The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 321916DNESD • .. With quiet eutbuStasmi _Church a group of "Father., !v (as he in aP Pogo , `. ,„_Churth__ Women ' teethmately called by frojagt.Getirge'sch caniperat and elMeaellors)_ ._ __ the a the The VAMP 14 set in! molar VIVO a tfillri v beautifully aus facilities of Baran , treed banks of , f, 1Viefriberships awarded the Arthur Circle of Knox - The highlight of the even - Church held hesiolleric suppersnfltat' ingt!ifelvaSlifthee,111:b1)eFestsriptati°n ear*- hoine with her group it.1 Pfiottes to Glenda Salter, charge of arrangements • Lucille Henderson and Emi- , FollOWing thermal* pp* ly Crew. MIM Ida White dent Grace Cameron .een- made the presentations on ducted the hilatneSS.: The behalf of the Society and ' otions were taken by ef411mended the lathes for White very infOrMative a edfess' the years. A gold pin aISVGlendaSal "r. A 24 devotion, to the Society based ea ardele entitled, then presented to each' "The: Conversion of Peter" lady on hehaKof her family. in the Glad 'Tidings, was • Grace 0a0eron thanked presented hrEartSafter. He thehostean*her hospitali- . was tinathed hy Agnes Cutt tYand wished4he menthers • Who presented him With a a Online* filled with happy gift ,in, appreciation of his times- She then closed the fine contrib_uhon to the meeting with, the Benetlie; meetuut. tion. Baptist ladies old WIVIS picnic Everyone loves a Picnic and oil June 11 at St. Christopher's Beach, 26 ladies attended the ani WMS picnic of Calvary Bap- tist Church. Amid the gentle breeze off The meeting conCiuded with an offering in aid of the workof the. Jank family, Prayer and the closing hymn, "Blest *Be the Tie ThatRind.s". The ladiesalready look forwaid to nezt year's picnic with great anticipation. • the lake and the beautiful summer sunshine, the ladies. enthusiastically joined in games and contests enjoyedwarm tellowship and of* course,'-', sampled all of the tasty dishes prepared by severalof the ladies in atten- dance. The highlight of the even - the heart- United Church on (ley; followed bya social evening atSt.Peter'sguests It parish.. ;and.1t were.,Matt. tRena' abin ..,*-Aetnn: Other weres ..;t04:0gent from ener.Aa, Strat- ti; :;eaferilt, r•v-')W ' A • Imo - dui (Pat) noWersi • anderburgh teei specially teda1rValt•-• XsarYeakes :; *4 'trite: dchildren lidchildren; the I' • ar an- - ii, , congratulations from.- . various *W.': of gnriii''''Y. 'Sitibid 'Mai at .- ..', ,',.0. , . • 0; „ . ORIOol000 titristiaii itef 0 nit c b (1....lint• cit , i - Seili105,11elldaa0 Sunday at . .. / Roberfsoh Mernorial School i 10•POeimi.ahri:7 ; 36p.m. ., ,.... Listen to CKNX Radio Sunday at 10:30 a.m..for the "Back to Gad Hour" 1..............................,..........z............,‘.... ...................................1 --• • s Wee it • ) • ing was to : hear stirring and Challenging devotional given by Mrs. Marg Jank, returned mis- sionary from Venezuela. Her main theme dealt with thankfulness in relation to the availability of Bibles in Canada and the ability to read them and also big churches and peel broad-: • . stations, au of n4,1141 Inant:in foreigl:eninitrigir lack. Hearts were touched as the ladies considered their 'abundant blessings. • 441144 SEREA.BY-THE-WATER LUTHERAN CHURCH • Gibiii*st. at Suncoast Drive 9:15 suidnOchool and Bible Classes 1030 Worship Marvin L. Barz, Pastor ••524-2235 "Preaching peace by Jesus Christ: He is Lord of all" . Acts 10:36 f CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH HAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET EVANGELISTIC -FUNDAMENTAL REV. R. BRUBACH ER Pastor 10:00 a.m. Family Bible School 1 MIN a.m. "THE GROWING PROBLEM OF ALCOHOL" • 7:30 p.m. Baptismal Service MUSIC BY - THE HANNA FAMILY Wednesday II:00 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study WELCOME TO THE FRIENDLY CHURCH 1 Knox Presbyterian Church/ THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, M.A., M. DIV. MINISTER LORNE H. DOTTERER, Director of Praise SUNDAY, JUNE111 1040 a.m. Kirk Sestion 11:00 a.m. Communion Service 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 7114 p.m. Chapel Communion Sermon: "COMMUNION THROUGH MEMBERSHIP" **THE LORD'S SUPPER** (Sunday School straight to classes et 11) (Nursery Facilities) 1 . Enter to Warskip Depart to Serve 1 o'-'stall...........01.11../p,...s0"........ess-tisdie.4.4.1.....ers....11...••••••s40.....41,.....o.................e. 4,/ ; ..........".......4-.,.....s,.....44,21,.....86.,...........‘1,0.-4.1.......,,se .e,as...-.4...ess,sks........011..............1... . ' . • THE UNITED CHURCHI OF CANADA North Street LC. I Victoria Street ' U.C. I • • Godittich United Church Congregations cordially Invite / Allier. fa join us for: WORSHIP IN NORTH STREET UNITED CHURCH at 10 A.M. •lbw. Robert 0. Bali: Minister Robert Blackwell: Director of Music Barteniller United Church 11:15 a.m. rTHE SALVATIONAlai] 18 WATERLOO ST. S 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. FAMILY WORSHIP 6 :30 P.M. EVENING SERVICE All Are Cordially Invited to Join Our Fellowship 524-9341 lis,seaces,..svats.ap.eastieressosae-ser....,fts...34,1.1”.....40.11.410.2s.ais"..sse.....ssessesdaressAsra...S•ssa...1e,s,..sp-4..J 1 • The'Anglican Church of Canada 1 ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH i North and Nelson Streets, Goderich Rector: Thelteverend Robert J. Crocker 1 Organist -Choirmaster: Joseph B. Herdman HOMECOMR40 WEEKEND - Centennial of the present St. C I George's Church. • SATURDAY, JUNE 27TH, Special events for everyone, including the children. i See Bulletin Board In this issue of the Signal -Star. SUNDAY, JUNE 21ITH, 1:30 a.m. Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. CHORAL EUC1-IARIST. Sermon: The Reverend Waiter Barnes, Church, Sarnia. Musk by choir of present and former members coraduc- ted by John Stephens. Organ and trumpet accom- paniment. Bring the whole family. Nursery provided. , Lunch following. -You aro mast welcome to loin us for this wookond of spaded Enfants af St. Gatorge's. Rdar. Trinity 1-4 • , • p 1 of j,ist- Beath. eft and eontblies through .ts.we equ1p August 1,5', when yelnig neopfe 4J the may stay Even!, one to * poten weeks. emetholUdodieropfl/44010 4 qjune..27 sports of all Ithicts are an- • • •f;.; 01_ • • • " ' Mr. and MrS. Earl Alllsoazof Eldon Alieet„-".•GOderieh celebrated their into weddint amdvertiaty on June is, Mr. .ARison has:Wed:1n Goderich Over 66 years: He started in .. . the Allison Shop In 1922 Or 26andlater had own shop until 1962. The Allisens have one daughter, Mrs. !, 'Ray (Audrey)Ney of Windier. ' • • . forgettable cal* trips and wilderness camps. Singing around the campfire, mak- ing new friends, exploring the beauties of nature and in- cidentally building up a hearty appetite for home - cooked meals are jut some of the highlights. As visitors, the ACW members were impressed by the dining hall, Chapel, the craft buildlng, the tuck shop, the infirmary, the cabins and the varied sports, beach and caroPhre areas. "Father Greg" Smith told the women how very often a calm) stay becomes a turn- ing point for a young person and a- preparation for life. Counsellors are always ready to care and listen and to exchange ideas and ex- . periences. High-spirited fun and game -s including staff,, and campers .keep the air full of shouts and laughter, even while the learning goes OR. This, it seemed for the women, was an opportunity no Young person could afford to miss. hiformation,, is available by writing Huron 'Church Camp, Bayfield or by telePhenhig 5604022. SUPERIOR I • MEMORIALS ESTARLISHED OVER 50 YEARS 10?.14IA. Goderich Area Representative ROBERT mccALLum 11 Cambria Road Goderich 524-7345 Clinton-Seaferth Area Representative MICHAEL FALCONER 153 High Ursa 482-9441 • MONUMENTS PAARKIIRS4'0WEFFIERY 'LOVERING MONUMENTtLEAINIING & REPAIR DON .DENOMME. FOR IME . • Ph0.110-5244021. • AAtillAEAppo.REPRINETSmELTAATINVyTE • ?ROE MONHMENnouswkwfs EFL itio . . , • YOU'LL SAVE •• MONEY BGETTING •water . • OFF OIL 1ECAUSE THE PRICE OF OIL IS ESCALATING AND 1 WILL CONTINUE TO, , DO SO. • • Heating with oil is a hait, Canadians acquired when oil • was plentiful and cheap:Today sources of oil are unreliable and increasingly more expensive, so•' we just have to kick the habit. The habit won't be hard to break because Canada has anto abundance of energy alterna- tives that are plentiful and are ultimately cheaper than oil. The Canada Oil Substitu- , ution Program (COSP), is a major part of the federal govern- ment's National Energy • Program. COSP is designed toEnergy, help redtice the use of oil lor home h -eating in every pro- vince to no more than 10 per cent of total household energy use by 1990. • COSP is a 10 -year program that offers grants of up to S800 covering half the com of equipment arid labour for . changing your space or hot , • heating Jystem from oil to natural gas, electricity, propane or renewable energy sources such as woodand solar. The COSP grant is taxable. The oil substitution of a centrally heated building unit tha•t contai•ns two or more self-contained dwelling units can qualify for COSP grants • '• ranging from S1,000 to S5,500. • PLAN AHEAD FOR BEST SAVINGS •• To start planning yOur ' Move off oil, the federal Depart - ment of Energy, Mines and Resources can heIp you: !assess your home's energy efficiency by means of a free computerized EnerSave . questionnaire; • insulate your home under the Canadian Home Insulation Program (CHIP) which pro - vides taxable grants of up S500. Insulation is not a require-, • ment of COSP, but it makes .sense to have a well insulated home before you change your heating system. The better your insulation the smaller -sized heatingsystem you'll need when you switch off oil. •HOW TO APPLY FOR YOUR GRANT Those of you who are ready • to get off oil, or have switched •from oil since October 28,1980, ask for giant information from: ' *your nearest natural gas or •electric utility: • the federal Department of Mines and Resources (EMR) office, about conver- sion to wood or solar heat or •another renewable energy iource. EMR is located at: 2242 Lakeshore Boulevard W.• Toronto, Ontario M8V 1A5 •Call: (416) 22-5866 or toll-free:1-800-268-2207 • _ 4--- anad'as PIan 10 001111011heat This coupon gives you direct access to the free EnerSave questionnaire and information about CHIP and COSP grants, posinmeammommommammmommOnmulmimmmommus se Energy M)nes and • Erierge. Mines el 11 Pesourtes Canada Ressources Canada (Lam name) 1 Name: i Please send 1/. (Firsname) 7 ri An EnerSave questiOnnaire 1 1 : . 1 A .. ..... • (1 Information about CIIIP grants available Address- 1 for homes built before I*161 11 I cityrrowit t .1—....T. . I . i • LJ COSI' infonnatiOn for conversion off oil to 0 propane 1.1 wood t lsolar a, Provinee: l 1 I. 1 . For gas or electric conversion mformanon. Li i 1 contact your nearest utility compq) 1 Postal Code: I T : '• T • • Language preference 0 English . ' Telephone: i T .. l i , . 1] French 1. 1 1 Canadl 11 Check off your interests and mail today to: EnerSave. Box 3500. Saon C. OTTAWA KlY 4G1 lititimiagrasomoliiiiiiiisiipoillisailliMININ111111111.11111111111001111111111111111411 IS PANT OF THE .11111110NAL ENEIIGY. co* I . • . • 1,s.a.A11