The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 17Totw�rn&Gauntry `phone tinergy use increases CLASSIFIED WANT ADS 36. Auction sale 38 Auction safe AUCTION SAL E _ VA -acro. Properly, NeWereh-43 effects and some farm /joinerywill be held ELI for Gordon Philips. Pt. Lot 30 Coil. 2 Usbarne township 2 ifa miles south of 7,74 Henson then 1 mite east. Monday evening June 20 at 6:30 prim. Land and house (property) 4 Plc aures, hoose trailer 45' long z 10' wide, tractor and loader, WD Allis Chalmers, side rake, Moyroth elevator, springtoolh harrows, 1 sat hook tooth Borrows, 1 bean cooker, 1 root pulper, '4 cost iron kettles, 1 rubber tire wheelbarrow, 1 aluminum 37 ladder (extension}, 1 propane space heater, 1972 34 ton Ford truck os is, Tandem 14 ft. trailer, 12 ft- house trailer,l portly builli_ Terms an property 10% down balance in 30 days. Terms on contents cash. Owner or oust fiance, not responsible for accidents or losses. George Powell Clerk. Jinn Stephenson Bookkeeper. Brian Rintoul Auctioneer_ Ie�FiA"'VIII 'LI, • OF ANTIQUE FURNITURE & COLLECTABLES from the home. of o Ufetime prominent Wingharn citizento be laid at WINGHAM AUCTION CENTRE next to L C.B.O. • SATURDAY,, JUNE 27/01 11 A.M. FEATURING: Antique matching gentleman's choir ; Antique Victorian settee (both very. onigue) ; 2 upholstered bedroom chairs ; well table ; antique writing desk ; antique dressing tobie ; beech ; 39" 4 poster bed ; single bed ; period dresser ; 2 period side chairs ; gate-leg fold up table ; antique ramp round madame coffee table ; Door tam- ps. dresser tamps, coal oil lamps - pine hat's- , dmade bench bevelled mirror with 'wooden frame ; antique wicker shopping cart ; 5 rugs ; Westinghouse dryer ; Westinghouse harvest gold self deoning stove : Westinghouse harvest gold 2 door frig ; dining table, buffet, 6 chews ; 2 platform rockers ; patio bench set ; westingtause frost free white frig Westinghouse dryer ; card table & chairs ; large display silver dishes ; outstanding Elite, Lineages `France). cut glass, lustre. ebony, press glass, depression glass, stemware, salt celrars,,Occupied japan. figurines & many other interesting pieces ; very Fargo quantity of bed- ding - including several good blankets, sheets, pillow cases, etc. ; towelling ; hand crochet weds ; quantity costume pewetry ; quantity pic- tures i`tures ; several suitcases portable typewriter ; ironing board ; heavy duly cankers.* ; elec- trical kitchen equip- ment ; other kitchen Hems ; lawn lairs : garden & hand tools ; largo day pots ; much mors_ PREVIEW: FRI- JUNE 26, 2- 5 and 7-9 and SAT. JUNE 27 War to sate. MOBILE LUNCH Jack Alexander Auctioneer TEL. - 357-1011 t WEDDING STATIONERY - large attractive variety to choose from - pion pt service! Drop in and see theme at the Signal -Star office loaad.. on the Hayfield Road_ 4a Lost & Found LAST - One small. female. German Shepherd dog, cop- ,pertan color. one year old. Lost im Benmiiler area. if found 51410.00 reward. Phone 524- eoan.- 22,23,24,25 FOUND - Lady's watch in vicinity of A,M.&G. hospital. It may be claimed by idenr- tifying watch and paying for this ad. Phone 5241802. -25x LEFT AT Jana Naturat Food a set cif keys and a pair of man's glasses andcase.-25 41. To give away 1W M IS kicking us out! We need homes. i1y sisters are ll lf�7 alidgfe'yan'al'I acme white and cute. - Signed Pier -feet. Can 524.2318=24,25 ESTATE AUCTION SALE for Miss Oyu Sproat SAT.. JUNE 27 10-.30 A.M. across from L.C.61.O. store. formerly Grahams Electric. Huron Rd., Godes-kb. ,Consisting of: chino cabinet, cedar Chest. an- iseee.e ter.. doss.__err & arm chair, tub chair, an• thque writing desk with drawer and drop front, fsedtepoint drair, hump bade trunk, sea trunk, parlour table, chester- field and chair, colour T.V., kitchen table and chairs, 2 bedroom suites f1 oak). telephoner table. antique ramp, antique brass clock (German >= `ate Vie.„ frames, Rawer tiros. silver cream. sager and spoon in a stand, silver salt & popper shakers. Wedgwood bowl, Noritake dishes, asps '& wuprs. piece of white carnival gloss, milk glass. Dungannon souvenirs, hand painted Nippon, books dating back to 11!x. pats & Pans, limens, etc. etc. Other articles being sold the same day con- sist of: chesterfield; suites, fridges. stoves, kitchen table and desks. colour T.V.. 23' freezer, antique dressers, flat to wan cupboard. 2M gal. ori tank, drill, water skins, 9.5 Evinrude out - trowel motor subplot to reserve bid, other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. Auctioneer and owners of premises not respon. siblo for accidents on day of sake. TERIYIS: ASH HAROLD LAMB Auctioneer 524-4657 44. Engagements 45. Marriages ROLPH-WOOD Chris, Kevin and Jeff Wood and Curdy, Jeff and Susan Rolph are pleased. to aetdroteice the marriage of their parents,' Joair ood-and-Iia 'a which' ptaoe is Knox Presbyterian Chapel, Godericb en JJs a 5,1961. They will be residing ni Stratford n the fall. 25 46_ In memoriam DAE& In loving memory of John J. Doer, who passed away use year ago, Jume3O, 1980! Resting where the shadows fall. Silently remembered by risen,. No longer in our fives to share, But in our hearts you are always there. -Ever remembered and sadly missedby wife, family, grandchildren and great- grandchildren -25 47_ Cord of thanks ALLISON We wish to thank our family for. the delicious dinner held on the occasion of our 50th Mored angs" AnEiSKe��' Jry Om thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for cards and flowers and to the Goderich Town Council and the Provincial Government for the flowers and plaque- All this evade our day a very . memorabfe occasion -Leen and Earl Allison -25 CHASE-WJSSER Mr. Williams Wisser, and Mr. and Mrs- Harold Chase are happy to announce the for- thcoming marriage of their children_ Catherine Marie and Stephen Harold. The wedding will take place at 5:30 p.m., Saturday, July 1E, 198E at St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Goderich. Reception Co follow at 9:110 p.m. at Salt ford Valley Hall. -2.5x ARMSTRONG I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all my mends., reeideboys and business acquaintances for the flowers, cards, gifts, visits and phone calls which I received while I was a patient in University hospital, London and since returning home. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. -Don. Armstrong tGoderich Finan -25 GiBBS-SPENCE Mr. and 1Mrs. Robert Spence are pleased to anmounce the forthcoming marriage of`their daughter Colleen Lynn to David Gibbs, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reg Gibbs. The wedding will take place in St. Georges Anglican Church on August Est, t98/ at 3 p.m. -25 - electrical constunption figures for May inificate a 3.5 percent in- crease over the saw month m 1900. Sowed the increase is due to the fact that t er this May ran below the oor- mal average, vihile the reverse was true a year ago. Total�j��was 7.9 billion kilowatt-hours, com- pared to 7.6 Wien kW.h the previous May. - .. Peak demand hit an estimated 13,747,000 kilowatts, up 4.7 percent Exports continue r . With an assist from the coal strike in the United States, the electricity ex- ports during May were up substantially for the second month in a row. Exports reached 952 million kW.h for estimated net revenues of $18.8 million against last May's 611 million kW.h and net revenues of $7.3 million_ 47. Cord of thanks KOSTER I wish to thank everyone for the .cards, flowers and visits while I was a patient in University Hospital,London. A -spe€ I thanks. to Allan Guys/ter, Linda Reed, am- bulance attendants and the Goderich Hospital Staff. Everything was, deeply ap- preeiated.-Sincerely, . Tom Koster -25 TDD LATE TC31 L tl CLABSIF 4 J EtOOM FOR RENT - Close to the Square, includes fridge and TV, $25.00 eeekly. Phone 524- CRAWFORD I wish to thank my farcy, relatives, ne hors aid isny many friends • for cards, Stowers, gifts and treats and visits and for the many inquiries while I was a patient in the hospital_ Special thanks to Dr. Grid, ma -sing staff of i_C_ Unit and staff '& tst fthor- - for their kindnessanidcare. Q1tl was appreciated_ -Mr s. Horace (Donna), Crawfor- d. -25 JOIINSTON-JEWITT Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Jewitt, Clinton. are pleased to an- nounce the marriage of their only daughter. Kathleen to Michael Johnston. son of Mrs. Loretta Johnston and the late Maitland Johnston. The wedding will take place Saturday, . July 18. 19881 at Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton) at 4:3t) p.m. Open reception to follow. -25 .111'1106 ES -S U E A 1UJ O W idi Mr. and Mrs.' Watson Shear - down are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Sandra to Michael Jones son' of Mr. and Mrs. P tt);ias Jones of Kincard .ne. The wedding will take place July 24th. 1981. -25 DOUIGIWWFY Bert and Joan Daugherty and family wish to express their sincere thanks to everyone for the flowers and memorial donations, food and all the kind messages of sympathy received at the time of Glenn's death. Also thanks to Mr. George Cowan for his assistance and to Mr. McCallum of McCallum's F>: al Home and to Brian McCallum and the staff of the Bedford Hotel for the lovely Lunch and the use of their dining room. -25 DOUGHERTY Sincere thanks to ail who sent cards, flowers and food and messages of sympathy *0 the loss of ,my beloved grandson Glenn- Special thanks to Mr. George Cowan and Rev. L. Royal for their comforting words. -Hazel Dougher- ty -25•x DOUGHERTY . Thank you to the Walkerburn Club and my new neighbors -to - be for the lovely gifts presented to me at the shower. Thanks also to Mrs. Lapp for the use of her beautiful home; -Shirley.-25 DOUGHERTY I would Idle to express my sincere thanks for the lovely commnumity shower held for me at Nile United Church. Thanks to the ladies who organized it and to everyone for the many beautiful gifts. -Shirley. -25 GRiGG Edward arid Norma Grigg wish to thank all their relatives. neighbors and friends who helped make their 45th Anniversary a day to remember. -25x 48. Coming Events GIANT FLEA MARKET Sat., July 25 -81 Suncoast Mall Gasdencch Vendors needed, bring out all your unwanted articles. Church and Social groups welcome. Chntk tuttb Tire', Mat or Irene Hill for details- 1972 SUZUKi :tit $6On.I)10 or nearest offer. Phone 5,24- 8400.i --2:Y* Buying or selling: CLASSIFIEDS can work for you. Call The Goderich.Signal- Star, 524-8331. 1 GARENER'S DELIGHT last moith the lffinister of Energy announced the Residential Energy Ad- visory Program (MP) to be offered to Bydrors residential oil -heated customers beginning A. 31, 1961. Under _he program, special energy advisers will do a complete orgy nulit of the s home, make _ oil how to increase the home's energyefficiency, and e - plain the various federal and GODXMCHSIG/IAL4J!AR, INEPISIEWAYJUNEVi,1981..P� provincial energy programs. Leans ei tip to Row via be available through Hydro to convert to electric healing an - an r upgrade the effigy efficiency of the haute_ HyI%'s nuclear stations accounted for arecord 34 percent of the electricity producedy the Corporation last year, according to the X1960 annual report, released bstm th. Hydro -electric stations provided 35 percent of the generation, while fossil, - fuelled per, mainly contriluted 30 percent. WOODLAND HOMES Custom Building 1261 sq. ft. Spanish style all bride bungalow with 1Y2 bathrooms. None and green sciuse, WdOL fomiiy hones with many extras, deluxe kitchen, paticidoors to sundede, mature trees. F-166 ELEGANT HOMES 1152 sq. ft- split entry with single car garage, lower level, framed in ready for extra living space. Choose either of these houses and have it built to, suit 'you, , in the VLA sulitlivision, south of Goderich, for 566,000.°°. This price indudes the ll eu e, *he let; septic system and private well: Contact: FRANK GRAHAM CONTRACTORS LIMITED AT 524-6866 For any further details required. Stone and brick. 2 natural fireplaces, beam ceiing, one of Goderich finer homes. 1-27 PRICELESS LOCATION 1 • BEAUTY Quality built, wall maintained executive with exciting appeal, impressive foyer, parklike grounds. B-21 101/2 % MTG. TILL AUG. '83 3 or 4 bedrooms, brick home, featuring 1'/2 botihs, ex- cellent area. Priced in 40's don't wait. Mc -223. RENT OR BUY Home on 1 acre. immaculate, fireplace, 2 baths, many extra features_ Will consider any reasonable offer from responsible party. Port Albert. C-2 VI.J. Hughes Realty Limited 38 East Street, Gderich fall Rifo Allen 524-8100 or 524-8480 BILL CLIFFORD REAL ESTATE BROKER 26 Square - Goderich 524-9097 524-6710 5244951 GODERICH HOMES BY APPOINTMENT ONLY - iakeview ranch style home located on an extra targe tread lot at 220 Wilson St. This professionally decorated and very well main- tained home has 'many extra features and must be seen. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION - 336 Eldon St. 4 level split. Now in the tow 50's. Remodelled deluxe .kitchen - lots of space- Family room, games room. Owner will consider carrying a mortgage - WE HAVE SEEN INSTRUCTED to present all offers on this 4 bedroom family home located at 90 St. Patrick St. 11 •/. mortgage due 1904. Vendors will consider carrying e second - COUNTRY HOMES 'NAIRN DRIVE - Y.L.A. - Colonial style raised white angelstone. 4 bedroom executive home with attached garage. Many extras included. This property shown by appointment only. Call today, you'll love the attrac- tive L-shaped completely finished family room with tog burning fireplace. REDUCED -REDUCED Country Estate, located near Ben - miller. 1.3 acre treed lot- Quality custom-built family home. Owner will look at all offers and will consider your home for trade as down payment, and also will carry mortgage at 121/2%. rc, RANCH STYLE COUNTRY ESTATE - Blade's Point Road is where this 3 bedroom family home with attached garage is located. and includes alt appliainces. Overan acre of land. nicely landscaped and finished basement makes this a pleasure for showing. COTTAGES YEAR-ROUND LIVING- Why rent when you can purchase this cute and cozy two bedroom takeview home with access to the beach. Owner has offered generous ter -1 kris. 12% mortgage and has included all appliances and. furniture in the listed price of only '37,900.00. M'ACDONALD'S . - Very Wail maintained 2 bedroom cottage with quality furnishings. Steps to the beach. If your hobby Is sailing. then see this. Winch, sailboat and storage building make this an exceptional cottage. MACKENZIE'S BEACH - Family cottage with 2 sundacks, terraced to the beach and nicely landscaped, no erosion. This 3 bedroom cottage is well worth the listed price. Also. extra lakefront lot con be purchased with terms at the same beach. INCOME PROPERTIES SOUTH ST. APTS: - 29 units. Now reduced. For more in- forniation on income, expenses. net profit, please drop into our office_ VICTORIA -AND EAST ST_ - 21/2 storey brick duplex ideal for commercial office space. real estate, dentist, lawyer, etc_ Present income '560.00 monthly- This choke property has just been listed for quick sale. FARMS - FARMS HYW. FARM - 200 acres - Cash crop and beef set-up. 175 acres workable. A-1 farm buildings, four bedroom family home. Excellent terms available. LAKESIDE ACREAGE - 72 acres just north of Goderich. Partially zoned seasonal recreational. Cash crop plus ideal building site. Close to the lake. HOBBY FARM - 44 acres. 11/4 storey home. Barn with box stalls, hydro and twofer. Vender will carry mortgage- Located opposite Century Heights Subdivision. 100 ACRES - neat' Sheppordton. New home in throes of being completed. 15 acres of Cosh crop, 6 snares mf pine reforestation, balance in mixed bush. COLBORNE TWP. - 2 homes, 2 barns. 93 acres. F.C.C. mor- tgage 01/2 °I - For more information on farm properties, i, contact Store Buchanan. IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR VACATION PROPERTIES, Lakefront Lot or Cottage, Country Home or a Business, drop into our office for our Frea Catalogue, over 100 listings to choose from. JACK CUMMINGS - 524-6624 ENID BELL - 524-819• 1llt,`R tElifitoa u- V24= 22 STE 'E SUCHff;AlAN - 3:20 -Ste E REAL ESTATE CAREER OPPORTUNITY WE ARE PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE BEEN APPROVED TO JO114 THE FAMILY OF "CENTURY 21 PROFESSIONALS" Sometimes the best career move is to start all aver again. and that's what you can do by joining us. Right now we need a few good salespeople who have ambition and dedication to succeed. 14 that's you, then were prepared to offer you real rewards and the methods to get them. too. Well start you off. right. PA For your fresh $fret, Kol call us today at .e 524-6656 or 524-2036 Alexander & Chapman Realty Limited NEW LISTING - larked in upper thirties. Extra nice, modernized 2 bedroom home. Full basement. Family rows -gas heating. _-- iron-. reeve- �.Vs-.v:iW..:c:. - atsws� orw•� ' �..- . New drilled well. Special reduced prke. Good 1114% nortgage. immediot. powsion. PORT ALBERT HOME - Brick bungalow with angel stone front. Very attractive. Good 10%% existing inandng. Enjoy low taxes_ WIDDER STREET - Nice 3 bedroom bungalow with air- port. Gas FFA heating. Family room. Owners tran- sferred. CLOSE TO GODERICH 3 bedroom hone in Menest Park on edge of Goderich. Small monthly tot rental - Laundry room - Storage room - includes refrigerator and stove. Immediate possession, Eam ssst; - Pert t=6© rase .., r ,k..w wink bedroom bungalow with eittedhed garage. Price reduced. Win consider mortgage rate reduction assistance. Family room with fireplace. AUBURN FAMILY HOME - Lower Thirties - 4 bedrooms, targe lot- Nicely decorated. firs NEW - 3 bedroom. brick &_abitibi siding, 3 level split. Family room. Bonus thermal pane windows. Immediate possession. HOME WITH INCOME - Presently two very targe 2 bedroom apartments. New updated. Large lot. Close to the Square. Mortgage take back considered. CLOSE TO SCHOOLS -y3 bedroom semi with special. mortgage assistance. RETIREMENT HOME - Two bedroom bride bungalow with detached 2 car garage. PRICE REDUCED TOO. FARMS- ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP 200 ACRES - 150 workable, stone house. good farm buildings. 200 ACRES - 105 workable, modern house, good barn. driving shed. well drained, owner leaving area. 100 ACRES - Cash crop. 15 workable, systematically L 100 ACRES - 90 workable, no buildings. excellent cash crop. 100 ACRES -115 workable, barn, no house. BRUCE TOWNSHIP 65 ACRES - 63 workable, cash crop. T1%% mortgage- COLBORNE TOWNSHIP 40 ACRES - Hog setup: 2 storey brick home, modern setup, close to Goderich, reduced toad!. MARKET GARDEN - 131/2 acres. 2 miles from Crich- New home, garage, strawberriesand raspberries. GODERiCH TOWNSHIP 30 ACRES - House dose to town. NEAR GODERiCH - 154 acres on Highway 21 with take front, new steel ham. HULLETT TWP. 145 ACRES - Beef and hogs, 2 storey brick home. modern buildings. 200 ACRES - Naar Londesboro, no buildings, good har- dwood bush, owner moving. KINCARDINE TOWNSHIP 150 ACRES - Cash crop, new home and drive in shed, creek well drained. MORRIS TOWNSHIP 100 ACRES - Bush, some hardwood, good investment. 125 ACRES - Modorn home, 75 workable, hogs. NEAR WINGHAM - 240 acres, 200 workable, perfect beef and cosh crop setup. 100 ACRES - 70 workable, no buildings. 165 ACRES - Cash Crop, no buildings, vendor will con- sider mortgage. WEST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP 100 ACRES - 90 workable. brick house, sandy loom. FCC 11'/, % mortgage. 100 ACRES - 05 workable, systematically tiled. 95 ACRES -110 workable, no buildings, Harriston loam_ POiNT CLARK AREA 18 ACRES - On lake front road, all bush, good invest- ment, right of way to beach. JUST LISTED- Hallett Twp. 15 acres, hog operation, good buildings: Priced for immediate sale. ANOTHER NEW LISTING COLBORNE TWP. - 200 acres, 110 workable, well drained, good buildings. SEVERAL Other Choice Farms available When buying or selling call Gus or Martha R.A: "GUS" CHISHOLM JOHN BANTER 524-8554 5244144 DON ABERH.AR1 524-7276• MARTHkROBERTS©N1 482-7767 BERT ALEXANDER 524-7836 Real Estate -General Insurance -Property Management Member of the Huron Real Estate Board 10 The Square - Goderich 524.21'7►