The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 23The big hit of the fashion show sponsored by the local Genealogical Society last Wednesday evening at Robertson School was this skirt -bathing suit combination. Donna Co-op fined The Hensall District Co- operative Inc. of Hensall, Ontario was fined a total of $800 in Goderich Provincial Court June 16 after it was found guilty on four charges under the Weights and Measures Act. • The charges arose from Consumer and Corporate Af- fairs Canada inspections on September 12 and 15, 1980 that revealed the co- operative weighed pur- chases from local •farmers on an automatic dump scale which was marked "not legal for trade" and did not provide a legal standard of accuracy. The co-operative was found guilty of using a scale for trade that had not been certified by an in- spector of the Weights and Measures Branch of Con- sumer and Corporate Affairs Canada. Hensall Co-operative was fined $300 .for each of the charges arising out of the September 12 inspection and $100 for each of the same charges arising out of the follow-up inspection on September 15. CONKLIN HOME CENTRES CORRECTION In our nd of June 19th, the 14' Spruce Lumber should have raced: 2 x 4 x 14' 2se6x14' 2x8x14' 2x10'x14' '3.03 °4.76 '6.81 '9.45 We regret any In- convenience this may hove caused Dur enstemarL. Y Bates modelled the lyera-spandex wrap skirt and tube bathing suit, with the black bouleclay sweater. (Photos by Cath Wooden) ..aw�..woaR�P^ �k18.n • 0;17,id. . ._ , Last Wednesday at and Sew tnstrti o.randplans omrsoe Sch00 4 the,ilt s_.t. etworre Om/ County fironeh of the enough interested Rowers Ontario G.enealogteat and a hostess become Society sponsored a Stretch available. Mrs. Linden folds and Sew fashion show. fonr,Weeh 'des during which the student selects a Pam afldsewal garmeld, or one night ekes on lingerie or T-shirts and other easy garments. • -Also at the fashion Sow, there was a display of stretch and sew children's clothes., Stretch and Sew Fabrics of London stipplied the fashions and models, Donna Bates add Diane Litowski, for the row. se Davis was the - commentator. Dorothy Linden" of Goderich is the area Stretch GLT holds annual dinner BY RUTH LEONARD The annual dinner of Goderich_ Little Theatre was held in the Bedford Hotel on June 13. After a delightful smorgasbord, with the atten- dance rated at over 75, Mike Scott gave a brief speech and thanked everyone for their support during,his brief time as acting president. He said he took great pleasure in in- troducing. Betty Etue who had been nominated as president for the coming year. Betty Etue stood and receilLel , a . sounding.. ac- clamation and indicated her executive for the coming year. She mentioned that with the aid of Warren and Eleanor ° Robinson, it was hoped that G.L.T. could offer . something for the children this Christmas in addition to .the regular format of three Barbecue. Ganger • The Ontario Safety League reminds you to follow the in- structions on the can when using barbecue starter fluid. Once the coals have started burning, don't try to hurry them along with an extra squirt -• the result could pro- ve explosive. Keep children and pets away from the fire and be sure you're not down wind when cooking - a spark or flare-up could ignite your clothing. Ontario residents with low incomes are entitled to assistance in paying OHIP premiums. More importantly, the amount has been changed in themost recent Ontario Budget. If your income as a single person is Tess than $8,200 oryour total income as a 'rangy of four, for example, is below $14,000, youmay be eligible for assistance to pay all or part of your premiums. _ As always, pensioners or those receiving social assistance continue to receive OHIP coverage without charge. The best way to check your eligibility is to contact your local OHIP office. It's listed in the Blue Pages of your telephone directory under Government Services. Please ask because you may very well qualify for OHIP assistance ' today, even though you might not have in the past. Ministry of Health Ontario Dennis R. imbreli, Ministeromoneemmoom plays. Hattie and Marg DeBolt took ovet the, meeting and announced the winners of the "Academy of Freddy Awards",' There were numerous deserving runners-up, all of whom were named in detail; but the winners were: best sup- porting thespian, Jenny Black; best set builder, Wayne Debolt; best gourmet award, Audrey Timbrell; best -costume, Reg Bell; best voice, Stephen Longwell; best actress, Betty Etue; best actor, Ian Bain; best director, ,Tony Melski and little red engine that thelight' she could 'award, .Colleen McGuire. • Best thanks to Hattie and Marg and their supporting. committee. The executive was inform- ed that Wintario tickets can be used towards the pur- chase of G.L.T. tickets for the coming season. More details 'will be forthcoming -,coo Iii $ on ,NirEpnrisowir, ane l!^ i A `•3A, -iiktzwwwitb"Attzw.. • visit Eleaumut New Sruns wIch, Nova Scotia, Pince 'lligileeird 'Newfoundland With ALL--STAR:TOURS S The MARITIMES' at LEISURE 9 Days from $939000 July 4, 10, August 1 Fly down . andback, nine day Motor Coach Tour of Maritimes, Includes break- - lasts --4n4 dinners - plus many other attractions. SPLENDOIR j. by . the ,A 11 Days from X60 July 11, 21; Ate. Fty one way, ofoin to dei Motor Coach Tour through =r uebee: soar Maritimes,. malehlhAblnnth11 rlbek BEST of the . MARITIIPAES. 13 Days from 3599;00_ June 21, July 5, 19, Aug. 9, 23, Sept. 0, 18, •20 Moor Coach Tour through Quebec and Maritimes and return. • 19 Days from 68f June 0, JuIy Ik,.2 •Aup ' 10, 81, *opt., z 14 Motor Coach Tour through Quebec and Maritimes Including Newfoundland and return. Goderich Little. Theatre executive for the 1981-82 season is. June Hill, Betty Etue, lain Bain, Wayne Lyons, Steve Norton, Reg Bell, Eloise Thorne, Muriel Reinhardt, Ruth Leonard, Hattie Bolsby, Marg Debolt, Eileen Beauchemin and An- na Melski. Vile thew AtiantCainatl' a Oe i"`, 1400 Blithop. St., Cambridge 623-3030 Other 519 area 1-800-265-9810 - 416;105 Wee 1-800-265-8620 Pioneers, of Escorted Motor Coach Tours Since 1962. :. `S**,A4: WWW* GOING OUT 0 USN S SALE., SELLING OULRETF'.ING SHORE GIFTSAND JEWELLERY THE SQUARE GODERICH r DEAR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS: AFTER 29 YEARS IN BUSINESS, WE HAVE DECIDED TO RETIRE AND CLOSE OUT OUR BUSINESS. IN ORDER TO SELL EVERYTHING IN THE SHORTEST POSSIBLE PERIOD OF TIME, WE HAVE ARRANGED A GREAT CLOSE OUT SALE OF OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY. FOR THIS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE, EVERYTHING IN THE STORE WILL BB ON SALE AT SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNTS. WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATRONAGE OVER THE PAST YEARS AND URGE YOU TO DROP IN OFTEN DURING THE SALE. WE KNOW YOU WILL ENJOY THE BARGAINS AWAITING YOU. ALBERT AND MARLENE SHORE SALE STARTS 10 A.M. THURSDAY 25TH OPEN 10 A.M. TO 5:30 DAILY - MON. TO SAT. AND ON FRIDAY EVENINGS. C ►IAR(,F t MEN .esai• cne.pe EVERY ITEM ON SALE! ...WATCHES...CLOCKS...DIAMOND RINGS...WEDDING BANDS... STONE AND GEM RINGS...DINNER RINGS...SIGNET RINGS...10 AND 14 KT. GOLD ITEMS...CHAINS...EARRINGS...BROACHES...PENDANTS...WALLETS...JEWEL BOXES CHINA—CRYSTAL—COLLECTOR'S PLATES...FINE LACES AND LINENS...TABLECLOTHS... ANNIVERSARY ITEMS...SILVER WARE...BRASS AND COPPER ITEMS...WOODENWARE... OIL PAINTINGS...CARVING SETS...GIFT WRAP...GREETING CARDS-.-FIGURINES...ETC. BRAND NAMES...FINEST QUALITY...LOW SALE PRICES! "BULOVA" "CARDINAL" "NORITAKE "CORNFLOWER" "HUMMEL" - "MONACO" - "SPEIDEL" - "COLPORT" - "GOEBELL" "SHEAFFER" - "BURKE WALLACE" - AND MANY MORE. SELLING OUT DISCOUNTS ON EVERY ITEM! ALL SALE PRICES ANDDISCOUNTS CLEARLY MARKED. DON'T MISS IT! YOU WILL SAVE ON EVERY PURCHASE. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS OF FINE JEWELLERY. CHINA AND GIFT ITEMS AND IT'S ALL ON SALE NOW. C'IN.G:- WT OF 8UI ESS SALE