 rove hint* dddliie an& same V wive !him **de of cple Heareitta1l1thdl said Mr. Ire sang, -Efir liaeir4v ate -What is your Tame". Di* dameis, Alin) askedi dint, "Were di& yaw gett the thee edatV" rify- molter ma& le- Mit she nuke die grontivrool. glgili4d1 "FisewolfilatvyatiVrEre saith. -133'.Ortgaies:- Well1 11 batter t gthirg. Om- AtinfilirAst .re Maues i-giltediSOTEdleiirKaSi&Saan" Mir* Alf or oudireo3 V tima foot fixorm. The nee hkr:. 11 Ifintvo wars §aitol‘ Maim dcomirw dinwv die chimney:. .fgottethintaelitisir oral viaitbdi- Mitt lie went cavr WI die Christitithsi ttee Ifientietisolikagresentottaf iiiMlagthattsaitt1tUATiatian& Ilint Vie Willis de another preset that sittth gram* from Santa Fietnith6duettv4 other phi for Warmii and.Ifite; ffelangtie&lailddY lad& an& went do the ctreh. taiilettPeat theodolites affirm* idiatatteivinintites laver dame liae*iir, air& view tii• the ciiiiiinek an& nititatiO dip !As mdt. meg lie tie& its irme anst3 ow die Chtlinift lie went 13 himlitt hilivsayliXerry•gfirtstina/Vrn Tem !die' de left 13 ltiatt oat fiteril Mina di chwit What laze" Agit Matt, the fiat thaw Mitt 11 in tigentire lititook4ifefretinee NryIrewri" reasenarverr Wyliestonewrivalient" =it sevendii& VdoterItvarsieam o4&thv.-15thil5.everiedk wamettaire Ayr fat diem V *ix& with diem ar I15. f�3 r liee-mwo triy-1it, sister SortorridietriOWSWWItEroit* affivr them. 15 mak &diet ewe all them thavilat wasoaiigoirptise Ihrtidisittitgififsiet • JatitireWhimiliy ,rtittK 1 A Pratypelt3,2Frieryti4.10 !but& (14,e5, eattli4696414- Agit:rap Satategi, Beef:1114k doff 11-v6506-v6os !Wu* Ve2r.11! Eike cs, goccrt, rieighb414; Siare 004-ttf.ig•Ictie galt 111W1041* 101106i100045c1,504- Gtideorftirri 514 --MT t4Mr#,ACklieffagEgtOttg-156100946 eariaerag 4,ittger,O,Efites. ,C5rtsferrieS vms, eve V went tnlie& lifirdnign die night 11 atm& sametlinig11 wouivklovinsidirs. VW. MI gni (limit!15.it' theliiveitentiogetaniceddlie hecause SainaIad* bump; wi tas 'tea& Pie gave us our pisesentk InsteatVdf gang lip the chimney he went out the db Vienri*PlitilieSefind11 Thedisittlinef inetigiamdi 11 met Santa Mils oiling read Y to I die Pith gale an& h was Wading t in111.5 Whmliegot hem 511e&mr stedking an& gave me everything in die wholeworkt Theo V dame diiwn, an& 11 werVontoitthertativseeif Santawasttateantlitistedi wastliere gating/rare anitgamadamearetnditrite /MIL IV was deneeiffioninsoir giz&s litefhsVdine Metgantal V werir tb Ilett V woke up ancrfwenttrownstans. Vsaw Santa an& two_ little elves diwg Weisedie prosenM ander die tree ire %lent a tite, dihntuv age tto tit edarrixffligungeg minx janteWihiardig• gitb&T VictoriafittaieSelidol Thefiretime VinetSonia Taerust time V meSiaita it wasried. Diitharittliwasiiv my Medd when, Anglin* V liearilialfigdlithhf de otiityaierVand"whdare yowi" V gon SAM% ydal ire here me -ge.' 15. ansivete&Xilmwthilifydullilie 56111W-630kieg43atilligaggii-- ffttlf€1,ilicit&SW/11660~ a/Zik‘T Thermal:Me IfinetSantagraus...- Me-rust time V itiet:giinta vidswiony itigreiranin Veddlinietir him)sgoo-- Ehafttafrn andi15. dtatidiseeffissie&aeriossate ma& cial die minkiw' sadi IddlenicandiemisSariM A Ogg II-tee:gab aratril VieteriggPithlic Scheel 5fisfif&rirdaftwejoitievia gerfrAsaivflitcsa plumy it 5 61StOskricif