The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 6PAGE iGOD IiICH SIGNAleSTAR, WEDNESDAY, AY, JUNE 24,1981 dove sykes The vias froratIte olitm. sideof ft hence always adds a new perspective to things This year, for the first time ever in my life, I qualified for the fatherpart of 's day. Truly a milestone in my fledges" g parental canter. Butthe day takes on a whole new per- spective and morning when viewed frena a father's eyes. , it lacked the ea . that Iminemberasa dpid.• -For iddhstoolliher's-aed-fatheiiiderwas a really big deal, although it waeuldn't be fedr to =nett that it ranked as high as Christmas er your own birthday. But nonetheless, itwas a semi big event For months, well at least a few days, pennies were saved or simply borrowed from mom or dad, to buy senseless and useless gifts that we expected would be chedsbed. forever, But such days, wide frons offerfag dammed srecognitiOn to Dar e". obviously hold much sadiment A: Second class mail registration. number -0716 SSNCE 1848 THE NEWS PORT FOR GODERICH & DISTRICT lroudd orniturrotainto Wow eats. ry .t tiorattdt. Osbert*. etembsr d the Cate sold OtFNA. Aillv.r• +iiut.I.s.. ,_i_o}t>oswl■4ba.. ts 'WM le Coistio.`3S.Ntous0.. •35410 oll odor cooto- t iw, sl tel!slit,•••••�oiswthitemo+w.a... ..sst.00ssst. Mows h tor out. Corr Ns. eliscH..Oc- trier 1. ist.ni• dote too! •egbis al.. rssshr AIA *d,..i ' k accepted en the 'co ti.. dot b the . s..tt1 •i typosprophitoll error. 'Oho oetordslotspecs omolo• by the wt.s.oaa hyper *s.Orr'Mb rstswttsltle laostoototoeayoolwssill'mot bo doweled t.r asst tint ewl.nto.1 tr.i..rtiwwwt efill be our t.r.t the SpgiLwt..lotlwowwtsae typootter .r.ortisly goods orswslte.et.stone prim kends « setektet tiny w.l•4•soli. AAmwtrd4 is sou r.ly sou sear to sok sod mos i..atLrr..wt.t way thee. l►. sipslstr 1. tout wompotiriblitfor+l.iosi grin sono usoolktisoll.o...nrlosts photos ow solos toolotaseswed for t.sts+.ti , iar PUBLISHED BY:SIGNAL-STAR PUBLISHING LIMITED • ROBERT G. SHRIEK -President and Publisher DONALD M: HUBICK-Advertssing Manager DAVID SYKES-Editor P©,pcx Yns.•. HUCKINS ST. INDUSTRIAL PARK • GODERICH N7A 4Bb In ear faimulyt inaltcare #E!thoughtwas given to the card purchase and the ally - e WAS that it awed >sentiment ad +t efsflgral` .... , aberadof moose or somethiag lar eon the heat Naturally, one was catmint to offth dad a masculine version ui*. The gilt-bIlleirg mucess was a lithe mete tedious and in retrosped Shy paraits mite --Ila*- -e f -a -lc edema l iit-wass lovingly accepted and after the faunal display period, stashed away as It's all part of the game thouge Can gait imagine the goods fathers rived lad Sunday? Just tbi:nkofthose tiny, little ham ftimbling for nickels to buy dada dip -on tie that glows in the dart, socks with orae reindeer on. the sides er a new set of un- dede irts. • Doesn't the thought just tug at the old • Cattail— Wel?!, I aria rotten far removed flan these days to remember the made in offering such gilts. It, was al�alai past of the family wake on those days of nicoMelliont to Pretare lintaktaet Now morn was alert enough not to let her spastic children.serve breakfast in be b#t the three ee of as ds 14 produce break- fast, ora facsimile. . Being the youngest of tutee children, my rtsttla tea off+ io_Uie wird and ace any cash outlay. I got away with that trick for years ketslaysistets ve 4 away and my excuses wentwiththem. Now, as a patent, sues of that mush and seatianerdalify is direded my way. The little guy, Bradley, is barely row months rid now, hat he had the decency to ire into town and purchase the old man a father's day card and gill. Nothing ostentatious mind bUtfWarg stmect It t a hefty chinked of his baby bores dieque. The wee one has fated a generous name and each month, when asked what the $Z1.96 govermentissue cheque should be used for, he simply replies; "Beer for dad"" Isn't that Bute and thoughtful of the. little guy - Now that I have one father's day under my belt there is a certain eagerness bur1dirig-in anticipation enf the fie In fact I can't wait lentil the day that this correspondent is the proud recipient of a plastic tie dip and cufflink set, andershitts with a scenic decal, a new flashlight without batteries or a tacky plastic cuphokier for the car. It will be the one week of the year when the youn,gsler will be guaranteed a hefty increase ®eBowance. A man has to protect his own interests. EDITORIAL OlfICES please *Re (519) 544-8331 e :end There'a•a great weekend'linedup for yon and it's all happening imGoderx6. This year, the .Canada Week a lebrat ons offer something• for' everyone, and the fun begins Friday evening and carnes on through Sunday. Several community groups and organizations have worked for months in preparation and hopefully all the eventswillbe wellattended. They are worthy of support. The second -Optimist ehib Music Festival gets un- derway Friday evening and a weekend of top en- tertainment has been lined up for the festival at Harbor Park. The festival Will also feature a children's program Saturday and Sunday . and day-care facilities are available. The weekend activities will also close on a musical note with a concert in Court Haile Park by the New Hamburg town band at7p.m. The congregation of St. Georges Anglican Church will be celebrating the 100th anniversary of the church and ' offer a weekend of activity. On Saturday afternoon there will be a tea, penny fair and a church supper will follow. Buggy rides will be offered from the duarch in the evening. There will also be a delegation of Bay City visitors in town and the Legion will sponsor a pub night Friday, a dance Saturday and a Friendship Breakfast Sunday before the flag raising ceremony in Court House Park. On Saturday evening families can take delight in a fireworks display at dusk and Sunday a parade will begin at Agriculture Park and make a trek amulet the Square at 215 p.m. The Lions Club win be active feeding people with a pancake breakfast in the park Sunday and a beef bar- beque in the evening. The list of events is impressive and the work behind those events, demanding. But there will be something for everyone to do and your support of these functions is vital to service groups and organizations. Canada Week and Founder's Day celebrations have become an annual event in Goderich, a fun weekend that is shared with our friends from Bay City, Michigan. Hopefully the attraction wiII continue for many years and continue to be an integral part of summer in Goderich.D.S. MPs want a big raise So you're having a tough time of it these days. Th, r►rtgage is being renewed this year, home heating costs have doubled, Ws cheaper to leave the car in the driveway and groceries take a bigger chunk of the budget. Belt -tightening is putting the squeeze on family budgets. Consider the plight of federal members of parliament. Liberal MPs have been pestering the Prime Minister to introduce legislation giving themselves a raise. The leaders of the three major parties admitted that MPs are looking for a pay raise but, of course, no-one wants to take the responsibility for the increase. Trudeau said a pay bike would be justified but he wants assurances from the other parties that no fuss would be made when the legislation is introduced. Otherwise the opposition parties could raise hell over the issue of pay raises, knowing the legislation would pass with a Liberal majority. The opposition would look like the people's champion in such a case unless Trudeau demands a deal before the bib is introduced. A recent report suggested that politicians'salaries have fallen behind the cost of living and comparable groups in the private sector. The salary must certainly be somewhat competitive to attract qualified people but the I had forgotten how offensive television can -be until Monday night. You will recall the basic yuckiness of Monday's weather andI found the evening to be one of those when I didn't feel like visiting with myself or anyone else. Therefore, I spent the evening sitting eight inches from my black and white TV screen, which had hitherto gone unwatched for quite sometime, flicking channels and munching on my fingernails. The first thing I turned to was channel 12 to check the time, the temperature, and to watch the messages flip around. i bored of this quickly and flidted on, discovering Let's Make A Deal and Family Fued in quick succession. Can someone tell me why game show hosts' are allowed to live? Monty Hall told a little kid that he had to be tato get in to watch the show, then asked the kid how old he was. "Tweety," the cute little monster answered, causing good of government must also maintain a responsibility in con- trolling spending. Under pry legislation, MPs receive an annual in- crease of 7.5 per cent on January 1. They receive a basic salary of $32,700 plus a tax-free expense allowance of $14,400 fora total of $47,100. If a new sole is adopted, by 1903 MPs would have a basic salary of $45,000 plus a tax- free axfree allowance. A cabinet miinister makes a total of $71,200 and the prime minister earns $87,500. 'Admittedly politicians must maintain two homes and for most, the distance between the home riding and Ot- -Manta is considerable. It is a difficult situation when elected politicians have the luxury of voting on their own pay raises. The privilege is probably abused in a few instances but for the most part, there is a sense of caution. All that Canadians can ask of MPs, is that they be sensible and realistic in their approach to salaries. A good example can go a long way towards fostering healthy relations, especially in dealing with such a contentious issue.D.S. Monty to have a coronary from laughter in the lap of someone dressed as a grape. It was on to Family Fued where Richard Dawson kissed absolutely everyone ap- proximately 13 times in the space of 45 seconds. How revolting. Flicking on in desperation, I found Bewitched. The last time I saw Bewitched was in 1970 I think. There was old Darien, growing bigger ears everytime he told wife Sam a fib, thanks to a nasty spell from Endora. Poor Darren And his intentions were good all along_ It isn't easy being a suburbian executive wi +'r a witch for a wife, a boss who comes ove !f : nd drinks all the time, and a mother-in-law who floats on the ceiling. After I made sure Darren's ears got back to normal, I switched channels again but all I could find was Little House on the Prairie. I refuse to watch that show, especially the reruns. Somebody > dies in Walnut Grove every week leaving their orphans to be dealt Evening cool -down by Cath Wooden D EAR REA D ERS BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER very few of them are ready to admit they have anything more to learn about driving. Most kids have the mistaken opinion they know just about everything there is to know about driiing the minute they are handed their licences. It's this frightening combination of i xhuberance and overconfidence in teenaged new drivers that keeps parents awake at nights wondering if their children who are out with the family car will comehome alive. . Kids who may be reading this column will be shaking their heath in disbelief about now, claiming the writer just isn't tuned in to what really is going down with teenaged new drivers_ rm not surprised. Every generation of teenagers believes it has a monopoly on new insight and proper perspective. But statistics prove then wrong. The Ontario Minister of Transportation and Communication„ James Snow has the true facts. They are that probationary status is necessary for new drivers beaus$;, too many of than appear to be demonstrating a lack of respect for traffic laws, resulting in a disproportionately high rate of collisions and convictions. "I believe probationary status with its automatic suspension at six demerit points, will have a definite and positive impact on all new my path. drivers - especially those who are potentially As a mother, 1 also know that every the mnost heareless," says Snow. responsible new drivers who are teenagers just I agree. haven't the experience or the maturity to grasp The new status will apply to all new drivers, the awesome responsibility involved in driving a regardless of age, including anyone who has not car. held an Ontario driver's licence within the And I think that while more and more previous three years. teenagers have the potential to be much better It will also automatically exclude them from drivers than their parents can ever hope to be, holding either a school bus driver's licence, As one who drives a car almost every day, and as the mother of three children two of wham were teenage driversa few year, ago and one who will tritely become a new driver in the next year - I heartily approve of the probatiopary status for new drivers which was implemented June I. As a driver, I know how many dangers lurk on the highways and biways of Ontario. I un- derstand the risks I take every day - and I also comprehend the risk I represent for other e P I accept the responsibility of driving a car, but I fully appreciate the scope and magnitude of that. responsibility. I wonder sometimes if others do. And I know my limitations. Some of those have been brought hone to me through near misses or in actual accidents. • But I've learned I must not drive when rm tired, that I will be safer if I drive within the speed limit with my seatbelt firmly secured, that drinking and driving is inviting disaster, that being defensively alert will prevent accidents in most cases and that my car is nothing less than a motorized projectile with the all too real potential to kill and maim me and any others in with by Charles. I will not be made a fool of by being forced to break down in tears every time Michael Landon's lower Tip quivers. I sighed and switched back to channel 12 to check my deck again. The same messages were on. I tried to amuse myself. by seeing how many times I could read them before they flipped ager. But this tired me. ft was back to the other stations again and this time I found a really depressing movie about this rich., pretty, talented, but despondent teenage girl who was sitting on her bed with a bottle of pills in front of her. I wasn't thrilled about watching this on a rainy Monday night. I finally found solace in MASH, but it was a show I'd already seen at least a dozen times. Finding an episode of MASH you haven't seen before is like finding a lost wallet in a manure pile. It can't be done. By then it was about 9:30 and my eyes were beginning to bug Out. I made myself a peanut butter and mustard sandwich and tried not to look at the TV, but the radiation emissicins were working on me like a magne rned back to the depressing movie to find that the girt was happy now but the guy who she loved drove his car off a diff. What a bummer. Then I watched several Kraft com- mercials in a row and made myself another peanut butter and mustard sandwich, making sure I used six mixing bowls, four spabilas, and three measuring cups to do it I was out of marshmallows though. The news came on shortly after tbat, and I watched film foo ge of people shouting -fie out out where ever you are!" to Bani Sadr and looking under tablecloths and up trees for him. I finally turned the TV off after another tune and weather check and fell asleep. Expect all right long, iuny dreams kind of kept flicking around and around and all I could get were re -runs... cath wooden Class B or E. or a driving instructor's licence. The only exceptions to probationary status will be drivers who held, for at least two of the previous three years, a valid driver's licence from another province or territory in Canada, a Sttate of the United States of America, a Canadian Farces Europe Operator's Licence or a combination of any of these. The probationary status of new drivers will not be apparent frwni their licences which will be exactly the same as present licences. However, new drivers will have to complete tyro, one-year periods free of suspension for traffic violations before this status will be removed. For some new drivers, this may take quite a while. Avoiding the accumulation of six points and a 30 -day suspension from driving for a full two years, may be more responsibility than some youngsters can take. But the chances are that new drives who do make it through the two-year probationary period and get the probationary status removed, will be well trained to obey traffic regulations and take their delving seriously. And if the new law accomplishes that. the roads will be safer for all of us. What's more, parents must be grateful that the government is finally assisting them in their horrendous task to teach responsibility to the new drivers in their families. It may be a cop-out, but I'd wager that moms . and dais everywhere are breathing a sigh of relief now that someone else is looking over the kids' ers with some meaningful legislation desi:a to hit new drivers where they sit - in their pride pocket. ri j