The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 5Garden club helps Members of the board at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital are WAY appredative of .the Goderich Carden Club's efforts. The garden club members have put a great deal et effort into improving the gardens at the front of the hospital Penny sale The hospital auxiliary's annual Penny Fair realized $890 for hospital work, reports Mrs. Janet Kalbfleisch. • She says tag day is upcoming Friday, July 3. The auxiliary is looking for new members.. Next regular meeting is Sertember 3 at the hospital. New doctors The credentials of Dr. Andrew Giant Murton and Dr. Donald Neal have been reviewed and approved by the Medical Advisory Committee at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital: Dr. Murton and Dr. Neal will be working in the emergency department at AM&G this summer. BOARD BRIEFS Appointment. Bob Dempsey has been named to the vacant seat on the hospital board. Dempsey was serving on the board as one of two provincial representatives appointed by the province when the hospital was in some financial difficulty. Gerry Ginn of Goderich Township, is the other provincial rep. Their terms expire later this year, and it is not known for certain if provincial representation will continue on the board. - Dempsey has become so actively in- volved with the board, especially the upcoming building project, membs were pleased to appoint him to a regular position without provincial implications. Seniors say thanks Dear Editor: On behalf of the members of the MacKay Centre for fsnr., to thAak 1".1-4e, Goderich Signal -Star for the excellent co-operation which we have received during our fund-raising campaign in the past year. We appreciate very much the' coverage which was so generously given through pictures and written reports. We thank the management and staff sincerely. We would also like to thank -all- the organizations and in— dividuals who have sup- ported the Centre through donations of money, time and labour. Because of your generosity, the total amount Of money raised in the cam- paign to date is in excess of $24,000. Without this help the 'MacKay Centre project could not have been, com- pleted. Our sincere thariks to all of you for your prompt response to our appeal! Throughout the campaign Howard Ferguson of the Canadian Imperial Boit( of Commerce was the treasurer and gave his time freely and willingly to this cause. We thank him for his interest and work in this ,Noise bylaw Dear Editor: away could complain. campaign. Yours sincerely, The Fund Raising Committee, Bill Ross and Harold Bettger, Co-chair' men Janet Kalbfleisch, Secretary In last week's Signal -Star the Agure of MO feet was given in relation to noise from stereo sets, etc. I wish to point out that there is no minimum distance quoted in the Noise By -Law. The 200 ' feet was merely used as an example of when a com- plaint might likely be made. I bad a couple of calls from citizens who wanted clarification on whether a person nearer than 200 feet • If the music is excessively loud and disturbing, a -Iris an in- fraction of the by-law. However, we expect people to be reasonable in this regard — the music must be excessively loud and it must be disturbing. We would not want persons complaining every time a radio was swit- ched on. Yours truly, Patrick D. King, Chief of Police Power lines concern farmers Dear Editor: Farm organizationa in Huron County have formed a working group to coordinate involvement by the agricultural community at Ontario Hydro's hearings on Electrical Power Mann--ngiuthwesternOntario.-Ontario Hydro has releas- ed its proposals as to public involvement in the selection of five proposed routes for a 500 K.V. line to connect • Bruce Nuclear Power to the southwestern Ontario grid. • This power line will be us- ed mainly to export surplus power to the U.S. and another nuclear power plant built on this line in the future Could be a posaibtlitY. • The proposed methodology of public involvenerd, tim- ing of the hearings, headline just a few of the concerns the group cites in a letter to On- tario Hydro's chairman, Hugh MacCaulay: DearMr. MaeCaulay: This is to inform you that farm grouper in this area have formed an Agricultural -Power-Line -Working coca- mittee. A Chairman, Tony McQuad, Rill Lucknow, On- tario and Secretary, Bill Jongejan, 11R2 Goderich, Ontario were elected at a meeting held June 15, 198L • We wish to point out that the Public Participation pro- cedures outlined in the June 8,1001, backgreourd informa- tion on the southwestern On- tario Working groups do not conform to the Porter Com- mission's recommendations, specifically recommenda- tion 6.3 in several crucial areas: (a) The most affected citizens seem least represented, (b) The chairmen of the working groups are being selected by Ontario Hydro and not by the working groups (e) The procedures, agen- das, --etc.''—have---all- -bet— prepared by Ontario Hydro, without citizen participation or approval. We find the current pro- • posal unacceptable, and believe the procedure should be revised as to conform with The Porter Commis- sion's reconimendations as to these proceedings. We also find the timing of the Public Participation pro- • cess absurd if public par- ticipation is truly desired. After a long delay in its release it has been scheduled in the busiest time in the farm calendar. It will also . .j• oomucusiamto-STAR,„47414M4011,-gAr#F0 • .•;•;•"., ' ••••• Q ,.t.s...,,,,r.•••••••••••••T • conflict with holiday time of most other organizations representing the basiness sector. To allow Meaningful public Involvement the pain partpation, process must be rescheduled to late fall and winter 1961. -We-are-ariseernW-that-so little effort has been made to involve local citizens. We, as a committee, de- mand to participate in the public participation process and wish to appoint a representative to the ap- propriate citizens committee when they are formed. • Please give these concerns your immediate attention. On Behalf of the Agticultural Power Line Working Committee Bill Jongej an RR2 Goderich 519-524-9859 Goderich display in very good taste Dear Editor: We read the advertise- ment in the Globe on the weekend, "Yours to Discover - Goderich" re (71oderich display r at the Eaton Centre. We raised our Goderich flag - it. is flying proudly and will be for this Goderich Week in Toronto. Last evening we toured the exhibit and we congratulate the two young ambassadors, Jane Smith and Cameron McGuire. They are doing an excellent job. The whole display is interesting, in very good taste and to us, ex- citing nostalgia! The picture show was nice- ly done, more than that, ex- trx=ly well done, • expept for two omissions: 1. In the history section, we missed hearing about Dr. Tiger Dunlop and seeing a picture of the Dunlop tomb. 2. In the Quality of life section, there were no pic- tures of the churches, the schools or the hospitalor the plavp job Son 'lucky"' t Dear Editor: In letters to the Editor in last week's issue, Mrs. Pat Wheeler was complaining about her son not getting a certain job with the town. I think she is lucki to have one son working for the town (let alone two). There are lots of students wanting jobs in town but have no one on library. When the Tourism Com- mittee does this project again please zero in on the cultural - features of Goderich. Sunnestions would be: the Laketown Band, Hat- bouraires, the Irla Stewart Singers, the Goderich Little Theatre doing skits 'about Goderich and Huron County history. Please put Jack MacLaren's song "Around the Square" on a record! ' Toronto people are slowly becoming aware that there council to give a helping hand. I agree with Elsa Haydon's notice of motion about patronage. I hope the council members will think of this very well as there are other elections coming up. • Sincerely, Vern Smith j .r r the Gove: Off- 011 Reba --up to $80 Phone The Gas Line: 1-800-2650-0562 • (tollfree) Natural gs is the most econo-, mical way to ht your home And there's plenty of natural gas in Canada - enough already dis- covered to keep you warm into the 21s1 Century, So call The Gas Line before you make a decision for any other energy alternative to oil. Union Gas will send you a book of detailed comparisons of various energy sources, so you can make an in- formed choice. We'll send you the Federal Government's booklet that describes their rebate - up to $800. - for converting from oil. And we'ff show you how Union Gas's finance plan can help you spread the cost of conversion on your gas bills. Our natural gas is going to be your best heating buy for a long, long time. What else can warm and friendly do for ycru Fl S are other places to see in the summer than Muskoka! Many people ask as, "Where is Goderich?". The best answer we find is: "Go right rnrong Siraiford -• 4 make west - and youll hit both., Goderich and Lake Huron!". Our best wishe,s to all in the Prettiest Town in Canada." ' Sincerely, Ann Leitch 1.4 *RINGS •NEOCLACES *BRACELETS *BEADS rg a em3 51 ST. DAVID, GODERICH 5M-9072 05 u 41 0 BEEFnuDELLEAN FRONTS ROAST STTLE FSAUSAGE la. 39 9. WE NOW HAV A NUDE WRY OF MADE Flom ane own. HOPPED FED DEN PINE RIVER CHEESE. THE \ BUTCHER SHOP (JFAFF'S /SEAT MARKET) 65 HAMILTON SU GODERICH- 524-9672 7ear0. „,„„,,ce• Axee.remvem..„0," .o• - ;Dz. •••.•f••=77.;;',!`''''-IPNINI :LT Jr ..•X "V/ , 10011111,1111111110 ..,' ,..r...• ....Jr.. :4,4-- .., ...... -.... ' ii,...."':•,-.`.. Z,...4' iTiFei-7 .11i.e.:24F . 4. 1'o ... SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 at 4 P.M. SHARP. SHOP TILL 10 P.M. WEDNESDAY NITE ONL1 clotAes closei ek 36 NORTH ST. SHOPPERS SQUARE, GODERICH 524-8572 WE HONOR `VISA AND MASTER CARD