The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-10-14, Page 13Town&Country CLASSIFIED rGODERICU SiGNALrSTAR, WEDNESDAY, O€ OBER 14, 1981 -PAGE 13 ANT A CLASSIFICATIONS 1 Articles for.sole 7 R V s tor sale 13 Mobile homes 19 Rooms for rent 24. Wanted to rent 30. Employment wanted 2 Yard sale 0 Marine 14 Recreational properturs 20. Room & board 25. Wanted to buy 31 $ rvice directory 3 Garage sale 9 Automotive 4'Z 15 Out of town properties. 21 Cottages for rent 26. Help wonted 32 Custom work 4 Antiques for sole 10 Pets for sgle 16. For rent - 22 Lots for rent 27. Wanted (general) 33. Form services 5 Cars for sale 11 Livestock for sale 17 Apartments for rent, 23. Commercial property 28. Business opportunity 34 Personal 6 Trucks for sole 12 .Real estate for sole 18 Houses for.rent for rent 29. 'fenders 35-. Notice to creditors 36. Announcements. notices 37. Mortgages 38. Auction sole 39. Educational 40. Lost & Found 41. To give away 42. Death notice • 43. Miscellaneous 44. Engagements 45. Morriages 46.'In Memoriam' 47. Card of thanks 1. Articles for sale SINGER - For authorized sales and service, sewing machines, vacuum cleaners, parts and notions, service to all makes, and machine rentals. We also do alterations and install zippers. Gen's Sewing (.'entre, now located at 1(X3 The Square, Goderich, 524- R431.-ltfar _ _ _ AUTOMATIC Toilet Bowl Cleaner removes rust, lime and mineral deposits. Simply place in the corner of your toilet tank. Available at Iloffineyer Plumbing and Heating, Kingston Street., Goderich.- Itfar MESH BABY car bed; wooden baby sleigh; baby back, carrier; baby sitter -sleeper. Excellent shape. Phone 524- 7749.-391. fnx SQIJAS11, butternut, buttercup and pepper; pumpkins for pies and jack -o -lanterns. phone 524- (i473.---39-41 STEREO, Sansui, 20)X) X, two Ampex speakers. • $250.00. Phone 524 -4384:--41x AERIAL, complete with boosters and FM , MO1.00. Phone 524-9575.-41 tf WET. ALUMINUM Runabout, 45 h.p. Scott motor and trailer,, $900.00. 524.7660 after- 5 p.m. L41,4'2 UPFt;;IGHT Gourlay piano and bench, $500:01; also •two used 15" radial snow tires and three useA 15" radial summer tires, GR78-155. Phone 524-9485.-41 TWO DASHWOOD, 4 ft. x 7 ft.. picture windows, thermal pane: set of storm windows to fit same, only .one year old. $500.00- for lot. Phone 524= 91$00. --41 ,42 POTATOES $8M0 per 75 Ib. bag. Phone 524-6534.-41 FALL CLEARANCE - Make an offer. t'sed Tractors - MF'35, MF135Gas, MF13SD W- Ldr. • MF165, MF255 1.80 hrs. MF265 - MF275 W -Cab - MF'tu8,5 W -Cab MF4OB W- Ldr. and Cab - MF2500 F Lift - J. Deere Fork Lift - Kubota 30 HP W-Ldr..400 hours - Kubota 70 HP, 4 WI), 250 hours - used equipment. - NH77OF Har- vester N11717F Harvester - McKee Box • 12, HP Electric Tractor W -Mr - Woods IOFt. Orchard Mower, GEHL 95 Bu. Mixmill Rebuilt - Kongskilde 4F Plow - new MF 60 Loader Backhoe with CAB $20,01X1 off list, 10 per cent Financing. South Equipment, Meaford, 519-538-1660,-4111c. ORDER NOW CHRISTMAS FRESH TURKEYS EXCELLENT QUALITY See us for delicious HOPPER FED TENDER LEAN BEEF CUT, WRAPPED AND QUICK FROZEN FOR TOUR FREEZER, FREE FRESH FROM THE FARM SIDES FRONTS LB. $1 .59 LB.$1 .25 BEEFEATER FRENCH 4 FRIES Le.4 PORK 984 LB. WHOLE OR HALF CLOSING FRIDAY AT -6 PM OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 9 AM TO 6 PM LOCKERS FOR RENT For after hour service coil Sandy Brown. 524-4473 THE BUTCHER P - (JEAN'S MEAT MARKET) 65 HAMILTON ST.. 524-9672 1. Articles for sale OSTOMY SUPPLIES and appliances, Rieck IDA Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524- 7241.-ltfar SICK ROOM- SUPPLIES, - patient aids, ...support gar- ments, convalescent products, etc. Rieck Pharmacy, 14 Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-1241.-ltfar CUSTOM KILLING - all types, poultry and water fowl in any quantity. Oven ready year old hens and roosters for sale, $3.50 and $5.00 each . Phone 529- 7373.-39.41 BED WATERBED Queen, King, or Double includes heater, mattress liner, brackets, fill kit. Instructions on assembly, guarantees in- cluded. Brand new $175. Call (416 )637-6904.-4.1 b.c. TWO - SIZE 14 snow tires on. rims, used one season. $60.00 for the pair. Phone 524-2238 or 524-7732 after 6 p.m. -41 TEN GOLDEN COMET HENS, one year old, for meat or relay. $1.00 each. Phone 524, 6372.-41 30" ELECTRIC range, single bed, roll -away bed, new easy - lift, tubing draw -bar, 2 sq. in: shank, Targe chest of drawers. Phone 524-7803.-41x TWO- 52 FT. TV towers with. rotor and booster, $250.00 each: four channel eight track tape and deck, $40.00. Phone 524-2807 after 6p.m.--4.1x TWO CRIBS with mattresses, two walkers, one stroller, two rocking horses, one girl's two wheel bicycle. Phone 524- 6061.-41 •- DISPOSAL SALE - Arcade - Pinball, equipment - Spooks Wille, Phantom Gun,' Triple Strike, Cops and Robbers Dart Game, Golf Game, Red Baron Table . Tennis, Volleyball. Appointment to inspect these machines can be made by calling 524-9624 or Jack Cummings 524-8951.-41ar N8 FORD TRACTOR, A-1 condition, 3 point hitch, cultivator, finishing mower, snowblower, heavy duty chains, front-end loader, $2,000,00 firm. Phone 524-4374 after 5 p.in.-41,42 FOR SALE - One Boy out uniform. size 12-14, good condition. Call after 5p.m. 524- 2017 .-40, 41 nx T-SHIRT BUSINESS FOR SALE EQUIPMENT & STOCK ONLY *Heat Transfer Machine *T-Shiftts *Transfers *Sweat Suits etc. WILL SELL TOGETHER OR SEPARATELY CALL 565-2188 . VANA0TRA HOME FURNISHING / I 2 nines south of Clinton on, Highway No.4 T, *NEW OR IED HOME FURNISHINGS •APPLIANCES •LAWN ORNAMENTS Open 6 Days 482-7922 I. Articles for sale TRY C & E FURNITURE , new and used. Dial 524-7231.-ltfar SILK AND )Poly flowers. New colors. New display. The Country Spire, 229-6341.-37tf MAKE YOUR own clocks. Use your design. Quartz battery movements. Quantity discount to schools. Available at The Country Spire, 229-6341.-37tf RAINBOW TROUT FISHING AT ITS BEST. • No closed season . or daily limits. Guaranteed catches. Rainbow Trout Hatchery and Fish Out Ponds. Phone Wingham 357- 2329. Three concessions north of Blyth, three sideroads west. Clip this ad and save $2.00.-39-43 iN-HOME mastectomy ser- vices now available. Contact Mrs. Adams or Mrs. Stringer at Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy, Shoppers Square, Goderich, 524-7241.-21 tfar HARD MAPLE firewood, 1 foot x 4 feet x 8 feet; $35.00; 4 feet x 4 feet x 8 feet, $110.00: Best time to phone between 4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. 529- 7872.-40,41 CAR STEREO LEAR JET, AM -FM cassette, high power 20 watts per channel. Lear Jet, four-way speakers. Must sell $275.00. Phone 524-4507 anytime. -3811 ONE PAIR of men's Bauer skates, tube blades, used one season, $20.00. Phone 524- 7215.-40,41nx \APPLE SALE- Macintosh and Northern Spy, $7.50 a, bushel plus containers. 6 qt. baskets at $2.00. Fresh apple cider, $2.00 a gallon. 6 qt: basket Spanish onions, $2.00. Red and white potatoes, $6.50 for 50 lbs. Also honey and maple syrup. Closed Mondays and Thur- sdays. Art Bell's Fruit Farm, 524-8037.-40,41 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Stove & Camp Ph. 482-3294 482-3509 TREES BIG CHOICE 11/4 mile East of Wingham - Hwy. 86 SPRUCE - s1.00 ft. SLUE SPRUCE - =2.00 ft. E. MARSH 357-2387 • Centre of three houses East of school 2. Yard Sale SATURDAY. October 17th, 1981. Rain date, Saturday, October 24th. Starting 9:30 a.m. firm. Six families. 210 Rich St, --41 3. Garage sole GARAGE SALE & FLEA 'MARKET, Saturday, October 17th, 10 a.m. to 60.m., Sunday, October 18th, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., rain or shine, in Recreation Hall, Huron Cliff Park-, five miles north of Goderich, High- way 21. Snowblower, Ford Stationwagon, radios, an• tiques, car racks, barbecue, bedspreads and drapes, dishes, lawnmowers, 10 h.p. lawn and garden tractor with snowblower attachment, Crystal chandelier and several more items. -41 5. Cars for sale 1968 FORD LTD with a few good years left in it. Certified last December - not driven since. First reasonable offer takes. 529-7761.-38-39-40-41. 1966 PARiSiENNE Sports Coupe V8, 283 engine, 61,00 original miles. Interior ex- cellent, body needs work. Best offer. Phone 524-6524.-39-01nx 1973 IMPALA, four door, power steering, power brakes, 3.50.x-aito tic, body fair, safetied January 1981, $550.00. Phone 529- 7930.-41,42 5. Cars for sale 1975 PONTIAC LeMans, 2 dr., V-8, auto., p.s., p.b., in, good condition. New brakes, radial snows, ready for winter. $1,900.g0 as is, $1,950.00 cer- tified. 31 Cambria Rd. N., 524- 4546.-41,42 1973 TOYOTA, as is, for parts, $500.00 or best offer. 524-7660 after 5 p.m. -41 1973 FORD- LTD, two door, hardtop, low mileage. Phone 482-9801.-41,42x - - 9. Automotive Selling your car? Need a Safety Inspection? Call 524-2121 $1Now only 8 e 95 GODERICH 16. For Rent' BEDROOM with living room, private entrance, TV, shower, fridge, garage. Male .preferred. Call after 5 p.m , 524-6226.-41 FOR REALLY CLEAN CARPETS Do it yourself with Deep Steam Extraction. Bluewater Cleaners 524- 6231. 17. Apartments for rent 18. Houses for rent THREE OR FOUR bedroom house on 4th concession of Ash- field, with or without fridge and stove. Phone 524- 7469.-41,42 LET CENTURY 21 All Points Realty Inc. assist you in renting or leasing your home. Call today for information 524- 6656.-41a r FARM HOUSE, 5 miles from Goderich. Available November 1, 1981. Apply Drawer 100, c -o Signal- Star.--4ltfnx BENNETT ST. APARTMENT One and two bedroom apartments as low as 102." per month, fridge and stove supplied, all utilities paid, carpeted throughout, con- trolled entrance, laundry facilities available. 524-4124 ONE BEDROOM apartment available 'immediately Heat and appliances provided. Phone 524-2946.-31 tf BED -SITTING room, kitchen, to suit two people. Twin beds. 10. lets for sale Phone 524-2731.-35tf PUPPIES: Cross between purebred Lab and purebred Walker Foxhound. Suitable for hunting or pet. Only three left. $20.00 each. Ca U 524-4653.-41 1 1 , Livestock for sale FOR SALE - Landrace Boars and Gilts,. H.O.P. tested. Reasonably priced. Guaranteed breeders..Phone John Hessels 524-6917.-34-52x ONE CHAROLAIS veal steer- calf, teercalf, weighs approximately 500 lbs. Phone 524-6385.-41 CANADA Cow Classic Angus Sal.e,, Saturday, October 24, 1981, 1 p.m. 60 Superior female lots from Glen Islay Featherston and Sheldon Creek herds, Brucellosis free. Four miles south of Violet Hill (Highway 89). For catalogue call collect Don Currie. (705 )445.1526.-41b.c. 12. Real estate for sale COMMERCIAL RESIDEN- TiAL large Victorian home, 2800 sq. ft., garage. three fireplaces, stained glass. Ideal for restaurant, office or retail with apartment upstairs. 80 Hamilton St. corner of Vic- toria. Phone 524-7940.-33tf RED BRiCK three bedroom bungalow, full basement, large lot, nicely landscaped. 149 Widder St., Goderich. Phone 524-7979 between 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. -41 SPLIT LEVEL home on corner lot. Close to schools on at- tractive corner lot.. Lower level could be used as a separate apartment for grandmother or extra income. Call Century 21, All Points' Realty Inc. today for an ap- pointment to see this lovely home. 524-6656 or 524- 8777.--41ar 13. Mobile homes FOR SALE '- 12 ft. x 60 ft. two bedroom- with appliances and sun deck. All bids considered, For rnore information call 524- 2611, ask for Era nk.-37tfar FOR SALE OR RENT: 44' x 12' General with 12' x 32' ad- dition. Also 62' x 12' General with addition set up in Morgan's Mobile Home Park, Clinton. 482-7066.-40,41 FOR SALE OR 'RENT: 60' x 12' New Yorker with large add- a -room and verandah. 68 Iroquois St., Meneset Park, Goderich. $13.000.00 or best offer Phone 482-7066.-40,41 16. For Rent RENTING - 27 ft. Itasca class A mist r. kora ;-..ir„geneateterw stereo, Excellent canditioti, sleeps six or seven. Phone 524- 8620.-35tf TWO BEDROOM apartment, available November 1st. Phone 524-9253 after 4:30 p.m. -39-42 TWO ROOM apartment. Utilities paid. Stove and fridge provided: No pets. References required. Call at 78 Cambria Rd. N., Goderich.'-40,41x,42 ONE BEDROOM' apartment, available November 1st, 1981. Call, after 5 p.m. 524-9445.-40tf BASEMENT apartment to mature person. Private en- trance, centrally located. No children or pets. Available November 1st, 1981. Apply to Drawer 94, c -o Signal -Star Publishing Ltd., P.O. Box 220, Goderich. Ont. N7A 4B6.-40,41 LARGE TWO bedroom, second floor apartment, private entrance, near the Square. Available November 1, 1981. Phone 524-2154.--40tf GROUND FLOOR apartment, private eitrance, large car- peted bed -sitting room, bathroom with vanity; cute kitchen, stove, fridge and utilities. Spotless condition. Suitable for business woman. Must be quiet living person. Available November 1st. 524- 6095.-40.41 - UPSTAIRS. one bedroom apartment. private entrance, "carpeted. living room, large bedroom, bath -vanity, cozy kitchen, 'fridge and stove, all utilities. Quiet living tenants only. Available November 1st. 524-6095,----4(l,41 TWO BEDROOM duplex.. 8250.00 per month, utilities paid, available immediately. Apply in writing to Drawer 97,' c -o Goderich Signal -Stag Box 22o, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 4B6.-40,41 FURNISHED self-contained unit suitable for one person. Phone 3241,75.-411f ONE BEDROOM apartment, heated, 'stove and fridge in- cluded in rent, $150.00 mon- thly. AvaiL+ble December 1st. Please call Jack Cummings 524-8951 or 7,24-9624. -41 ar TWO BEDROOM modern apartment with balcony, near lake. Available first of November 'Phone 482-7081 or 527-1315 - 4l tf ONE BEDROOM apartment. Suitable for single person. Phone alter 6 p.m. 524- 9691 .- 40,41 a r 18. Houses for rent A'1'1'R ACTIVE four bedroom brick home to Goderich. Iarge lot. $325 nri per month plus utilities ('all 524.6656.-40,41 ar Buying? Selling? Renting? Reach over 11,000 potential customers with a EL ASSfF iF D WANT A15. eriii The Goderich Signal -Star at 524-8331. 18. Houses for rent THREE BEDROOM home, in Goderich. Available im- mediately. Phone 524- 2094.--40tf NEW TWO bedroom home in country near Port Albert, available immediately. $350.00 plus utilities. Phone 529- 7880.-40,41 20. Room & board COMING AVAILABLE for winter: ' double and single bedrooms, cable TV, one bedsitting room with private bath; three meals daily. Mrs. C. Van Damme Holiday Home, Clin ton. 482-3685. 37tf 21. Cottages for rent' WANTED TO RENT: Family requires two bedroom cottage on Lake Huron (sandy beach) for two weeks, summa' 1982. Please send particulars to Drawer 99, c -o The Signal - Star. P.O.- Box 220, Goderich, Ont.-41,42nx 23. Commercial - property for rent GROUND FLOOR, 2.006 square feet prime office space at 60 Lighthouse St. Phone 524- 2717 --351f Offices To Rent 524-8382 25. Wanted to buy WANTED: 12 ft. aluminum boat, good condition. Phone 524 7901 - :19,40,41 ,PORTABLE electric 'welder. in good condition. Phone 524- 7301 - 41,42 • WOQI/EN STORM windows and shutters. also old style bannister and .railing. Phone :529.7898,- 41,42 WANTED TO BUY: Small three point hitch sprayer. Phone:;'48462 41 --- WANTED: One Girl Guide uniform, good condition, size 12 14 preferred. Call after 5 p m 54-2017.-40,41nx WILL BUY FOR CASH or SELL BY AUCTION can: Marie Salm at the Auction Rooms 524-9064 26. Help wanted asesrat PERSON, to bab-ysit, in . my home in Bal miller, Monday to Friday, 8:30 a m. to 4:30 p.m. Phone 524 -4651. ---41 26. Help wanted , FULL TIME licensed light duty mechanic required: G: M. Dealership, Southern Alberta town, Rhone (403)664-3939 or write Scory Motors (1978) Ltd., Box 510, Oyen, Alta. TOJ 2J0.-41b.c. FIGHT INFLATION! Start a profitable 6uslmoss In the Motorists Service field, No Investment. Business is booming. For more in- formation: Apply In per- son to Mr. Bauer c/o Elm Hoven Inn, Clinton on Wednesday. October 21 at 2:00 P.M. or 7:00 P.M. sharp or call 357-3805. DEADLINES: Classified wont ads at 12 noon Tuesday. Too late to classify ads will bib ac- cepted until 4 p.m. same day. WORD CLASSIFIED RATES: '3.50 min./23 words, 16° a word thereafter. In Memoriam '3.50 min. plus 30° per rhymed line of verse. Cards of Thanks '3.50 min./25 words, '5' a word thereafter. Public Notice '15 for 3 inserts. Notice to Creditors '25 for 3 inserts. Special rates available by 6 or 12 months, no copy change. Ask about our special discounts for prompt payment. MONDAY TO FRIDAY RAO a.m.-5 p.m. 524-8331 26. Help wanted BABYSITT1 R to come to my home' four or five days per week, light housekeeping to be considered. Phone 524-2284 after 6 p.m. -41 MORTGAGE coming due? Electrolux can help you. Work Saturdays, good commission, we will train. Phone 1-743-8279 for appointment -39-42 CONSULTANT needed for expanding business company, 2 hours.a day, five days a week. No experience necessary, training provided. Reply to Drawer No. 98, Signal - Star Publishing, P.O. Box 220, Goderich, N7A 4B6. REQUIRED BY THE TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE A part-time clerk -typist for a minimum of 2 days per week for general office work and typing at the Clerk's office, Township of Colborne, R.R. 5 Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y2. Applications in writing will be accepted un- til 5:00 p.m.. October 20, 1981. Salary to be negotiated at time of inter- view. H. Milburn, Clerk, Township of Colborne. R.R. S. Goderich, Ontario N7A 3Y2 MANAGEMENT TRAINING POSITION We are an international company with over 60 years experience. Due to our growth, we offer a career op- portunity to ambitious and aggressive individuals whose goal is advancement In management. EXPERIENCE UNNECESSARY •Three weeks training •Excellent security program *Opportunity to be promoted within the first year •You can earn '20,000-'30,000 within the first year TO QUALIFY: •good character background •sportsminded • bondable • free to travel • own a reliable car Only those who wish to get ahead need apply. For personal interview call: - MR. V. McElroy 1-836-0231 CaII Today and Tomorrow 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Position ovallable In the Bruce and Huron Counties. 01 PROGRESSIVE G.M. DEALERSHIP W or REQUIRES CLASS "A" MECHANIC •TOP HOURLY WAGE *MONTHLY BONUS •HEALTH & DRUG PLAN *GOOD WORKING CONDITIONS APPLY TO BiLL MALC,OLM SERVICE MNG, EACHMAN CIiEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD. *OS QUEEN ST. KINCARDINE 396-3367 sat® 26. Help wanted ENJOY NEEDLECRAFT? Work your own hours and earn extra income demonstrating lovely kits. Generous com- mission. No inventory. For more information phone collect 519-534-0308 or write Ethel Davidson, R.R• 2, Wiarton.-40,41 HELP REQUIRED full or part time. Apply in writing or. person to Jervis Photo Inc.; 130 Isaac St., Clinton, Ont. NOM 1L0.--41 FULL TIME clerk typist. Send application on or before October 26, 1981, stating ex- perience and expected salary to: Stephen Whitney, West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company, Dungannon, Ontario, NOM IRO. -41.42 27. Wanted (general) WANTED: Good Used fur- niture or complete households. Phone 482-7922.-4tfar WANTED: Cattle, sick or disabled, Pay top dollar. Call Teeswater any time.1-392- 6829.-38 to 45 WANTED: Old brick buildings for wrecking & salvage pur- poses. Car tact R. Lumley Demolition Inc., 1185 Murphy Rd., Sarnia, • 1-542-4088; Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed brick. We fulfilled 76 wrecking contracts in 1980. We paid cash for a fel, buildings, we demolished some for no charge, and for others we charged a slight fee for our services. yes. we travel. We have associates -partners living- & operating out of London & •Listowel areas. Honest appraisals. references available. • We • carry $1,000,000.00 insurance and are covered by workmen's corn- pensation. We. eliminate eyesores in an honest, fast & efficient manner.-24eowtf 28. Busi-Hess opportunity EXTRA INCOME \\e trate you to raise large bait worms • at. home. Neat, odourless operation. Investment 58541 nit • •Terra Worm Farms since 1975 i, R,R 1. Stratford, Ontario. N5A 6S2 .1519 625 8140.--40-43 PREPARE your own tax return. Learn loopholes that will decrease your taxes Write L' & R Tax Schools. 1.148 Hain Street, Winnipeg. Manrtoha. R2W 3S6, for free brochure---41b.c, For Lease GAS.BAR i. Town of Goderich: Ex- cellent location. Guaranteed wage and benefit package. For Further Information con- tact: D. Stewart (Days) 1-800-265-4157 (Evenings) 419-271-1971 EARN EXTRA 1N Learn to p, t,pare INCOME TAX R ;;, RNS by correspondence 30% of'Fee Refunded If you pasts and are hired and work until April 30. For details call collect (416) 827.1455 or write Tax Time Services Limited 1304 Spews Drive • Oakville, Ont. Lot 2X4 30 Employment wanted \1\1.1. 1)(1 l,.s1•, .i home in fort \I1), r' :$2'('791 4,, 1 \111.1 f1 \I3% ail) aye 1, 77.7;1e, . - S;, .• (Nir•nch. \l, n,1.t :,,...,,• an> time f,i,n,. - ,, ,, • , lieferences ,i',,tl,i:•,e . I , ,• 3.14 77.57 an\hme 1', .� 31 Service directory \IR N \\17177- ,,Li sot twit i n' t,, l '1 , Cranston 5.'9 71,'sl ,.'\