The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 8ii will introduce bylaw to restrict Wednesday parking „„„ mit introduce arDelld11102t8 to a bylaw tat inalude Wednesdays in the time restricted Larking indaar on The Square.. Severelagninallors questioned the rationale behind time restricted parking being enforced Wednesdays andt tlIentOtionnassed hy a narrow 54margin. Sane lttheinenn_ofWays.-baftbylaw-nf= not necessary while others argued that it was a request from the busines,s association and should be acted Councillor Jin Doherty said many parking spots are avaffableantand The Square on Wednesdays and that restrictedparlikig was not necessary. "Personally, it not warranted," he said. "I have checked on Wednesdays and there are 50 to 60 spats availabfe, nemesia° need to include Wednesdays." Deputy -rem Bob Alien told cotuicil. that Most businesse.s on The Square are remaining open Wednesdays and the amendments to the bylaw were introduced at the request of the businessmen- - "Thease are -t wishes of tiw, hashiesanenanderhy should we oppose it?" he said. "Stores are no longer dosed on Wednesdays. They're the people running the businesses and we should listeir" While there may be considerable parking on Wednesdays, council/or Jim Magee agreed that council should listen to the business community. "Parking is considerable but, it is the wish of the people who pay the taxes," he said. Councillor Stan Profit urged council to eliminate SUNCOAST MALL GOBERICII REG. 1,582.95 'The Pride of Suncoast' REG -1,865M INCLUDESONE SALE $999.00 NIGHT TABLE PIECt LUXURY' imecessary restrictions adding there isaminimum of 3°P,..arkin0SPOCes available on Wednesday's - _ --tlecallee into a business, I don't have to agree," tiesaid."Thereis lots of parking on Wednesdaysand there in�cssity to change. We shouid elinnnate unneelginatItrestrictions." Allertpointd out that an offeestreet parkinglot was created through the indulgence of the. business conurenity. Councillor Jim. Seeds mggesteci the town mold buy off-street parkinginsteadof-spending mewl, nnaidewalli retonstruction. Stores were traditionally closed Wednesdays, but since that ia no longer the case, colmtallor Glen Carey suggested that council at least try the suggestion from the business community. "There has been a lot of talk here about development„ expansion and a lot of talk has centered on downtown as opposed to fringe developmert," he said. "If we keep encouraging development on the (=tide, the mire suffers; If the frasinessmen think this will hare let's applaud them and try it. They feel it will work.' Councillers Haydon, Mag, Doherty, Carey and deputy -reeve Allen voted in favor of the bylaw amenchnent while reeve Don Wheeler, Mayor Harry Worsen and councillors Profit and Searls voted against the motion Bylaw 74 of 1979 will have to be amended and voted onbefore the restrictions will be in place. Looking Back through old files \i. , 75 YEARS AGO On Wednesday evening Veiled in official secrecy fast the members of Safford since fast fall, vast beds of Sunday school and a few high grade aystal rock salt, friends gathered at the deep underground along beautifill and picturesque Goderich's waterfront, have Bissett homestead on the hill been struck. Expert just above the village, to diamond drillers from enjoy strawberries and Northrn, Ontario and aean and have a group Company have opened an photo taken by Sallows, tie office on North Street in the artist. ' premises ( , & • rly occupied On Jaffa '20 the> ET c _ *is, el..., tn.,........ ...--z rs ---- Consulate in Ws town wilibe Loan en. andtown treasurer. closed and thereafter all Knox Brothers have work connected with the opened their livery on Consulate will be conducted Newgate Street in Madman aerextemeo traction at ' the Judith A Ceitientialk inbeirigpia ' •"' — . • fikaidAamkteitierfaTP001. down front. the street to the Huron County has found sidewalk in front of North that mothering 667$0 trees Street Methodist Church so has its problems. Insect that people getting out of infestation has become so carriages will step straight acute that foresters resorted onto thesidewalk_ to aircraft to spray the county forest tracts north of The Maitland River Power Goderich last week. , Iran era ra _ The top atidetes at Robertson School were honored last Monday at e yearly awards assembly with the addition of their names to these plaques. In the back row from left are Susan Murphy, John Empsou, Joanne Campbell; middle row, Suzie Takata, Erica i Gingerich, and Pan Fritzley who also won a public speaking award; in the front are Bill Trebish and Scott Grarrow. Missing were David Almasi, April Stoddart, and public speaker Lisa Baechler. (Photo by Cath Wooden) Quebec are now drilling at various points to deptbs up to eparate school Soper Speck& Tropk Tan $ I !9 OIL 0111.011014 IML. sPigazzangiot n SUMMED' LOTION ITO ME- Presun 15 TOOTHPASTE, REGULAR ar MINT Crest SOtTECE. W' x 684" Magic Tape $2r CLOSED WEDNESDAY, JULY NAKAMURA GUARDlen PHARMACY DRUGS SUB POST OFFICE in. The Suncoose Mail, Gatterich S24 -219S OPEN NEON—FRI_ TO -T2.1230-6 DAY EVENINGS 630 PAR -9 P.M. SATURDA Ts 10-6 5 YEARS AGO tpoo EPA. mder the fflreeftoit Z i1 r 4,4 g•st-- ev , • 4.cevat,.. _.z.76.ribicorriumasak r•rvG,OntiumekCirr evidence to in- dicete the finirnigs are of considerable magnitude and that the net result will be a newindustryforGoderich. Necessity for raising fines to help pay the salary of a Swimming instructor was the explanation given by Gordon Bannister, chaimmn of the Rmreation and Arena Committee, for then fee this year for swimming in conscientious fund oar announces arena roof fund unveiled raising plans to a paltry gathering at a special public meeting held in the assessment officeTuesday. Fraser and Ann Aylsworth. recently purchasedthe Park. House from Dmytri Pysaniuk with the intention of preserving it as a quiet country inn. Aitken deeted to Liberal post ridings of _ Huron-- Priddlesex, represented by MPP Jack Riddell, and Huron -Bruce„ represented by newly elected Murray Elston, had a total of 35 delegates and alternates at the Ontario Liberal Party • convention in King,ston„ June 19-21. At the conclusion of the threeday convention, Jim Evans of Toronto was named new president of the patty. Also, Howard Aitken of Signal -Star Publishing was elected executive vice- president of the provincial party. Others elected in- cluded fan Kimmerty of Ottawa, treasurer; Marsha Chase of North Bay, secretary; Pau/ Reim of Kemptville, vice-president TOWN OF GODER1CH NOTICE The Town of Goderich extends an invitation to all in- terested members of the public to join G.A.C.A.C.* on a guided tour of historically and architecturally significant buildings within the Town of Goderich. June 28th 4 P.M.., at the "Square". Phone 524-2188 for information., "Goderich Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee • Howard Aitken communications and David Pretty, Toronto, vite- president,policy. Regional directors elected for the Southwestern Ontario region included Ron McGinley„ London; Marg McGregor, Brantford and Gerry Clarke, Hamilton. staff changes for fall BYWILMAOKE. The Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board set the salary and benefit 'schedule . for 1981-82 for speech pathologist (non -teacher) in its 'system. At • present the boardhas only one. The schedule is; With minimum 'requitement of -Honours - B.A. the Salary would range from $17,600 to $20,300 for maximum of Honours B.A. plus in- crements of $2,700. With minimum requirement of bLA. the salary would run from $19,250 to maximum with M.A. of $22,250 plus in- crements of $3,000. Other fr- inge benefits would be the same as those paid to teachers on staff. Included too, are two days per month of sick leave. . The following are staff changes, all effective • SePtember 1, 1981: Mrs. Julia Gracey hired as Kindergarten teacher, 50 percent, at Holy Name of Mary School, St. Marrs; Sharon Conunerford will be a classroom teacher at Holy Name of Mary School with French responsibilities. Erica Lindenblatt hired as a rlassroom teacher, with French responsibilities atSt. James School, Seaforth. Tim Carroll was hired as classroom teacher, in - eluding principal's relief, and special education at St. Mary's School, Hesson. Marianne Frayne hired as classroom. teacher (prin- cipal's relief 50 percent) at Sacred Heart School, Vfmgham; also Jim Nigh was hired as a teacherat this schooL Sister Anne Antaya to St. Marys School, Goderich; Sister Maureen O'Reilly to St. Boniface School, zuricn; Grace Heleno to St. Patrick's School, Dublin; Carmela Martone to St. hfichael's School, Stratford. Patti Keneedy, principal's relief 50 Percent at St. Patrick's, Kinkora and teacher 50 percent at St. Am- brose School, Stratford. Linda Wagg, tfacher 50 percent and special educa- tion resource teacher at St. Patrick's School, Kinkora. Paul Zybura transferred as requested from St. Michael's School, Stratford to St. Aloysius School, Strat- ford and Ed Cappelli from St. AloysiuSto St. Michael's. The board accepted the resignation of Mrs. Anne Murray, music teacher 20 percent, St. Joseph's School, Clinton, effective August 31, 1981. The trustees endorsed a resolution from the Lincoln County Roman Catholic Separate School Board ad- vising the minister of educa- tion of the extreme urgency to release the current year's grant regulations no later than January of each year in order to allow boards to plan appropriately their own budgets and school organize-. tions. Too they wished to ad- vise the minister that the an- nual increases in grantable expenditure ceilings be in- creased at least by the same general increase as reflected in the C.P.I. of that year. Three trustees were absent from the meeting as they were attending the Con- gress on Education in Calgary, Alberta June 20, 21, 22 and 23 - Tim McDonnell of Gadshill, Vincent Young of Goderich and John O'Leary of Staffa. William Eckert, Director of Education gave a detailed report on the seminar for directors of education to which he had been invited to attend in Banff in May. Mr. Eckert said the eight-day course made him "feel more knowledgeable and therefore somewhat more at ease as we wrestle with the current problems of this system", and he gave a 20 - page summary to pass along some of what he learned for the information of the trustees. The board will hold its next meeting on July 27. FASHION. A SUMMER ADVENTURE Fashion Show Saturday, June 27th. Rain post- pones 1 week continuous showings from 1-5 on the grounds. Refreshments and , music. Model's provided by the Elegance School of Modelling. fasialore boutique Open 7 Days A Week 10-6; Thurs. &Fri. till 9 p.m. 11/4 Miles South of Grand Bond on Hwy. 21 238-2818