The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-07-29, Page 267 PAGE 10A—GODERICH SIGNAL", -STA,, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29,1981 Council supports hospital i 1 Goderich Township Council passed a motto to donate $5,000 to the building fund for the Itntensive Caere Unit at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital when it met in regular session July 20. Hall of this money will be paid en June. 30, 1982 and the other half will be paid by December 15,1982- c. • W.M. Diudass headed a delegation to the councd. meeting to discuss the ac- cess to the` lake on Plans 22 and 29. Council agreed to have the road superin- tendent hft ' a number of- drainage fdrainage tiles to the beach and improve the surface run- off flooding, perhaps by a. better system of ,catch basins. Mr. Dundass agreed to donate several sections of six inch. plastic tile which he " had on hand. Robert Kelly and planner C.R. Kiar were present at the meeting to submit changes m the proposed plan of subdivision for lot 20, concession 1. These changes included a walksay being changed to a 66 foot road; the addition of a well on lot 1; the deletion of a park walk; and the addition of a walkway for access to the beach. Council passed a motion that when these changes are submitted as a revision to A B-17 DO -96- 1, that the clerk should in- form the Ministry of Housing that council's requests have been met. Permission was granted by council For St. James A.C.W. to sell tickets at Zehrs. Ministry of Natural Resources presented three plans for pits and quarries. Council passed a motion that it had no objection to the three pit operations but stated that only a small portion of the Stanley Township pit is presently designated as extractive while' the balance is residential and this should be resolved before the pit operation is expanded. A land division application requested by Mr. Potze was dealt with as per questionaire. A pre -design presented by D.G. Hiltz on behalf of Mr. Hartman was approved by council. Building permits were issued to William Stauttener to remodel a cottage; to Ralph Arbuckle to build a garage; to Peter Bos to build an implement shed; to Francis Cantelon to demolish a shed and to build an addition to a barn; and to Joseph Jankowski to demolish a shed and build a gA gebuilding permit requested by Betty Maddox Drivers. arrested Goderich pollee made two arrests for impaired driving over the W-eekend. _ S2ne resulted. from driving catn>plaint and the other resulted from an accident at the corner of Britannia and Bayfield Roads on Friday evening. Two youths caught in Judith Gooderham pool late Friday evening will be charged with trespassing - The theft ofa712hor- sepower outboard motor -from an American boat parked in the Snug Harbor area was reported. Four hicylce thefts were also reported. A KItdj ner man who had set up camp at St. Christopher's Beach was warned of the. town by --law prohibiting camping in that area A business sign on South Street was broken and two cars parked on South Street had their tires cut by a knife. Police, also dealt " with several complaints about noisy parties. There's no doubt that enjoying one's work is a large factor in doing it well, and the lifeguards at the Judith Gooderham pool do seem to enjoy their jobs. Pool staff this year in- cludes, from the back left, Rob Wheeler (supervisor), Moira Donnelly,: Marg Conlon, Heather Davidson, David Smith; and in the front row, Tracey MacEwan, Susan Bushell, Ann Marie Murphy, and Sonja Lapaine. The to build a fruit stand on lot 15, Huron Road was ap- proved but held until a fee and approval from the Ministry of Transporation and Communication is received The auditor's report as presented was accepted and general accounts totalling $13,3013.82 were ordered paid. Council then adjourned until August 17 at 8 p.m. It's Farm Safety Week Ontario agriculture has changed drastically in the last few years. Once con- sidered a way of life for many people, by necessity farming has become a highly sophisticated, fast paced business. In 1980, Ontario's Farm Safety Association recorded 2,650 lost time injuries among the agricultural workplaces in the province, an all-time high for agricultural injuries. Fifty agricultural -related were also recorded same time period. The province can ill afford the loss of man power and more importantly the loss of lives of our farm population. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food joins with the Farm Safety Association and the Canada Safety Council in proclaiming and endorsing National Fann Safety Week from July 25- 31. deaths in the i ROGERS ELECTRONIC SERVICE DIVISION 5 miles from Goderich on HWY. 8 Industrial Electronics N.C. and Solid State Systems GRS-Business 8, Marine Radios Vending and Arcade Equipment 524-2418 guards teach swimming lessons and supervise public swimming at the pool every day. (Jason Ainslie photo I NEW IN GODERICH! NEW! SUZANNE KERGIN 41111:7141F;)111) Interior Decorator •Lifestyle decorating in your home Call Collect (519) 11116-7401 Waterloo, Ontario Decorating Den window treshuents, carpet, wallpapering, fabric 4 letyour fiihirgoUpin smoke. Peter S. MacEwan Insurance 38 St. David St. 524-9531 GENERAL INSURANCE BROKERS SHOP.EAI.RLY! Prices in effect until Sat. August 1st Watch for Budget Boosters — the symbol of outstanding sav- Ings at Canadian Txe. 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Stylish and comfortable for driving Assorted colors 33 1515 12V Air compressor 22 With case Special Purchase. Inflates tures. air mattress. etc 60 lbs pressure . 99 4604 save stso Splash guards_ Pair S''ve sift90 The Reacher wash brush for vans With its extra -long. 53" handle this brush really simpli- fies the lob of washing trucks or vans 39 8543 • RSSIVIRTE STORE 4 r3eq S9 99 aoo �1 _.dill©F @ Q wff-ii OQ( O.R. TAYLOR LIMITED GODERICH 524-2121 la[I1f1ROmon TIRE 1011.111 VISA 71 44Y,/P9..�;. _ t USE YOUR CARD Mos, r4ord. Regular 83.99. Stainless steel with Black or White vinyl flaps For compact cars Creates a sleek custom effect 37 62584 Solar window film .r2ve 1388 707 Reg $15.95. Cuts down sun glare 10' x 20" Silver or Smoke color 41 18454 +t1fJri,' L v OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY &'FRUDAYSTILL 9