The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 4PAGE 4 —GODERICHSEGNALeSTAR„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24, 19ft1 dave sykes The View tine the- othmi aide of the fame alwaysadds a new perspective to thaw. This year, for the first time ever in My life, I qualified for the father part of father's day. Truly a milestone my fledging parental career. But the day takes oa a whole new per- spective and meaning when viewed keen a father's eyes. Sonehow, it Lacked the ex- citement that I remember as a child. For kids, mother's and father's day was a many lag deal, although it wouldn't be fair to suggest that it ranked as high as Chrisineas or your owe birthday. But nonetheless, Rivas a semi -big event. For months, well at least a few days, pennies reeve saved or simply borrowed from mom or dad, to buy senseless and antleee gift that we expected would- cherLsbed forever. But such days, aide from- offeeipg deserved recognition to Parents. obviously hold much sentiment. ettr (Rinke much care 4st1 thettett was e given to the card purchase and the only criteria was that it Wed Meshy senhantet audltaa a4,ue. of a fiteral &Ph% a *waist mow oreognethiso 017110r on the front Naturallyi one was careful to offer dada more maseulfule version of mush. The gilt.-buyipg process was a little more tedious and in my parents were the recipients ei a lot of Junk Butit was accepted and after the formal display period, stashed away as Themorehslia - It's all part_ gt thegame though. Can you imagine the goods fathers received last Sunday? JIlat tbinkof those tiny, little hands furahlingtor nickels to buy dada clip -on tie that gown the dark, socks with orange reindeer on the sides or a new set of un - dm -habits. Doesn't the thought last tug at the old a thiked ° Welt I aninet telt far removed from time days to remenbe. the pride in offering such 01, to. It Wee also part of the faintly routine eh thote days of reMnitiOni 10 Prear0 bilea.1...t4. Now infun was alert ewe& not. to WINN aPalittc.: children Whit treakfasi bed, hat *Pew of us did produce break- fast. orcresonablefacsimile. Beim the youngest of three children, my name was offiiiddto the carat- anA ac- companying present without any cash outlay. 1 got away with that trick for years but my sisters moved away and my excuses weetwiththene Now, as a parent, some of that mush and sentiMentality is directed my way. The little gay, Bradley, is barely four months old now, txd be had the decency to trudge into town and purchase the old man a father's day carJ and gift. Nothing ostentatious mind T• Y* , bat I Wield sespeci It too k a hefty chuck out of his baby Whits cheque. The wee one has already demonstrated a generous nature and each month, when asked what the $73.96 goverment issue cheque should be used for, he simply readies; "Beer for dad" Isn't that cute mid thoughtful of the little guy. Now tballintrealle father's day underlay belt there is a certain eagerness building in anticipation of the future In fact I can't wait until the day that this correspondent is the proud recipient of a plastic tie clip and cufflink set, undershirts with a scenic decal, a new flaehlight without batteries or a tacky plastic cep -holder for the car. lit will be the one week of the year when the youngster will be guaranteed a hefty increase in allowance. A man has to protect his own interests. SINCE 11148 • plENEWS PORT FORSODBUCH Disira grew Weditselip et lisheribb. Oelerbs, el the COM rod 01111111 Addeo- titingsetesriereotost.Solectigthsergeriblitleb*ssrasell-lithestible."33.0 to U.S.A.. 13.110 to SM ether came. • film stegietissliteall.lbspilisretherrebbeg piteiesersibibiserteergettehbleese era ler Mite Card No. lb ellecthe Oc- lebetr,h I. leased tibet min liegiandiew Ihrwier 11714. lithertibies ecoepted es the aweilitiee deo ie the amid el typegrephicell error, the ellearthieg a.p1i W Oho enreseess k5m, together erith reesserebie —ter.lieese. will mei be die...lifer het Mist LL_cerof oriworthereseret wile be paha for et tillot ma. same.ihnituatryarbesetit eletspegrepitiraleteuredeertishigipmedsorserekee et • wens price. "osier sereiate • - Nog oeltbesoli. ilibtrerthireg is assrely .is sot Gni be eritilirerreestam, time- The Signa-Sowir moo class mail registration PUBLISHED BY SIGNAL -STAR PUBLISHING LIMITED ROBERT G. SHRIER-Presiderse and Publisher • DONALD M:1401310C-Advertising Manager DAVID SYKES-Editor • p. ix 22*.- , Oitietan rtibutal* PIM (10 NYA4I OMNI OFFICES please phew (519) 524-8331 e tete:tic:ma ".,:•'•;:e • .„ :,5":•-01„*.,,Cr.'"..",••', • , • ,,e,ri•-•,,,arsrvra,r1,01itmr,— • Thesa eat bi4 lin1 al) for y and all Thisenda Week celebrations offer Something' for • etierstine, and the fun begins Friday eveningandcarriesorithreugh Sunday_ Several colienunitY weeps and organizations have waked for months In preparation and hopefully all the events UM be weltattended. They are worthy of support The seconde-Opttntist "Club Music Fitival gets un- derway Friday evening and a weekend of top en- tetainMent lies heat lined up for the testate! at Harbor Park. Thefeithad will also feature a children's program SabirdayalindadJundier and stay -care facilities are available.. Theweekendactivities will also close on a musical note with a Concert ii Court House Park by the New Reinburg townbandat temi The cengregation of St. Georges Anglican Church wffi be celebrating the leetti anniversary of the church and offer a weekend of actibity_ On Saturday afterpoon there will be a tea, penny fair and a church supper will follow_ Buggy rides will be offered from the chinch m t14 'enenin,g. There will also be a delegation of Bay City visite' rs m town and the Legion will sponsor a pub nigla Friday, a dance Saturday and a Friendship Bakfast Sunday before theflag raising ceremony in Court House Parte On Saturday evening families can take delight in a fireworks display at dusk and Sunday a parade willbegba at Agriculture Park and make a trek arcund telae Square at 2_15 p.im The Lions Club will be active feeding people with a pancake breakfast in the park Sunday ami a beef bm- beque in the evening. The list of events is imprenive and the work behind those events, demanding. But there will be semething for everyone to do and your support ei these functions is vital to service groups and organizations. Canada Week and Founder's Day celebration have become an minuet event in Goclerich, a fun weekend that ie shared with ourfriends from Bay City, Michigan. lilepefully the attraction will continue for many years and centime to be an integral part of summer in GodericlaD.S. MPs want a big raise So yoinre titoekag ateugh time ei it these days. The mortgage is being renewed this year, home heating costs have bled, t's cheaper to leave the car in the driveway and groceries take a bigger chunk of the budget Beit-tightming is petting the squeeze on family bets. Consider the plight of federal members of pailiemere_ Mere! MPs have been pestering the Prime Minister to introduce legisl' ation giving themselves a raise_ The leaders of the three major parties admitted that MPs are kicking for a pay raise but, of course, no-one tvarte to tinte the respontility for the increase. Trudeau said a pay hike would be 11th -citified but he wants asearances from the other parties that no fuss would be made when the legislation is introduced Othenvhie the opposition parties could raise hell over the inue of `pay raises. knowing the legislation would pass with a Liberal majority_ The oppcsition would look lent trea' people's ahanapion th such a cease unless Trudeau demands a deal before the hill is introduced_ A recent report suggested that politicians'salaries have falten behind the cost cif living and comparable groups in the private sector. The salary. must etestainly be siomewhat competitive to attract qualified people but the I d forgotten bow offensive televikon can be enrol Monday night. Yon will raall the c yuckinees of Motiday's weather and I found the even:Mg tie be one cf thcete when j didn't feel like visakig with myself er ateocie else_ Therdore. I spent the evening nteng deli inches from my back and white TV screen which bad Eiden° gene d for quite s.cmetime. flidthe channels and munching on my fineernails. The fast ithig I turned to was etiamei 12 to check the time. the temperature_ and to watch the messages flip ardI bored at ten- gleickly and gliced -t-Ct717.-Ei-er,g. Let's Make A Deal ar1 Family Feed in quick succeseen Can some tell me why game stow hosts are allowed to he' Monty Hall told a little kid that he tad to be la .get M to watch the show. thenasked the kid hew old. he was. -Twenty." the cute tittie miamter answered edited* peel or . neeritten government must also maintain a responsibility in con- trolling spending, Under present legislation, MPs receive an annual in- crease of 7.5 per cent on January I: They receive a basic celery of $32,100 plus a tax-free expense allowance of $14.40a for a total et $47.100_ If a new scale is adopted, by 1903 MPs would have a basic salary of $45,000 plus a tax- free allowance_ A cabibet -mkiister makes a total of $71,200 and the prtme Minister earns 37,500. Admittedly politicians must maintain two homes and for most, the distance between the home riding and Ot- tawa is considerable_ 1413 a difficult situation when elected politicians have the luxury of voting On their own pay raises. The privilege is probably abused in few instances but for the nest part there is a sense of catteare All that Canadians cnn ask of MPs. is that they be sensible and realistic in their approach to salaries_ A good example can ge a long way towards fosterling healthy tions. especially in dealing 'wail such a contentious isshe DS. Monty to have a carerrary from laratter 13 the lap of semeone dressed as a grape. It was on to Family Fued tehere Richard Dawson kissed absolutely everyone ap- roximately 13 times in the space of 45 seconds., How reteiting Flicking en in desperation. I foetid Bewitched. The led time I saw Bewitched was in 1970 I think_ There was old Darren. growing bigger eariieveryterne he told wife Sam a fib. thanks te a nasty spell from Endorn. Poor Darren. And his intentions were getod all along. It -Isn't easy being a soman emotive with a ;cacti for a wife.. boss who comes over and drinks all the rime. and a motherenelaw who floats on the After I made sure Darreres ears get back to merman I serectied channels again but all I meld rind was Little Horne on the Prairie. I refire to watch that show, especially the re-ruris. Somebedy dies in Waken Grove e. v week leaving their grebe= to be dealt Evening cool -down 1 by Cath Wooden EAR BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER As one who drives a cat almost every day, and as the mother ef three children - two of whom were teenage drivers a few year. ago and one who will likely become a new driver ha the next year - I heartily approve of the perebatiopary status for new drivers which was nixtiplemented Junel. As a driver. I know how many dangers lurk oh the highways and biways of Ontario. I un- derstand the risks I take every day - and I also compiehead the risk. I represent for other people. I accept the responslaility of driving a car, but I fully appreciate the scope and meg-int-nee of that respornatiety. I wonder sometimes if others do. And I know my limitations. Some of those have been brought hone to me through near misses or actual accidents. But I've learned I must not drive when I'm tired. that I wet be safer if I drive within the speed limit with my seatbelt firmly secured, that drinking and driving is inviting disaster, that being defensively alert will prevent accidents in most cases and that my car is nothing less than a motorized projectile with the all too trial potential to JII and mam me and any others m my Path - As a mother. I also know that even the most responsible nee drivers *he are teenagers just haven't the experience or the maturity to grasp the a t..starne itiousiliffity- irholved in driving a car. And I think that while more and more teenagers have the potential to be mach better drivers than their arents cap ever hope to be. with by Charles. I will not be made a hot of by being forced to break down 13 tears every tin Michael Landon's letter lip quiteds, I sighed and switched back to charnel 12 to check nay clock again The same messages were on. I tried to amuse myself by seeing howmany three' I could readdeem before they flipped over. But this tired ae ft was back to the other stators again and this time I fiend a matte depressing movie about this rick piety . talented_ but despondeitt teenage girl who was siteng on her bed with a bottle of pills in front of her. I wasn't thrilled about watching tles on a rainy tiforeiwertiteht- I Finally found solace in MASH. but a was a show Fd already seen at least a dozen times. Find an episode of MASH you haven't seen before h like Fireline a lost wallet in a manure ;ale. it can't be dere. By then it was about 9-) and mt eyes were beginning to bug cut I made myself a peanut butter and mustard sandwich and EADERB very few of them are ready to admit they have anything motet° learn about drivinp,.. Most kids have the mistaken opintinn they know just about everything there is to know about driving the minute they are handed their licences. Its this frightening - combination of 'exhuberarce and . over -confidence in teenaged new drivers that keeps parents awake at nights wondering if theiric lbeesed it who are out with the family car will corpe home alive. Kids who may be reading this column will be shaking their heads an disbelief about now, dein-tine the writer just isn't tuned in to what really is going down with teenaged new drivers. rm not surprised Every generation of teenagers believes it has a monopoly on new fang and proper perspective . Butstatistics prove them wrong_ The Ontario Minister of Transportation and Communication, James Snow has the true facts. They are that probationary status is necessary for new drivers beause too many of than appear to be demonstrating a lack if respect for traffic laws. resulting in a disproportionately high rate of collisions and convictions_ -I believe probationary status with its automatic panion at sit demerit points. will have a definite and positive impact on all new drivers - especially those who are potentially careless,: saysSnow. I agree. The new status will apply to all new drivers, regardless of age. including anyone who has not held an Ontario driver's licence within the previous three years. 14 will also automatically exclude them from holding either a schect bus driver's licence.. Class B or E. or a driving instructor's licence. The only exceptions to probationarystatus will be drivers who held, for at least two of the previous three years, a valid driver's licence from another province or territory in Canada, a . State of the United . States of America, a Canadian Forces Eiirope Opeiator's Licence or - a combination of any of these. The probationary status of new drivers will not , be apparent from their licences which will be exactly the same as present licences. However, new drivers will have to complete two, one-year periods free of suspension for traffic ' violations before this status will be removed. For some new drivers, this may take quite a whiles Avoiding the accumulation of six points and a 30 -day suspension from driving for a full two years, may be more responsibility than some 'oungsters can take. But the chances are that new driver -who do make it through the two-year probationary period and get the probationary status removed, will be welltrained to obey traffic regulations and take their driving seriously. And if the new law accomplishes that, the roads will be safer for allot us. What's more. parents must be grateful that the government is finally assisting them in their horrendous task to teach responsibility to the new drivers in their families.. It may be a cop-out. but I'd wager that moms and dads everywhere are breathing a sign of relief now that someone else is looking over the kidsshoulders with some meaningful legislation designed to hit new drivers where they sit - in their pridepocket. tried not to look at the TV. but the recta:ion emissions were working on me like a magnet I turned back to the depressing movie to End thatihe Met was happy now nut the guy who she loved drove his car' off a rhea what a bummer Then I welded several Kraft com- mercials in a row and made myself another peanut bitter and mustard sandwich. making sure I used six mixing bowls, four spatulas. and three measuring imps to do 14. I was out of marshmallows though. The news cane en shortly afterthat. and! watched film footage of people shouting --Cone out care . where ever you are!" to Bani-Sadr and looking =vier tabIedeten and up trees for htm_ I Finally tirned the TV off after another eerie and weather check and fell asleep. Expect all right long.. my dreams kind of kept flickheg amend and amend and all could get were rennin, ac===atratelaattOMMO0100NOMON