The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 16PAM 14-GODERICU S!GN►I 1'A11, WEDNESMAY, JUNE 21,1',! 1 26. Help wanted 26, lie(p wanted- NTION: rim settles isohhest lefson op in a high income sales and sandoo lorsinoss for motorists. This business merest V Offer yam°. 'Moesoway u quhred to siert. Car narked. . Apply be person to Ed Illsopar ciao Els Hamel inn. Cantors on. Wednesday. • Juane; 24th at 2 pet, or 1 pat. sharp or write Sox 307, T!#CI UROI. COUNTY. BOARD .OF EDUCATION. TEACHER FOR 38Amployment wonted WILL DO cleaning. Phone 43 2- 3159 -Z -2a WILL BABYSIT year rolmd, any age in,my home on County Road 25. L a seek Rpt of Auburn Phone 526- 1719 - ,261 x RESPONSIBLE 16 -year-old will do babysitting in your own home: Phone 5"24-€t78 L-25 WILL DO babysitting in my home in the Port Albert. area_ Cali -7891.-25-27 HALFTIME) Duties to.commencoSept. •/'s1 Ply to SEAPOINITOSIINCT Waif SOIOOL SEAFOR ,. ONT. NM TWO Apielleetions nicelvod prior Judy 7f$T iall'!IE - p.iMRCooNALD Chairman CEMENT WORK Poured connote foun- dations., floors. etc. 345-29M COLLECT P. MALONEY DUBLIN ._ 31 _ Service �1: der ice directory - directory APPLIANCE REPAIRS Service to all mattes. Authorized service for, Inglis, Enterprise, Magic Chef. Whirlpool. CALL 524-7151 HOFFMIETIElli APPLIANCE CENTRE Sheldon of HOFFMEYER PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. ss (Kingston St.. Goderkh -TOWN OF GGODERIC f ASID ENGINEERING i EP RTMEHT':EMPLOYEE' be 11.4 bV5110 ae sriI,sed until 'Rhona&.,/. July �2. 1W1 floc tb. podilo of Warks and beirdeasapMted GrsN:12.11.0 a.00esdsl applicant will lie nacho); oder Ilse soperohtos of the $oa4 Superin- ' t.s-. .1 and wadding an Lsirteeeeo.Amid a.watrudIos earoteis. sweat. etc. In theTorn' ref Godierid.. sd.►seperiesen.ie+kisrelaI.dfwulispreferred. DdII"iari. TO• • era"i e''''.°- _ _ ,, Kenneth C Hunter, CAL • Commissionar of Works Si Wast Street GODBKif.Ontario. NSN 1.111 31. Service directory._... CUSTOM SEWING and Alterations_ Please phone for appointment_ Diana's Sewing Room_ Phone 524-9394-liatfar AIR HAMMER, backhoe, septic bed installations Cecil .Cranston. 529-7691 _-2-52[ r ' 27. Wanted (general) 30 Employment wanted WAITED: Good used fur- niture irniture or complete hoaseholds- Fhme482-7912 -4tfar 30. Employment wanted W1LI. BABYSIT m my home Monthly to Fridty_ Phone VA - 2/02. --25X 24- 2302. 2%3'1 29_ Tenders i* WILL BABYSTT any hours, in my home,, on Comity Road 25. between Carlos' and Auburn. all summer_ Call 524-6439_-23- 25 YOUNG WOMANwill bebysit in your home year rowed_ References_ Phone 524- 9111-23tf 29_ Tenders Public Works Travaux publics Canada Canada INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED 1113413ERS for the projects or services rested below, addressed to the Regional Manag1er, Finance and Administration, Ontario Region. Deportment of Public Works, 490f Yonge Street, QlOth Floor), �!l9iltavnleele- Ontario Mat 40x6, will be received until 1500 hours on the specified dosing date_ Tender Documents can be seen, or obtained on payment of the applicable deposit, through the office of the Direc- tor Generol. Department of Public Works, Ontario Region, Tendering Office, 10th Floor, 4900 Yonge Street, Willowdote, Ontario, and the Department of Public Works, Tendering Office, 451 Talbot Street. London, Ontario. PROJECT No: 1[1412 - North Pier Apron and Bollard WaspetrsGoderich. Ontario Work consists of replacement of concrete apron on horde Pier (approx. 43.8 mr'of cars - crate required) and of a new concrate bollard sapyorted on steel tebaLr plRng. aosING DATE: THURSDAY, JULY 16. 1981 Deposit: '25.00 Tender Documents may also be seen at the Toronto Construction Association, 1 Sparks Avenue, Wiilowdale, Ontario. and the London Construction Association. 281 Maitland Street. London. Ontario. Enquiries: 416-224-4240 RiSTRUCTIONS Deposit for pians and specifications must be mode in the form of a bank cheque to the order of the Receiver General for Canada. and will be released on return of the doe ar rents in good condition ceithin one month from the date of tender opernirtg. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CARPET CAS. JiM MOSS WHITE WASHING DISINQS To ®Altus BUILDINGS 529-7630 Rugs & Uplwkttary Pro- fessionally Steam Clem - ed. Free Esthwat.s 524-2440 GAFFNEY WELDING wa1d1n a F.b.ketio. '*STEEL *ALUMINUM *STAINLESS STEEL Ari1e feriae Abrins !mons 524-6667 Service 31 Service directory Screened Top -Soil For Lawns. Gardens Flower Bods Call: L:UE KONTGOMERT 4$2-7644 MOM EVENINGS •SEPTIC TANKS *SEWERS *BULLDOZING •RACKNOE WORK •GRAVEL *TOPSOIL For a complete job call SIDIMUMISMA EXCAVATING LTD. Goderich 524-866$ Paper Romig and •-eaeansbl.Retes Neat. dean stork CALL 524-7961 AFS s P.h�. CUSTOM BUILDING * * * RENOVATIONS GENERAL CONTRACTING 524-2497 GODERICH 524-8905 for all your *FABRICATING *PORTABLE WELDING *ALUMINUM WELDING *WELDING REPAIRS 4ecotr®liin9itd' 33 Huron St.. Clinton Sox 337. Clinton NNM 11 482-9542 529-7939 Paints. Steins. Min Wax products, Floor Sandioss. Texturing hderlar & Exterior - Contracting ° FREE cOi SULnNG ADIANT CEILINGmai EATINGSTSTEMS' • flex . heat An alters tativio to rising gas maces acid increasing oil shortages The newest and mtost cseerfort ble army to heat - for in- drastrlel, co.nneerreLl end residential use. For more Infor+eratioen about them Flex-ifeat Systems COM - CVO: FRED LAWRENCE ELECTRIC LID., AUBURN. ONTARIO 525-75 LEARN TO DRIVE NOW! Dual 'Control Car PH. 524-9350 HURON COUNTY ammo moot FORM WALLS & FLOORS Fore coaro*t o lob wwU SID NUDISM EXCAVATING LTD. 524-=668 PIANO TUNING AND PIANO LESSONS CALL DAVE MdCEE For all your Carpet i Uphoistery cleaning needs, call swum pi °lore Our steam Calla Power- brush method gets the deep down dirt. others w phoh.e 5 Free Estimates ART'S Imatmari s-li■Esery fled Genies Cosine 116 5ermett. Godericb LAWN CARE ROLLING FERTILIZER SPRING BULBS Complete line of Everything needed for INDOOR & OUTDOOR GARDEN 524-2645 GALryNERY s .; . We dearer r wee smell *.free estimates* 524-2421 We are pleased to an- nounce that Paull Spain who hs . 4 extensive experience la delivery end ,,Dosing service, will Abbaci s's. Classic Sign' Desi 396-4319 directory 36 Announcements, 36. Announcements, notices _ notices PHIL'S REFRIGERATION & Appliances Service, phare I- 110-9062 or Granger's TV, 521- 25-3-521 FURNITURE stripping and mnnsbing, also caning. Call 524449W -131f MAN WITH . truck to , clean basements, trash to dump` and fight delivery_ Peter Prevent, phos 524-tom.-16tfar MIDWESTERN PAVING driveways, • farm • lanes, perking lots, means_ Fee estimates_ Phone Canton 482- W301-16-301 FURNITURE Repair, Stripping and Free pick, up and delivery_ Also, small car- pentry work: Stephen Norton_ Phone 524-939L -1711far SCOTT DRAINAGE RIPLEY COMPLETE FARM DRAINAGE SERVICE -DRAINED FiELDSS INCREASE 1 IELDS FREE ESII1M1ATES 395-2992 395-3563 Repairs Cali George Gould CUSTOM c Renovations PLANNING a book or manuscript"! Even before writing make it a reality with tTocoWf S m `eu fid.•,. printings (1500 puist are welcome. Contact `Publisher"" Horning Mild% Clot_ Ltpt 1J®_ 0519 D925-6tia5-25b_e_ SANDBLASTING - removes paint and rust ,right down to flee metal Trucks, machinery, buildings etc Specializing in brickcleaning and brick repairs_ Free estimates_ Phone White's Sandblasting and Painting,. Winglnam, 357- 1723anytime_ _l2-25 WOULD YOU Inge to have painting done around thehouse - inside or out? Contaict ContactBrad Chase at 524513& Reasonable rate -Z -255d 524-76319 DO YOU HAVE TERMINAL r*VACUUMITIS ! See tate Vatcasuns Doctor for diagnosis on all makes GODERICH VACUUM CENTRE •Solas •Ser triers •Suppiles 52 RISE 5T. 524-4112 ° 1 L& B AUTOMOTIVE, reipairs to all makes gas or diesel_' Phone 5'24-4214. Open 0 a_m_ - 5:30 pin Located nerd to Adair's Grocery: Ask for pod= 23tf PAINTING ING and odd jobs- Ask for Paul, 24014.-24,25 PAILo1 .Elft far iside of out- side. Teas:triable rates. Call 524-2716.--25 PAINTING s MINOR IIONME REPAIR PH. D. MadiONAID 524-9216 1 H.T. DALE Septic Tank Service Serving Goderidt and area for 15 years osicsuE Clinton 482-3320 or Seaforth 527-0284 33. Farm services CUSTOM BALING of large round bales, $SLSO per bale. Phone 5Z4-247-25, M 34_ Personal PREGNANT AND D►SR ED? Married o;; single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone_ BIRTHRIGHT - London ncollectt O2 -719Z or 524-2913. 32u 41115 or 5`l4-2ih2a -1-Stc ARE YOU tired of being alone? Are you unattached. separated, single or divorced? Meet that special person_ Apply P_O. Sire EN, Owen Sound, N4K S1/1. Please state 35. Notice to creditors NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF COL NE gad Iralldars are reoetwded that e penult is required from flea Tower Clerk's office before the dsreeoiitloen or construction of a bulidlwg can be undertaken in ColborneTownship. Daiwolltiow of a old* ill iterning require a persalt from the Township and the owner of the bending being 4. ed is further rimed to advise the Godjridh Firs Department of fire date. time and location asked Deaeoittion Permit emeaeber before burring takes piers. H. MILBURN, , TOWNS*UP OF ccotoomme.. RM. s, Gordon, ourwtuo_ TEL: S7164145 STAMP -Post Card Collectors - Drop ion and say hello., -at Queens Bush Stamps, Bruce County Rd. 1, South of Hwy_ 9, in Kinleugh. -3545-20-31x WATCH for ""FURNITURE STRIP T - ad in troaart weeks paper_-25nx FULLER BRUSH & RAWLEIGU. products representative Arnold A Vint_ Phone 524-6564 or call at 110 Park SL for more in- formation.. -25,26 ALL persons having claims against the Estate of BARRY DOUG LAS COLCLO*TGII. Hairdresser, late of the Town of Goderich. in the County of Huron. who died on or about the nth day of May. 1961. are required totf1e the same with full particulars with the =- dm -signed ed by the 4th day of dishy. 19111, as atter that date the assets of the estate will be distributed DATED at Goderieh. Ontario, this 5th day of .tune. 1901. PRES " and EGENER. Barristers. etc.. X1 Montreal Street. Goderich.. Cataria. • Sp *cliff's Tor i:re ate. ' -23-25 38_ Auction sale AUTO INSURANCE Low rates for good driving records still asdiable frees NAROLD W. SHORE 55 Newget. G°11" kb 524-7272 Belying? Selling? Renting? Reach over 11,060 potential customers with a CLASSIFIED WANT AD. Cali The Goderieb Sgnal-Star at 52443331_ LARGE AUCTION SALE Car Carpenter Power and bond tools, office fur- niture, aatiqu es, household furniture. appliances, etc to be held at Rickard Lobbrs aero, Clinton. Ont. for'Clerence Monegorsery at Seaford' phos widitians- Saturday. June 27 at 10 A.M. 1153 Chew talalr, 4 door sedan, fi cylinder automatic Sailing as is. 100LS SELL FftST ee1e sow Rockere.ii Elfacrear Winter; rnmll u lrs- saw; shop vacuum; 14 pieces of scaffolding; akemiem extension ladder; shingle stapler; electric screw drill; 7 skill saws; bend sews; Remelt .22 calibre fastener gum fig saw; good offering of slush hind. too= hard lets pies; other items not men. ti neek2 Rood lean mowers. OFFICE FURNITURE - 2 modern office desks widrewess 5 solid oak -office deskx1 upluolstered swivel altar desks an miters; oak swivel rocker, 5 oak alike chairs; 4 Brewer filing cabinet; small desk: type writer tablas. RIINf UUE AND AWL/APICES - smell dant freezer, clothes dryer; wringer sws%r; ' IFridgsc .portable colour TV; 3 wtsdawg pr.ssbuck del; several add deafen Widow rocker; dhesterfldd wipuil out mat- New; hatfres; 4 piece bedroom suite, chins cabinet; smell chins Cabinet; three double bads; dressers wiesirrwr davenport couch end chair; dining table w$ ams extends from 21V` to i ft.; odd small tables; trued= detests of deowerh, floor Leaps; folding desire and 'card tablas; chesterfield chair; 2 blcyd*E An- tique Remington 22 rine single shot Patent July 22. 1007. FAC required to purchase. dam; plus our usual urge catering. Snell appliances, dishes and glaswvare. bedding, pots and pans, etc. TERMS Richard Lobb -Auctioneer canton 437-7W4 Everything under one roof 1 �fist Wingham Sales Arena 610 Josephine Street, North Bad of Wbgbam OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 9 a.m. to 6p.n. FRIDAY NIGDISTILA P.M. NEW And yaw thought new feanitare was eapewdve!!! Threw yew haven't been kr to see the f toys at the WE•g!ra Sales Areca. They invite you to browse through the new fundtu re department and look over the low prices as new Wore freniskings. We deSver erdIscsants meowed Byoe pick a p. We ahs take tzade fits w new TERMS - CASH, CHEQUE, VISA, MASTER CHARGE CLOTI3ING AND F - Men's Noe Jews, work pasts, wok shirts, work sem, C.S.A. safety work F: boots, large sownwent of ladies dress shoes, ▪ children's exp and jeans. TOOLS - Dr® press, bend winders, vises, socket seta, pipe wrenches, hatchets, axes, wrench sets, draw pots, The Gun and Sports Shop Features a It of new and used gams by Roger, and ethers. We aly oe * grad Ian ofIllock Po Savage woos, annoradtion sad accessories, used cilia and shotguns, ..d af.spechri interest Ise coRectows, Whi. . Medd 94 Cal. 2S-35, Wk. 92 Cal. 44-40sod Wis. Media f 92 Gel. 44. Fisising gear - rte, rods, Roe, tures, ete4 harchery •,heathen! gloves, basket halls, volley und WOE, hails. We aim take trade inns on new gam. TERMS - C.ASH, CHEQUE, VISA, MASTER CHARGE Fred lite aid nu& Cookies Saturday 9a . 4it.m. WINGHAM SALES ARENA ar Call 3574730