The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 31Clinton boy dies following accident cuNroN Minton has recorded ds llrat highwaY fatalky accident in eight years when sevenlear-oid Damy Black off Clinton died in London's University Hospital on June 4, two days after he was shuck by a meterewele in Clinton. • Danny was hit when he darted out in front of a 1900 Kawasaki owned and operated by Conrad Wayne Kuiper, 17„ of RR 2, Clinton. Clinton Police reported that Mr. Kuiper &dal have a chance to stop and no charges wall be laid. Danny was the son of Peter Wadi -and the former Susan- Chishohni Clidon. He was a Grade 1 popil at Clinton PublicSchool. School Board hears delegation on transfers By Wilma Oke The Huron -Perth County Roman Catholic Separate School Board held a special meeting Tuesday night to receive a delegation of concerned parents from the Dublin school area. Board chairman Hassid Murray of Dublin explained discuss the , teacher tran- sfers, -referring to the board's decision at the end ef Apra to relocate 20 teachers to differed schools, effective at the new school tem beginning the first of Sep- tember, BBL Adrian Olsthoorn, a Kitchell businessman, was the chief spokesnan for the five delegates -Marie •Hick- rneier and -Wiiha denberk, both of DuMia' Alice Louwagie of Kitchell and Louis Peters ' of Monkton. Mr. Olsthoom questioned moving the teachers and then having to pay mileage costs but he was assured by Ronald Marcy of Stratford that there would be no mileage costs unless a teacher was moved more than 25 mile' s according to the • - collective agreement Mr. March said the philosophy of the boast is that with a vacancy in Stratford, rather than move a surplus teacher from Goderich to Stratford, the board feels it is better to move several by short distances. In this way„ Mr. Marcy said it did not unset the whole household. Mr. Olstaora asked. "Why shuffle than all up?" Mr. Murray replied, "We have to staff the schools vvith the teachers we have. If we moved one teacher every year that would not be fair. History says a teacher owes about every six or seven years. We are elected as a board. We work within the guidelines of the ministry and we work within -maraearebo_._.R" Mr. Olsthoom said his gmup has a petition with more than 200 names. He sid, "The whole commmity is in an uproar. You have a situation now that is getting a bit out of hand. People are getting involved and won- dering what can be done. This thing can blow wide open to a smozzle. BEI other questions are caning up. Where is it going to end? We need to have an,. open meeting for the public. The board needs to do something. 11 GODERIOISIGNALSTAR,WEIVIESICKY,AINE 17, 1901—PAGE The Champion Roads Machinery Company recently honoured its 25 and 31 year employees at a banquet held at the Candlelight Restaurant and Tavern. Members of the Quarter Cenbuy and Over Club include, from the left, George Morley and Harold Chase, 25 years; Ed Lee„ BM Hetsmic. Don ft'I, %,,;:/,//'7/: /r///'/',01 ''7'7///:;//,,..;//'>,/7,,,,,, '/I,/ ,,,f// ,l',/,' "';,Zou•*,,, ,,,,f , 4„, 41,,,,,,a,./i.d., ,. ', ", " ..,.• • - ; ... 2az., Hamilton and Bill Chase, al years; Sully, Chairman of the Boarti; and LaV Culbert; 25 years. Of the total 511 of the Quarter Century Club, Mr. Sully said Blare sill' active in the company. (Jason Ainshe photo) avri,cuatinua %Mthe walk is needed then we should have it and get it oit in the °Pen" Chairman Murray replied that the board meetings are open to the public except for certain subjects such as personnel or property. He said that teachers are moved for several reasons, one may ask kr a transfer, and if we can do it, we do. Teachers tave specific skills in one area such as French, music and special education, may be required to serve any school area which would lack -that skill, explained John McCauley,Superintendent of Education; later when talking to the press. The board too, must act to fill vacancies that arise from time to time such as retirements, or opening of newclassrooms, or a teacher moving away from the area. He said these are primarily arbitrary teansfers that would need to occur due 'to the teacher -board collective agreement by May 1 in any year. He stated that a transfer by mutual consent can occur at any time. Continuing his ex- planation, Mr. McCauley said the board is apprised of parts and parcels of tran- sfers, especially teacher requests and surplus itenaterz ese area am a lack in another geographical area, possibly due to shifting population. Administratively, we try to put together a recom- mendation of the above needs and bring the transfer recornmendation of those needs before May 1. Then the board votes on the recom- mendation and some trustees may not agree, however the majority rules in the decision making process. Mrs. Alice Louwagie said 1,14TON. prrasemsit of teachers to be erred should be put in the papers so that people, could protest before the transfers we finalized Chairman Murray said, "it, would be an ad- ministrative nightmare if we • tried to advertise ahead in the paper that we would be moving teaches and then had a public meeting. We are &tithed as envaro to male •these decisions. Perhaps some of the teachers being transferred are not happy and I know some of the trustees are not happy. It was done to meet the needs within thesystem." Mrs. Wilha Vandesberk asked why the parents were not notified by the board and said she had learned about it from the children coming home from school_ Mr. Olsthoorn said he felt he understood the board's posibUn. He said he was satisfiil-se ex- planation given, and was waling to go back to the petitionets with the board's espbnation. He said all he was looking for -was an aozwer for those M petit" loners, "We don't want our school system attacked by our own people. I'm proud of this system. I think you are all doing a good job." ROGERS =MONK SERVICE INVISM 5 mass from Goderich on MY. 8 bodustrid Demonic' s N.C. and Sad State Systems GIS-Basiness & Alain Rados Yentas and Arcade Equipment 524-2418 Is church for emergencies? • When tragedy .strikes, we"d 11*e to help_ But we're more than ao emergency ward. Were here for the everyday hassles of life, too: Because you know that a lot of little problems can.get you CIYAFT0- And you may wish that you had more inner 'strength to pick yourself up 1. again_ , 1 Thatr'S why we need each other_ Life is a lot easier, when you dont have to face your problems alone_ Especially when you're in touch with 2. rsonal G.. who really cares about you_ Why not visit us this Sunday and N.nd out for yourself_ . 11, SPONSORED BY: GODERICH & DISTRICT MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION • io SUPER SPECIAL! SUPER SPECIAL! 4 KG. PKG.