The Goderich Signal-Star, 1981-06-17, Page 28F'AGE*Al NALeSTAR, Wa/NESDAY, JUNE1I, calledDinacht, Not tonnes, within tle.bw Not the lawr. :e aatle a now, Don't " ` tates nue Sattie thilislietalliho cone to s count:7 sod corm* mheai _anas# kitten. ansI ddiny was Vii.Valltalate, Myeriatereidgiandfafterhadsome W f came from Irelands 4'm��r�at`�,.��g,�a ��.�y.`` w a an of the four Stali ateannounceron '• "o it l .. television er radio aidds, "ala°" 1 VardS wan lqy, a rear sv a'I Catairana mn c the R„ 6 1,6tongue enough F ' ntrf, 1 to ars English Mend of nine the other day bisthellike a badger. He saidCanadans can't speak thalanguagegriverly and we 41ouldadirine t ose whoops, Ile isprobalyrightbalstilhiivebCanada,DACanaan% Belie ISEDt g1t up in a backgroutd such as mine, I have • sake undestanifing of why the American colonies waded inthaiendenen it was the pigheadedness of George IIi tl t dreveth atei .. Mich ba sme t lie topic t ti r s, nuclear tom.:1 hatve.been a proponent dreadedR,, die power in ;dada for aIbelieve fttobeaseeablewa tosofte 3 will bring aBled or s ailingmne Oa al „ tredflowden, tecerrilywrete ale er Lameian : in which he said thtd electricity in up'by= per twist lit year and will Melly tee width year. The Relish papaw tobuld nitsenleed ffeseeoled read= Slit* have been tittititittak,"14 TN** 121,0110J—$3000_01 kArtnigi. on file ,yews bait:whish no one else wall rk . They will eft 1� each aand,sa s Inad "`we bale therwali wadi better dun laatlet. The near Wash:lies et the ivo, sera the lam, taties to show whittle "s greatp' Last year, ' the best was caanadiani, the s was emeathalf-aha wereCanadian and a nest was them Britia.n wae rated mi nthe1ist The Central Electricityn Britain sold power at 2.14 pence per l a d in Ontinie, the Fiche ing Ipnverrpant generatedpeace for 0.43 English pence perkiYowa b . q .,� �H,, iditlr an—au�swcSs �l''l. m-4 said' 4,in9:l IA cheapest in the wild and for a decade e9r II e„ term power shakeishave been the most reliable ilan the wall!. Why t`ain't; we collaborate wi b the Caitainans and use the best design in the wow? Why !must we be se perverse? asks Lead Baden it is peehably the same reason the Americana calories revolted. It is the saaane reason nay grandfather • that e " doave "over 'oe e" was donee a heck Of a kilt better than areithing ever dale in this cteint iy. He pooleptehol myth* and was Cansalian yet he laved Imre from the Inca be was tintil be ailed atXL He. welt "over 'ewe" two or ttlnee times ;ok;° his life bet he illness crane bac,; even when he had enough time and monevtos gover'o -- "!lie Irishmen on the ether side el tae family loved their they .dial 4.7/Nt dr: l ter a more realistic view. They did act Wad to go brick and Starve. It was a setticamtal attachment for tom, not zeal of ate tainable. , The nreat lean I hear banana econmunced bananar, In going ttotthrowatp. When Ihear y. n pi and r„Ife l telling thekete tspeaker Woe Baba 11 °° :�'� YDac everName. One of the annual Of theagreaund in is the ra�Match lltuc meal► Show... ye „Sinew County its hailingtheentatonfannsat own Hill new ; Thinte.for the11111 event ale MOON , septemller , !d thmosatuntsomobeis. TheGordon Attar' rson Tam . at IRK 1, stoma miles siodheast dee city bas been carefully elm aged to pnruide a drymeeforthellallbedistes_. set aside lar'the tested c ily, plowing . comrpetitons, demonstrations and parking atelia. Illembers and affiliates of the sponsoring Ontario 's Associatko and the . SYancoe Counly Load Committee are working intensively to . coordinate this massive showcase of agricultural technology, popular 'l« R•°' boor rural an°dwbsnvttsitors.. 1 hli vi the event is Touted o( roller$ and informative India* the latest in farm technology, ,livestock, chemicals, cousurler products, and a7Lonnbles give farmers and commas an` to do some conemieau sib in an atmosphere of fun and rehmarne Other edubils of interest are sty bane drawn wagers, an- ‘Swhie and Roses' The Cansoiner Et/malice Cenzattee of the Ontario Port . _ .. presents //Swine and Rom" each, aftemoun from 1 p m. to 3:39 I m the Up- per at the Sit ford Fair Grounds. '" for My Fair Lady) includes a fashion shoat mime23. On Wednesday, Jure 24, we're "Going Whole Hog'" with pork cutting and bathe - cuing tions. "P.LG. Dy" is for Prifes- soon' Information and Guidance with expests in law finiandal Services con- asaif banks, variety dhows aid the County Wails which will give *Mors a taste of Simcoe courri s pat and Whits oval watts" service„ tom, to nen, Iferbelle colletlions, poles and food the"Dented City isas every way a self d co nn otnitty. A traffic at eniniitee, wodrii tg with reeresettlatises of ttheO.P.P and Ministry. of Tran- sportation and Com - =acidities is preputiog itoutiingi,road closings, emergency routes and . to make suceilionsandsof visitors get NSW . Mom DrilwooIllikwaars Sale 1140InalkoS amotiore rrilellwtt oat ruders Coolooma CMOs Sosolivs Simasatioamesviosysios Catrattnoiel Ittaers %Mari alorieraa.rrlele.atatns Neerle.at lMsflrrer.eeal Amon Log Skrooders A Iltrinorecniatmors Ploomps IIIISTIILSOSCO tom, atlas - 1,013, l Soak FoodTooks ACM- Systavim Vegials0045 mow Swum Spormosibrirs CLAY- Ports nod w ChrylipApposett AliVallilleMSOWNIMINS we raaiaattiata EVIATIMIT410 LOWY F* SY37 MS, rat 1. tt�aeraS4rs. M oos SOS-s'aias WATER WELL DRILLING "`n YEARS EXiERIENCE " FlUthil • SUBURlAS • 11404.1STYIAL MPU'H'ICa9lAL . FRIES ESTMATFS • GuA to ' vats * FAST MO* 3N FOUVPAvENT • 4 KOTANT i PUICUSSv014 QA7US 'OUR EXPERIENCE ASSURES LOWER COST WATER ' DAVI DSON WILL GR7LLIiHG LIMITED °•OHTAIDO'S i1 nn, 4 Rotary Pievasiaan Rants MOW SU-i'w1M SAM Connect Cwdl's Atteb'f*r ATM WILLS SINCE 'Mr to and lion . with minimal trafficproblems. Of special interest to ween l will he the daily blies' program which features caking demon- drat/ere fashion shows„ eerafts„ quilt mblaze. drag and The plowing competitions tee open ie►cordestantts from all over die world. Morettian $ expert plowmenwil compete for in prize . money_ Other ends s citf in - are be home—drawn plowing and the sierial "Queenof the Furrow" rro ' There itis' something everyone at the Inter- national with exhibits„ pazades, de t „ a childrea's midway and ever food e�oaoastnsatisfy and eriterain visibes of all awes in a truly feslse. at- The Intematheal Plowing ° Match and Farm Machinery Show is tele latget annual agricultund event an .the world - this year's premises tai'retire andbest. Colborne -Council ROA ,q11.P.P-ril 1:71 tendert i; reports grave TownshipColborne al met in regular session on June 3. Trea,surer, O. Saratglan, presorted the . linanc ld repeat and las and accounts in the anted ei 901„7/724 were approved few Read ...neenetendentthat Ron Dumanthat tthe gravelling contract of townsitip mans '_:. Lava; Contracting had been com- pleted mBae2and eakbm chloride applicatien was He said an ero- sion problem caused by spr- ing i on °ss • had beenstabilieed Placingalong the outside the rind at the emblem area. He reported that estailent graved was be- ing obtained from the turnstiles new et and the life of the gravel sari in tete_ at would biely exceed • estimates et 15-20 years by as comidetatie period. Ken Bradley aepeared bye coma to anti way Bev Hid of nr andIlfiU Paan had bound in clear , bees along the road 4 and S, 10 West without permission. Bradley was advised that la had been given permis- sion iee the Sinner r n d John y feltte authorMalion was not valid braise Rum end lett trine. envier' min the leamitio y He before �a thetreeswty�� riNELLE17 ed. felt drat there had been tack s4' enol en the pant eat the township bailing inspector fear allow - log Hill toham abarna without a permit. 11'» I r "►:: in- formed Brindley that it was the xesponsibillly ofd. to disnelish a ttle. %o ob- tain a pewit facet the , township building impeder. Council agreed that it *odd be timely to remind residents dais* and aid ttiat`cieak to have a notice published. g complete peaved before email to ask that the Yang dot on Lot , Concession iEast be cleaned oat Hewanadebed tiosubmit the appropriatere- quest thie em's of A butlifmgwas ap- plated kr Ridged Cam" Id 10;, Pim 19a to anew .a home Wailer an misting house. The trailer is to be joinecito the house by communi and common roof and the wr work is to be completed bythe end el Augid A ay huilinag pets mit was'Removed for a petted cif two yt fer�Br�-uc�e Stall to place a , e trainer home on Pat Int 14,, concession LRE. 'Wielt, you win some and you lose same," .pig well senaried up the fetes of council- medals when y in- flamed'pyyby the that abed hall etthe wads et the appeoximate 303 dogs in township had obtained sad licenses from the to . , , I `p office. Con- , a motion passed to hire a puma to complete the DU licensing salaam* program. A mere was pared afflOiffirtsg Reeve BM Beagle and CouncillorCrierillibey as noting delegates at the for- thcoming Asso o r - Asst at ion of e e, of Graze Conbeence and the conference of the new to be in-nnenitnifrom _a' awn- Augna23tad& ... A motion was ipassed agreeing with the id a eat the *posed *Meld Seam - dray Flan and &claire no obi on tete print of the cif Colborne to the implementation of the Ashlield Plan. fattithoas were received eineopied Rb man awl watts 4, Pa4i l Lot 1 of Oricession 11 WD, said on Lot 15, Calgon 1 ED. E. W. Shiflett, P. >g.,, was ambled as drains engineer for both drainage Y . „ r to.:1; Wine No. terfor nail,to stop and dose pact 2 of Saw Mill Road as shown ao Flan lams given_ a NM mailing and passed and the clerk was directed to register the by-law. Permission was granted 10 the Ceded& Rotaty Club to hold an section sale foe charitable putposes at Sallford Valley Hall en ;Jorel3., Ike to badget resitiairitse" requests hen the and Country Homemakers, withe " Need'Cindy thief fund and the (Mario Special Olympics Incwere teamed The township will again cod ofbusing of the children involved in the 101 emigrant tbo cover t eincrr the 1N1 Onigram NiviM pe }�� in bon* colts. Brian manager, Maitland Valley Authority, will attend to speak to council at their neftmoiler meeting at 7:30pm. on June It A iipeo- The&irWIof the Mese". You know, v hi are yawI e One air lin g DTilikiiii Sett iitt, them nits automatic_ Coirnttmrnis afl'rafftts„ ,ad•+`:.<„ asiirr mitts and coomdensaticon.. iirr shags ffneslt.. Reduces sites„ Ihi�llgps R %es k iimmipormae T roaiNacttilrm. See us for systems and service that help make the good life better_ LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS RR NO. i KINCARDINE 295-5286. n WESTEEL ROSCO GRAIN BINS every farm should reap the many benefits of Raymond Sub -surface Drainage BER EXPIRES JUNE 30„ 1981 PURCHASE THAT GRAIN BIN BEFORE JUNE 30, 1981 AND PAY NO INTEREST OR MAKE NO PAYMENTS 'TIL NOVEMBER 30, 1981. WE HAVE A GOOD SUPPLY OF BINS ON HAND READY FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY_ SO HURRY, TALK TO YOUR AREA CO-OP NOW. FINANCING ARRANGED THROUGH PATRONS ACCEPTANCE LIMITED. A CO-OP COMPANY. Lake Huro Fa Draiiia!* R1.R 1 D .. i fly, Ontario (519, 1710