The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 33Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Cox (Photo by Hadden Studio) Nova Scotia honeymoon . North Street United • Church in Goderich was . decorated with red and white carnations on Saturday, June 6 at 3:30 p.m. for the wedding ceremony of Rodney Cox of Ingersolland Peggy Sheardown of Goderich. The bride is the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Sheardown of Goderich and •the groom is the son of Mrs. Phyllis Cox of Goderich and the late Elgin Cox, The Reverend Robert Ball officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride wore. a ibory colored gown with French lace and wedding ring collar. Her tiny veil was trimmed with seed pearls and she carried a bouquet . of red roses. Maid of honor was Mary Lou Elliott of Edmonton: She - wore a blue and red gown accented with French lace and carried a bouquet of red roses. Groomsman was Steve Loosely of Woodstock. Following the wedding ceremony, a reception was held at , the Goderich Township Community Centre i i ohnesviuie wi icrf— was decorated with red and white carnations for the occasion. The groom's mother greeted guests wearing .a mauve dress with white orchid corsage. For a wedding trip to Nova Scotia, the bride changed to a blue denim outfit. Mr. and Mrs: Cox are residing in Ingersoll... Prior to her wedding the bride was feted at showers held by Mrs. Debbie Van- delinde of Woodstock and Miss .Marilyn Cox of Goderich: Triplets born CLINTON - The Wayne and Esther Cantelon family of RR 1, Brucefield very suddenly grew from three persons to six on June9 when Esther gave birth- to triplet boys at London's Victoria Hospital. As well as young Andy, the Cantelons will now have their hands full looking after SALE thethree new boys including Ryan Lee, who weighed 6 pounds ' 131 ounces, Scott Lee, 5 pounds 9 ounces and Tim Lee, 6 pounds 3 ounces. The babies are doing fine, but the mother suffered a few complications in the natural birth of her three sons. • Hospital Auxiliary holds spring luncheon The members of the Aux- iliary to Alexandra Marine and General Hospital and friends met ati+IacKay Cen- tre on Monday, June 15 for their annual spring lun- cheon. A delicibus luncheon was served by the catering committee of the MacKay Centre for Seniors. The president, Mrs. Janet Kalbfleisch, presided for the luncheon and welcomed ecutive of Region No. 2. Mrs, Roberts brought greetings from the executive of Region No. 2 and expressedher pleasure at being invited to the luncheon. She also described her respon- sibilities as Regional. Presi- dent for a two-year term. members and guests. Mrs. Cae Roberts and Mrs. Myr- tle Sneddon, both of Strat- ford, representedthe ex - Elmer Taylor, Hospital Adnain),iistrator, 9ppke behalf of the hospital staff, expressing ;appreciation for the work accomplished by theiospital Auxiliary. Delightful music by vocalist, Mrs. Eloise Thorne and her accompanist, Mrs. Ida Stewart, was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Thorne. sang four numbers, "Where'er You Walk", "On the Street Where You Live", "Sound of Music" and "P t't !1 eP3alte-- ..-Scatwn- E'yes.Blue". Mrs. Marjorie. Jackson gave the final. report of the Penny Fair which was very successful; She thanked all those who Thad helped to make this project so wor- thwhile. Mrs. Hazel McCreath reminded members that the Tag Day is to be held on July 3 and asked for .their support in volunteering -to help as ciomucopoom ta ere. Mrs..' France Worsen thanked ' the speakers, the soloist and pianist for their contribution to the program. The next meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary will be held at 2 p.m. on the third Monday of September (21) in the At xiliary Room. New members and visitors . area always. welcome. After June 30' you'll once again pay .7% Sales Tax on many building products. Con- klin Home Centres have also reduced prices on many of these same items -so you cansave even more: Only purchases made and delivered prior to June'30 qualify for this salestax exemption. BUY NOW AND SAVE! ' 'comply DS a IT. x4, EACH Conklin Usual Price .99. awe SANDED. PLYWOOD GOOD ONE SIDE 4 x 8 sheets of quality grade ply- wood -that can be used for many projects. Ideal for cabinets, furni- ture or the like. ' 1 99'6mm - approx. 114" ', 99 11mm approx. 112" 19mm approx. 3/4" nL:'aLSteak Nat alt !!! ! in all dlmen- OONSTRUCTION GRADE alona necessar- Ily available at all stores. 1 W Lin -Ft. 8' ' 10' ' 12' 14' 16' 18' 20' 1x6 11.33 264 330 396 46 2 529 594 660 2x4 a 31 248 310 372 434 498 62° (. ' .am. r 9 i2-ii8° 2x6 e5T9 V----590 2x8 .so 640 : t 960 11x' 128° 1491016°° 2x10..99 79a 990 1188138615841' z 1980 4x4 e 70 560 .r.1 98° 11a° 126° 14°° 1x6x5' UTILITY GRADE 6 pilaw; SOLID You get one 4x4 post, four- teen 1 x6 s and two 8 ft. long 2x4's. FENCING STOOK EA.. While we maks every effort to continue the supply of advertised pro ducts. due to space limitations, some Items may not be available at some locations. Hain cheques will be available wherever possible. SPRUCE LUNGER 8 FT. 2x4 2.6 27 z 2x8 2x10 38 9 540 PINE BARK NUGGETS Rich looking, soft earth tones that will help manicure your yard and garden. Also helps retain- moisture. NATURALIZER® THE SHOE WITH THE BEAUTIFUL FIT cells a ha t to rising costs... Hurry in for very special` prices! When you tend toward champagne tastes on a beer budget, Naturalizer has the answer. We're offering your favorite styling at a very 'special price! Value like this is hard to find! Come in today while we have your size. NATURALIZER SAVE °A) OFF REG PRICES ON ALL WHITE -BONE DRESS HEELS & HANDBAGS AT O55 SHOE SHOP 142 SHOPPERS SOUARE GODERICM Waferboard Build those sheds, garages or what- ever project you have, the right way. 4x8x1/4" • 4x8x7/16" 495..1169 5 FT. HIGH 6 FT. HIGH PER 71 FT. Sections CHAIN LINK FENCING 924 ;. PER 7 Y2 FT. Sections 10 FT. SOLID Alternate Includes one 4x4 post; eighteen 1x6's and two 2x4's (8' long). 5 FT. HIGH 6 FT. HIGH 4t ! (-.. 68 PERPER 8 FT. :'e •�-" .' 8 FT. Sections 'Sections Everything you need to build your own chain link fences in full galvanized and vinyl coat. Both are 48" and come In 50' rolls. 48" vinyl coated 3rye88 h 48" galvanized // deluxe mesh 39.88 6'6" galvanized main post 4®fegg 9 6'6" galvanized © line post 3,69 Main post cap .75 5 I Line post cap .75 Tension bar 48" 1.99 Offset bands .49 Top rail 4.79 Rail end assembly 1.19 48" sidewalk gate 33.95 SOME STORES MAY REQUIRE ONE WEi_l( FOR DELIVERY. 12 FT. 217 340 487 675 iso 4°8 SSS I0 14 FT. 503 476 45 16 FT. 347 OLYMPIC 544 AIN Redwood Semi Transparent Oil Base Stain 2 6 FT. SPRUCE PICNIC TABLE Legs are already assembled— just nail it together. MABNE 44 85 L BAG cis Use for landscaping and highlight- ing the garden. Always adds a ' clean, bright look. 20 KG. BAG LITTLE 8' x 8' RED SKARN Latex Solid -Colour Stain (white or oxford brown) 4 FT. HIGH PER 8FT. Sections i Outside White Over Coat 15L MEM 16 STORES TO SERVE YOU ROLL ROOFING 10 14 O. 1301.1.Itos so. FT.1 KINGSVILLE HARROW AMHERSTBURG WINDSOR WEST ® WINDSOR CENTRE WINDSOR EAST RIDGETOWN WEST LORNE EkEeN GRANDTER BEfj THEDFORQ G . KINCARDINE SOUTHAMPTDN OWENSOUN KITCHENER Prices In this ad valid until June 30. 1981 "733-2341 7382221 7362151 7341221 254 1143 7276001 674 5465 768 1520 235 1422 238 2374 296 4991 524 8321 396 3403 '97 3245 376 31 t 1? 693 '901 Kilcherpr Our t 'Ou^ 1 800 265 8204