The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 26PAGE 6A-GrO.»ERICH SIGN Meeting poorly attended By Oke Only 16rsons turned up at the spec l meeting held by the HuronPerth County Catholic school board to unable the 200 concerned parents, who signed a peti- tion from the Dublinschool area, to ask questions about their education system. It followed a special meeting held on June 3 at- were, t- tended by�five delegates who were,protesting the board's decision at the end of May to relocate 20 teachers, par- ticularly the transferof some popular teachers, to different schools across the system. These transfers are to be effective when the new school term starts in September. The delegates at that meeting appeared to be satisfied with the explana- - tion that each teacher was t• ransferred ' only a short distance when the board was faced with having too many teachers in Huron County and too few in Perth schools, a situation requiring some • juggling However, board chairman Ronald Murray of Dublin lad°assuredthem as the meeting closed if they wanted a public meeting he would call one if requested. Alice of Mitchell • led 'off the questioning by asking the hoard's policy on • hiring .non-Catholic teachers. She referred to the Waterloo separate !,'School board that hired only Catholic teachers: � `� Pe wa.'a'told • Murray that there were 16 - i • non-Catholic teachers in the system with the last one hired_ about four years ago. He. said an attempt was made always to fill' the va- :.cant positlodWith a Catholic teacher where possible: • Mrs. Lou** asked if so-. • teen • attended a regular meeting of the board would there be a question period when vlsitors'could ask quer - ;tions. She was told` by Mr. Murray that there was none, as it would disrupt the delegatiOnitWitkpe.r- Mission to "speak` bn a specific subject are given the opportunity 'to address the boar"dduringmeetings. Mrs. Louwagie questioned the value of'LL attending •an open board meeting if a per- son could not speak. Mr. Murray advised that the route to go forinformation on an education problem was to ask, the principal of the school, or the trustee for the area or bring it to the board as a final resource. - Louis (Biff) Looby asked chairman Murray why "with the two best teachers we have had, you let them go?" Mr. Looby also asked why Mr. Murray did not vote on the transfer and was told that as a chairman he does not vote but has on occasion stepped out of the chair to vote. Mr. Looby attacked the chairman (who represents McKillop Township, with many Dublin area students) repeatedly for not voting when the transfers affected "your district". Shouting matches broke out each time. Mr. Murray admitted he had not voted. Mr. Looby asked "Why did they not move someone else? I'd keep the two best teachers" and Mr. Murray told Mr. Looby, "You don't tell me what I want!" Mr.. Looby declared several times, "This board is known as a family com- pact." (He has not been available since the meeting to ask him what he meant by this statement.) Mr. Murray pointed out that on the average, each teacher is moved every six or seven years in the system. He was asked why the non- Catholic teachers were not move first and he replied that, "We treat every teacher as fair as we can, they are treated the same." William Eckert, Director of Education, explained how the transfers were decided at Dublin – that four teachers were interviewed and asked if any two would go to Kinkora,-none wanted to go, and the two at Dublin the longest were moved. Mr. Looby criticized the Dublin moves being made at the deadline, the last night before deadline, but he was told the trustees knew the a. 4 co 4 Tura to page 7A 6 S a. 1 4 4 WEblINSPAY. JUNE 2 . I3BI . 1411! nye del right ta'l*it gualmtltis to normal family requIrementsi I'll do better Prices effective thru Saturday, June 27th, 1981 "Action Prices" are special savings all over the store in .. Groceries, Frozen, Dairy, Health and IJeauty Aids and .General Merchandise. You'll get extra savings every week at A&P wherever you see the Action Price sign. One more reason you'll do better at A&PI 'ION RICED" .�!i�J,T,.;.�^;1;:,•.!;.T,.,.•�lLr-1,T,.•?(T.!;}:�TI.;7T{T:T�!i !�{!:•'i Don't miss our . great FARM SPECTACULAR Product of Florida(!, Sweet, Tender, Golden �cEs� �b� LEAF LETTUCE Canada. No. 1 Grade - SAVE 70? A Superb Bland, Rich in Brazilian Coffees. Custom Ground in the store when you buy it . . not before 8 O'CLOCI( BEAN F COFFEE 1 -Ib bag Product ;af'Coplanar, Tinder, Orem , FRES' bunch. .. BROCCOL,I ' Canada No: 1 .Grade, Product of Carfornia, Lirge,' Vine Ripened, Sweet, Juicy -FRESH • � cATALoupE • PRODUCT' OF CALIFORNIA, SWEET ..Juicy Nectarines - lb 980 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, ,SWEET, JUICY, RED Santa Rosa Plums Ib 98? CANADA FANCY, • PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA, CRISP, SWEET, JUICY Granny Smith Apples 1b88? CANADA FANCY, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, THE PICK OF THE APPLE ORCHARD McIntosh Apples.3-lbbag 1 39 ! DOLE OR CHIQUITA, GOLDEN RIPE Large Size Bananas 21bs99i CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, LONG, GREEN Seedless Cucumbers ea 98se PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA, WHITE, SEEDLESS Grapefruit 6 for 1.99 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF U.S.A., FIRM, RIPE, LARGE SIZE Red Tomatoes Ib 98¢ PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, SNOW WHITE Fresh Mushrooms Ib 1.98 CANADA EXTRA FANCY, PRODUCT OF WASHINGTON Red Delicious Apples Ib 69,i CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF U.SA., GREEN Sweet Peppers 3 for 99? • Canada No. 1 Grade, Product of California, Large, Fresh,, Crisp, Tender CELERY 9 STALKS bunch Product of California, Rich in Minerals SER SMOOTH AVOCADOS (Our Regular Price 3.39) (3 -lb 'bag 7.99 SAVE 2.10) (Our Regular Price 10.09) i///!!! IIII@�1 u`roianaN COFFEEMATE Toddler Size CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF U.S.A., TENDER, SWEET Fresh Carrots 2 -lb bag 98? PROD. OF TEXAS, SWEET, JUICY, REFRESHING Honeydew Melons each 98? PRODUCT OF SOUTH AFRICA , 5 FOR 997`/ Fresh Lemons PRODUCT OF U.S.A., SWEET, RIPE, WHOLE Watermelons each 2.99 PRODUCT OF U.S.A. Fresh Blueberries Pint 1.49 ,PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, SWEET PERLETTE, THE NATURAL SNACK, GREEN Seedless Grapes Ib 1.99 CANADA NO. 1 GRADE, PRODUCT OF CALIFORNIA, SNOW WHITE Fresh, Cauliflower each 1.79 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO, FRESH, IDEAL IN SALADS, GREEN ONIONS OR Radishes 3 bunches 99? PRODUCT OF FLORIDA, JUICY, EXCELLENT WITH BEVERAGES & SALADS Seedless Limes 10 for 99¢ LEMONADE, GRAPE COCKTAIL, FRUIT PUNCH J.B. Fruit Drinks 6441 -oz btl 99? ASSORTED COLOURS African Violets 4" pot 1.69 500 g Jar MPERS DIAPERS SAVE 46> Choice,d BRIGHTSnize. APPLE JUICE 48 -f1 -oz. tin (Our Regular Price 1.25) Granny BUTTER TARTS pkg 3,9 of 10 (Our Regular Price 4.79) _ 5AVE 80` pkg of 24 99 (Our Regular Price 99c) ANN PAGE 500 ml Jar SALAD DRESSING SAVE 20c 79? A&P, REGULAR OR MINIATURE Marshmallows 1O.ozpkg 69? (Our Regular Price 35c each) 4 Jars 99c STRAINED MEATLESS VARIETIES BUY A CASE & 24,1 OF FOODS & JUICES CASE OF 24, 4.$2FL-OZ JARS Heinz Baby Foods 5.89 Small Size PRESERVING JARS Case of 12 99 (Our Regular Price 1.85) Flaked White, Albacore CLOVER LEAF TUNA SAVE 464 6.5 -oz 131 tin • JANE PARKER, SLICED Raisin Bread JANE PARKER, SNOWFLAKE OR Twin Rc.:ls ‘A01111111/!/// "amm10 (Medium Size — Case of 12, 3.39) `STRAWBERRY SPECTACULAR It's Strawberry Season, and the good news is that these sweet, juicy berries are low in calories, (one cup, unsweetened equals about 60 calories), low in sodium and high in vitamin C. Choose berries that are medium in size, bright red in colour, and free of bumps and bruises. To preserve their freshness, store without rinsing on a loosely covered shallow tray in the refrigerator for up to three days. Rinse strawberries gently just before using. STRAWBERRIES ROMANOFF 2 pints strawberries 8 ounces vanilla ice cream 1 cup whipped cream or whipped topping, juice of t/s lemon 3 tablespoons orange liqueur (optnl.) Wash, hull and chill berries. Soften ice cream slightly, whip until fluffy. Fold in whipped cream and lemon juice. Add liqueur. Spoon sauce over berries. Makes 6 servings. Ruth Reynolds, AM' Consumer Consultant win You'll do better with HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE from A&P (BONUS PACK 200 ml PLUS 50 mI "FREE") ANTI-PERSPIRANT, REGULAR OR UNSCENTED Right Guard 250 ml aerosol tin 1.99 ( BONUS PACK 300 mi PLUS 50 ml "FREE") ASSORTED TYPES 350 mI AEROSOL TIN Foamy Shave Cream 1.99 (BONUS PACK 75 ml PLUS 25 mi "FREE") ROLL-ON DEODORANT, REGULAR OR UNSCENTED Soft 'N Dry 100 ml bottle 1.49 (BONUS PACK 50 ml PLUS 50% MORE "FREE") 100 ml TUBE Aim Toothpaste 99.? (E1MNUS PACK PKG OF 4 PLUS 1 "FREE") GOOD NEWS DISPOSABLE Razors pkg of 5 2 pkgs 99'i WHITE LABEL CRACKERS (Our Reg. Price up to 69c ea.) Buy 2 — SAVE up to 39c Assorted Varieties Incl. Fancy Whole Kernel Corn (1241 -oz) Red Kidney Beans & Choice Peas & Carrots LIBBY'S 14f1 -oz tin VEGETABLES im99¢ CHOCOLATi CHIP, COUNTRY OR COCONUT CREME 400 g TIN TIE BAG Dare Biscuits 1.69 LUXURY, ASSORTED VARIETIES 6.5 -OZ TIN Pamper Cat Food 3for1.00 POWDER DETERGENT 6 LITRE BOX Oxydol or Cheer 3.99 ASSORTED PLAIN OR DECORATED ScotTowels pkg of 2 rolls 1.19 GRAPE, LEMONADE OR ORANGE FLAVOURS 624 g TIN Wyler's crystals 2.59 16 -oz loaf 89? pkg of 12 89¢ Jane Parker, Sliced ▪ 60WHOLE WHEAT OR CRACKED WHEAT BREAD 2 24 -oz loaves Buy 2 loaves SAVE 59c (Our Regular Price 79c loaf) (Our Regular Price 1.79) PREM 12 -oz tin LUNCHEON MEAT SAVE 30c 19. ASSORTED VARIETIES Heinz Relishes 375 mI jar 79ie LAURA SECORD, MINI, ASSORTED VARIETIES Puddings pkg of 4, 5 -oz tins 1.39 ST. LAWRENCE, PURE Corn Oil 3 Titre container 4.99 WHOLE CARROTS OR PETITE JARDIN PEAS Del Monte 14 -fl -oz tin 2 for 99? DEEP BROWNED, WITH PORK 011 IN TOMATO SAUCE Libby's Beans 14 -fl -oz tin 59? ,gy\\1"" IIIplp, Charcoal KINGSFORD BRIQUETS SAVE 660 SAVE 40?