The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-24, Page 3Clinton a hard sell No enthusiasm for psychiatric clinic Members of the board at Alexandra Marine and General Hospital in Goderich learned Nioaday evening that officials at Clinton Public Hospital are not showing much enthusiasm for a new psychiatric out-patients' clinic in The Hub of Huron County. The Goderich hospital board hu -cif -ed-to set t a service in Clinton similar -to one already located in Wingbane Additional government funding for expanded psychiatric services was rintly made available to the Goderich board which has the mandate of the 'Ontario Ministry of Health to supply psychiatric services throughout Huron County. The Goderich board was handed that mandate when the former Goderich Psychiatric Hospital on Highway 21 south of town was closed several years ago. Assurances were given then to 'the people of Huron County, that psychiatric out-patients' services meld be made available in the major ce'itse` as wen as possible. Wben the new money became available to ,open another mental health centre, Chief of Psychiatry at Goderich, pr. Michael Conlon, recommernled a Clinton site. Seaforth Community Hospital has expressed determination to have such a service located there, and had asked the Goderich board to consider a Seaforth site. While Seaforth does not have suitable facilities for the proposed day care centre within the hospital at present, officials there have offered to supppiy, tem- porary accommodation free of charge until space can be provided However, Dr. Conlon has remained firm in his r=mareeandatoe to tb Goirieb bimed to' sate fid in Clinton. He says Clinton's central location would put the service closer to more people, and remindede— the board that proximity of the people to the service is vital to the optimum use of the clinic. Dr. Conlon has found excellent facilities directly across the street from Clinton Public Hospital for the eel vice., ate premises vacated by the Huron County Health Unit. However, preliminary informal negotiations with the officials of Clinton hospital indicate the clinic is not seen as a welcome addition to the health care servicessysttre. "We're having a bit of difficulty sell$ lg it to then," said a puzzled Elmer Taylor, administrator el MAW. The stumbling block is the rent for the building owned by Clinton hospital Clinton hospital quotes the cost per month to rent two-thirds of the first floor of the heated premises at $1200. Guidelines from the Ontario Ministry of Health allow for only about $2500 per annum, when facilities are witnia a provincial hospital complex. The, board at AM&G discovered Monday evening that there is very little flexibility in a budget for operating a community psychiatric clinic hkethe ohne proposed forClinforn_ The board eanhnot, for instance, spend more for rent and reduce the service offered to patients. It was pointed out by Eimer Taylor that Clinton's hospital administrator Doug Coventry takes the position that the Clinton Hospital has no way of recouping the revenue lost by reducing the rent on the fad7ity. Complicating the issue is the fact that the Goderich board is advertising for staff for the new service, Dr. Conlon explained there is some urgency about spending the money set aside for the improved psychiatric services in Huron County, warning it could be lost to the people here if a new clinic is not opened rtly. Neg tions are to continue with the Clinton !E► p tel, ham ered by an . AMP—bea=d dame Monday evening to hold rent at no more than $300 per month. "We don't want to beg Clinton to take the service that is being offered to them," said Dr. Conlon. "But, it is a good service and one that is recognized by the Ministry to be needed by the people of this county." Town hall renovations likely to cost -more - It is going to cost more for renovations to town hail than originally anticipated. Council was in for a few surprises last week when five tenders for the renovation project at town hall were considerably over budget Since the tenders, were over priced and there were some discrepancies with the tender form, all five companies will be asked to re -tender the project. The contractors will be asked to have new sub- missions at town hall by 1 p.m. June 26 and a special meeting of council will be held at that time to scrutinize the new prices. Originally, council had budgeted $132,000 for the renovation'aproject and that price was to include architecturalfeeseThe five bids received by council ranged from a -low of 4182„933 by Bratt Construction, - Hyde Park to a high- of $224,828 by Kelly -Lyn Con- struction Company of London. The other bids were from Cobra.. Construction,• London, $192,282; J. Nicholson Construction, Strat- ford, $195,650 and Frank Van Busse' and Sons, Loran, $193,456. MI five companieshave been asked to submit a new bid Council had consideredaccepting one of the bids and negotiating with the company to bring the price in line. However, the property committee, under chairman Glen Carey, resided the companies submit new tenders. At the request of several councillors, a sprinkler system will be part of the renovations. The item had been an option on the initial tender but deputy -reeve Bob Allen said it was senseless to spend over $100,000 and not try and preserve and protect the building. The system will cost about $16,000. When renovations are complete the first floor will contain municipal offices and the council chambers will be moved to the second floor. Hospital lacks room • from page 1 an agreement through the proper government . ministries that preference must be given first to patients already within the hospital when beds become available at the nursing home. The Medical Advisory Committee is to step up study in the length of stay statistics which show AM&G having an unusually high average. Board member Bob Dempsey said the board needed reasons - and if possible, figures to back up those reasons - for the high length of stay average. At the same time, Dr. Michael Conlon urged the board to pursue extended care beds within the community "asa matter of great priority". The medical staff has asked for a monthly report of the number of patients in residence, including those subdivided into active, chronic and psychiatric care As well, the doctors have requested a record be kept of any patients being held in the emergency department until in-patient beds are available and any patients kept on a waiting list for admission to the hospital. Putyour upon -Melodic ftra (linkup. Peter S. MacEwen insurance 38 St. David St. 5249531 02Ni mt. FUNERAL TRIBUTES WEDDING ARRANGEMENTS, AND MORE. 11 N, SN[ & DRI® ROWERS FOR Alt OCCASIONS See us for all types of arrangements as well as Potted and Hanging Plants. We also offer a Flowers -by -wire Service. ucc WE DELLVER IN GOOERiCH g AREA. 1: ,`1 ONS FOR au OCC 5104,s AT SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE 52 SOUTH ST. GODERICI 1524! -Bail! HEY KIDS!! SUPER SUMMER SPECIAL SURPRISES ARE HERE!! *Super Trips! *Super (Entertainment! *Super Fun! Programs begin July 4th FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT: GODERICH RECREATION DEPARTMENT 528-2125 PARENTS: if your child did not receive Betel s of the program offered from school. please Contest the Rection oepervm.nt. inieeeteovewnewateweergew GOD M"M .. TMSJ AY,'✓UNE 1901—PAGE 3 'ison reunion held in Clinton ares Thea Harrison Reunion was held the Clinton Con- servidionArea on Jule 13 with 47 in attendance. The Gerrysports program was con - and Diane Mar& and Bill and til The reindts .of the rebs were: girls uer 6,Sarah In®Collies, Collins; boys ureter 6, Jeff Oesch, Mac Hackett, Shaun girls under 9, Col- leen • McAdam, Sarah Eagleson, Helly and Lori Collins; boys under 9, Stanley Airdrie, Timmy Air- drie, Jeff Oesch; single girls, Brenda Hackett, Bernice Wert, Hazel Collins; single boa', Scott Hackett, Lorne Pennington, Alan Hunt; married .. women, Barb Oesch, Dorothy Airdrie, Mary McAdam; married men, Bill Collins, Gerry Nellands; three-legged race, Brenda Hackett and Scott Hackett, Alan Hunt and loinP Mi _. Joyce andWillett Bernice ; children's eaek races Colleen McAda y Airdrie, Sarah . adults sack race, Brenda Hackett,Bi11 Collins, Gem Neilands; 's -kick the '" Olive Siemon, Barb Oesch, Hackett;Brenda en's . kick the slipper, Gerry eilands, Roy Oesch, Bill Collins; potato relay, Brenda Hackett's team, orange • relay, Peggy Willert's team, spoon, potato, plate relay, Bernice Willert's team, string game, Peggy Willert's team. The children then enjoyed acandy scramble. The oldest person was An- nie Harrison; yotmgest per- soag were Lori and Kelly Collins and the people com- ing the farthest were Marion and Wilfred Harrison. A smorgasbord supper,ar- ranged by Chester and Belle Hackett and Olive Siemon NEW�no SPRING Allis �noM «suPPoawRs Featwa a Adeists from orthopedic firm to pillow soft in seconds. O "Air Baffles" provide even ureig ht distribution— help eliminate -hammock" effect. O Stable interior temperature. does NOT require a heater. D Heah!y gauge polyvinyl—warranteed for FIVE t O Provides the feel of a the motion. O Inflates in 3 to 5 minutes with a canister type vacs or hairdryer. O Lighteleight. inflated or deflated -portable and easily stored. O Can be used with boxspring. waterbed frame or platform. Cane in now—experience the ultimate in `floatation"relaxationl BLACKSTONE. FURNITURE 1 e wins enjoyed by a1 - It was decided to hold the picnic next year at the same place on June 12. The new executive is: president, Wilfred . Harrison; treasurer, secretarp Marion A Amy and Bud FseteroPloplotiketaryand Dine Mewls and Mold chetyl Th Goderich Signal -Stair will be OPEN tUESDAY MONDAY & JUNE 29 JUNE 30 • . THE SIGNAL -STAR • ` -01a-#1-TE- WILL BE CLOSED WED., JULY 1ST PLEASE NOTE: DEADLINES: ALL ADVERTISING AND COPT DEADLINES MIL REIMAIN THE SAME. • ! DISiRIB UTION: • PAPERS WILL BE PRINTED AND DISTRIBUTED AS USUAL. ONLY A FEW MINOR MANGES WILL BE MADE IN OUR REGULAR SCHEDULE. OFFICE 524-8331 BLUE' SUPER SAVE PRICES ICE CREAM ,. 159 KLEENEX FACIAL TISSUE. 2/88 CANADA GRADE A N0.1 ROUND STEAK. FULL SLiCE Z38 POTATO CHIPS 21m GR. SUPER SAVE SUPERMARKET 524-9411 884 LUNCHEON - 29 MEAT 12 OZ. • FRESH REGULAR GROUND BEEF LB. 49 S LB. PKG. OLD SOUTH 1S* SHOD SQUARE. GODERICH We reserve the right to limit quantities. Prises to effect till losing Sot.. June 27 1461 or while quantities fast. DEL MONTE PUDDING 4 CUPS 4.5OZ PEPSI /99 COLA 7Sa ML. PLUS DEP. i TAX MAPLE LEAF U.S.A. N0.1 4 CELERY 12 SOX 894 1 Siiiiizeitsuus 1.09 UNIT TOILET TISSU E - CARROTS ORANGE JUICE DRINK CRYSTALS MGR. 2.2.9 29 4S A 2 LB. SAG 69` ONTARIO FRESH STRAWBERRIES ARRIVING DAILY 99 FLAT GREEN GIANT VGETABLES W(TERMELON POLISH .� SAUSAGE LIQUID BLEACH • LB. 3.41. 1 44 WESTON WIENER HANl BURG BUNS t'S 594