The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 33Clancy 0.D. is pleased to announce *Oat Plisbett 0.1), viBI he joining his Practiee los June as an associate. Dr.Plisbett, of Kincardine, received his Doctorate degree in Optometry in May, 1951 from the University of Waterloo. - GODERICH MAJORETTES ANNUAL SHOW WEDNESDAY JUNE 17/81 G.D.C.I. West Entrance 7:00 P.M. Tickets at door: AdoIts 'I." Children SO' Club Bear Captain Onnet, My name Ls Ryan Shelton and I would like to job your litikahay dab. I turned one year old on June 11 I nye st RE. 2 Goderich with my mom and dad„ Brenda and Ai, and ray dog Vicki. Please say 'Happy Bir- thday' to my grams and my Uncle Grant. Their bir- thdays are July 6. Love, Ryan. Dear Captain Comet: Ill! I'm Kristine Azn ta On' your Birthday Club. I will be three-yearsold o Saturday, June 20. I live at 217 Mary Street with my dad and mom and my Utile sister Candice. I also have a pet dog, Snider. Please extend special wishes to my birthday pal, Fred. Thank you. Love, Kristine -`) r 1 SCREIDERS SLICED -BOIL IN BAG CORNED BEEF $ • 3x57 g PKGS. 9 FRESH CANADIAN PORK SHOULDER CHOPS TENDER! BUTT PORK SPECIAL! SCHNEIDERS ALL NEW! SMOKIE WIENERS. $1.16' Ib. PKG_ SPECIAL! MAPLELEAF MT SKINNED HAM PORTIONS St79 lb Ib. Dear Captainannet: Hi! I4y name is Malady Itentley. I will be three- yearseld baby, due 17 and ta M& day Gab. I live at 11115 Ceded& with my mom (Jain and dad (Am) and new by brother Wheel. My brother aniVai just in lime to help me celebrate, which makes Ms a very spedal birthday for me.. Bye for now. lam Mandy GotmaismasTANommsto4Vulls .11111.4MEMA Children invited to participate hip contest to n e nursery school DeltrthiPtaineametv Retarded opened a very 1 hope yea do not wind an special nursery school for admit mit* le yen bet I developmentally ban- d like to ohne some dicapped pre-schoolers in "ion with ad the the Central Irmo sre.a children who rend -your Elduzded in Vanastm„ the column. - - school serves the &bird In Felnall7 i this Year. surroudilig the three towns the Wench and District of Coderich, Segorth and Asseeiation fix the Martially Clinton_ We axe eery nsolr *Imre a nape Tor gaff *ant and adt &Bine eiennwtattle anitadann Anskoactlef 40. =I be &en hae the name chosek . bat if thla num should , Wove been sobmiteed froat morn than ere mace, a draw wit be a Plasm IIRAP an and Md ar icless iWith your nom #474 400 Odom t r e to 1C. KorEwing, Tackenanith Day Now& Thainhenalt Ilauteen Penn held_ (forte G.DA.W.11.) Robertson Grade 8s vjsit Toronto On Friday, Julie 5 the Grade Is went to Tannin for their gratitudion kip. In Toronto, the bum went into omtral Taranto. Theta iming up Ihtiversity Avenue where the groups saw the parlia- ment buildings and gneen's Park. Other sites that they say vivre the at Tower -Union Station and the tN.E. Grounds., Then the group wertTo the Metre Zoo. The students were treated to Big Macs, French fries and Cokes at the zoo. I REPORT CAIIDACHIEVEMENT I - 4 SPECIAL! AT THE WHARF HMI FILP,tPrs,s FRESH' AATLINTIC HADDOCK FILLETS $2.39 IbL super special FRESH TWIG ONTARIO POULTRY CHICKEN FRYER PIECES "COUNTRY" 3 FOREQUARTERS wus WHOLE NECK AND fun 3 MNDQUARTERS *ITN WIWI BACK CUT 3 WINGS AND 2 PACKS OF GIBLETS AT THE DELI COUNTER ... NNW CAME AGE NM SLICED Ib SIAS �M SUM 110T-CUIRY-PEPPER LOAF ib fa MPSYS MAIM Ib w SUPER SPECIAL! LIQUID STYLE JAVEX BLEACH 3.6 LITRE OUR REG. $1.64 $ `7111E AIM AGAINST CAVMES" AIM TOOTHPASTE 100 ML. Ib. TEK 3 VARIETIES TOOTHBRUSHES NARROW BABY STYLE WASH CLOTHS SOFTER COTTON SWABS DISPOSABLE PRONTO RAZORS 3:71.99 1.29 89# PKG_ OF 150 180s 5's 119# JOHNSONS BABY OIL MR. CLOWN LIQIIID BUBBLE BATH PRE PACKS BRONZE TAN 250 mi. 1 • Such animals that the ninteanin!ala- ached SWIM will be students saw were: gorillas, BYTeddraleki,,k gethatnig eeld Yew" We fillets, Polar bean and Watdd-IkE te that* . , more. Also the grotip was &ova Tar all lise lab that given a 25 minute tide an the This is the final edition of she has Kiaaw m t1 Past maanrad which shelledBawl= fe—s three rug7a dthe oaken. - F of A rnembers hear lawyer on Law Refonn Act BY RHEA HAMILTON While fann wives have been winking alongside their husbands for years as part- ners that contain:than has net been recognized as such until the recent change in the FamilyLaw Hewn' Act Lawyer nay -Stew=rt pointed out to Huron Federa- tion .of Agriculture members Ilmrsday evening that in the past, if a wife did not have her nate an the deedlhen the court, at time of separa- tion, would( have to deter - mime the intent of the couple The home cannot be mor - towards sharing the farm_ tgaged or sold without the But the courts were hard- consent of the spouse and it pressed to split the family is very difficult to lose this assets this way and would right as it is laid out in the nothing. This' edreme case led to fairer settlments. /kit the courts have eased hock and judges are now looking for a suladantia" 1 cordram- tion to the farm before awar- ormg assets to the spouse. Spouses also have what is teriamor riajtt es_ While their name might not be on the deed they still have the right to the mahimonial home until they give up the right or the court decides they no longer have ele right - __,_?=—Africart AUFTS/Lion Safari ,4W For Fardaers,:rdorrantonthr kr; an homatolially ix yaw NORMAL, WM EGG, OR CREW !WISE AD Ask ZEHRS SHAMPOO...airy BABY MIND ZEHRS ' SHAMPOO .169 3 VARIETIES pitG. Pinola *Am PLAYTEX TAMPONS 3. NEW -PRODUCT AT ZEUS POPSICLE BRAND FROZBI • GOODIN' PUDDIN'. CHOCOLATE OR goof PACKAGE OF 6 3 VARIETIES NON BEORORANT PKG. PLAYTEX TAMPONS%.29 SCENTED OR IINSCENTED DRI IDEA ROLL-OL1L49 FOR HEADACHE REUEF ANACIN TABLETS2t99 r SUPER SPECIAL! MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE •99 lOoz 1.69 JELLO POWDERS 650 ml. 1.29 15 VARIETIES EACH 159 3 oz. PKGS. 00 Aimit FLEISCHMAWS CORN OIL SLEEVE SEM.TESI LEMONADE 4 vmurnEs OF GAY LEA DAIRIES FIESTA YOGURT , . . SLUE SONNET SOFT STYLE MARGARINE RESTOS LEMON OR RASPBERRY JAM FILLED BUNS - 2 LITRE V 6 PACK 1 Ib. BOWL $9# GAINES GRAVY TRAIN 15 LITRE SUE PYREX JUICE SERVER 6s 99# 8 Kg $199 RIMIERMAID ICE CUBE TRAY0 99# EA. 2: ARE PLEA tED TOSERVE YOU IN: PACK ' FLAMINGO BRAND MARGARINE SEATEST SOUR CREAM BUIEWATER OCEAN SNACKS wrro SHRIMP FARMHOUSE 4 FLAVOUR CHOICES CREAM PIES WESTONS 1132 IRAN STONE MILLED BREAD I I I ilb. VI BUTTER TARTS 149 500 ml. 8 oz. 12 oz. EA. MOZZARELLA, HAVAIITI RCVS COFFEE RICK MISE o. 12 z 2°, 89 *1.99 24 oz. 't.09 12's [SUPER SPECIAL! I WE OFFER A COMPLETE SELECTION OF ALL HEINZ BABY FOODS INFANTS AND JUNIOR BEEF, CHICKEN, TURKEY OR MACARONI & CHEESE - SAVARIN POI,FsIES FOR • tion bait vras too &Ale. In Marriage Contaacts " are 1925 the .Ontario legislature not as popular as we are led acted to recognize marriage to believe. Kiss Stewart pointed out that in the law firm where she works only six.marriage °redirects have been written in three years by the seven lawyers who wink with her. While you can't contract out custody of children you can determine ownership of your material assets. The contract is only ple: "a sweet young thing valid between married marries an older established spouseSand is used to deter - farmer and after two months mine how the property and leaves and sues for half of assets aresplit. his $300,000 fam" •"Primarily the contract is - In a case ilke triariffemuiEdinriarritgtiOn court would look at what protect the- first family," valuable assets she brought saidhEssStewart. into the marriage and gauge In any situation where a their response by that Other young farmer wanks and assets include contents of the his wife is not interested in home, vehicles, cottage, farming, a contract could be with the emphasis on the used to protect the farm with matrimonial home But en- a stipulation that after five the matter of acreage, the years the contract be act is vague Arms Stewart automatically void. pointed out. • "But how romantic is ft to A hobby farm of 50 acres sit down and decide who will could be declared full get what before the mar - matrimonial home and nage is complete or even divided equallyafter?" said Pass Stewart. If a woman contributes to While. custody and suppert the actual work on the land in common-law relationships or barn while still maintain- is taken into consideration in mg her home (house) duties the Family Reform Ad pro - she could still be entitled to perty isnot. part of say the 400 acres of "But courts are looking at land around outside of the common-law situations dif- matrimonial home. ferentiy," Itriss Stewart said. While everything is &mid- -It is Wise that we all know ed equally the act is 13mile where we stand en a basic to avoid inequalities. • situation." Briss Stewart ex - "We start at a 50-50 basis fibbed, "What happens instead of with nothing," depends on you but the said Miss Stewart. Items like courts try to be flexilile and farm equipment, personal give basic rights to both men investments or valuable hob- and women." hies could be included in the The audience, composed non -family asset category half of women, asked ques- and in that case there is not tions concerning bankrupt - an automatic 50-50 split cy, divorce, and liens on pro - Miss Stewart cited the perty. Murdoch case where the On the matter of wife worked beside her bus- mechanics' lien Miss band and received nothing in Stewart said that if you are settlement As a hired hand having contract work done she would have been paid, you are, entitled to withhold but as a wife she worked for 15 per cent of payment until as a partnership and ruled that materials acquired dur- ing the marriage be shared. Arms Stewart gave some interesting situations and pointed out how they would be handled under the new family law reform law. The courts try to avoid windfall benefits. Her exam - •37 days have pissed. Met is an insumee against Dms placed upon your ome hOr PraPertY- • • The esaniple used was a case wherea couplehadcopT, boards installed in their home and paid mime- tertiliefiglidil. • ' • Before - the 37 days had PassedMaar al the, upbeat& to the detractor dappedalierionthe coterie's lune for lis in1L- The sop- . plier CAA tidy rectiveil5 per. cent hem the couple even . that* they pabl the COW tractor in fuli. Therefore withholding the•15 per cent from the contractor sues them from additionalcodsif k ;4. , • If more than one Sepplier is involved the couple would slag* pay 15per cent aid kit the Segall= divide, tip , their own Way. "The lawis very mad and there are definite time limit; in:which to file and alter that the Bens areinvatkL" On a tpiesfia• 'dhow mach debt a wife is responsible for, Miss Stewart said if the hushemd goes buderupt the wife should follow suit to clear the liabilities. If she is walking, the bulk could suet her or garnishee her eragee'' fortheundeareddebt. Inm Stewart has . 'practising bw for two with the finin of M andhfitchellinStrafford. Gerry Forhme, president of Huron F of A, reported on the 'meeting in Toronto that day with mambas of the federal and provincial governments to discuss economic problems facing Ontario farmers. Elaine Pym, Agricrew co- ordinator, outlined the pro- gram for workers and asked farmers to consider hiring teams to do some of the work around the farms. Ontario Hydro has finally released its report on pro- posed hydro corrklors and Tony McQuall drew up a resolution asking the OFA to request the government to have Hydro adjust its timetable for the report. The report was initiafiy to be ' released last fuJi. Hydro and government have been en- couraging priblic input into the stu,dy and are proposing all material to be in by September. Mr. Malan] pointed out that summer being the busiest time of the year for the farming community it would be difficult for farmers to get together to study the report and give their input. JOIN BERT IL ERNIE'S Hwy No 8 0 u R MANANGER 1$ RAY HURD G RON RD. OPEN WED, THURS., FRI., EVENINGS 1 "KIDDIE CLUB" This program k directed toward children ages 3 to 6 years who will be attending school in fall. -HAVE A FUN TIME! - Activities planned include - Arts & Crafts, Songs and Gnaws, Puppet Show. Pantomimes and more. WHEN: JULY 6 -AUG. 21 9 a.m.-11:45 & 1:00 p.m. -3:45 WHERE: ROBERTSON SCHOOL GYM Register for one week at a time or for the complete simmer FM $15,00 per week per child O idOISTER CONTACT: Goderich Recreation Department - 524-2125