The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 32PAGE na--cosaucummasmit,womspAtanlEmota Fiuron Comm Unit : c e girrniAQQPR fund rai . i enc live The Hunn COOT Unit of Maks education committee from the Units fan -Marilyn d*tee meeting Goderich Township Hall ipresidents oHaticalyetahrelian lied the "We sportation and medical several northern find a permanent Barnesville. losasd hold the eeof P.DAN. lemedthatttharl alattiatned Chn Help" to the United and serviees well-received. - place in Clinton b muse Goland)! Brarndhes have chairmen at the same time ve Om the MI AnglicanCharch women and District Director, Bob Neee branch presidentstr:avellu g easier fir the been *minket to handle the The merits of this new policy _ _ - _ thorn with to were - �� j f w s abn that meeting about Helen�� that end in o athenne e. . inEenteronp h 3. GoderichBranch had bout with cancer and bens lead of t that he n- Clinton Branch toe still a a Daniel' Tick is w obtained by McDaniel arranged president d cam- stressed the importance of tine unit tMke with Elaine ' tt-t -W" gar -at-- fight this diseme wad wile -He ..__ tions . to branch attendance d the flair af'Cbnton,Joyce Black •- complete its new slate of unit meetings and expressed of Exeter, Marj Brown of officets his at the large Godenich, Marg McCowan of Viand Den Kennedy of Wmgbam to arrange for their The Chiefs of Staff of the local hospitals mid the branch medical alWsors are to be contacted to mite all local doctors to To round out the evening, Julie Easterbrook played a Medley on the keyboard, the meeting was adjourned and ketch was served. L cii)K I *BRACELETS *BEADS alas WW1 31 ST. DAVID. 5444.7* and had the end of the tenth for the both gone .elver their in- National Bieast _Scrnening dividuat Objectives with 'at Mount Sinai Clinton and Goderich to Wino Helen Davies reportedthat eborlier-Scaforthliranchertil ' there are still vacant 6.e very doe to its ebjedine p on the PD.ir1�l',. after ..Ienl -e hon fundscommittee t be amok.S►e HMOs Howard' Aiken, total 4 an publicity,praised Joanne **dais 01J11ne2 Bucbanan of the Gudenich ,673Steapeopesasof Signal -Starr • for her ki himan 'tfris Freda Slade Marked far year's edition of %rrpe . He $e ' edncataoe e . said Toronto . had again She stated that tone, requested "100 copies to send S. _eaforth, W ggbam' and out ra division level to en- Goderich - Branches had courage otter areas to un- visited_ the tocalhigh schools dectaire this kind of enth"naw materaaL SWrplies education. and pictures Were also , taken to f n the edition have been Mary schwas New.. sent. to. John McKay for pamphlets were put in the •_, pig k} the Southwest otruni of bawl, dentists and Nen& doctors as well . as at . Jan Sloane was also bow, libraries, some prai'e for her efforts at IRISillESS offices .and the. cENXIvandradio. HuroviewD* CeueCent e.. Nam Awn reported that a�iiuec,..t term -e --yam.. at lba ' 14 s'''ec hertainfatte Aso ByiaWili 13uf 19Nrithe Qorpaatistr4 the Town of Goderich, a bylaw to p .t the bonds or tees..• et�r River Power Company- Ltd, wilt be voted on July 7. A pub lemeet ngwillbeheldin the Opera House Oil discusstheproposolot me o®1 bwerCsmpany traffic of the r Nor-. ern .. ; Navigation . was in: town on onlay .. acting' e. 30 tires LIpDS. also spoke about the recent P.D.S114. conference in < lIIia and said information on this Wince woaad soon be sent out members ofthe unit He zeminded members of themini-conference ' on September 12 at the Univers r of We tern fb ario and urged everyone to attend. Dan Kennedy was asked to spearhead bus arrantpments fir the con- Concerning the annual meeting coming up on October 6, Mr. Montgomery said that Dr. Boris Raguie bad agreed to be the guest speaker and will inform members about the Ccto- Rectal test he has helped to devise. It was suggesteed'that local physicians be invited to the meeting to learn about tan new test Exeter Amer Joyce Black then introduced Julie Etteleeene f. -i; Zia! ick on old files The county will collect E510,596. from the namicipalitt s this year with fid,; 54tobensedferroadis Diving. fully clothed Into Guiana harbor, El -year-old yesr=old Dennis Fowler of Godericb' from possible STEMS AGO A; for raising funds bribe new roof for the . Goderich on doors drying to raise about $1 ,p00. T'heaim.of the drive is to reopen the arena doors in time for hockey and figure skatingthis winter. Huron County public tee—Att.— etieketeds aside the Harron County Court House Monday morning in their deepute toy. seek oompulsoty brbibration. The nurses are out on a one week state to . back their demands. Warren Robinson has been MemesialArena wlkick off named the department bead Jane -111' 3aod for four days of the G.D.C.1, English mnvaurers lull be "mocking' Department W. TICJd Wok over the Hotel and aA =amber of 1111- 111111/0011SliSareimderway. Arrangements for the of The Square paving contract were agreed upm at a special Meeting of the town council and officials of Warren Bituminous Paving Company Ltd. of Tomato here Friday af- ternoon. €ternoon. lt was decided that the job, which wasesiUrteed here last' year, world be ftnnehed off with a sand seal coat (tar amdsand). As expected, Huron Chanty Council confirmed a 1966 county tax rate' of 12 milts as the June shun wound up here hist weeks his Don Yang of Althorn (r ) was awarded lois ley the Ontario Association for Orwmelliog and Atteniboice Services last week- at Geneva Park. He is shown here with 'Kenn theMislsthry eaucatim (Pihit. by newt EASIERBANK1NG The Commerce Key Account is more than a per- sonal sonal bank account Its a package of all the personal banking services you are likely to nee Approved Key Account holders receive a Commerce VISA* Card and free custom personalized cheques; plus overdraft protection with Covercheck, unlimited chargeless chewing, cheque cashing privileges at any Commerce Branch in Canada And never pay service charges for money orders, drafts, and bill All for one low monthly fee! Drop in to your nearest Commerce Branch today and unlock the convenience and good value a Commerce Key Account holds for you_ r CANADIAN /PAPER/AIL K OF COMMERCE Ina Seoine reported that the Seaforth Branch held a meeting in May at which their slate of officers was Noun Whiling of Exeter congratualted and thanked his branch for their works in being the f st to pass th e canmaignobjective. Goderich president Mel Farnsworth reported that Angus MacLennan has agrred to be their new vice- president Don Kennedy of the irmgham Branch reported that the movie Tribute' netted around $50 for their branch campaign and got the Society some publicity as the theatre owner donated $1 for each adult ticket purchased on May 27 or 28.. Healso turnout at this meeting. He called for opinions from the -branch presidents about a metingpermanent plate aging thenato question their branch members and notify the unit .office on their feelings the meeting since the guest The unit secretary read a speaker's tabk wet be of thankyau letter from Olive special interest to them. $Higley for a gift sent to her Invitations well also be sent husbandand it was arranged to the district executive as to send another gift tohim. A well as the executives of letter was also read from the other district units notifying manbers The branches were asked that a Terry Fox Day will be to submit to the unit office held Sunday, September 13 the names of any of their with moredetaITs to be given members who they feel later. merit an award of Seaforth president Ina recognition at the annual Scoins reported that Mrs. .Ming_ Miller had agreed to cater to Ross McDaniel announced the ant's anneal meeting the new division policy which which will be held at the makes branch and unit vice - NOTICE ALEXANDRA MARINE AND GENERAL HOSPITAL Announces its ANNUAL MEETING Midi will be held in the Hospital Avxiliary Rome at 1930 bows (7:30 p.m.) 15 JUNE, 1981 T.G. Crabb, Chairman Board of Governors 6 ""YSOE SUPER SAyINSS ._._ IN ALL ZEHRS MARKETS 1 SPECIAL. PRICES D9 EEEECIr 9 AWE.. IYED_ J114 47 ODOM CLOSING 'IIWESDUtYT JUNE 23. 494 COUNTRY -OVEN M STORE B ICEaV SPEC/ALS RA% WHOLE WHEAT 1110% WHOLE WHEAT CRACKED WHEAT . $ E. t.O75#. iErit A .u oz. wD_ ,. r ESH DAILY ON }BAKED (FR MERINGUE. 1PIE ,Boz.SIZE 49 WAS OWN "MEW OVER'" DINNER ROLLS DOZEN 9# SPECIAL! PURE SPRING NICER ALE HIRES ROOT CREAM SODA, CRUSH WE„ CRUSE/ ORANGE,. 750 Na_ BOTTLES "US DEROSIM CHRISTIES RITZ 4SOOr- SUPER SPECIAL! 1 TODDLER SIZE PA M PERS 24's OUR REG. $4.79 PET FOS GAINESBURGERS 2 K #3.29 LAW, SCOTT 4 Cltaillt CROWS 4 ROLL BATHROOM TISSUE 149 FRESH CANADIAN PORK SHOULDERS FRESH �ac' PICNIC PORK ROASTS Ib. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! SPECIAL! N SPECIAL! FRESH! ONTARIO TOMO SIDE PORK • SPARERIBS $14$ mins OWW PRIVATE LIBEL SLICED SLICED COOKED ZEHRS SCHNEIDERS FRESH PORK t REEF ENGLISH , SAUSAGE $ .9S HAM - BOLOGNA 14-o, is .211 •Ib. 775 g_ PIM. 375 g_ PKG. r NESE TASTY LARGE SPILT MGT SCHNEIDERS SCHNEIDERS RING BOLOGNA PEPPERONI 1*8 [es_ *le 3Q® g- SCNNDIETIS `. HEADCHEESE BOWLS 1.4837E5A? MI MI oD CHICKEN LEGS #1.28 ..- PRIDE OF CUM ROASTING CHICKEN 11.39 . • MIS RST AR SWEET FiFsir SPLIT CHICKEN BREASTS 't 5.1 Far RARE LEAF ITALIAN MD SAUSAGE STEAK '1.4* t„.^ •f, 7111152- MAPLE LEAF MID ' 6.5 FLAKES . OF CHICKEN *f e 9 MAPLE LEAF NNW FLAKES OF HAM 5_5 oz._ POSTS CEREAL HONEY COMBS 3 VARIETIES DARE COOKIES 500 gr CLUGHOfISE BROREM SALAD OLIVES 119 'f.S9 1.39 99' 375 m0 ORAIM+AE FLAVOURED TANG CRYSTALS 133.. '149 RELUURIS MAYONNAISE SOO mit 1%29 mu 6F�AD aoanO $90 FOR UNBLEACHABLES > 2 Kg. $339KITCHEN CATCHERS A2 s JAVEZt SCRUB & SHINE 500 ter;_ ALt PURPOSE TOWELS 4 C0I000S PT J-CLOTHS ra', 29 FIBRIL SOFTENER 5 p_ e49 SUPER SPECIAL! FINE QUALITY HEINZ KETCHUP 32 OZ_ OUR REG_ 52.09 9 SPECIAL! ��� Tome SUPER 1 DREAM WHIP 3 oz 89 ON "014MlaituLL Utter ob Mirk, tor or caw* Hh oeue io Ge UWS near cur 2 '0 LEAF LETTUCE &I CHES FGR mace 49' 79 PDRIRGT OF CANNA {awrnw Gaowe Ferns ROMAINE LETTUCE 6F ms�ir. n, NIL n a GREEN PEP PeoeL of our. CAR'_ oo. fl LA1EGe NOfl OOSE EI4$I TOM T ES It' 79' PRaeUCT OF SMIITh AFRICA me FARCY Flan CRE N Mita GRANNY MINS . IB GROW ESPECIALLY FGA MOS 1 MAMMA IMAMBEGONIA BASKETS E poTr t 9 SUPER SPECIAL! P100UCI OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE LARGE, JUICY, RIPE FRESH- PLUMS aaNECTARINES CALIFORNIA GROWN