The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 3440,41;4'0,143, PACK itA—CODKKICKSIGNALFTAR„ WEDNESDAY, JUNK 17, IOU tt, nnt,11., Newt -meeting ia.. Toronto It arks and Recreation 'ederation meet here BY JASON AMUR The Parks and Recreation Federalism of Ontario met in Gederich for its first annualmeeting last week and already the group is looking to lailtwhen it will help the province Ontario celebrate a milestone. Resides bebig the year of Geerge Orkers catastrophic predictions, 1961 marks the city of Torodo's sestpdeentennial anniversary and marks 2CO years sin10,000 immigrants,orrived at Upper Cda, A representative at last week's meeting said there is a rule for the federation m 19M when Ontario celebrates its birthday, and although there is a lot the PRFO can do, no suggestions were made. Representatives wilt ponder the question until their mode*. federation, which compaises six satellite wuzathms (Association of Aquatic Personnel; Ontario Municipal Recreation Association; Ontario Parks Association; Oho Recreation Society; Society of Directors of Municipal Recreation of Ontario and Sports Administrators Association), also held its election of officers. Robert &met of Kitchener was replaced as chairman of the federation aswas Bill Hare as vice- chairman. Dean McCubbin was elected secretary of the organization and Jim Chahners was replaced as treasurer, The fratiert was created so that these six organizations could speak with a collective tongue for parks and recreation in Ontario. An Ontario gover- ment publication saki the federation was born "of increasing frustration with the indifference (real or alleged) of the ministry towards recreation," and that "the various provincial organizations camelo realize that in union there is strength"- The next meetingand of the Parks Recreation Federation of Ontario will be in Toronto on July 21. of Kitchener aftr Mr. Angst was re. itternitinimiredeialion or -last Friday. AMO& the Bird araml meeting of the federating which was alkwhirm was Robert Sword, Assistant Deputy Field Swam, Sports and Recreating Division- (Jame APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or small, we'll fix them — Our repair experts will • have your appliance in tip top shape fast. Call us W- I Is day. PECK APpLIANCES IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" VARNA 482-7105 Your authorized Dealer for... ARCTIC CAT SNOWMOBILES SUZUKI MOTORCYCLES MOTORCYCLES (Mire_ NORTH OF HENSALL. LOOK FOR THE SIGNS1 262-3318 or 262-5809 111111 4111.111. Ill Lip. - Get his gift at his favorite store onates over say T:6"i1U- Weaid "1111 Per° SIMSocielYto the sup rted by the 101 to the March of Dwies; lbe Palsy' - and OM and .b the - Perth Lung Arsociatim uront- the iffernchrialt Children's elnatedS" Legion the parade.lni.iaY - _The Hunangtanan WAS • Pliedlatte a 11 commode - Fire Deport - „peeked reeztheationtegrards egpripment which is used to pry accidentvidfrns from crushedvehielm. One thousand dollars was donated to the Senior Czens program atMacHay Centre and the SL John Ambdance Association was granted POO towards the purchase of amobile first aid unit Legion Branchltedonated • $1000to the Legion District C •Hospital firndL This fwd is used to provide extra comforts for veterans 'in Westwiasterliospital. R will be mad that these donations of Legion Blanch 109donot include donations fingikihe Poppy F0d. The POW Fund is held w a Weird trust accolmt and is restricted to expenditures such as velennse welfare, Legion bursaries and hospital equipment. Detalis of donations from the Branch nippy Filnd will be rdeased diming the annual Branch • PolWemPaiit- eachers attend conference About MO presidents and exe=tire. iraws d Women Teachers' Associa- tions thd nudge up the 214100 merriber Federation of Women Teachers' ASSOCI4- lion of Odario met at the Airport Thy frw. Tu - to, on June 5 and 6. The d the wee:. repare for Adige'. ROCS discussed included politieal action, public rele- liens, and coliedire bargain- ing. Attentring from Mixon (:("y Jean 'Bailr and Mrs. Grace Brine of Ex- eter Public School; Mrs. Nancy Pepper of Robertson Memorial School Goderich and Mrs. Marlene Thornton of Stephen Cedral SchooL • AO INON CANADIAN INSTITUTE •• OF MANAGEMENT THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE • OF MANAGEMENT LONDON. BRANCH In conjunction with the School al 4usineas Allvelaistralion lialsersity af WeatieraOarterio Es offering Tat year of 4 rear Cartilloate Coarse* MANAAGEMENT •• ADMINISTRATION • CURRICULUM: (A) CANADIAN BUSINESS LAW (15 Sessions) (B) ORGANIZATIONAL AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR (15 Sessions) • TUITIM4 FEE FOR COMPLETE YEAR - $27000 FIRST CLASS TO COMMENCE WEEK OF SEPT. 7/81 at GODERICH ASSESSMENT OFFICE 7:00 PM -10:00 PM II this name is te be eihred is Keine Cnvudy, these people nest be cardected before it* 1, 1981. AtIOIDIAND - Liatotarasoce lioperiss. tendent. Western Enormity. P.O. Sox 444. trialestrial Road. %Theism Ontario. NAG MIL Phone: 337 -3434 - PATRICK NIMINGTOW hianufacturing Manager. Ihr-Call-0 Wihrox. P.O. Sox tie 10 Don Street. Clinton. On- tario. Phone: 442-3441. GERM! tV/ADit4G. - tlastries Ltd.. Kny. 4. Centralia. Ontario. Phone: 241-442& JACK SHEARMAN - General Forelnank Sell Aerospace Console. Division of Tex- tron Canada Ltd.. P0.. Box ilia. Gsateed Beriti, Ontario. Phone:, 234-2333. WAYNE 14114041111T. Director of Training 4. Development, Champion Phated Atocitioerif Group Lhotted. Godes-14k Ontario. 147A STA. Phone: 524-2414. t• 10.4 1 1 1 1 ) 11 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1‘ , • UR StiAatalc-, We vitt reptece. FRE Of dun.. .--....... 000 eiectricali hand power toot that .,.:. , , lads to operate,, under normali.con- ....., ,,, Wiens. within one year eat ottgarizal.....7-_„ Purdtase date. Rental and CO useexcWied_ \til, 6 111--.... , 111:1i, pi vs, Fabul�us gift for Father! 95... DeWalt 8” radial - arm saw • VillMatile emus& fertile big jobs! • Tubular steel column moulded to base • Ownbination blade cuts 2" deep • Ocurall worktabla slaw 22 x 32" • Upper and lower blade guards Compare this special price! Piny Dad who 'Clises-itAlirnself would be thrilled to receive this! And our special price puts it within family budgets Crosscut capacity: 10%i" stock)). -Pipping caparay: 1977. Key -locking switch. Easy- readscales. 120Vmotor. 99-,3963 • 22 x 32" table with extensions • Dip-tence, accurate mitre -gauge and anti -kickback attachments • Sturdy stand at ideal work height e Dependable, %-tiornotor Regular s259.95 Perhaps the ultimate power tool present for Dad and Canadian Tire has it at a substantia saving! Famous Rockwellquality. 2" cut depth at 90° tVe- at 45Eke- . bearing construction 5-6827 Awe tre 1 -hp router kit &We 4" 2995 leg $33 95 87580 'Bests variable -speed jig saw Dad will get a list of use out of this versatile saw. Stews down for intricate cuts. D-3200 spm. I:rouble-insulated 5aat2a Regular S.76k 95 %Weenie addition to Dad's workshop. Vest' model #7617-04. 2341(}0 rpm) rou, HSS 2-4fiLite bit, 2 wrenches and cutting 12,nitt4 [ni compact case. 54604t Apirat$2•000 95 Reg St 45 ,S60" 95 Commercial -duty angle s nder Black & Decker model #4046. Lets Da 'Op a professional job 4250 rpm. Reversible side handle r- Kdolftest baclking pact 54-7238 • 10mm lot more than tires TIRE O.R. TAYLOR • LIMITED GODERICH 524-2121 cnrriltif P IT VIRE I:I Re 174.95 National 4'' jointerfptaner Practical tool Dad would want in his work- shop Adjustable grey -iron table Blade' guard Balt -bearing Deep price cutW 55-5Srr 121 4.56 ?59 ti USE - YOUR CARO OPEN - ALL •OAY WEDNESDAYittFRMAYS TILL .