The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 31tostim POTAT CHIPS FACETTES I 3 FACIAL $ TISSUES... DRINK MIXES -273 g. PKG. OF 3 NEILSONS f ,CRYSTALS 77 CONCENTiATED-FROM FLORIDA OLD SOUTH FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 61199' ZEHRS SLICED, CRUSHED OR TIDBITS6 90 , 9 oz. PINEAPPLE E WHITE PICNIC PILATES 9;0°!:. _ 1.99 - E. $6.99. YOGUIRTCUPS 1T5 g. tar 500 g. pCHNEIDERS SINGLE PROCESSED CHEESE SLICES. #Z. 49 SCHNEIDERS CRISPYFLAKE l' SHORTENING PKG_'9fr SCHNEIDERS CRISPCRUST goal PURE LARD . PKC_ VACHON LUNCH 8 SNACKS PKG OF 6 LJOS.LOUIS$1.39J FLYING INSECT COILS PKG. �F,o VAPORETTE _ -' .29 NANDiPLAST BANDAGES _1,0.139 HIGHLINER•COOKED' N BATTER TURBOT /. 19 ,a o:_ SCHNEIDERS QUICHE FROZEN LORRAINE _ 9 f�• 9 NEILSON SMALL CURD -500 g. ,COTTAGE CHEESE#!. 19, MdORMICKS WHOLE WHEAT BISCUITS 4O0 #f. S9 LIQUID DETERGENT PALMOLIVE I. f9 $ McWAIR SEEDLESS SULTANA 4 RAISINS__ 3759._ 9 . McNAIR ST PRUNERS___ ,39 �9 �1 FAMILY BARS - 5 VARIETIES 85 g. �NEILSON_ 2/'!.44, ZEHRS OWN BRAND SALAD - DRESSING 1 LITRE JAR 14 r WNDLE WHEAT CEREAL NABISCO .oaf SHREDDIES r r SUGAR SWEET Koos. 2/99f AID „�- KINGSFORD - 10 LB. BAG CHARCOALS BRIQUETS 411.U7 A SNACK TREAT 990 JACK'S BRAND 200 gr. ,CHEESE BALLS SALAD SET 1 LGE BOWL 4 SML BOWLS 2 PCE. SERVER DURABLE PLASTIC '2.SS STANiLESS STEEL VEGETABLE so TEA 1I EA. . ASSORTED CERAMIC COFFEE MUGS MASHES L SINS SALAD , WASHER E. 99° a/ For Funhar Intnrrvvu& l 00 h.* to q.ar for your '�° Reward Soo the Oyer avio7ahM as ay /ohm Stnroa PAF. IS ,APPI,.IANCES �•U�ITI�N4dRT4F PPWMTO�N[I VARMn' '��flt7&�G�A �LES.R iFev�re “IN.Ti4E HEAUTOr IsOWHTOWN VARNA" !FllT :; NS 1ES- SIE V1C - •VACUUM CLEANERS - (Sales S Service to Most Mems) 'FM COMMIi;NICATION SYSTEMS For Farm ra Busingsa *SPEER QUEEN APPLIANCES •MOFFAT APPLIANCES *INSECT LIGHTS & FLY KILLING UNITS • GIFTS 'MANY OTHER ITEMS r VARNAl, ONT. 482;7103 114‘, '96.4319 cp. classic sign&design. !NCARDINEI� SCHNEID RS BREADED F IED CHICKEN FROZEN 900 g. BUCKET C orespo±. dei1t ri In the history of the village: of Port Albert the Hawkins name plays a very important part. William Hawkins sures.eyed the village in the late 1830s. It was . John Hawkins who donated the land for the cemetery and the land for Christ Anglican Church. On July 12 a window in the church will.be dedicated in the memory of the Hawkins family. Many hi the area are descendants from those ear- ly settlers; however, there is no one with the Hawkins name in the village new. Many will come fromdistant points for this historical oc- casion in the life of . Christ Anglican Church. The following poem is written by Tom Livingstone: The church by the side of the road. It has served the communi- ty, and watched the village grow. Many come from far and wide to kneel and silently pray, thanking God for the many blessings they have received each day. ��,,y .s . Windows have -been erected Ittells of thelrloveterJ to Ake Memory of a love that never ends.. In the history of the village, the Hawkins name is dear - It was the Hawkins „family who pioneered the land andtheyaretheonel sible for where the ,church now stands. • Today we will kneel where others have knelt and silent- ly give thanks To those who built the chur- ch, and to God we will give the praise. The Reverend . `Robert Crocker conducted morning prayer at Christ Anglican Church, Port Albert lest Sun- day taking his sermon from the Gospel • of St. Mark, Chapter 1, verse 2L Social news Harvey and Helen Richardson from Sarnia are spending a few days at their • cottage in tile village. Norval and Ruth Anderson from Toronto are spending a few days at their cottage in •o n aw Pori Albert news Tom Livbigstone, correson dent 529.75 the villi ge, Jerry and,SSharon.Weaver had a . birthday party for Sharon's anther, Alma Rawlings from London who was celebrating her 60th bir- thday. irthday. Glen and Marian Weaver had all of their family home to celebrate Father's Day. This writer, in a recent visit to Stratford, found the farmers very busy at the haying, perhaps more so than thefarmers in the Port Albert area. Farmers' in the area are very appreciative of the nice shower of•rain they received Saturday night. This was the 6r4' rain they have had in several weeks. Daisy Bellinger of Goderich, Sf year, of age, spent Sunday at the home of her son Iiooy and daughter law Bessie Bellier of Port Albert. Darrel Beattie Of Pod, Albert has beet► hied b Ministry :of Naturall: Reaoureea Wingham to work at the Oh 140de►; the village`forthe-_summer. Visit Point Farms Point Farms Provincial Park, located on lake Hurole just north of-Goderieh tint Highway 21 offers excellent opportunities for swimming, sunbathing, :picnicking; and sports Tho followiing'events have been planned" forarea. residents, park campers and visitors this coming week ' On Friday, June 26 at 8 p.m. join in for the Twilight Presentation with fun films and a slide program. Meet at the old hotel site at 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 27 for outdoor art and,: softball at 4:30 p.m. at Colborne Ball Diamond. ` At 8 p.m. a haywagon ride will bring everyone from the cam- pgrounds to the barn activity - centre for the barn dance. SCHNEIDERS BEEFSTEAK,.CHICKEN OR TURKEY GOO N' . MEATY FROZEN 250 g. SIZE. READY TO BAKE RETURNABLES PSI7 cULA DIET PEPSI OR MOUNTAIN DEW 750 ml BOTTLES ASSTD VARIETIES BIC -KS RELISHES 375 ml JAR NO -NAME POPSICLES cAircoN OF 24 • ROYALE • 5 COLOURS BATHROOM`' TISSUE ROLL • :49 JUMBO -SIZE • 4 COLOURS ROYALE. TOWELS 1PROLL 99' DEL MDIITE ' PUDDING SO CUPS 2O z. P4 . vwa DEPOSIT FROZEN PINK op ' RRSYLAR NI LEMONADE 12.5 FL. OZ. TIN'. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FLORIDA WATERMELON WHOLE MELONS 1stCUT MELONS Ib. 19c LB. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. PLUMP NECTARINES CALIFORNIA GROWN 680 ie. PRODUCT Of U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE CELERY HEARTS 78f. PROD. OF OST. BUNCHES GREEN ONIONS _ 3 99# PROD. Of ONTARIO RADISHES BUNCHES 3/99 PR00. OF U.S.A. CAN. # CUCUMBERS _ _ - _2179# LEMONSLIF. 9/g9# /ROD. OF U.S,A„ FLORIDA �� LiMES - - - 4 /. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE CANTALOUPES !ea" PROD. OF O.G. OAS EZT1A FCT. 3 G 17} SPARTAN APPLES - s%3'9 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO ROMAINE LETTUCE _ 49' LARGE SIZE 'aim g. PGT $3•99 STRAWBERRY TiME! rneSF7 ONTARIO BER IES 411111"46 DAILY WEATHER P WITTING DEEP BROWN B-BYS BEANS WITH PORK OR IN TOMATO SAUCE 14 FL. OZ. TINS FRESH BAKED 24 oz WHITE BREAD_ S9 YEAST STYLE ALL VARIETIES N DOUGHNUTSooz.I. 99 FRESH BAKED Dpz` CRUSTY ROLLSS9. WE ARE PLEASED TO SERVE YOU IN: �ODFR1tfF•fl1iRON RD. Hwy. No. 8 MIN -WED • OUR MANANGER IS: RAY HURD Kick up your heels to old- time square dances, waltzes and polkas! Music is provid- ed by a local band' from 8:30 pan.. to 11 p.m. and an area square" dance caller will teach'lhe steps. Bring the wholefamily! An informal church ser- vice ervice and sing -a -long con- ducted by an area minister will. be held in the barn ac- tivity centre at 11:30 a.m. on Sunday, June 28. To com- plete your weekend, Meet a Friend Outdoors, as you ramble through Point Farms. New .adventures .:for k everyone!• ,. . Dominion Day will -b celebrated - with a hayrides tour of the park at $ p.m. and a twilight hour, of films at 8 For more.. information, contact the Visitor Services staff --(524-7124) ;or.plc.ape-- weekly e -weekly newsletter at 'the Permit Office. Admission to all events is included.in;your campingfee or your $2'.vehi- cle pass for day use. Have a good weekend! Mr. and Mrs Davi • f The Christian Refomied Church in Clinton was the. scene of a pretty spring wedding on Saturday, May 23 at 7 p.m. when David ,. Philip Rockn itchell a Marian Vanden Heuvel of Goderich were united inMarria The b del is. the daughter of Kase ant,' Vanden Heuvel of rich andthe groom ;is tb[e- and Fkree*e Berg °melded at thabaubleer! ri9fij?: viii paayed'by Mr. Chris 0u• _ etter of Clinton. •k , The > e w marring, wore �% dress ;. • LIABILITYPS00,000' ' STANDARD MEDICAL BENEFITS :250. DEDUCTIBLE COLLISION :TSS. DEDUCTIBLE COMPREHENSIVE °6 MONTHS ONLY • *SC" •12,50 443.•10 026.00 4141.” Further discounts available for 2 or more - cars. If vehicle k driven to work more than 3 miles one way slightly higher. , BASED ON MOST 1900-1901 CHEVS. BUICK S. FORD S. PONTIAC S. For more Information contact; ALEXANDER BANTER & MacEWAN 10 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-21Ty .,k derby hat and sho carried.+e red roses w.hite;earnatains'; -�v Helen Vanden 11guvel' of Goderich She Foye a wine= i red ''floordengtb dress and • carried a Holli red .toles• ,an nations. Br4iieS doyte1_ Miss Rud of Goderich. gowned' the,. same as the ` matron of honor andearrieetL thesame flowers. •Grooinsmanwas Laurence "Vanden Heuvel of Goderich. .Guests were ushered into the church'„"by Gilbe7rt'. Vandenhleuvel oModezieir - and Doug Rock of Mitchellnzv`r' Following the wedding ceremony, a reception was . held in the Clinton 'Legion After a wedding trip to Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Rock took up residence at 203 Mill Road, Goderich: Prior to her wedding, the bridewas feted at a shower • given by Mrs. Joyce Hugill at her, home which included all the aunts and relatives from - the Rock family. The Goderich Christian Refor- med Church held a shower at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lazet for all the ladies from the church. And Helen Vanden Heuvel held' a shower at her home which included friends. CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT LONDON, BRANCH In conjunction with the School of Business Administration University of Western Ontario is offering 1st year of a 0 year Certificate Course in MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION CURRICULUM: (A) CANADIAN BUSINESS LAW (15 Sessions) (B) ORGANIZATIONAL AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR (15 Sessions) TUITION FEE FOR COMPLETE YEAR - $270.00 FIRST CLASS TO COMMENCE WEEK OF SEPT. 7/81 at GODERICH ASSESSMENT OFFICE 7:00 PM -10:00 PM If this course is to be offered in Huron County-, these people must be contacted before July 1, 1981. IAN MORELAIND - Mairatec:oe:ee Superin- tendent, Western Foundry, P.O. Box 460, industrial Road, Wingham Ontario. NOG 2W0. Phone: 337-3430. PATRICK NEWINGTON - Manufacturing Manager, Ex -Cell -0 Wildest, Canada, P.O. Box 910, $9 Don Street, Clinton, On- tario. Phone: 402-3461. GERRY KADING . Dashwood Industries Ltd., Hwy. 4, Centralia, Ontario. Phone: 220-6624. JACK SHEARMAN - General Foreman, Bell Aerospace Canada, Division of Tex- tron Canada Ltd., P.O. Box 160, Grand Bend. Ontario. Phone: 238.2333. WAYNE KENNEDY, Director of Training A Development, Champion Road Machinery Group Limited, Goderich, Ontario. N7A 3Y6. Phone: 524-1601. t