The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 12PAGE 10 —CODERIal smikresTAK wEDNEsDAy, sum 24, 1981 • 1 tc: ' • • The si.—thl vy_ he a llarge ft' hut ,.‘-,aztonignweeer Planer gave file ball a adt`fitY fait Thursdlie —venial -daft filianibtA`vim: the Bilden Oil the- Vilifier:Thin are *or squirt teams playing in toarn this summer made up of 75 boys and girts. (Photo by Cath Woodm) Squirts open with 4-0 win over. Seaforth The Goderich Squirts openeirabe 1981 soccer season at Wednesday with a decisive 40 win at home overSeaforth. Goderich exerted eon - Winans pressure with most of the play taking place in the Seaforth end, With better finishing by the forwards the score could have been doubled. The defence and midfield exerted control throughout with centre -half Corey Adams, right -half Kelly McDonald, left-haff Jordan McCallum and backs Todd and Chad Peppin -turning in strong performances. Centre -forward Mark Armstrong scored twice, with inside -left Paul Hamilton and (brey Adams also tallying. The next game with be this evening at SL Columban. Tomorrow evening .the Squirt House League will begin its regular schedule. The teams involved are' the The action was intenselatt Thuraday night as the Itaide.rs Raiders' VAtli condi Nell and the Vlltings met for some Goderich Minor Soccer Hamilton, the Bombers with squirt action. (Photo by Cath Wooden) coach Bob Papple, the It was a bad night for the Bell all with two mus each, Iast place Hotel Bedford while singles went to Dennis Sunday an, second pbce Lebrun, Gerry Diust„ and Flshere,LalVaisDoug Smith. them 154 -Tit JCrtt-iifird -and Ding FiStball Leaguiplai Cruidishank each scored The Fisher scoring was , two for the Bedford to shared by Jadr-lladcnmon, ''completetheirscoring. Barry Bloch, Jim Paul Centre= pitched a Wally Peirson (with a seven stale -out eight bit homer), John Hoy, and An genie for Fishers, while Jim • Fisher Builders and French Darkeners swept games in Industrial bathe Monday night, Fisher 'belting Green & Parent 10-1 • and French soundly defeating Canadti Compant - • Fishers •started their scoring m the first inning. Vrdta Barry Blaeb on base, Jim ilturs't hit a double and Wally Pierson tripled to clean up and stole home himself. s lbe scoring continued in the third inning. With two out, Dont hit a home plate ball to get to first, then Pierson and Gerry Durst Bedford, lose to' Fisher 15-4 MacKinnon was on the mound for Hotel Bedford. He dihmissed six batters and allowed 11 hits. FRENCH -3 McGEES-2 In other games Sunday night, French Drycleaners scored a run in the bottom of the fifth inning to beat McGee Pontiacs3-2. French opened the wiring in the third hating when Ray Hurd singled and George Sutton hi a double. Phil Turner hatted- m '' lilt Don Bogie's fielder's choice enabled 'Dirner to come in for the second run. McGees managed one run in the top of the fourth from Doug Spitzig who was batted rench on romps each singled to load up the bases. John Hoy followed vAth a double to bring in the *Atm), ant Durstandlioy scared afteriaeldbig Mite en Chip Wilson's hit to maked70. Jim Durst scored his third run of the night in the fourth inning, and in the fifth John Verway &railed and was batted in by Jack Mackinnon to score. Thetenth run came in the top of the seventh from Dennis Lebrun. Rick Whetstone scored G&P's only nm in the bottom of the seventh and was batted in by Bill Wraith's double. John Ver -way pitched the Company splits pair of games The Canada Company split games in Industrial League fastball play on the weekend, beating Gord's Sports 96 on Friday night and bowing to Green & Parent 7-2 on Sunday. Gord's opened up on the Company in the first inning of play, scoring four runs. Warren Watt, PIM Petrie, and Jim Ginn loaded up the bases on single hits and Bob Riehl doubled to score the first two. Myles Murdock then sacrificed to bring in Ginn, and Rick McLean also gave up an out to score Riehl. Not to be outdone, Ramada Company managed three runs of their own in the bottom of the first frmi Bill Tigert, Mile Donnelly, and Brian Bowman. The other six rims all came in the fourth iming for the Company. The bases were loaded with Tom O'Brien, Brian Shewfelt, and Ron Standen, when Jeff Sargent's hit brought in O'Brien. Bill Tigert singled to score Shewfelt and Mike Donnelly intended a sacrifice which scored Standen but left Donnelly safe_ Rob McDonald slammed a triple to clean up the bases, and was brought home himself by Etrian Bovrinan's sacrifice. Gord's Sports managed two runs in the fifth and -seventh innings both from Warren Watt but the Com- pang held on to win the gam Dean Doherty pitched the game for Canada Company while Phil Petrie was on the mound forGord's Sports R was a different story on Sunday Intwever as G&P proved too tough for the Canada • Company. The Company scored their only two runs in the top of the first inning. Bill Tigert was walked and advanced by Mike Donnelly's sacrifice_ Brian Bowman tripled to score Tigert and Dean Doherty betted in Bowman with his single. But G&P came back in their half of the first to score three tires and take the lead. Steve Frayne started the batting order with a double. Jim Martin singled, then Walter Bell got a hit to score Frayne. Due to a fielding error when Leroy Menem was up. Martin and Bell scored. In the third inning, Brian Rumig was walked and Jun Martin followed with a double. Walter Bell sacrificed to score Rumig, then Leroy Meriam doubled to bat in Martin for the 5-2 lead The last two runs came in the sixth inning from Meriam and Brian McLean. Jim Martin pitched five str*e-wts for the whiners an 'allowed six hits. Dean , Doherty was on the mound for the Company. wkmer for Fishers, allowing seven hits while Jim Martin mason the mated for G&P. It was 2-0 for French Dtielleeners on inns by Ray Withers and Don Bogie at the bottom of the third hating' when they slammed in five nms for a big 7-0 lead over Canada Company. !lathers, Wayne Kennedy, and George Sutton had the bases loaded when • Phil Turner bit to bring in Mathers and Kennedy. Bob Johnsen then bit one over the fence to score himself, Turner and Sutton. • Chnada Company gut a run • in the tt the fourth from Rob Mc_ 1:d, oily to have French bather humiliate them and score two more in their half of the inning from Kennedy and Sutton to make it9-1. Don Bogie pitched the two - hitter for French while Dean Doherty pitched for Canada Congiany. FASEBALL STANDINGS As of Monday, JuneZ2 Team W L Lakeport Steel •• 7 1 FisherBuilders Green & Parent McGee Pontiacs Canada Company Gord Sports Lakeport Advertising French Dry Cleaners Hotel Bedford 7 6 5 5 5 4 4 2 4 5 6 4 7 9 INDUSTRLIL FASIBALL Top 10 Batting Avenges As of Jure El (min. that bats) Bits At Bats 12 20 13 26 14 29 13 27 17 36 12 26 10 12 29 14 34 14 34 D. Scholl, Gord's J. Durst, Fisher's P. Turner, French R. McDonald, Can. Co. W. Watt, Gord's B. Rumig, G&P B. Black, Bedford J. Hoy, Fisher's B. MacKenzie, L. Steel J. Crawford, Bedford T Pts 1 15 0 • 14 0 12 0 10 0 10 0 • 10 1 9 0 8 0 4 INDUSTRIAL FASTRALL Top 10 on Base Averages (Min. 20 at tots) On Base At Bats 15 23 20 31 18 30 20 • 34 16 29 17 32 17 32 18 34 15 29 15 29 D. Scholl, Gord's J. Durst, Fisher's M. Donnelly, Can. Co. F. MacDonald, L Steel R. McDonald, Can. Co. J. McKinnon, Fisher's G. Sutton, French B. Riebl, Gonl's B. Rumig, G&P T. Ginn, Gord's Ave. .600 500 .483 .481 .472 .462 .435 .414 .412 .412 Ave. .652 .645 .M0 .588 .552 .531 .531 .529 .517 .517 ANSTETT JEWELLERS 8 ALBERT ST.. laINTON4E*-3901 AT THE MAIN CORNER Another of our in -stare imertrkee FINE JEWELLERY APPRAISALS Done by our AGS Certified Gem- ologist, in our accredited gem laboratory. One week service on most appraisals. Drop in or phone for com- plete information on Anstett's Jewellery Appraisal service. HOURS: Monday through Thursday. 9 o.in.-6 p.m.: Fridays 9 a. in. till 9 p.m.: Saturdays 9 www.4rIttp.m.. in by Mike Ptre's double. McGees tied up the game at two in the top of the fifth when Paul Kelly siammai a tiometaver the fence With none on. George Sutton scored the winner for French Drycleaners in the fifth with Phil Turner batting him in. Don Bogie pitched the winner, stilling out seven batters and allowing six hits. Rick Sowerby was on the mound for McGees and chalked up five strilte-outs LAKEPORT AD. -2 LAKEPORT STEEL -1 Lakeport Advertising came freintAV, 1-0 -deficit,„ Stinday to-hWitio runs in the seventh inning° and defeat first place Lakeport Steel 2-1. Simon Langlois kept the Steelers limited to three bits in the game and dismissed ten hatters from the Oak. however, The Sieelets -went ahead 1-0 in the fifth inning when Frank MacDonald got on base with a home plate ball and was finally batted in by Carmen Helder. The Advertisers had last bat in the seventh inningand took advantage of it. Bill Gallow led off with a triple and Rick Duckworth sacrificed to score him for the tieing run. Al Sygrove then singled, llifayneDoak hit one which resulted in a Steeler fielding error to get Sygrove to third, and Arnie Parer Alrlir4Fear-V-- -the Brian McKenzie was pitcher for the Steelers, allowinglour hits. "We personally invite you to come to Clinton to shop - and compare -on your newt furniture purchase", Compare selection. quality. price and service_ You con buy the best for less ot Ball & Mutch. Come browse through aur vast selection of fine home furnishings. We feel you'll be pleasantly surprised - we offer big -city selection ot small-town prices you can afford. tt, bagence oenommems 001 I Ott e month 01 lune% BE AITAtilt 'V MC SALE SPes00:;icitig LAST 7 DAYS! The Sales Tax Exemption Ends Tuesday. June 30 BUY OR ORDER BEFORE JUNE 30 YoulI be invoiced - and en- ter into o purchase arrangement -then TAKE DELIVERY BY SEPT. 30. 1961 And you'll save 'the 7% soles tau/ -111112111•1111EIM 'AI HOME FURNISHINGS FLOOR-COVERIN'GS NG & Mulch Ltd. • Home Furnishings 71 Albert Street, Clinton 482-12113 OPEN: Six Days a week 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Open Friday nights 'till 9 p.m. Wein& with emit& Bill Riles and the Giants with coach Dan Me Ca lkim. BRUCE T. THOMASSON DDS Dead Swami wishes to announce he hos arakrodoul the dental practice at DR. R.D. SPEERS effective Juno 15. 1981 et 69 BRITANNIA ROAD W• . GODERICH. ONTARIO NM 202 ily ppointment M10070 124-9655 M -W MOTOR'S RX -7 Priced to sell as fast as it looks. • Get -bellied the Wheel and RX-'( wffi Mt you what a slateefLthe-att sports car. is all about. Rotary engine. disc brakes. .5 -speed gearshift.. anti -mho!, bais and Plenty more. including the new luxury GX model. But Mazda RX -7 • doesn't necessarily sport a big price, Lome on in and drhe one. then 'price. it. soon find out why Mazda n-17 is Canada's 1011,11.11e imported seal sports car. ki M a 111, ar THEMbiE YOU LOOK, THE MORE YOU LIKE MWMOTORS LTD. 184 EAST ST.. VOLVO-MAZDA/SALES-SERVICE • GODERICH 524-2113 RT GODERICH CANADA WEEK PARADE F.,..._,, SUNDAYi JUNE 28 •CIVIC RECOGNITION SERVICE 1:30 P.M. COURIROLISE SQUARE *Recognition 154th Birth- day of Goderich. *Extending a welcome to our Sister City. Bay City 'Mich., *Celebrating Canada's Bir- thday. .2' PARADE TO BEGIN AT 2 P.M. *Parade entries should form up by 1:30 p.m. on the racetrack. *Late entries should call: 524-2460 FOR REGISTRATION