The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 298 -J 4. TiEDNESPAY,JIME74, 1FOLTIROIMON 11,09.V. *GEHEIVAL MORK- ntoTAI- ' *Xtiallk* ',COMPACT *E0C1r*OLWC*4Tcp. • for One attok.114 MOS Kindergarten students at Holmesville Public School received their graduation diplomas from teacher Mrs. Emike Cunningham last Friday afternoon during the yearly awards assembly. In the B class are, back row from left, Kelly Carter, Dale Brindley, Jordan Vermeek, Larne Wibon, Rabb Postill, Jeffery Wade, Sherry Youngblut; in the front row from left are, Angie Venderhaar, April Ashton, Sarah Sellers, Kristen Crawford, Jasdne Janes, Kelly Watson, Christine Hummel. (Photo by Cath Wooden) Deer Captain Cen_ii.et I would like to join your birthday club. I was one- year -old June IT. I live with my mom Karen and Dad Paul and older brother Eric and dog Misty Sue on Nairn Drive. 1 spent my birthday at Niagara Falls. • Philip Sampson It was a proud day last Friday for Holmesville Public School Kindergarten students as their teacher, Mrs. Eunice Cunningham, presented them with their graduation diplomas. In the A class are, back war front left, Joon Wallis, David Smith, Jason Welsh, Jamie McCabe, Derek McPhee, Ross McPherson; front row from left, Vicki Whalen, Tanya Postill, Tina Bell, Ilemen Mab, Tanya Ott, Chris Johnston. (Photo by Cath Wooden') Drama workshop offered to kids Beginning Monday, July 20 a two-week workshop in Creative Drama will be of- fered at Huron Country Playhouse for children age & - 12. The workshop will be con- ducted by the Young Players under the supervision of Dena Saxer, a qualified creative drama specialist. Dena studied creative drama at Michigan State University and with Win- nifred Ward, an acknowledg- ed leader in the field. She has also taught extensively in Canada and the U.S. for the past ten years. The workshop will em- phasize individual creativity and encourage the child's ability to make a unique con- tribution. Children will con- cern themselves with developing imagination, clarity of expression and natural spontaneity. They will be led through exercises in movement, sensory, awareness, characterization games, music and story tell- ing. If you're NEW IN TOWN and don't know which way to turn, ?tall the -96n(airafitz, -'° hostess ot $241-716-6 You'll be glad you did On Saturday, August I, parents will be entertained by the children with their main stage performance at Huron Country Playhouse. The schedule is: ages 64, Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m., at $10 for two weeks; ages 942, Monday -Friday, 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m., at $15 for two weeks; and Saturday, August 1, all ages 11 - 12:05 p.m. A few especially interested interested children over the age of 12 will be accepted. Enrolment is limited to 50 participants. All par- ticipants must register in ad- vance. For further information - and I registration forms, please contact Huron Coun- try Playhouse, Grand Bend, Ontario NOM 1TO, 2384387. ARE YOU CONCERNED ABOUT THE CONTINUAL RISING COST OF FOOD? ALBERT SCHNEIDER FOOD SERVICE Can... 1. From year grocery prices up to 14 months. 2. Provhhts you with your top quality mum brand products (staples as well) 3. Orders am be intasted to suit yaw mob. CALL NOW FOR MORE DETAILS (No obligations) Hilda or Norris Sampson S24-7$01, Goderich ALL PRODUCTS GUARANTEED to be of FINEST QUALITY CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS 4te 'Syr T. PRACTICAL CAREER TRAINING. FOR AN EXCITING FUTURE Now . TODAY - Is the lbws to rot your sights an a rewarding. Interesting aryl satisfying career. Tokio the practical atop to an exciting futuro. ENROLL NOW FOR UMW DAY OR NIGHT CLASSES n TRAVEL COUNSELLING t TOURISM • EXECUTIVE SECRETARY n LEGAL. SECRETARY n ACCOUNTING FINANCIAL AND MOMENT ASSISTANCE INIEIND FON FURTHER IINGEMATION CALL OMR CAKEN COINISELLON TO -NAT CANADIAN INSTITUTE OF BUSINESS LTD. 12S20 210 DUMAS StIr. Wittatetit .1 City Postal Coda Ago Phone 1' /C4110k1. 1111.1 •111.1• G/S9 Oleo Hi! My name is Michael Di- neen at....."1 wembi Kke-te jein. your birthday club. I turned one -year-old on June 22. I live at 360 Eldon Street, Goderich with my dad and mom, Bill and Brenda and my two sisters, Jill and Kris- ty. Bye for now. Love Michael My name is Jason Mat- thies. I live in Goderich with my mom and dad, and little brother, Jared. 1 will be five - years -old on June, 28. I would like to join your Birthday Club. Jason DAVE HAYLOW augarticim- Serving Industrial, Ccissinstrd01, Residential Needs 524-6038 41 CANADA PROCLAMAT WEEK 0 To honour Canada, our beloved country, deeply enriched by file contribution of many cultures, fatherland of all Canadians: To honour this country, home of over 23,000,000 people, proud. of their heritage and the freedom they enjoy; To honour this land of peace and prosperity, this promised landof untold resources; To honour this land which is ours. of which we all are proud; hereby proclaim the week of Jen. 25th to July 1st a week of . celebration to honour Canada's 11411, birthday. . Thus, 1 invite the citizens of The Town of Goderich_to colobrean it by striving to know our country better, by flying our flag, by par- ticipating in CANADA WEEK and by promoting Canadian unity. HARRY WORSE4., MAYOR TOWN OF GODERICH H ES Robin Sully 8,t Antek Kubski "SPIKE" and MARI McKENZIE 0 •