The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 20PAGE 18---GODFRICD SG. NAi AR, WEDNi DAY, JI: 24, 1981 . "�:...l Get-together elle and Ken. Vod.den A. get together ther and shower was held et Brookside School by .*datives and friends. in hooeur.of Joy Vella and Ken Vodden, who are being mar - lied in 'July, _ A . pot luck dinner was enjoyed by. all. Rey Wigton and wife, WOW., visited With his sistert Mrs L l McDonald on Thursday of last week, from their summer home in. pie - ton R• Visitors on . Sunday, with Ben and Margaret Mole for Father's Day were Jeanette Juniper, Lisa and Darlene, Rock, Lois and Don Walden and Tina. acid Vicki Hoover, all of Kincardine, Jack , and Nancy Phillips, Andy,,, Jason and Anita of Hensall, and Bill and 'Mary Mole of Ashfield. e. Dwight and Marybelle. dham. and felony of Ingle- ...Mrs:, ngle- Et. ergo Mfrs; John London wee1 . the tee roe Irwin visited .401X09/:. -e a few days recently with darof2 &�, }salslasl W Fred Stirg, Darlene and Harold: at: Thamesville. Mrs Symon de Boer was Eulll our oa ,Sunday w celebrated. her' birthday; at: the; home- of her. Cowan spoke on the topic, Laying It All Ont. The junior Dungannonchoir sang; The Lord is doingsThe need ,Xou. Cam of expansion �support a pro- , gr at -Em- manuel College, which trains our ministers, has been men- tioned several tinges during the year. The official board gave approval for' a special Sunday for s purpose .and June 21 was designated. The special gift to Emmanuel College Fund should be labelled as welt, Sunday: School, awards be presented during regular church service in both chur- ches next Sunday. The Dungannon Cemetery -Memorial service will be held lit the cemetery. at 3 p.m. conducted by Mr, . George Cowan with Rev. Douglas Zehr bringing the message and Mr. Ken Cowan provid- ing organ mysic. Sunday. July 5 Murray Gaunt will conduct service in both churches at the regular times. We hope you will come out and bring a friend. Dungannon O.C.W. The June • ret ug was held` on`Tuesdiy. JWune is at the home of Nora Saunders. The devotional, with the theme, Church in Society, was taken by Dorothy Pent- land, Emily ` Drennan and Olive "Blake. Amy Wiggins told about the most interesting slides By Made Ilk daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Derk Logten- berg. Guests present were Mr. and Mrs.• John de Boer and son Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Jul de, Boer, Michael, Mat- thew and.Alicia, all of Kinloss; W. and Mrs. Dick de Baer, Jeff and. Richard of Wroxeter; Mr. and Mrs. Ron de Boer and Angela of Wroxeter,. Mr.. end Mrs. Wun de Boer, David and Jane of St. Helens and Mr. and Mrs._ Tim Farrell and Christina of Ripley. Follow- ing ollow ing church, service, Mr. and Mrs. Genet . Logtenberg of Huron: Haven, Goderich en- joyed dinner at the Logten- berg home. John Wright, son of Bob and Sally Wright, was admit- ted to Goderich hospital on Wednesday with viral pnea raolda. On. $.unday:.,.hew some improved. as the high fever had broke on Saturday evening. Dungannon 1 Chun* Communion service ' was held on Sunday and Mr. • and talk given by Erb on Afghanistan en the ian Fellowship Church last Sunday evening. Bessie McNee conducted the - business parr -of -the meeting, beginning with a poem, Slow Me Down, Lord. The roll call, answered by 15 ladies, was, What do we do for our church? The Fall Rally is. to be held on October .1 at Donnybrook. Dungannon i].C.W.'s Prayer Sister is the U.C.W. at Victoria Street, Goderich. Discussion' was held on how to help the Bible Vaca- tion School which is being held by Christian Fellowship Church and Dungannon Un ited Church from July 27 - 31 in the evenings 6.30 - 8.30 with the closing exercises being .on Sunday evening, August 2. It was decided to. make inquiries about the feasibility of getting a church sign. Marjorie Pentland read a poem, Bless Our Day, and - conducted a touch and, rem- embrance game. A Smile for Today, was read by Olive Blake. Bessie McNee an- nounceirthat a :;gi M course will be offered in the fall and also projected ,for the near future are courses in, Cook- ing with Microwave, and, Bazaars for Fun and Profit. Elsie Irvin and ,Emily Drennan were hostesses for lunch. l\ 40 • "Happy Birthday Canada!" 1/00.410.0 0.00 0000 40 0410 ® 40®•4140•••••064 PREM LUNCH MEAT 340 GR. k $1.29 iPEN APPLE SCE_ 48 FL. O2. 884 DELMONTE UDDING CUPS 4-x-5 OM TINS 994 COFFEE RICH 3S GRAM 394 HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS BYE THE SEA CHUNK LIGHT 280 GRAM 884 TUNA oz. $1.19 GLAD GARBAGE BAGS 1..s $1.39 GERBER BABY FOOD FL 389' U':'U ST 10 P.M. + it A MEI the, Conveho a t for f andma to-.„ carry out thus big program You allay,think 1 am putting the cart before the horse but 1feel sure these fun days are going .to be very successful and everyone should be hap- hope You keep Your Huron Shopping News of June.23 since the programs are well Iisted On the cover and also on page Last week two fine people who I have known.' since '46 celebrated their 50th wed- ding .anniversary. Lately I have not been hearing of these . great anniversaries until a€ier they are over and I ami usually sorry about it. Thus is one I was in time to say "congratulations" and it couldn't happen to a nicer couple! Pilot is killed KINCARDINE - A well- known Kincardine pilot was killed instantly on Jure 13 when his plane crashed into a farmer's field just west of Molesworth. Frank Szekely, 38, owner of Stardust Aviation, was killed just moments after taking off from a field. He was flying a Piper Super Cub two -passenger single engine plane. Witnesses reported a wing dropped off the plane just prior to it going into a nose dive. Ministry of tran- sportation officials removed parts from the crash site to Kincardine for study. Goes wet LUCKNOW - Residents of Kinloss Township have voted in favor of the .. sale of alcoholic beverages in dining rooms and lounges. Only 10 per cent of the eligible voters cast ballots in a decision which -saw Holyrood vote in favor of the township going wet and Whitechurch voting against it. Harbor report i3Y RON GRAHAM On June 19, the B.C. Heimbecker arrived from Thunder Bay bearing grain/ It cleared light for Thunder Bay on June 20. The Kingdoc arrived bearing grain from Thunder Bay on June 19, and cleared June 21 light for Newfoun- dland. - Joe spent soMe. timethere. I believe Earl deckled to _retire about 1969 ,but he still helped other butchers when they needed a helper. Ile and ElleiL-have worked very hard ;in the Goderich Lawn..Bowling_ Club, They were both -great bowlers and were very welt known in On- tario for their sportsmanship besides their expert bowling. They have -ben greatly con- cerned all these years with their town and their friends k tow they are just great peo- pie. - So I'm sure everyone wishes them happiness and most of all good health in the years to come. I`am a little rushed today - as usual. Son Douglas and his wife Madeline have ar- rived after about 12 years of living in Venice, Florida. They have visited with friends and relatives as far north as Trenton and Belleville and after a few days here will travel to Windsor before returning home tee visit brother Don and his large family. The MacPherson clan has been blessed with 14 children and 14 grandchildren . (my GREATS) since these two boys grew up. So it will be a big holiday this weekend in Windsor too! So get out and enjoy the holidays. Love Martha We can tool you up for any fur -up project. Every home handyman needs the tools of his trade. We show you what you kleed and what you don't need, to save you time and money. SERVICE DOMINION itAnnIfI fi 31 Victoria St. Gods eh S2A-8581 Lrsi1c SAUSAGE $1.98L.. STET Co+c0OI cED $1 8'8 b�. CANAOIAN PEAMEAL BACK ACOIN $2.491.: CUT FROM CANADAGRADE A REEF FQR Ttienie Q BONELESS ROASTS $2:99 TURKEYS 6 STORE SLICED DUTCH,LCHICKEN MAC i CHEESE; BOLOGNA 'SCHNEIDER'S' I I.UNCHMEATSL. 1.99 SCNNEIDER'S. . RED HOTS s$1.98 11/1ENERSARLE.vF Ls. SCHNEIDER'S "OLDS" FASHIONED .SMOKED HAML.3.68 MAPLE LEAF SWEET PI�ICLED SUNSPUN ICE CREAM 1 LITRE 77° BOLOGNA 168 375 GRAM CANADIAN BeerBACON $3.49 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE A BEEF 'CHUCK BLADE. STEAKS $2:68 STORE SLICED $COOKED COTTAGE ROLL.1.68 NAM 2.99 L BEEranseo DRAM oEvoN STEAKETTES $2.08 BACON M M SCHNEIDER'S KINDLESS BACON =AM $2.1 8 LB. *mows HAMBURGER WIENER ROLLS PICG.OF 6.9 PALMOLIVE. LIQUID' :41° Spence Cummings, Huron County Development Officer (right), greets Ontario Industry and Tourism Minister Larry 'Grossman at S1TEV America, the giant auto he dreary show which opened Tuesday in Toronto. Cummings used the Mhuistry of Industry and Tourism's 3,400 -square - foot exhibit at the show as a base for discussing op- portlmities for foreign manufacturers to locate plants in Huron County. CANADIAN TRANSPORT COMMISSION AIR TRANSPORT COMMITTEE FILE NO: 2 -W317 -M141/81) (ACL) DOCKET NO: 6437 Terry Stuart. Robert Grunwald and R.W.L. Invest- ments Ltd. carrying on business In partnership under the firm name and style of Western Air Services transfer of commercial air services to Western Air Services a division of 464603 Ontario Limited by direction of the Air Transport Committee, notice is. hereby. given pursuant to the provisions of Section 22 of the Air Carrier Regulations, CRC 1475, C.3 that Terry Stuart, Robert Grunwald and R.W.L. Invest- ments Ltd. carrying on business In partnership under the firm name and style of Western Air Services and Western Air Services A Division of 464683 Ontario Limited have given notice of the proposed transfer of the commercial air, services authorized under Licence Nos. A.T.C. 347/48(C) A.Y.C. 124/61(CF) and A.T.C. 1935/69(C). Terry Stuart, Robert Grunowald and R.W.L. In- vestments Ltd. carrying on business in partnership under the; firm name and style of Western Air Ser- vices is authorized to operate ander Licence No. A.T.C. 347/48 (C) A class 4 charter commercial air ser- vice using aircraft In groups A and B and A class 7 spetialfy - flytnri Hoki ng - conitn refai air service using aircraft in group A from a base' at Goderich, Ontario, under licence no. A.T.C.127/S1(CF) A class 9- 4 International.*harter commercial air service using aircraft in groups A and from the lame base, and under licence no. A.Y.C. 1935/69(C) A class 7 specialty - flying training - recreational flying - commercial air services using aircraft In group A from a base at Centralia, Ontario. Any person affected by the proposed transaction or any association or other Wady representing tran- sportation undertakings affettod thereby, may ob- ject on the grounds that it will unduly restrict com- petition or, otherwise be prejudicial to the public interest. Any objection than bo filed with the ocr.tary, Air Transport Committee, Ottawa, KA ONO, with a copy served on the parties to trio proposed transac- tion ort their representatives not later than July 20th, 1481. On request to the committee, additional Instruc- tions on the filing of an objection will be provided. R.A:' Smith Licensing Dilation 4for Director, t aerations Branch Air Transport Committee. 1.1 .n da UNINST VALENCIA ORANGES $1,.79 PRODUCE OF Y.S.A. PRODUCE OF U.S.A. FRESH PRODUCE OF ONTARIO WATERMELON $269. CANADA NO. 1 ?Alm 11. r 7' CANADA NO. 1 GRADE GREEN ONI NS • CORN COB ._. CUCUMBERS 39 PRODUCE OF-U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE PRODUCE OF ONTARIO 79' 3 BUNCHES CARROTS 2 LB. BAG NEW GREEN CABBAGE 2HEADS SANTA U.S.A. CANADA 991 LI CHIQUITA. I PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CANADA NO.1 GRADE BANANAS 2LBSFOR COOKING ONIONS 2LB. BAG 79 99 DOZ. 69° 99' 79' CANADA NO. 1• GRADE N EIV POTATOES PRODUCE OF US.A. BAG10 S TZ•89 ARRIVING BERRIES virdiwiwk& AT YOUR RED & WHITE STORE DAILY LI°BY'S BEANS 19 FL. OZ. 79q WYLERS 3 :92 GRAM PKG.DELMONTE CRYSTALS ASSORTED $ 1 PAMPER 6.5 OZ. CAT FOOD 31844 � . 19 F 48 FL. OZ. FANCY TOMATO JUICE 894 KRAFT 16 FL. OZ. BAR B. Q SAUCE 99� 5 ROSES ALL PURPOSE FLOUR 2.6 KG. 2.19 LITRE CRISCO o1L $2 .39 DELMONTE FANCY1 PEAS yF & CORN 2189 14 FLUID OZ. CANADA DRY SOFT DRINKS ms"` SWANSON FROZEN 8 OZ. "C" PLUS GINGERALE CLUB SODA TONIC WATER 5.89 MAXW . LL 1 LB. TIN HOUSE PANDA AM BICK'S 375 ML409. RIO & CHOC. CHIP M EAT ASSORTED GROUND OOKIES $16� PIES 694 RELISH 7 9 COFFEE 3. PURINA $ KG. .1 LITRE IST 750 ML. ASSORTED 1 LB. BAG GINGE PLfSDEPoSIT MIS -SHAPE $ ?9 JUICE $ I. ALE R99 CHOCOLATES $1 99 R. BALLARD S McLAREN'S 1 L. REALEMON 92 GRAM 6 ! PURITAN 680 GRAM LEMONADE 1® ASSORTED $ 59 DOG 1� �Z. Raz 91• BOG CLAMATO CHOW J.M. CUTT.LIMITED RED & WHITE FOODMASTLR 41 VICTORIA ST., GODERICH ABOVE PRICES 1N EFFECT FROM MONDAY, JUNE 22 UNTIL CLOSING 10 P.M. SATURDAY, JUNE 27 1489. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. >4